
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Block C
Mabopane, 0190.
South Africa.
Date: 23rd November, 2015
To whom it may concern.
My name is Lazarus Mabasa and I hereby wish to be part of your organization as having seen
the position in your website and also through some recruitment agencies.
Ive been in the Quality Department as a service provider to OEMS for 41 years now and the
last 9 years I was Involved in the manufacturing of Heat shields for OEMS companies
locally and Internationally and still so passionate about the quality in any product that is
manufactured through the legitimate process designed and intended to meet the customer
requirements, I would like to be part of your organization in the future generation of your
product which of course forms part of the new generation of the OEMS to come in the
This will be an exciting period for me on this last lap of my career and getting the opportunity
to experience other different OEMS components will be more challenging and I am ready
and prepared to explore other avenues within the Industry of the components.
As I have already indicated that I am ready for new challenges and I am prepared to relocate if
the position is not in the area where I leave but I am prepared to relocate and that will also give
one an opportunity to adapt to new environment and I can tell you, that makes the exploration
even more fun and exciting but not leaving out to acknowledge that the challenges are more
I have attached my CV and other documents which are supporting documents in as far as my
skills, knowledge, experience, my qualifications and some reference letters from my peers
which of course are people I dealt with during my tenure during my stay with my previous
Hope this to meet your favorable consideration.
For any question please dont hesitate to contact me.
Thanking you In advance.
Lazarus Mabasa
Contact details: Cell No: 082 437 4521 E-Mail: lazarusm1425@gmail.com
I hereby wish to introduce myself as Mondi Lazarus Mabasa.I was born some years ago in a tiny little
place called Wallmansthal in one of those unrecognized families among the communities. Our family
was no exception to say from the disadvantage groups/nations in our entire population (blacks) of
our country.
I was among the six children that were brought up by a Disabled father Jack MabhokoMabasa and
I was the last-born of the six children. I went to school like any other child in this community without
any resources what so ever.
My father was a disabled man. A Casualty from the 2nd
World War and we could rely from our
Mother who was an Agricultural vintage by ploughing crops in the field.
My career started some 41 years ago when it was now apparent that I would not be able to continue
with my studies. I was fortunate enough when joining a company of Nissans caliber and there I was
so lucky to be exposed to Mechanical Engineering at that time and of course as you know against all
odds in as far as condition of employment was at that time. This was an opportunity I felt like
exploiting because it was unlawful to be an Engineer from the background where I came from.
Thank God the Almighty it paid off because knowing very well that perseverance is a Mother of
success and so did I. Now I can see where I am standing but it is through dedication and hard work.
First of all, I always admire people who are so keen to give one an opportunity to settle within and
obviously one would be able to explore the knowledge one has and an expression becomes an easy
thing to do.
This has helped me to identify the potential that other people have and challenges that faces us to
transform that into Efficiency, productivity and lastly to our customer satisfaction.
With information collected from data to skills identification, one can be in a position to put together a:
Business plan. No doubt in my mind that the purpose, scope and objective are achievable. Sharing
information is vital. To agree to disagree is the corner stone of problem solving. Believe to one
another. Not to allow personal interest to be above BUSINESS and suppresses the future.
I joined this company in February, 2005 as a Quality Engineer and to me it was like Ive been with the
Company for almost 10 Years or so because I was throne into the deep end in as far as Projects are
Achievements Projects:
 BMW-F30 (3-Series) Launched Nov, 2011.
 VW Brazil (UP) Export Launched Sept, 2013.
 Toyota Corolla 133A Launched Jan, 2014.
 Daimler (MBSA) W205 Launched June, 2014 Components supplied locally and export to
Germany, USA & China.
 VW Polo 250(Phase Lift) Launched April, 2014
My Qualifications
Course Service
Accredited By Year
Professional Presentation Skills Trevor Kettler Ju,2011
Lead Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Nov,08
Implementation of QMS ISO 9001:2008 TIQMS Services SETA July,08
ISO 14001:2004 Requirements TIQMS Services SETA Jul-07
ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Jul-07
ISO TS 16949:2002 Requirements TIQMS Services SETA Aug-06
ISO TS 16949:2002 Internal Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Aug-06
Quality Techniques ITQA Cert. No: 4702 Jun-06
MS Project 2003 CPT Cert. ID: 589 Mar- 06
Quality Tools (APQP,Control Charts,
TIQMS Services SETA Oct-05
Internal Quality Auditor Technikon
Natural Science
June 01
Statistical Process Control Nissan HRD Jun-94
Mechanical Inspection 1 CSIR
1. Quality Tools and Techniques (Problem Solving, Root Cause Analysis , SPC ,
Design of Experiment, Trial and Error , FMEA , Fishbone Diagram , 5Ms
2. Decision Making Capability on Product Deviations
3. First Sample Approval / PPAP Process / Pre- Serie to SOP (PEP Procedure)
4. IMDS upload in the system
5. Drawing and specification interpretation
6. Process , Product & System audits
 Computer Skills
 Report Writing Skills
 Presentation Skills
 Communication Skills
 Leadership Skills
 Conflict Handling Skills
Negotiation Skills and Decision Making Skills
 41 years Automotive Experience in the OEMs within Quality Assurance
 Quality Engineer  develop Control plan, pfmea, Pareto Analysis and Problem
 Quality Engineer - QA Projects - PPAP/ISIR Approval for
 Quality Manager Position  Supplier Monitoring(process audits)Line Disruption at
customer, PPM Monitoring, , containment action, Implementation ,Scrap
Allocation, and Cost Recovery
 Quality Manager Position-Monthly report for management pack, Management
representative, Weekly KPIs
SURNAME: Mabasa. FIRST NAMES: Lazarus Mondi. ID.NUMBER: 530527 5750 089.
HOME LANGUAGE : Tsonga and Zulu. OTHER LANGUAGES : English, Afrikaans, &
other ten languages NATIONALITY: South African. RESIDENCE: Pretoria
HOME ADDRESS : 1425 Block C Mabopane 0190
POSTAL ADDRESS : P.O. Box 1942, Medunsa, 0204.
E-MAIL ADDRESS : lazarusm1425@gmail.com
LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED: Waalmansthal Secondary School
SUBJECTS: English, Afrikaans, and Mathematics Gen. Science & History
Quality Manager And also Appointed as a Quality Assurance Representative.
Responsible in ensuring that the Organization adhere, uphold and conduct business within
QMS principles.
 Internal Lead Auditor
 Develop a yearly Internal Audits plan, Process Audits, Product Audits, System Audits
& Supplier Audits
 NOTE: Inclusive to these plans are: Customer Audits, External QMS Audits by the
accredited body.
 Customer Satisfaction & Complaints
 Continuous Improvements
 Suppliers Improvement & Auditing
 Monthly Quality Costing.
 Carrying out Internal System Audit(BRMP) Business Risk Management Programme)
 Ensure that suppliers used by the organization are certified(ISO TS 16949:2009 or at
least ISO 9001:2008)
 Assist suppliers who are not certified in development.
 Prepare minutes for management meetings on a monthly basis.
 Ensure improvements Identified during audits are Implemented.
 Facility external auditors(Customer Auditors & third party Auditors)
 Preparing the audit schedule for:
1. Internal Process & Product Audits
2. Supplier Process Audits
3. System Audits for external auditors(Accreditation bodies)
4. Customer Process & Product Audits
 Quality Induction training of new employees.
 Internal training for quality tools i.e. CP, PFMEA etc.
 Development of quality tools
 Writing out and update of company procedures
 Reason for a Change:
I was promoted to this position as from 1st
October,2008 and has left the company just
for better changes and seeking new challenges in this environment and to diversify
,share, and knowledge of skills,
Quality Engineer:
 APQP Status.PPAP Run.
 PSW Approval.
 Internal Lead Auditor.
 Project Engineering Change Team Member.
 Quality Control Analysis through shop floor.
 Customer Complaint(G8D,8D, Problem Solving Techniques Through QOS
 AQP; APQP, PPAP, to PSW & ISIR package.
 .BMW-E90 (3-Series) ALL Products are fully Approved By Customer (BMW)
 .DAIMLER-W204.All Products are fully Approved By Customer (Mercedes Benz)
 TOYOTA-360W All Products are fully Approved By Customer (Toyota)
 Has joined this Company as at 1st
February 2005
Quality Manager.
 Keep abreast of latest Quality methods and implement them, where practical, into
Quality Management System.
 Audit process areas, Work Instructions and Inspection Instructions for correctness,
revision dates as per the register.
 Correct Instructions and procedures to reflect latest changes.
 Write up Control Plans, Fmea's and Process Flow Charts.
 Analyze Control Charts for Improvement of processes.
 Train Inspector regarding Quality awareness.
 Liaise with Customers concerning Non conformances.
 Raise G8D for Non Conformances.
 Prepare documents from APQP status - PPAP status -PSW' documentation.
 Monthly Quality Costing.
 Audit Suppliers as per the procedure and update Supplier List, ratings etc.
 Update drawing register, Engineering Specification from customers.
 Elements to be considered 1st:
 Policy Manuals & Statements
 Procedure Manuals
1. Certified to carry out-audits: QS9000 ISO 9001-2000 ISO TS 16949
Task to be carried out on the following:
 Quality System Audits.
 Process Audits.
 Product Audits
Latest Achievements: ISO 9001-2000
 Audited by SABS Date:21st
November 2003 & Achieved: November 2003
 Keep abreast of latest quality methods and implement where practical into QMS.
1. Nissan S.A. (2003-2004)
 All deleted products (Cables) of Nissan from Japan were given to us (Flextech
Manufacturers) last year. I was the Project Leader.
 NISSAN Export: 2005
Number of products involved: 9 cables
FMCSA (2003-2004)
 All new design Cables for 4 litre Project
 Number of products involved: 6
 From 10th
January 2000 till 31st
January, 2005
 Wanted to supplement salary.
Nissan South Africa
POSITION HELD: Senior Technical Inspection
DURATION: January 1997  1999
SALARY: Varried.
 To pass information to surboninates i.e. components Inspectors.
 To Train Component Inspectors.3.To prepares Auditing on monthly basis.
 .To report vendor problems to relevant suppliers telephonically or through faxes
explaining & Sketch of the Affected Component.
 .To call in relevant Supplier to sort parts internally to avoid Production stoppages.
 To report vendor problems to S.Q.A. by means of PCAR detailing reason for
 To ask for approval samples when components are already delivered.
 To change, if possible, the Inspection Plan by Approval Engineer to suite the
availability of the
Equipment's at the disposal of receiving Inspection Plan.
 To resolve the problems encountered by production on Defective parts.
 To Re-Inspect the affected components in the Warehouse before supplied to the
Production Line.
MATERIAL CONTROL: To inform the relevant expediters and Material Control
Manager of the Rejected parts by means of
A Component Material Note
PLANNING: Set timing for normal routine tasks and ensure that Critical parts are always
given priority.
STATUS NOW: No longer with Nissan.
REASON FOR LEAVING: Retrenchment/Restructuring.
POSITION HELD: Senior Mechanical Inspector
COMPANY: Nissan South Africa
Duration: July 1994  1996
SALARY: Varied.
POSITION: Lay-out Gauge Technician
Duration: September 1988  May 1991
RESPONSIBILITIES: To measure all approved samples from S.Q.A.
 To confirm to drawing specifications, i.e.: Critical dimensions
 To place the samples on the Board per Supplier if found to be acceptable.
If not, sent the whole package to S.Q.A Engineer.
Would like supplementing salary
 Selina Phasha 079 7443039;
 Suzan Kubu 0769433787;
 Isaac Qambela 0847538388

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My CV Updated 9

  • 1. Block C Mabopane, 0190. Gauteng, South Africa. Date: 23rd November, 2015 To whom it may concern. My name is Lazarus Mabasa and I hereby wish to be part of your organization as having seen the position in your website and also through some recruitment agencies. Ive been in the Quality Department as a service provider to OEMS for 41 years now and the last 9 years I was Involved in the manufacturing of Heat shields for OEMS companies locally and Internationally and still so passionate about the quality in any product that is manufactured through the legitimate process designed and intended to meet the customer requirements, I would like to be part of your organization in the future generation of your product which of course forms part of the new generation of the OEMS to come in the future. This will be an exciting period for me on this last lap of my career and getting the opportunity to experience other different OEMS components will be more challenging and I am ready and prepared to explore other avenues within the Industry of the components. As I have already indicated that I am ready for new challenges and I am prepared to relocate if the position is not in the area where I leave but I am prepared to relocate and that will also give one an opportunity to adapt to new environment and I can tell you, that makes the exploration even more fun and exciting but not leaving out to acknowledge that the challenges are more intricate. I have attached my CV and other documents which are supporting documents in as far as my skills, knowledge, experience, my qualifications and some reference letters from my peers which of course are people I dealt with during my tenure during my stay with my previous employer. Hope this to meet your favorable consideration. For any question please dont hesitate to contact me. Thanking you In advance. Lazarus Mabasa Contact details: Cell No: 082 437 4521 E-Mail: lazarusm1425@gmail.com
  • 2. PROFILE INTRODUCTION: I hereby wish to introduce myself as Mondi Lazarus Mabasa.I was born some years ago in a tiny little place called Wallmansthal in one of those unrecognized families among the communities. Our family was no exception to say from the disadvantage groups/nations in our entire population (blacks) of our country. I was among the six children that were brought up by a Disabled father Jack MabhokoMabasa and I was the last-born of the six children. I went to school like any other child in this community without any resources what so ever. My father was a disabled man. A Casualty from the 2nd World War and we could rely from our Mother who was an Agricultural vintage by ploughing crops in the field. WORK BACKGROUND. My career started some 41 years ago when it was now apparent that I would not be able to continue with my studies. I was fortunate enough when joining a company of Nissans caliber and there I was so lucky to be exposed to Mechanical Engineering at that time and of course as you know against all odds in as far as condition of employment was at that time. This was an opportunity I felt like exploiting because it was unlawful to be an Engineer from the background where I came from. Thank God the Almighty it paid off because knowing very well that perseverance is a Mother of success and so did I. Now I can see where I am standing but it is through dedication and hard work. WORK EXPERIENCE WITH NISSAN S.A. AND FLEXTECH MANUFACTURERS. First of all, I always admire people who are so keen to give one an opportunity to settle within and obviously one would be able to explore the knowledge one has and an expression becomes an easy thing to do. This has helped me to identify the potential that other people have and challenges that faces us to transform that into Efficiency, productivity and lastly to our customer satisfaction. With information collected from data to skills identification, one can be in a position to put together a: Business plan. No doubt in my mind that the purpose, scope and objective are achievable. Sharing information is vital. To agree to disagree is the corner stone of problem solving. Believe to one another. Not to allow personal interest to be above BUSINESS and suppresses the future. WORK PLACE EXPERIENCE AT MY PREVIOUS EMPLOYER (AUTONEUM FELTEX PTY LTD: I joined this company in February, 2005 as a Quality Engineer and to me it was like Ive been with the Company for almost 10 Years or so because I was throne into the deep end in as far as Projects are concerned. Achievements Projects: BMW-F30 (3-Series) Launched Nov, 2011. VW Brazil (UP) Export Launched Sept, 2013. Toyota Corolla 133A Launched Jan, 2014. Daimler (MBSA) W205 Launched June, 2014 Components supplied locally and export to Germany, USA & China. VW Polo 250(Phase Lift) Launched April, 2014 LASTLY: ---- GIVE A WORKER TOOLS TO DO THE JOB-----THERELL BE NO LIMIT FOR IMPROVEMENT I THANK YOU.
  • 3. My Qualifications Course Service Provider Accredited By Year Professional Presentation Skills Trevor Kettler Ju,2011 Lead Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Nov,08 Implementation of QMS ISO 9001:2008 TIQMS Services SETA July,08 ISO 14001:2004 Requirements TIQMS Services SETA Jul-07 ISO 14001:2004 Internal Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Jul-07 ISO TS 16949:2002 Requirements TIQMS Services SETA Aug-06 ISO TS 16949:2002 Internal Auditor TIQMS Services SETA Aug-06 Quality Techniques ITQA Cert. No: 4702 Jun-06 MS Project 2003 CPT Cert. ID: 589 Mar- 06 Quality Tools (APQP,Control Charts, FMEA) TIQMS Services SETA Oct-05 Internal Quality Auditor Technikon Pretoria Natural Science Faculty June 01 Statistical Process Control Nissan HRD Jun-94 Mechanical Inspection 1 CSIR Knowledge 1. Quality Tools and Techniques (Problem Solving, Root Cause Analysis , SPC , Design of Experiment, Trial and Error , FMEA , Fishbone Diagram , 5Ms 2. Decision Making Capability on Product Deviations 3. First Sample Approval / PPAP Process / Pre- Serie to SOP (PEP Procedure) 4. IMDS upload in the system 5. Drawing and specification interpretation 6. Process , Product & System audits Skill Computer Skills Report Writing Skills Presentation Skills Communication Skills Leadership Skills Conflict Handling Skills Negotiation Skills and Decision Making Skills Experience 41 years Automotive Experience in the OEMs within Quality Assurance Quality Engineer develop Control plan, pfmea, Pareto Analysis and Problem Solving Quality Engineer - QA Projects - PPAP/ISIR Approval for OEMs(BMW,VW,TSAM,NISSAN,MBSA etc. Quality Manager Position Supplier Monitoring(process audits)Line Disruption at customer, PPM Monitoring, , containment action, Implementation ,Scrap Allocation, and Cost Recovery Quality Manager Position-Monthly report for management pack, Management representative, Weekly KPIs
  • 4. PERSONAL DETAILS. SURNAME: Mabasa. FIRST NAMES: Lazarus Mondi. ID.NUMBER: 530527 5750 089. HOME LANGUAGE : Tsonga and Zulu. OTHER LANGUAGES : English, Afrikaans, & other ten languages NATIONALITY: South African. RESIDENCE: Pretoria HOME ADDRESS : 1425 Block C Mabopane 0190 POSTAL ADDRESS : P.O. Box 1942, Medunsa, 0204. E-MAIL ADDRESS : lazarusm1425@gmail.com TELEPHONE NUMBER: 082 437 4521 MARITAL STATUS: Single EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED: Waalmansthal Secondary School SUBJECTS: English, Afrikaans, and Mathematics Gen. Science & History PREVIOUS EMPLOYER: AUTONEUM- FELTEX PTY. LTD POSITION: Quality Manager And also Appointed as a Quality Assurance Representative. Responsibility Responsible in ensuring that the Organization adhere, uphold and conduct business within QMS principles. QUALITY MANAGERS DUTIES: Internal Lead Auditor Develop a yearly Internal Audits plan, Process Audits, Product Audits, System Audits & Supplier Audits NOTE: Inclusive to these plans are: Customer Audits, External QMS Audits by the accredited body. Customer Satisfaction & Complaints Continuous Improvements Suppliers Improvement & Auditing Monthly Quality Costing. QUALITY ASSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE(MANEGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE) Carrying out Internal System Audit(BRMP) Business Risk Management Programme) Ensure that suppliers used by the organization are certified(ISO TS 16949:2009 or at least ISO 9001:2008) Assist suppliers who are not certified in development. Prepare minutes for management meetings on a monthly basis. Ensure improvements Identified during audits are Implemented. Facility external auditors(Customer Auditors & third party Auditors) QUALITY AUDITS Preparing the audit schedule for: 1. Internal Process & Product Audits 2. Supplier Process Audits 3. System Audits for external auditors(Accreditation bodies) 4. Customer Process & Product Audits
  • 5. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: Quality Induction training of new employees. Internal training for quality tools i.e. CP, PFMEA etc. Development of quality tools Writing out and update of company procedures Reason for a Change: I was promoted to this position as from 1st October,2008 and has left the company just for better changes and seeking new challenges in this environment and to diversify ,share, and knowledge of skills, POSITION: Quality Engineer: Responsibilities: APQP Status.PPAP Run. PSW Approval. DUTIES Internal Lead Auditor. Project Engineering Change Team Member. Quality Control Analysis through shop floor. Customer Complaint(G8D,8D, Problem Solving Techniques Through QOS AQP; APQP, PPAP, to PSW & ISIR package. COMPLETED PROJECTS: .BMW-E90 (3-Series) ALL Products are fully Approved By Customer (BMW) .DAIMLER-W204.All Products are fully Approved By Customer (Mercedes Benz) TOYOTA-360W All Products are fully Approved By Customer (Toyota) DURATION: Has joined this Company as at 1st February 2005 PREVIOUS EMPLOYER: FLEXTECH CABLE MANUFACTURING PTY. LTD POSITION: Quality Manager. DUTIES: Keep abreast of latest Quality methods and implement them, where practical, into Quality Management System. Audit process areas, Work Instructions and Inspection Instructions for correctness, revision dates as per the register. Correct Instructions and procedures to reflect latest changes. Write up Control Plans, Fmea's and Process Flow Charts. Analyze Control Charts for Improvement of processes. Train Inspector regarding Quality awareness. Liaise with Customers concerning Non conformances. Raise G8D for Non Conformances. Prepare documents from APQP status - PPAP status -PSW' documentation. Monthly Quality Costing. Audit Suppliers as per the procedure and update Supplier List, ratings etc. Update drawing register, Engineering Specification from customers. WORK EXPERIENCE INTERNAL AUDITS Elements to be considered 1st: Policy Manuals & Statements Procedure Manuals
  • 6. 1. Certified to carry out-audits: QS9000 ISO 9001-2000 ISO TS 16949 Task to be carried out on the following: Quality System Audits. Process Audits. Product Audits Latest Achievements: ISO 9001-2000 Audited by SABS Date:21st November 2003 & Achieved: November 2003 DUTIES: Keep abreast of latest quality methods and implement where practical into QMS. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS @ CUSTOMERS. 1. Nissan S.A. (2003-2004) All deleted products (Cables) of Nissan from Japan were given to us (Flextech Manufacturers) last year. I was the Project Leader. CURRENT PROJECT NISSAN Export: 2005 Number of products involved: 9 cables FMCSA (2003-2004) All new design Cables for 4 litre Project Number of products involved: 6 DURATION: From 10th January 2000 till 31st January, 2005 REASON FOR LEAVING: Wanted to supplement salary. PREVIOUS EMPLOYER COMPANY NAME: Nissan South Africa POSITION HELD: Senior Technical Inspection DURATION: January 1997 1999 SALARY: Varried. RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervisor. To pass information to surboninates i.e. components Inspectors. To Train Component Inspectors.3.To prepares Auditing on monthly basis. COMMUNICATION SUPPLIERS: .To report vendor problems to relevant suppliers telephonically or through faxes explaining & Sketch of the Affected Component. .To call in relevant Supplier to sort parts internally to avoid Production stoppages. S.Q.A.: To report vendor problems to S.Q.A. by means of PCAR detailing reason for rejection. COMPONENT APPROVAL: To ask for approval samples when components are already delivered. To change, if possible, the Inspection Plan by Approval Engineer to suite the availability of the Equipment's at the disposal of receiving Inspection Plan. PRODUCTION LINE To resolve the problems encountered by production on Defective parts. To Re-Inspect the affected components in the Warehouse before supplied to the Production Line. MATERIAL CONTROL: To inform the relevant expediters and Material Control Manager of the Rejected parts by means of
  • 7. A Component Material Note PLANNING: Set timing for normal routine tasks and ensure that Critical parts are always given priority. STATUS NOW: No longer with Nissan. REASON FOR LEAVING: Retrenchment/Restructuring. POSITION HELD: Senior Mechanical Inspector COMPANY: Nissan South Africa Duration: July 1994 1996 SALARY: Varied. COMPANY NAME: Nissan S.A. POSITION: Lay-out Gauge Technician Duration: September 1988 May 1991 RESPONSIBILITIES: To measure all approved samples from S.Q.A. To confirm to drawing specifications, i.e.: Critical dimensions To place the samples on the Board per Supplier if found to be acceptable. If not, sent the whole package to S.Q.A Engineer. REASON FOR LEAVING: Would like supplementing salary REFERENCES Selina Phasha 079 7443039; Suzan Kubu 0769433787; Isaac Qambela 0847538388