Moodle es una plataforma virtual gratuita y de c坦digo abierto que permite gestionar cursos de forma virtual. Ofrece funcionalidades como foros, blogs, publicaci坦n de contenidos y tareas de aprendizaje. Los autores concluyen que Moodle se adapta mejor a cursos basados en interacci坦n entre participantes debido a su licencia gratuita y funcionalidades incorporadas.
Este documento proporciona una lista de claves de procedimientos ordenados alfab辿ticamente que incluyen apelaciones civiles y penales, asuntos de familia como divorcios y paternidad, juicios como cambiario y de alimentos, y recursos como de casaci坦n y contencioso-administrativo.
El organigrama presenta la estructura organizacional del Instituto T辿cnico Agropecuario Jorge Eli辿cer Gait叩n en La Salina, Casanare. Est叩 dividido en unidades que se encargan de las distintas 叩reas como la producci坦n cultural, bienestar social, desarrollo acad辿mico, proyecci坦n comunitaria y administraci坦n. Tambi辿n incluye las diferentes dependencias del Ministerio de Educaci坦n Nacional y la Secretar鱈a de Educaci坦n Departamental que brindan asesor鱈a y apoyo a la instituci坦n.
Brian Antalek of Eastman Kodak Company gave a presentation on NMR analysis of solution polymers in industrial R&D. He discussed Kodak's research fields including polymer synthesis, analytical science techniques like NMR and mass spectrometry, and applications of these techniques such as polymer analysis, mixture analysis, and characterization of surface-modified materials like titania for optical coatings. Specific examples included using PGSE NMR to determine diffusion coefficients and hydrodynamic radii of polymers, and NMR analysis of polyurethane incorporation of PDMS and PEG adsorption on silica nanoparticles.
Estudio comparativo de herramientas UML.pdfAlina Carrion
How to create a Google review without a Gmail account.
If you ask clients who don't have a Gmail account to review you on Google, they might be stumped when they are prompted to login to Google before they can do it. This tutorial walks them through creating a Google account to provide reviews, without actually creating a new Gmail email address.
El documento describe una investigaci坦n para implementar estrategias que disminuyan el miedo esc辿nico de una estudiante de bachillerato. La estudiante presenta s鱈ntomas de miedo esc辿nico como fallas de memoria y respiraci坦n acelerada cuando habla en p炭blico. La investigaci坦n utiliza un m辿todo de investigaci坦n-acci坦n participativa e implementa estrategias como admitir el problema en p炭blico y usar t辿cnicas de relajaci坦n para ayudar a la estudiante a superar su miedo esc辿nico.
This document contains a list of 8 points that were presented in a PowerPoint presentation for NotifyLink testing. The document outlines the main topics or slides that were covered but does not provide any details on the content of each point.
El documento discute un proyecto de construcci坦n que requiere destruir zonas y propiedades pero que podr鱈a atraer turismo e inversi坦n extranjera, generando ganancias econ坦micas pero tambi辿n problemas sociales.
O documento discute o Dia Mundial da gua, celebrado em 22 de mar巽o para sensibilizar as pessoas sobre a import但ncia da conserva巽達o dos recursos h鱈dricos. A 叩gua 辿 essencial para a vida, mas h叩 neglig棚ncia em sua gest達o, colocando em risco o futuro da humanidade. A escassez de 叩gua afeta mais de um bilh達o de pessoas e pode trazer graves problemas se n達o for enfrentada, sendo necess叩rias solu巽探es como barragens para atenuar o problema.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de sistemas de almacenamiento, incluyendo almacenamiento primario y secundario, discos duros internos y externos, tarjetas de memoria, unidades flash USB, discos 坦pticos, cintas magn辿ticas, tarjetas inteligentes y microfichas. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo funcionan estos dispositivos y sus usos comunes en computadoras, tabletas, tel辿fonos m坦viles y otros dispositivos electr坦nicos.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Leeu Young Dennis Medupe. It provides personal details such as his name, date of birth, contact information, education history and qualifications. It lists his tertiary education at Motheo FET College where he obtained National Certificates. It also outlines his work experience in various positions from 2007 to 2015 and includes references.
The document provides instructions for various spelling activities including typing words, finding their meanings and definitions, writing sentences with each word, creating a word find puzzle, organizing words by endings, identifying syllable counts, finding rhyming words, and using a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms.
The document provides instructions for a student to complete several spelling activities using their weekly spelling words. The activities include typing the words 4 times, looking up and recording definitions, writing sentences using each word, organizing words by endings or syllables, finding rhyming words, and using a thesaurus to identify synonyms and antonyms.
Hen woke up to find one of her chicks was missing and discovered it stuck in the mud. She called for help from the other animals on the farm, and together they worked to push the chick out of the mud to safety. The story prompts the reader to count how many animals helped free the stuck chick.
Hen woke up to find one of her chicks was missing and discovered it stuck in the mud. She called for help from the other animals on the farm, and together they worked to push the chick out of the mud to safety. The story prompts the reader to count how many animals helped free the stuck chick.
How to create a Google review without a Gmail account.
If you ask clients who don't have a Gmail account to review you on Google, they might be stumped when they are prompted to login to Google before they can do it. This tutorial walks them through creating a Google account to provide reviews, without actually creating a new Gmail email address.
El documento describe una investigaci坦n para implementar estrategias que disminuyan el miedo esc辿nico de una estudiante de bachillerato. La estudiante presenta s鱈ntomas de miedo esc辿nico como fallas de memoria y respiraci坦n acelerada cuando habla en p炭blico. La investigaci坦n utiliza un m辿todo de investigaci坦n-acci坦n participativa e implementa estrategias como admitir el problema en p炭blico y usar t辿cnicas de relajaci坦n para ayudar a la estudiante a superar su miedo esc辿nico.
This document contains a list of 8 points that were presented in a PowerPoint presentation for NotifyLink testing. The document outlines the main topics or slides that were covered but does not provide any details on the content of each point.
El documento discute un proyecto de construcci坦n que requiere destruir zonas y propiedades pero que podr鱈a atraer turismo e inversi坦n extranjera, generando ganancias econ坦micas pero tambi辿n problemas sociales.
O documento discute o Dia Mundial da gua, celebrado em 22 de mar巽o para sensibilizar as pessoas sobre a import但ncia da conserva巽達o dos recursos h鱈dricos. A 叩gua 辿 essencial para a vida, mas h叩 neglig棚ncia em sua gest達o, colocando em risco o futuro da humanidade. A escassez de 叩gua afeta mais de um bilh達o de pessoas e pode trazer graves problemas se n達o for enfrentada, sendo necess叩rias solu巽探es como barragens para atenuar o problema.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de sistemas de almacenamiento, incluyendo almacenamiento primario y secundario, discos duros internos y externos, tarjetas de memoria, unidades flash USB, discos 坦pticos, cintas magn辿ticas, tarjetas inteligentes y microfichas. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo funcionan estos dispositivos y sus usos comunes en computadoras, tabletas, tel辿fonos m坦viles y otros dispositivos electr坦nicos.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Leeu Young Dennis Medupe. It provides personal details such as his name, date of birth, contact information, education history and qualifications. It lists his tertiary education at Motheo FET College where he obtained National Certificates. It also outlines his work experience in various positions from 2007 to 2015 and includes references.
Estudio comparativo de herramientas UML.pdfAlina Carrion
The document provides instructions for various spelling activities including typing words, finding their meanings and definitions, writing sentences with each word, creating a word find puzzle, organizing words by endings, identifying syllable counts, finding rhyming words, and using a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms.
The document provides instructions for a student to complete several spelling activities using their weekly spelling words. The activities include typing the words 4 times, looking up and recording definitions, writing sentences using each word, organizing words by endings or syllables, finding rhyming words, and using a thesaurus to identify synonyms and antonyms.
Hen woke up to find one of her chicks was missing and discovered it stuck in the mud. She called for help from the other animals on the farm, and together they worked to push the chick out of the mud to safety. The story prompts the reader to count how many animals helped free the stuck chick.
Hen woke up to find one of her chicks was missing and discovered it stuck in the mud. She called for help from the other animals on the farm, and together they worked to push the chick out of the mud to safety. The story prompts the reader to count how many animals helped free the stuck chick.
Robert and Margret Crystal hosted a pinecone fundraiser at their farm for Russell Street School that raised over $2000. The school collected around 1000 bags of pinecones and most attendees enjoyed decorating the pinecones. Gracie thanked the Crystals for allowing the fundraiser at their farm and letting people collect pinecones.