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By Benjamin Starr
The colour scheme that I have chosen is
multiple shades of red and purple, along
with a standard white. This will give my
magazine a sleek, sharp and modern look,
as the colours will contrast well together. It
will also attract all genders as it includes
stereotypical colours for the likes of both
boys and girls. An example of the colours
are show to the left and clearly shows the
bright and vibrant colours I have decided
to go with. These colours are perfect
together as they are not too over-whelming
and in your face, and with the white give a
simple look to it. This will hopefully make
the magazine more appealing to the eye,
meaning more people will want to read it.
 The image is appropriate to the topic I have chosen for my
magazine, which is a welcome into the sixth form. Therefore I will
include images of the newly joined sixth formers in their start to their
new school year. I will use a variety of images which involves the
sixth formers involved in different tasks and activities around the
school. I will use images of sixth formers that are visibly seen as
enjoying themselves, this will help the students feel more
comfortable in the idea of starting sixth form as they see others
enjoying it.
This is an example of an
image with a sixth former
who can be visually seen
as enjoying himself. This
is shown by the smile
and the thumbs up
giving the magazine a
more friendly look.
I have researched a variety of different magazine covers in order to inspire the creation of my magazine.
These three for example have been particularly inspiring to me as they have used the main conventions
required in a magazine, such as mastheads, hooks and skylines, however the presentation challenges the
conventional layout of a proffesional magazine. Particularly the WIRED magazine as it has included minimal
text in comparison to the GQ and VIBE magazine, which is unusual and different to most published
magazine. This is why the magazine inspired me as I wish to challenge the conventions of magazines with
minimal text in order to suit my target audience and have it own unique appearance.
I have created a flat plan which clearly shows the basic
layout of my magazine. I have included all of the key points I
must include in my magazine that will make the target
audience want to read it. The final product of the magazine
will be less basic and more detailed with a variety of colours,
pictures and shapes to entice the reader.
This is my flat plan which includes each key component that
is required in my magazine cover. I took information from a
variety of commercial magazine covers, for example GQ.
this is a professionally made magazine with a simple and
sleek look which includes information on a variety of
celebrities. there are a variety of different things that GQ
magazine do to make there magazine popular and stand out
from the rest, therefore I combined this with all of the
necessary requirements to make my magazine cover. The
text shown in the flat plan will not include more than a short
4 sentence paragraph in order to keep my magazine suited
to my target audience being teenagers aged 17-18 as this
age group stereotypically does not enjoy large amounts of
reading. I have also chosen to have less text due to
inspiration from the WIRED magazine, which has its own
unique look that i wish to replicate in my own magazine.
 I am going to make my font Bauhaus 93 due to the fact that it
is informal in appearance, which can relate to the target
audience being sixth formers aged 17-18. Therefore I
have made it visibly appealing to my target audience
while keeping it clear and simple to read. The font is not
too over-whelming and hard to read which is the look I
am going for with my magazine. The font size I have
decided to use is 24 for the majority, the reason being is
that it is clear to read for the reader. However the font
colour I have decided to use is a conventional black text
in order to keep the magazine somewhat formal due to
the fact that it is meant to be a school released
I have chosen this title as it clearly shows that the magazine is specifically for
sixth formers, and also it is a play on words. The word inform implies giving
information and a sixth former is a student thus giving the play on words. I
have chosen this font for the title as it is a clear text, however not too boring
and formal which therefore makes it appealing to the target audience. It is
bold and clear which means it is the first thing the students see when they
look at the magazine, therefore they will recognise the magazine each time
they look at it.
 Button: Advertising friendship club for new students
joining the sixth form.
 Button: Advertising the magazine as perfect for new sixth
formers, enticing them to pick up a copy.
 Button: Advertising that the magazine is free
 Masthead: The Sixth Informer, which is a play on words,
as it is a combination of sixth former and informer.
 Hook: Suggests that the magazine is by sixth formers,
for sixth formers.
I will make my featured story around the idea of welcoming
new sixth form students into the school. This will be made
clear with headings such as A new Beginning and A
warm welcome. This will help the new students settle in,
and persuade the new students to read the magazine as it
is current and directed towards them.
I will also advertise all of the extra curricular activities for
new students to get involved in across the space of the
year. This will help them get involved in the new school life
and make new friends.

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My plan

  • 2. The colour scheme that I have chosen is multiple shades of red and purple, along with a standard white. This will give my magazine a sleek, sharp and modern look, as the colours will contrast well together. It will also attract all genders as it includes stereotypical colours for the likes of both boys and girls. An example of the colours are show to the left and clearly shows the bright and vibrant colours I have decided to go with. These colours are perfect together as they are not too over-whelming and in your face, and with the white give a simple look to it. This will hopefully make the magazine more appealing to the eye, meaning more people will want to read it.
  • 3. The image is appropriate to the topic I have chosen for my magazine, which is a welcome into the sixth form. Therefore I will include images of the newly joined sixth formers in their start to their new school year. I will use a variety of images which involves the sixth formers involved in different tasks and activities around the school. I will use images of sixth formers that are visibly seen as enjoying themselves, this will help the students feel more comfortable in the idea of starting sixth form as they see others enjoying it. This is an example of an image with a sixth former who can be visually seen as enjoying himself. This is shown by the smile and the thumbs up giving the magazine a more friendly look.
  • 4. I have researched a variety of different magazine covers in order to inspire the creation of my magazine. These three for example have been particularly inspiring to me as they have used the main conventions required in a magazine, such as mastheads, hooks and skylines, however the presentation challenges the conventional layout of a proffesional magazine. Particularly the WIRED magazine as it has included minimal text in comparison to the GQ and VIBE magazine, which is unusual and different to most published magazine. This is why the magazine inspired me as I wish to challenge the conventions of magazines with minimal text in order to suit my target audience and have it own unique appearance.
  • 5. I have created a flat plan which clearly shows the basic layout of my magazine. I have included all of the key points I must include in my magazine that will make the target audience want to read it. The final product of the magazine will be less basic and more detailed with a variety of colours, pictures and shapes to entice the reader. This is my flat plan which includes each key component that is required in my magazine cover. I took information from a variety of commercial magazine covers, for example GQ. this is a professionally made magazine with a simple and sleek look which includes information on a variety of celebrities. there are a variety of different things that GQ magazine do to make there magazine popular and stand out from the rest, therefore I combined this with all of the necessary requirements to make my magazine cover. The text shown in the flat plan will not include more than a short 4 sentence paragraph in order to keep my magazine suited to my target audience being teenagers aged 17-18 as this age group stereotypically does not enjoy large amounts of reading. I have also chosen to have less text due to inspiration from the WIRED magazine, which has its own unique look that i wish to replicate in my own magazine.
  • 6. I am going to make my font Bauhaus 93 due to the fact that it is informal in appearance, which can relate to the target audience being sixth formers aged 17-18. Therefore I have made it visibly appealing to my target audience while keeping it clear and simple to read. The font is not too over-whelming and hard to read which is the look I am going for with my magazine. The font size I have decided to use is 24 for the majority, the reason being is that it is clear to read for the reader. However the font colour I have decided to use is a conventional black text in order to keep the magazine somewhat formal due to the fact that it is meant to be a school released magazine.
  • 7. I have chosen this title as it clearly shows that the magazine is specifically for sixth formers, and also it is a play on words. The word inform implies giving information and a sixth former is a student thus giving the play on words. I have chosen this font for the title as it is a clear text, however not too boring and formal which therefore makes it appealing to the target audience. It is bold and clear which means it is the first thing the students see when they look at the magazine, therefore they will recognise the magazine each time they look at it.
  • 8. Button: Advertising friendship club for new students joining the sixth form. Button: Advertising the magazine as perfect for new sixth formers, enticing them to pick up a copy. Button: Advertising that the magazine is free Masthead: The Sixth Informer, which is a play on words, as it is a combination of sixth former and informer. Hook: Suggests that the magazine is by sixth formers, for sixth formers.
  • 9. I will make my featured story around the idea of welcoming new sixth form students into the school. This will be made clear with headings such as A new Beginning and A warm welcome. This will help the new students settle in, and persuade the new students to read the magazine as it is current and directed towards them. I will also advertise all of the extra curricular activities for new students to get involved in across the space of the year. This will help them get involved in the new school life and make new friends.