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Harsha Teja Garimella www.linkedin.com/in/harshatejagarimella
10 Vairo Boulevard, Apt 40A, +1- 814-777-5285
State College, PA 16803. harshatejagarimella@gmail.com
Education The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Ph.D. and M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Expected: August 2017
Ph.D. Minor, Computational Science, Expected: August 2017
Advisor - Dr. Reuben H. Kraft, CGPA- 3.87/4.00
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India
B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering May 2013. CGPI - 8.71/10.00
Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant August 2013 - present
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University.
Ph.D. Thesis Project: Development of high-resolution embedded element based 鍖nite element
model of the human head with axonal tractography.
Advisor: Reuben H. Kraft, Ph.D.
 Created high-quality hexahedral meshes of the human head using MATLAB and ANSYS
 Developed explicit simulations of the high-resolution 鍖nite element model of the human head
with axonal tractography, developed using the embedded element constraint in ABAQUS, to
study brain injury.
 Developed the injury descriptions using the stress-strain response experienced by the axonal 鍖ber
 Developed blast (shock) loading simulations, in ABAQUS, of the human head model showing
evidence of axonal injury due to skull 鍖exures (bending vibrations).
 Developing simulations to understand the e鍖ects of skulls natural frequencies on blast injury
Other Projects:
Electromagnetic modeling of the axonal 鍖ber bundles in human brain using COMSOL.
 Developed electromechanical model of single axon to study the changes in the electrical behaviour
with mechanical strains  using COMSOL and MATLAB.
 Currently developing electromagnetic models of single axon and axonal bundle.
Modeling blast and ballistic penetration injury in lower extremity using Material Point Method.
 Developed innovative meshing tools, using MATLAB and C++, to create a high-resolution
bio鍖delic model of the human leg containing complex anatomical components such as musculature
 Developed penetration simulations in Uintah to study the damage in di鍖erent anatomical regions.
Design of robotic gripper by optimization of motor load torque variation.
 Collaborated with two team members and designed an optimal con鍖guration of gripper arm linkages
by minimizing the load torque variation on the motor. We have developed a robust MATLAB
code for this purpose and a computer aided design (CAD) model using SolidWorks.
Implementation of an in-house MATLAB and C++ code to address the issue of volume redundancy
- a limitation associated with embedded element technique in ABAQUS.
Simulation of dual-battery systems in micro-hybrid vehicles using MATLAB/Simulink.
Undergraduate Student August 2009 - May 2013
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
Bachelor Thesis Project: Design and development of micro-hydraulic power generator.
Advisors: P.S.Robi, Ph.D. and S.K.Dwivedy, Ph.D.
 Developed a CAD model of a new hydraulic power generator prototype, in SolidWorks, that
utilizes the 鍖ow of energy of rivers to generate electricity with a novel concept of 鍖apper blades
arranged over the rotating belt to generate electricity.
 Developed a 鍖nite element model of the 鍖apper blade to analyze the structural response of the
blade under di鍖erent loading scenarios. Built the prototype using various model-shop instruments.
Finite Elements, Non-linear Finite Elements, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Continuum Mechanics,
Optimal Design of Mechanical Structures, Simulation of Mechanical Systems, Engineering Materials,
Measurement System Design, Advanced Solid Mechanics, Machine Design, Dynamics of Machinery,
Engineering Design Methodology.
1 of 2
Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using embedded
鍖nite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI:
10.1002/cnm.2823 (in press).
Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Investigation of axonal response due to blast-induced skull 鍖exures
using male and female 鍖nite element head models. (in progress)
Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Insights into axonal injury using embedded element head model.
Neural Regeneration Research (invited).
Design Software: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, MSC ADAMS.
Programming Languages: C, C++, MATLAB
Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Linux, Windows.
Positions of
Graduate Research Assistant August 2013 - Present
Advisor: Dr. Reuben H. Kraft, The Pennsylvania State University.
Working with Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Corporation (CFDRC).
President, Engineering Graduate Student Council April 2015 - April 2016
The Pennsylvania State University.
Served as Graduate Student Representative in the Engineering Faculty Council.
Collaborated with other student associations to organise the most prestigious College of Engineering
Research Symposium 2016.
Teaching Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University. August 2013 - May 2014
 Vizag Steel Plant and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India. Summer 2011/2012
Core Team Member, Brand Communications, Techniche October 2010 - October 2011
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
Brand communications in-charge for South India
Techniche, The annual techno-management festival.
Conferences Proceedings
 H.T.Garimella and R. H. Kraft. Validation of Embedded Element Method in the Prediction of
White Matter Disruption in Concussions. Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17,
2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
 H.T.Garimella, H. Yuan, B. D. Johnson, S. L. Slobounov, R. H. Kraft. A Two-Fiber Anisotropic
Constitutive Model of Human Brain With Intravoxel Heterogeneity of Fiber Orientation Using Di鍖usion
Spectrum Imaging (DSI). Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal,
 Validation of embedded element method in the prediction of white matter disruption in concussions,
ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Accepted)
 Modeling the electromechanical behavior of axonal 鍖ber bundles, WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July
24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
 Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using the embedded element method, WCCM XII
and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
 Modeling of electromechanical de鍖cits in the human brain, ASME IMECE 2015, November 13-19,
2015, Houston, Texas.
 Computational modeling of axonal injury using the embedded element method, PANACM 2015,
April 27-29, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Membership and
 Student member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
 Student Ambassador, Stand for State, The Pennsylvania State University.
 Member of the Academic Integrity Committee, The Pennsylvania State University.
 Received the prestigious State Bank of India Scholarship during undergraduate studies.
 Recipient of CMR Pratibha Award for excellence in the Class 10 board examinations.
 Received Teaching Assistantship O鍖er (included with Graduate Admission) from the Department
of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University.
2 of 2

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My Resume

  • 1. Harsha Teja Garimella www.linkedin.com/in/harshatejagarimella Contact Information 10 Vairo Boulevard, Apt 40A, +1- 814-777-5285 State College, PA 16803. harshatejagarimella@gmail.com Education The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Ph.D. and M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Expected: August 2017 Ph.D. Minor, Computational Science, Expected: August 2017 Advisor - Dr. Reuben H. Kraft, CGPA- 3.87/4.00 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering May 2013. CGPI - 8.71/10.00 Research Experience Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Research Assistant August 2013 - present Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University. Ph.D. Thesis Project: Development of high-resolution embedded element based 鍖nite element model of the human head with axonal tractography. Advisor: Reuben H. Kraft, Ph.D. Created high-quality hexahedral meshes of the human head using MATLAB and ANSYS ICEMCFD. Developed explicit simulations of the high-resolution 鍖nite element model of the human head with axonal tractography, developed using the embedded element constraint in ABAQUS, to study brain injury. Developed the injury descriptions using the stress-strain response experienced by the axonal 鍖ber tracts. Developed blast (shock) loading simulations, in ABAQUS, of the human head model showing evidence of axonal injury due to skull 鍖exures (bending vibrations). Developing simulations to understand the e鍖ects of skulls natural frequencies on blast injury analysis. Other Projects: Electromagnetic modeling of the axonal 鍖ber bundles in human brain using COMSOL. Developed electromechanical model of single axon to study the changes in the electrical behaviour with mechanical strains using COMSOL and MATLAB. Currently developing electromagnetic models of single axon and axonal bundle. Modeling blast and ballistic penetration injury in lower extremity using Material Point Method. Developed innovative meshing tools, using MATLAB and C++, to create a high-resolution bio鍖delic model of the human leg containing complex anatomical components such as musculature Developed penetration simulations in Uintah to study the damage in di鍖erent anatomical regions. Design of robotic gripper by optimization of motor load torque variation. Collaborated with two team members and designed an optimal con鍖guration of gripper arm linkages by minimizing the load torque variation on the motor. We have developed a robust MATLAB code for this purpose and a computer aided design (CAD) model using SolidWorks. Implementation of an in-house MATLAB and C++ code to address the issue of volume redundancy - a limitation associated with embedded element technique in ABAQUS. Simulation of dual-battery systems in micro-hybrid vehicles using MATLAB/Simulink. Undergraduate Student August 2009 - May 2013 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Bachelor Thesis Project: Design and development of micro-hydraulic power generator. Advisors: P.S.Robi, Ph.D. and S.K.Dwivedy, Ph.D. Developed a CAD model of a new hydraulic power generator prototype, in SolidWorks, that utilizes the 鍖ow of energy of rivers to generate electricity with a novel concept of 鍖apper blades arranged over the rotating belt to generate electricity. Developed a 鍖nite element model of the 鍖apper blade to analyze the structural response of the blade under di鍖erent loading scenarios. Built the prototype using various model-shop instruments. Relevant coursework Finite Elements, Non-linear Finite Elements, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Continuum Mechanics, Optimal Design of Mechanical Structures, Simulation of Mechanical Systems, Engineering Materials, Measurement System Design, Advanced Solid Mechanics, Machine Design, Dynamics of Machinery, Engineering Design Methodology. 1 of 2
  • 2. Journal Publications Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using embedded 鍖nite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2823 (in press). Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Investigation of axonal response due to blast-induced skull 鍖exures using male and female 鍖nite element head models. (in progress) Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. Insights into axonal injury using embedded element head model. Neural Regeneration Research (invited). Technical Strengths FEA Software: ABAQUS, LS-DYNA, COMSOL, Uintah, ANSYS ICEMCFD, Design Software: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, MSC ADAMS. Programming Languages: C, C++, MATLAB Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Linux, Windows. Positions of Responsiblity Graduate Research Assistant August 2013 - Present Advisor: Dr. Reuben H. Kraft, The Pennsylvania State University. Working with Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Corporation (CFDRC). President, Engineering Graduate Student Council April 2015 - April 2016 The Pennsylvania State University. Served as Graduate Student Representative in the Engineering Faculty Council. Collaborated with other student associations to organise the most prestigious College of Engineering Research Symposium 2016. Teaching Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University. August 2013 - May 2014 Internships Vizag Steel Plant and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India. Summer 2011/2012 Core Team Member, Brand Communications, Techniche October 2010 - October 2011 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Brand communications in-charge for South India Techniche, The annual techno-management festival. Conferences Proceedings H.T.Garimella and R. H. Kraft. Validation of Embedded Element Method in the Prediction of White Matter Disruption in Concussions. Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. H.T.Garimella, H. Yuan, B. D. Johnson, S. L. Slobounov, R. H. Kraft. A Two-Fiber Anisotropic Constitutive Model of Human Brain With Intravoxel Heterogeneity of Fiber Orientation Using Di鍖usion Spectrum Imaging (DSI). Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada. Presentations Validation of embedded element method in the prediction of white matter disruption in concussions, ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Accepted) Modeling the electromechanical behavior of axonal 鍖ber bundles, WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using the embedded element method, WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. Modeling of electromechanical de鍖cits in the human brain, ASME IMECE 2015, November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas. Computational modeling of axonal injury using the embedded element method, PANACM 2015, April 27-29, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professional Membership and Achievements Student member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Student Ambassador, Stand for State, The Pennsylvania State University. Member of the Academic Integrity Committee, The Pennsylvania State University. Received the prestigious State Bank of India Scholarship during undergraduate studies. Recipient of CMR Pratibha Award for excellence in the Class 10 board examinations. Received Teaching Assistantship O鍖er (included with Graduate Admission) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University. 2 of 2