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Harsha Teja Garimella www.linkedin.com/in/harshatejagarimella
10 Vairo Boulevard, Apt 40A, +1- 814-777-5285
State College, PA 16803. harshatejagarimella@gmail.com
Education The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. August 2013 - Present
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, December 2016
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Expected: June 2017, CGPA - 3.87/4.00
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati, Assam, India. August 2009 - May 2013
B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, May 2013. CGPI - 8.71/10.00
FEA Software: ABAQUS (Standard, Explicit and CAE), LS-DYNA, COMSOL, UINTAH, ANSYS
Design Software: SolidWorks, SolidEdge, MSC ADAMS, AutoCAD
Programming Languages and Others: C, C++, MATLAB, Minitab, Linux (OS).
Ph.D. Thesis Project: Development of high-resolution embedded element based 鍖nite element model
of the human head with axonal tractography in ABAQUS. Advisor: Reuben H. Kraft, Ph.D.
 Created high-quality hexahedral meshes of the human head using ANSYS ICEMCFD.
 Developed a composite based high-resolution (anatomical and multi-scale) model of the brain tissue to
capture anisotropy using the embedded element technique in ABAQUS.
 Performed extensive veri鍖cation/validation to demonstrate the credibility of the 鍖nite element analysis.
 Developed explicit dynamic simulations of the head model with embedded axonal tractography subjected
to extreme loading conditions, to investigate their structural response and understand brain injury.
 Developed blast (shock) loading simulations, in ABAQUS, of the human head model showing evidence
of axonal injury due to skull 鍖exures (bending vibrations).
 Implemented the embedded element technique using C++ and MPI based parallel programming
 to address volume redundancy limitation in ABAQUS.
Other Projects:
 Electromechanical modeling of the axonal 鍖ber bundles in human brain using COMSOL and MATLAB.
 Modeling ballistic penetration injury in lower extremity using Material Point Method in Uintah.
 Design of robotic gripper mechanism by optimization of motor load torque variation.
Collaborated with two team members to develop an optimization model in MATLAB, and optimized robotic
gripper design and its CAD model in SolidWorks.
 Design and development of micro-hydraulic power generator.
Developed the model in SolidWorks and built the prototype using shop-instruments.
Garimella, H.T. et al. Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using embedded 鍖nite element method.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2823.
Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. A new approach for modeling di鍖usion tractography in the brain. Neural
Regeneration Research. (Accepted - in press)
Positions of
Graduate Research Assistant, Penn State August 2013 - Present
 Working with CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC).
President, Engineering Graduate Student Council, Penn State April 2015 - April 2016
Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, Penn State. August 2013 - May 2014
Internships - Vizag Steel Plant and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India. Summer 2011/2012
Brand Communications, Techniche, Techno-management festival of IITG. October 2010 - October 2011
 Validation of embedded element method in the prediction of white matter disruption in concussions, Proceedings
of ASME IMECE 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
 A two-鍖ber anisotropic constitutive model of human brain With intravoxel heterogeneity of 鍖ber orientation
using di鍖usion spectrum imaging (DSI), Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2014, Montreal, Canada.
 ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Technical Presentation)
 WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Technical Presentation)
 WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Technical Presentation)
 ASME IMECE 2015, November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas. (Technical Presentation)
and Membership
 Received Second prize in the ASME IMECE 2016 Ph.D. Paper Competition.
 Received Teaching Assistantship O鍖er (with graduate admit) from Mechanical Engineering, Penn State.
 Membership - ASME, Stand for State (Penn State), Academic Integrity Committee (Penn State).

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  • 1. Harsha Teja Garimella www.linkedin.com/in/harshatejagarimella Contact Information 10 Vairo Boulevard, Apt 40A, +1- 814-777-5285 State College, PA 16803. harshatejagarimella@gmail.com Education The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. August 2013 - Present M.S., Mechanical Engineering, December 2016 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Expected: June 2017, CGPA - 3.87/4.00 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati, Assam, India. August 2009 - May 2013 B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, May 2013. CGPI - 8.71/10.00 Technical Strengths FEA Software: ABAQUS (Standard, Explicit and CAE), LS-DYNA, COMSOL, UINTAH, ANSYS Design Software: SolidWorks, SolidEdge, MSC ADAMS, AutoCAD Programming Languages and Others: C, C++, MATLAB, Minitab, Linux (OS). Research Experience Ph.D. Thesis Project: Development of high-resolution embedded element based 鍖nite element model of the human head with axonal tractography in ABAQUS. Advisor: Reuben H. Kraft, Ph.D. Created high-quality hexahedral meshes of the human head using ANSYS ICEMCFD. Developed a composite based high-resolution (anatomical and multi-scale) model of the brain tissue to capture anisotropy using the embedded element technique in ABAQUS. Performed extensive veri鍖cation/validation to demonstrate the credibility of the 鍖nite element analysis. Developed explicit dynamic simulations of the head model with embedded axonal tractography subjected to extreme loading conditions, to investigate their structural response and understand brain injury. Developed blast (shock) loading simulations, in ABAQUS, of the human head model showing evidence of axonal injury due to skull 鍖exures (bending vibrations). Implemented the embedded element technique using C++ and MPI based parallel programming to address volume redundancy limitation in ABAQUS. Other Projects: Electromechanical modeling of the axonal 鍖ber bundles in human brain using COMSOL and MATLAB. Modeling ballistic penetration injury in lower extremity using Material Point Method in Uintah. Design of robotic gripper mechanism by optimization of motor load torque variation. Collaborated with two team members to develop an optimization model in MATLAB, and optimized robotic gripper design and its CAD model in SolidWorks. Design and development of micro-hydraulic power generator. Developed the model in SolidWorks and built the prototype using shop-instruments. Journal Publications Garimella, H.T. et al. Modeling the mechanics of axonal 鍖ber tracts using embedded 鍖nite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2823. Garimella, H.T. and Kraft, R.H. A new approach for modeling di鍖usion tractography in the brain. Neural Regeneration Research. (Accepted - in press) Positions of Responsibility Graduate Research Assistant, Penn State August 2013 - Present Working with CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC). President, Engineering Graduate Student Council, Penn State April 2015 - April 2016 Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, Penn State. August 2013 - May 2014 Internships - Vizag Steel Plant and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, India. Summer 2011/2012 Brand Communications, Techniche, Techno-management festival of IITG. October 2010 - October 2011 Conference Proceedings/ Presentations Validation of embedded element method in the prediction of white matter disruption in concussions, Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. A two-鍖ber anisotropic constitutive model of human brain With intravoxel heterogeneity of 鍖ber orientation using di鍖usion spectrum imaging (DSI), Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2014, Montreal, Canada. ASME IMECE 2016, November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Technical Presentation) WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Technical Presentation) WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Technical Presentation) ASME IMECE 2015, November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas. (Technical Presentation) Achievements and Membership Received Second prize in the ASME IMECE 2016 Ph.D. Paper Competition. Received Teaching Assistantship O鍖er (with graduate admit) from Mechanical Engineering, Penn State. Membership - ASME, Stand for State (Penn State), Academic Integrity Committee (Penn State).