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D. No: 8-18-43/1,
Kambham Choultry Street,
Opp. Nirmala Grand,
Rajahmundry  533101. Mobile: 9299558451
Andhra Pradesh. E-mail: rajasantosh1991@gmail.com
Career Objective:
Aspiring for a challenging and growth oriented career where my knowledge is fully utilized to impact the
companys development at the same time enrich my Professional Skills.
Work Experience:
 Currently I am working as Asst. Manager - HR in VOLTECH Engineers Private Limited.
 3 Years 6 months Worked as a Sr. Data Analyst at INFOTECH Enterprises Limited (CYIENT).
 6 Months Worked as a marketing agent at SUJATHA ENTERPRISES (C&F Continental Tyres).
 I had hands on experience of 1 year as a Computer Programmer at Professional Couriers.
Current Role: HR Department, as Asst. Manager  HR (October14 - Till Date)
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Recruitment & Selection: Sourcing CVs via social media (LinkedIn, FB), working on Job Portals,
Industrial Mapping , Google and Advance Internet Search viz. short listing candidates,
conducting interviews across levels, salarynegotiations, Internal Job posting.
 Exposure to Complete Recruitment life cycle.
 Responsible for the Pre Recruitment Process and Employment background verification.
 Sourcing, screening, filtering resumes, checking references and conducted face to face interview
(to check availability, communication skills, Salary and other related factors) and placed
candidates in different branches (end-clients).
 Convincing the candidates on the respective offers, terms and conditions of the firm.
 Ensuring that the candidates joining on time by keeping contact touch with them.
 Gathering the information from the management and understanding the job description and
 Sourcing the profiles from Database and employee references.
 Initial telephonic screening of candidates to check the suitability for the given job specification.
 Sourcing, Screening, Cold calling, Briefing about the position.
 Interviewing the suitable candidates and assistingthe interview panel members for the further
 Maintaining Employee database.
 Updated the pay slip.
 Employee Complaint Handling.
 Employee Engagement Activities.
 Submission of MIS Reports to MD.
 Encouraging and Initiating Employee Engagement activities and events like:
Annual Parties, Weekly get together, Health Camp, Festival Celebration, Birthday Celebration etc.,
Growth Path:
October14  March15 : Executive  HR (Recruitment)
April15  June16 : Sr. Executive  HR (Recruitment)
July16  As on Date : Asst. Manager  HR (Recruitment)
Experience in Infotech Enterprises Limited (06th April 2011 to 07th October 2014)
Project : IHS
Period : 06 April 2011 to 06 October 2014 (30 Months)
Client : IHS (Information Handling Services, (US & Canada)
Software : Customized Applications
Tools : Customer Supplied Tools
Nature : Oil & Gas
Team Size : 950
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Analyze and update data from Client provided source documents into provided application
 Maintaining 100% Quality
 Meet the productivity targets
 Good Knowledge on decision making of interpret situations
 Maintain the delivery timings as provide by Client
 Giving support to the team wherever they required
 Giving training to the apprentices
Project Description:
 IHS is a leading global source of critical information and insight dedicated to providing the most
complete and trusted information and expertise.
 IEL Scope: IEL will accumulates wells (Oil & Gas) and associated land data in a variety of formats
ranging from hardcopy paper logs and reports, to scanned images and quantitative digital data files.
The sources of data for each entity vary slightly but focus primarily on government agencies and
individual oil and gas industry operators. Wells, Land and Land text updates related information
provided and / or downloaded from websites or IHS ftp site will be used to start the value-added
process. The inputs / source files will be source by Government websites or SME will collect from
Government agencies. IEL will perform the value addition to the raw data by doing analysis and
update them in to PIDM database suing IHS provides applications.
Client Description:
IHS is a global information company with world-class experts in the pivotal areas shaping todays
business landscape: energy, economics, geopolitical risk, sustainability and supply chain
Management. We employ more than 5,500 people in more than 30 countries around the world. IHS
information can make the difference between average and operations excellence, conformity and
innovation, standing still or leapfrogging the competition. With a solid foundation of best-in-class
critical information, E&P applications and insight, IHS continues to support the U.S. energy sector
from concept to market
Academic Profile:
Technical Skills:
 Applications : M.S.Office, Reylon Software  Version 10
Additional Qualification:
 DCA  Certified by Government.
 Type Writing English (Lower & Higher)
Personal Skills:
 Sincere and Hard Working
 Positive Attitude
 Flexibility in Adapting to ever changing work environment
Course Name of the Institution
Board /
Chaitanya PG College,
JNTUK, Kakinada 2013 Distinction
Aditya Degree College,
Andhra University 2011 First Class
Narayana Junior College,
Board of Intermediate
2008 First Class
Sri Satyam Public School,
Board of Secondary
2006 First Class
 Team Building
 Customer interaction and problem solving skills
 Playing Keyboard & Shuttle
Personal Information:
Name : Vuppala Raja Santosh Kumar
Fathers Name : Vuppala Venkateswara Rao
Mothers Name : Vuppala Surya Kumari
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 08th January 1991
Age : 25
Marital Status : Single
Language : English, Telugu & Tamil
Nationality : Indian
Address : D. No: 8-18-43/1,
Kambham Choultry Street,
Opp. Nirmala Grand,
Rajahmundry  533101.
Andhra Pradesh.
I hereby declare that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: Chennai
Date: (V. Raja Santosh Kumar)

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  • 1. VUPPALA RAJA SANTOSH KUMAR D. No: 8-18-43/1, Kambham Choultry Street, Opp. Nirmala Grand, Rajahmundry 533101. Mobile: 9299558451 Andhra Pradesh. E-mail: rajasantosh1991@gmail.com Career Objective: Aspiring for a challenging and growth oriented career where my knowledge is fully utilized to impact the companys development at the same time enrich my Professional Skills. Work Experience: Currently I am working as Asst. Manager - HR in VOLTECH Engineers Private Limited. 3 Years 6 months Worked as a Sr. Data Analyst at INFOTECH Enterprises Limited (CYIENT). 6 Months Worked as a marketing agent at SUJATHA ENTERPRISES (C&F Continental Tyres). I had hands on experience of 1 year as a Computer Programmer at Professional Couriers. ORGANISATIONAL EXPERIENCE: VOLTECH ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED, Chennai Current Role: HR Department, as Asst. Manager HR (October14 - Till Date) Roles and Responsibilities: Recruitment & Selection: Sourcing CVs via social media (LinkedIn, FB), working on Job Portals, Industrial Mapping , Google and Advance Internet Search viz. short listing candidates, conducting interviews across levels, salarynegotiations, Internal Job posting. Exposure to Complete Recruitment life cycle. Responsible for the Pre Recruitment Process and Employment background verification. Sourcing, screening, filtering resumes, checking references and conducted face to face interview (to check availability, communication skills, Salary and other related factors) and placed candidates in different branches (end-clients). Convincing the candidates on the respective offers, terms and conditions of the firm. Ensuring that the candidates joining on time by keeping contact touch with them. Gathering the information from the management and understanding the job description and planningaccordingly. Sourcing the profiles from Database and employee references.
  • 2. Initial telephonic screening of candidates to check the suitability for the given job specification. Sourcing, Screening, Cold calling, Briefing about the position. Interviewing the suitable candidates and assistingthe interview panel members for the further process. Maintaining Employee database. Updated the pay slip. Employee Complaint Handling. Employee Engagement Activities. Submission of MIS Reports to MD. Encouraging and Initiating Employee Engagement activities and events like: Annual Parties, Weekly get together, Health Camp, Festival Celebration, Birthday Celebration etc., Growth Path: October14 March15 : Executive HR (Recruitment) April15 June16 : Sr. Executive HR (Recruitment) July16 As on Date : Asst. Manager HR (Recruitment) Experience in Infotech Enterprises Limited (06th April 2011 to 07th October 2014) Project : IHS Period : 06 April 2011 to 06 October 2014 (30 Months) Client : IHS (Information Handling Services, (US & Canada) Software : Customized Applications Tools : Customer Supplied Tools Nature : Oil & Gas Team Size : 950 Roles & Responsibilities: Analyze and update data from Client provided source documents into provided application Maintaining 100% Quality Meet the productivity targets Good Knowledge on decision making of interpret situations Maintain the delivery timings as provide by Client Giving support to the team wherever they required Giving training to the apprentices Project Description: IHS is a leading global source of critical information and insight dedicated to providing the most complete and trusted information and expertise. IEL Scope: IEL will accumulates wells (Oil & Gas) and associated land data in a variety of formats ranging from hardcopy paper logs and reports, to scanned images and quantitative digital data files. The sources of data for each entity vary slightly but focus primarily on government agencies and individual oil and gas industry operators. Wells, Land and Land text updates related information provided and / or downloaded from websites or IHS ftp site will be used to start the value-added
  • 3. process. The inputs / source files will be source by Government websites or SME will collect from Government agencies. IEL will perform the value addition to the raw data by doing analysis and update them in to PIDM database suing IHS provides applications. Client Description: IHS is a global information company with world-class experts in the pivotal areas shaping todays business landscape: energy, economics, geopolitical risk, sustainability and supply chain Management. We employ more than 5,500 people in more than 30 countries around the world. IHS information can make the difference between average and operations excellence, conformity and innovation, standing still or leapfrogging the competition. With a solid foundation of best-in-class critical information, E&P applications and insight, IHS continues to support the U.S. energy sector from concept to market Academic Profile: Technical Skills: Applications : M.S.Office, Reylon Software Version 10 Additional Qualification: DCA Certified by Government. Type Writing English (Lower & Higher) Personal Skills: Sincere and Hard Working Positive Attitude Flexibility in Adapting to ever changing work environment Course Name of the Institution Board / University Year Of Passing Class MBA Chaitanya PG College, Kakinada. JNTUK, Kakinada 2013 Distinction B.Sc. Electronics Aditya Degree College, Rajahmundry. Andhra University 2011 First Class Intermediate Narayana Junior College, Rajahmundry. Board of Intermediate Education 2008 First Class SSC Sri Satyam Public School, Rajahmundry. Board of Secondary Education 2006 First Class
  • 4. Team Building Customer interaction and problem solving skills Hobbies: Playing Keyboard & Shuttle Swimming Personal Information: Name : Vuppala Raja Santosh Kumar Fathers Name : Vuppala Venkateswara Rao Mothers Name : Vuppala Surya Kumari Gender : Male Date of Birth : 08th January 1991 Age : 25 Marital Status : Single Language : English, Telugu & Tamil Nationality : Indian Address : D. No: 8-18-43/1, Kambham Choultry Street, Opp. Nirmala Grand, Rajahmundry 533101. Andhra Pradesh. Declaration: I hereby declare that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Chennai Date: (V. Raja Santosh Kumar)