This document discusses overcoming past mistakes and having faith in the future. It shares quotes and stories that inspire living purposefully despite past failures. It encourages the reader to transform their mindset, not be defined by past mistakes, and have faith that all things can work together for good through focusing on God and one's purpose. Examples are given of people like Abraham, Sarah, and Apostle Paul who overcame difficulties and limitations through faith to achieve great things. The overall message is one of hope - that the past does not have to control the future if one believes and commits to positive change.
The document discusses building one's life and financial security on God rather than money alone. It shares insights from the author's experience as a financial counselor, noting that while saving is important, ultimate security comes from trusting in God's promises and provision. Various Bible passages are presented to illustrate how God sustained the Israelites and desires a relationship with his followers more than material wealth or comfort. The conclusion advocates developing a relationship with God through studying his word and obeying him.
This presentations is about the lessons that I have learned as I sought to reach my dreams. This also discusses my insights on why we should continue dreaming.
This document discusses how God works behind the scenes in people's lives. It begins by explaining that whatever challenges one faces are not a surprise to God, who is working to fix our situations and set the stage for our lives. It then provides examples from the Bible of people like Joseph, David, and Moses who went through difficult times but emerged stronger. The author relates their own experiences growing up in poverty and facing academic struggles, but notes that God was preparing them during this time. The overall message is that God uses dark periods in our lives to develop our character and potential, and is working behind the scenes to help us prosper and bring hope, even when it is not obvious.
This daily devotional discusses divine security based on a passage from II Kings 6:8-23. It discusses how Christians sometimes do not realize their worth both physically and spiritually. It shares a testimony from the author's sister about her maid who said she was possessed by an evil spirit sent to break up the sister's marriage or kill her, but every time the spirit tried to enter the sister's room, fire would come from her belly and burn the spirit and its cohorts waiting outside. The devotional concludes that God has given believers authority over principalities and powers, and that his plan is not for our destruction. It encourages finding security in God.
The act of enduring mental, physical or emotional discomfort or difficulty for a prolonged period of time with patience and spiritual integrity.
The endurance of insult, abuse or mistreatment without waver from the truth.
Not easily provoked.
What is a Christian Struggler?
For our purposes it is a person who struggles with same sex attraction. This includes one who has never acted on these thoughts to transgender. Struggler, means that you feel a sense of guilt, shame or wrong about these things. You are not alone. We know that God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
More than anything we want you to know that the Bible does NOT require you to change into something else before Jesus accepts you. In fact, God came to earth (in the life of Jesus) nearly 2000 years ago, suffered, died and rose again for your redemption. Your sins are already forgiven. All you have to do is receive this forgiveness and live forever with Him.
Not sure how all this works? Ask us and we will show you the way.
Jesus said, "I am the truth the life and the way". We can show you to him he will do everything else!
This document is an introduction to a book about overcoming obstacles and adversity. It discusses how facing challenges helps build character and strength. While life presents difficulties, focusing on dreams and destiny allows one to overcome odds. The greatest people are those who can conquer themselves and boldly face obstacles. Tests in life are meant to reveal inner strength, not weaknesses. By letting go of the past and focusing on the future, one can achieve victory despite adversity.
The document is a reflection on the author's journey with their faith. It discusses how they used to be afraid of sin and going to hell, and would do religious practices like attending mass and reciting prayers without fully understanding to reassure themselves. Over time through their faith, they have learned to trust in God's love and mercy, and believe they are saved through God's grace rather than by avoiding sin or meeting obligations. They now understand their primary purpose is to love others as God loves them.
We cannot reach the perfection of Christ until the sheep can expose themselves to each one of the five fold. You cant be perfected by yourself. Perfection is not reached alone, you get into trouble by yourself.
This document is a leader's guide for discussing a story about a Jewish girl named Sarah who comes to faith in Jesus. The guide contains discussion questions about Sarah's journey from not believing in Jesus to believing, and how she found faith, transforming power, and help during difficult times through her relationship with God. It encourages seeking God with all one's heart and praying to him during times of confusion, fear, depression or lack of purpose.
Activated Special Edition: Faith in Times of CrisisSpiritualibrary
This document provides encouragement for having faith and finding peace during difficult times. It discusses how God promises to always be with us and give us strength. While life may bring hardship, we can choose to have faith in God and trust that he will never abandon us. The document also offers practical advice, such as praying, reading the Bible, and surrendering worries to find inner peace and calm even when facing challenges or uncertainty.
The document contains notes and reflections on various passages from 1 Peter. The notes discuss themes of faith enduring trials, loving others from a pure heart, turning away from evil, honoring one's spouse, avoiding revenge, suffering with Christ, keeping love fervent, and being humble. The reflections express a desire to grow in faith, love, obedience, and humility through enduring trials and turning from sin.
This document discusses how intentions do not guarantee arriving at hoped for destinations, but that directions and actions determine the outcome. It provides examples of people who hope for financial security, good grades, intimacy with God, but take alternative routes through debt, neglecting studies, or casual dating. While they hope for these goals, the document argues their current directions will not lead there. It emphasizes that worshipping God through following Torah and principles, and embracing the Way of Messiah Yeshua provides the proper direction to arrive at God's hoped for destination.
If Im a pig myself why would He give me a pearl when He said dont cast your pearls unto swine. If Im wallowing in my own slop, if Im a pig how can I handle a pearl?
The problem is some of you dont even want to believe that youre a pig.
Are you trying to reach a new level in your life with an old mindset? If you want to live a victorious life, then youve got to decide that youre not going to be a victim anymore.
You are victorious! Regardless of your past circumstances you have the victory! You are not bound by past hurts and pains that may have come from childhood abuse, a divorce, an abusive relationship, or some type of betrayal.
Your journey in life is whatever you choose it to be. . .so what do you choose: victim or victorious living? Lets take a journey towards victory!
This document discusses the concept of stagnation versus growth. It argues that change is life and stagnation is death. All living things are either growing or deteriorating. The document provides seven principles for avoiding stagnation and continuing to grow: 1) Live daily with the end goal of becoming more like Christ in view, 2) Make a personal commitment to grow, 3) Value the process of small, daily growth over big events, 4) Prioritize obedience over knowledge, 5) Depend on God and community for growth, 6) Address areas where you get stuck, and 7) Maintain growth through daily habits and routines. Growth happens gradually through consistency, not in big spurts.
This document contains a sermon addressing reasons why Christians may doubt God and their faith. It begins by recounting the biblical story of Peter doubting and walking on water, then questioning why he doubted. The sermon explores possible reasons Christians may doubt, such as past unfaithfulness by God, thinking their situation is too difficult, or that God's promises no longer apply. However, the sermon counters that God is faithful, all-powerful, and unchanged, so there is no legitimate reason for doubt. It encourages Christians to reflect on why they doubted in light of their conversion experience and past deliverances by God.
God understands what you are going through because He literally faced it too.油 He doesnt agree, and you dont have a license to sin, but He understands.
Although Jesus never sinned, He knows what it would feel like if God had to give you the judgment for the sins that you have committed because He paid the penalty and price for them.
The crystal gateway october newsletter & happenings Rosalie Muir
Rosalie provides an update on her upcoming month in a newsletter. She will be going on vacation to Tasmania for a week to visit family for a birthday. With uncertainty around how long it will take to sell her house, she cannot commit to long in-person courses but is available for one-day courses, healings, and readings. She shares congratulations for friends expecting babies. Isis also shares a message about navigating changes, listening to intuition, shining one's light, healing across lifetimes, and finding soul family as the new Earth emerges.
This short letter expresses a child's love and appreciation for their father on Father's Day, wishing him many more years of happiness, love, and health, and thanking God for choosing him to be their dad, describing him as the best father anyone could ask for and their hero.
The document contains a prayer asking God for help in trusting Him more with one's eternal life and earthly life. It acknowledges sometimes focusing more on debating or defining God than following Him. It asks God to help be open to His direction and have courage to live as He guides. It expresses trust that Jesus' death on the cross forgives sins and opens the way to heaven.
Propuesta Programa Partido Paraguay Pyahura (PPP)ParaguayPyahura
Un organismo popular de participaci坦n pol鱈tica directa se constituy坦 durante el Debate Nacional denominado El pueblo quiere y se mueve: por un programa de desarrollo, por democracia y soberan鱈a, realizado el jueves 12 y viernes 13 de septiembre de 2013, en las plazas ubicadas frente al Congreso Nacional, organizado por el Partido Paraguay Pyahura (PPP).
El documento ofrece consejos para construir un negocio de comercializaci坦n exitoso, incluyendo educarse continuamente, construir una red de clientes, mover volumen de productos y facturaci坦n, fidelizar clientes, aprovechar el poder del conocimiento de los productos y clientes, establecer metas claras y planes de acci坦n, y ganar reconocimiento y solvencia econ坦mica.
Este documento es la Ley Org叩nica para la Protecci坦n de Ni単os, Ni単as y Adolescentes de Venezuela. Establece los derechos fundamentales de los ni単os, incluyendo el derecho a la vida, nombre, nacionalidad e identificaci坦n. Tambi辿n requiere que el Estado garantice la inscripci坦n gratuita y oportuna de todos los ni単os en el Registro del Estado Civil y la declaraci坦n del nacimiento en instituciones de salud p炭blicas. Adem叩s, establece los principios de inter辿s superior del ni単o y prioridad absoluta en la protecci坦n de los dere
The document is a reflection on the author's journey with their faith. It discusses how they used to be afraid of sin and going to hell, and would do religious practices like attending mass and reciting prayers without fully understanding to reassure themselves. Over time through their faith, they have learned to trust in God's love and mercy, and believe they are saved through God's grace rather than by avoiding sin or meeting obligations. They now understand their primary purpose is to love others as God loves them.
We cannot reach the perfection of Christ until the sheep can expose themselves to each one of the five fold. You cant be perfected by yourself. Perfection is not reached alone, you get into trouble by yourself.
This document is a leader's guide for discussing a story about a Jewish girl named Sarah who comes to faith in Jesus. The guide contains discussion questions about Sarah's journey from not believing in Jesus to believing, and how she found faith, transforming power, and help during difficult times through her relationship with God. It encourages seeking God with all one's heart and praying to him during times of confusion, fear, depression or lack of purpose.
Activated Special Edition: Faith in Times of CrisisSpiritualibrary
This document provides encouragement for having faith and finding peace during difficult times. It discusses how God promises to always be with us and give us strength. While life may bring hardship, we can choose to have faith in God and trust that he will never abandon us. The document also offers practical advice, such as praying, reading the Bible, and surrendering worries to find inner peace and calm even when facing challenges or uncertainty.
The document contains notes and reflections on various passages from 1 Peter. The notes discuss themes of faith enduring trials, loving others from a pure heart, turning away from evil, honoring one's spouse, avoiding revenge, suffering with Christ, keeping love fervent, and being humble. The reflections express a desire to grow in faith, love, obedience, and humility through enduring trials and turning from sin.
This document discusses how intentions do not guarantee arriving at hoped for destinations, but that directions and actions determine the outcome. It provides examples of people who hope for financial security, good grades, intimacy with God, but take alternative routes through debt, neglecting studies, or casual dating. While they hope for these goals, the document argues their current directions will not lead there. It emphasizes that worshipping God through following Torah and principles, and embracing the Way of Messiah Yeshua provides the proper direction to arrive at God's hoped for destination.
If Im a pig myself why would He give me a pearl when He said dont cast your pearls unto swine. If Im wallowing in my own slop, if Im a pig how can I handle a pearl?
The problem is some of you dont even want to believe that youre a pig.
Are you trying to reach a new level in your life with an old mindset? If you want to live a victorious life, then youve got to decide that youre not going to be a victim anymore.
You are victorious! Regardless of your past circumstances you have the victory! You are not bound by past hurts and pains that may have come from childhood abuse, a divorce, an abusive relationship, or some type of betrayal.
Your journey in life is whatever you choose it to be. . .so what do you choose: victim or victorious living? Lets take a journey towards victory!
This document discusses the concept of stagnation versus growth. It argues that change is life and stagnation is death. All living things are either growing or deteriorating. The document provides seven principles for avoiding stagnation and continuing to grow: 1) Live daily with the end goal of becoming more like Christ in view, 2) Make a personal commitment to grow, 3) Value the process of small, daily growth over big events, 4) Prioritize obedience over knowledge, 5) Depend on God and community for growth, 6) Address areas where you get stuck, and 7) Maintain growth through daily habits and routines. Growth happens gradually through consistency, not in big spurts.
This document contains a sermon addressing reasons why Christians may doubt God and their faith. It begins by recounting the biblical story of Peter doubting and walking on water, then questioning why he doubted. The sermon explores possible reasons Christians may doubt, such as past unfaithfulness by God, thinking their situation is too difficult, or that God's promises no longer apply. However, the sermon counters that God is faithful, all-powerful, and unchanged, so there is no legitimate reason for doubt. It encourages Christians to reflect on why they doubted in light of their conversion experience and past deliverances by God.
God understands what you are going through because He literally faced it too.油 He doesnt agree, and you dont have a license to sin, but He understands.
Although Jesus never sinned, He knows what it would feel like if God had to give you the judgment for the sins that you have committed because He paid the penalty and price for them.
The crystal gateway october newsletter & happenings Rosalie Muir
Rosalie provides an update on her upcoming month in a newsletter. She will be going on vacation to Tasmania for a week to visit family for a birthday. With uncertainty around how long it will take to sell her house, she cannot commit to long in-person courses but is available for one-day courses, healings, and readings. She shares congratulations for friends expecting babies. Isis also shares a message about navigating changes, listening to intuition, shining one's light, healing across lifetimes, and finding soul family as the new Earth emerges.
This short letter expresses a child's love and appreciation for their father on Father's Day, wishing him many more years of happiness, love, and health, and thanking God for choosing him to be their dad, describing him as the best father anyone could ask for and their hero.
The document contains a prayer asking God for help in trusting Him more with one's eternal life and earthly life. It acknowledges sometimes focusing more on debating or defining God than following Him. It asks God to help be open to His direction and have courage to live as He guides. It expresses trust that Jesus' death on the cross forgives sins and opens the way to heaven.
Propuesta Programa Partido Paraguay Pyahura (PPP)ParaguayPyahura
Un organismo popular de participaci坦n pol鱈tica directa se constituy坦 durante el Debate Nacional denominado El pueblo quiere y se mueve: por un programa de desarrollo, por democracia y soberan鱈a, realizado el jueves 12 y viernes 13 de septiembre de 2013, en las plazas ubicadas frente al Congreso Nacional, organizado por el Partido Paraguay Pyahura (PPP).
El documento ofrece consejos para construir un negocio de comercializaci坦n exitoso, incluyendo educarse continuamente, construir una red de clientes, mover volumen de productos y facturaci坦n, fidelizar clientes, aprovechar el poder del conocimiento de los productos y clientes, establecer metas claras y planes de acci坦n, y ganar reconocimiento y solvencia econ坦mica.
Este documento es la Ley Org叩nica para la Protecci坦n de Ni単os, Ni単as y Adolescentes de Venezuela. Establece los derechos fundamentales de los ni単os, incluyendo el derecho a la vida, nombre, nacionalidad e identificaci坦n. Tambi辿n requiere que el Estado garantice la inscripci坦n gratuita y oportuna de todos los ni単os en el Registro del Estado Civil y la declaraci坦n del nacimiento en instituciones de salud p炭blicas. Adem叩s, establece los principios de inter辿s superior del ni単o y prioridad absoluta en la protecci坦n de los dere
O documento descreve a organiza巽達o da Justi巽a Eleitoral no Brasil, incluindo seus principais 坦rg達os como o Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais, Ju鱈zes Eleitorais e Juntas Eleitorais. Ele explica as compet棚ncias e fun巽探es de cada 坦rg達o, com o Tribunal Superior Eleitoral no n鱈vel mais alto, seguido pelos Tribunais Regionais Eleitorais e ent達o Ju鱈zes Eleitorais e Juntas Eleitorais de primeira inst但ncia.
BSPHCL, the company responsible for power distribution in Bihar, lacks an online portal for customers to file complaints or make inquiries. This project aims to develop a helpline portal that allows customers to file complaints, ask queries, check status, and provide suggestions from their homes. The portal will use interactive voice response and a mobile app to guide customers through complaint and request processes without visiting local offices. It will include features for status updates and contact information for area sub-divisions.
02 articulo analisis de rendimientos boterovladimirapaza
Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigaci坦n sobre rendimientos y consumos de mano de obra en actividades de construcci坦n de vivienda social. Se observ坦 y recopil坦 datos durante seis meses para su an叩lisis estad鱈stico. Como resultado, se inici坦 una base de datos sobre consumos de mano de obra que incluye factores que afectan el consumo. Adicionalmente, se desarroll坦 un software para predecir el consumo de mano de obra en actividades estudiadas basado en la calificaci坦n de los factores.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n del cine desde sus inicios en 1895 cuando los hermanos Lumiere realizaron la primera proyecci坦n p炭blica de im叩genes en movimiento hasta la actualidad. Explica las diferentes etapas por las que ha pasado el cine, como la 辿poca muda, la 辿poca sonora con la introducci坦n del sonido, y los avances tecnol坦gicos como el cine en color y 3D. Tambi辿n destaca el cine como una industria comercial exitosa y un importante medio de comunicaci坦n.
Este documento lista varios relojes de marcas de lujo como Dolce & Gabbana, D&G, Michael Kors y Tommy Hilfiger disponibles para la venta. Los precios de los relojes van desde EUR 122 hasta EUR 299.
This thesis investigated the potential for diluted bitumen (dilbit) oil to become trapped in gravel and transfer hydrocarbons into water through dissolution, which can harm aquatic life. Laboratory experiments were conducted to simulate conditions of an oil spill in shallow water or on an exposed bank. The first set of experiments found that dilbit can enter gravel pores without resistance and approximately 14% of the pore volume can be occupied by dilbit blobs following water imbibition. The second set of experiments suggested hydrocarbons dissolve rapidly from trapped dilbit into flowing water, decreasing their effective solubility. However, dilbit saturation changed only slightly. Chronic toxins were detected in effluent water above thresholds to protect early-life fish. Mass transfer
M辿xico tiene altos niveles de obesidad y sobrepeso infantil, con el 70% de los mexicanos teniendo sobrepeso y el 30% siendo obesos. M辿xico ahora tiene la tasa m叩s alta de obesidad infantil en el mundo. La obesidad en M辿xico se ha convertido en un grave problema de salud p炭blica, especialmente entre los ni単os, y las tasas han aumentado dr叩sticamente con el paso de los a単os.
InDesign CS6 es una aplicaci坦n de dise単o gr叩fico creada por Adobe Systems que se utiliza para maquetar, dise単ar de manera eficiente y crear dise単os atractivos. Proporciona barras de men炭s y opciones que ofrecen herramientas esenciales para dise単ar en el 叩rea de trabajo.
The document provides an overview of the history and growth of HCL Infosystems, an Indian IT company. It discusses how HCL was founded in 1976 and has since grown to become a global technology company operating in 31 countries. The summary highlights some key events in HCL's growth, including developing India's first microprocessor in 1983, introducing affordable PCs and laptops for the Indian market over time, and expanding into services and distribution businesses. It also provides a brief description of HCL's current business lines and product offerings as well as its major competitors in the Indian market.
The document discusses 3 failed attempts at implementing a resource management system. The first attempt used a holistic system but failed because the organization was not mature enough. The second attempt addressed issues with the first but failed because the software was too difficult to use. The third attempt used a new software but failed because people were not properly incentivized. The key lessons are that successful resource management requires a user-friendly system, efficient processes, training, and tying the system to performance metrics and incentives.
Jibank Karmakar is seeking a career opportunity with a company that has great potential for growth. He has completed certificate courses in Tally, HP computer hardware, and computer hardware and networking. His skills include using Windows, Microsoft Office, Visualfoxpro, HTML, JavaScript, C++, and installing and repairing PCs and laptops. Educationally, he completed Madhyamik in 2013 with 38.80% marks and Higher Secondary in 2015 with 49.20% marks. He is currently 19 years old and unmarried.
Good News About Being a Christian #4
You Are Plugged In To Gods Purpose
by Tim Bond
This document discusses the concept of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that salvation is a gift from God through faith in Jesus, who died for our sins. It warns that willful and continued sin can jeopardize one's salvation, though God will forgive repentant believers. The document also contrasts belief in God with needing to believe specifically in Jesus, and warns about Satan trying to deceive people from accepting Christ.
This Bible study discusses the importance of setting spiritual boundaries as a Christian. Some key points include:
- Boundaries serve to distinguish Christians from the world and help Christians emulate God rather than their natural fathers.
- Things that grieve God, like taking Him lightly, should also grieve Christians. This includes when others lie about God or when Christians' own thoughts and actions don't align with Him.
- Christians must be willing to take a stand for their faith, even if it brings rejection from others. Boundaries help communicate to the world that Christians are in the world but not of it.
"He endured, as seeing him who is invisible."
Heb. 11 : 27.
HE endured. The word here means more
than if it were said, he bore his bur-
den well; and more than that he
waited with long suffering until the end came.
It means that he had strength to be stedfast.
There was a deep and constant force from
within with which he met the strange vicissi-
tudes of his life.
Have you ever read a book, heard a speech, or been fortunate enough to meet someone that truly changed your life? Have you ever picked up a book and found that you could not dare set it down until you had absorbed every single morsel of truth?
Or, maybe you can think back to a time when you bought a book, only to run back and buy more and more copies to give away to others - because of the impact it made upon your heart and life?
If so, then I welcome you to the newest book by Pastor Wayne Sutton - the book that will not only cause you to become excited once again about your own life - but also the one book that you will be able to tell people "changed your life", possibly unlike any other book you have read before.
As you buy this book you will learn how to finally achieve permanent change in all areas of your life! You will learn exactly how to co-operate with the spirit of God as the Holy Spirit changes you into the person of destiny you were born to become! You will see your life change before your own eyes, and the eyes of others. You will learn how to finally lay aside guilt, shame, sin, and addictions - by the wonderful grace and awesome power of Jesus!
The document provides a summary of a sermon given at First Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi. The sermon discusses how Christ has set us free from slavery to sin and brings us the adoption of sons through his death on the cross. It encourages believers to live as sons of God, accepting their position and acceptance through their relationship in Christ rather than through performance or works. The sermon uses examples from Scripture and illustrations to explain how understanding we have died with Christ and he lives in us can bring true freedom from anxiety over performance and acceptance.
This document contains the transcript of a sermon given at First Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi about true freedom found in Christ. The sermon discusses how believers were once held in bondage but are now adopted sons of God through Christ's redemptive work. It encourages listeners to understand that it is not their own ability or performance that matters but Christ living in them by faith. Quoting other authors, the sermon illustrates how realizing one's identity and acceptance as God's child, not as a slave, allows true freedom and security in Christ.
Christ came to restore our relationship with God and give us victory. It is yours for the taking. He leaves the choice up to us. I would like to challenge you to willingly accept His gift to you.
Identity Crisis will help to restore your identity in Christ if it has been stolen by the enemy and the tragedies of this world. It will bring clarity and revelation into what it truly means to be a child of God so that you can begin to awaken your purpose, walk into the fullness of your calling, and claim your inheritance as a child of Christ Jesus.
Anyone who has ever become anything worth writing home about has had to handle fire and brimstone with naked hands, boldly face all obstacles and adversities with courage and determination to score handful of victories. One of the most horrible feelings is being unfit and looking bulky. Shedding dozen kilograms, lowering the cholesterol levels and reducing the BMI is serious work. You have to endure regular and disciplined exercise, embrace new lifestyles and moment of ridicule before you get that appealing body shape that is fit and admired by many. Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition - such as lifting weights and regular exercise - we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity. These odds are very instrumental in shaping our character and personality in pursuit of our destiny. Some of them leave scars, causes loss and paint a groom picture of a hopeless destiny but faced with a positive attitude they become a story of victory and a purpose full life. You shouldn't give up. Fight for yourself and who you are. You've got to go through the worst times in life to get the best. Youve got to look at challenges with a victors mentality. Purpose that the adversity will not leave you bitter but better. The fire will not consume you but refine you to a pure and precious jewel.
I have been a member for many years of a Committee known as the Nairobi Security group which comprises of a team of experts from Police, Fire Brigade, UN security Council, National Disaster Management Unit, National Disaster Operation Center, Ambulance companies among other safety and security agencies and when sharing with the experts who you might think are enjoying every bit of their living you realize that they all have a fair share of tribulations that they go through. This includes even the Governors, Cabinet Secretaries, Bishops and even the Presidents. Living in the State House or riding a personal jet doesnt guarantee you immunity to pain and loss. Even the accomplished suffer setbacks sometimes. The more bitter the lessons, the greater the successes will be. Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcomers. You have to Trace it! Face it! Overcome it!
In my past writings more so in my Book Behind the Scenes, I have shared many case studies on how I had to overcome odds in life to later realize that there was a glorious outcome ahead. My life as a school dropout and street boy was a preparation moment for me to receive the spirit of humanity and service to mankind which today is a value that I live for. To be frustrated by my employers and supervisors was a catalyst for me to quit employment and establish the now Busara Investment Group which has created opportunities for many and impacted lives. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.
Nothing just happens, be strong! Strive and
This document discusses the promise of eternal life given by God. It argues that the promise of eternal life, as referenced in Titus 1:2, is the "mother of all promises" - being the first promise God made, even before creation, and the last to be fulfilled. It was a promise made to Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, to motivate Him and make His work worthwhile. Keeping the hope of eternal life and heaven as a priority gives Christians comfort and prevents them from losing their way or faith amid earthly distractions.
This document contains testimonials from two individuals about their journeys from darkness to finding light in Christ. The first testimony describes a life full of selfishness, sex, drugs and putting things before family, until hitting rock bottom from a divorce and struggling business. This led to finding God's word and promises, which drew the individual to Christ. Christ gave peace, purpose and overcoming what they once were. Now the Holy Spirit guides them to help others.
The second testimony describes a life centered around selfish desires and staying drunk/high to cope. Through treatment and accepting Christ, the individual realized they were believing lies that kept them in bondage. Reading the Bible transformed their thoughts and God began changing them. Now Christ
This document provides a summary and copyright notice for a book on living a victorious Christian life. It states that the article is copyrighted by Zac Poonen in 1982 to prevent misuse. Permission is given to distribute the article for free if it is not altered and the author is credited. The document then lists the chapter titles of the book, which cover topics like faith, God's control over circumstances, and God's love for believers like he loved Jesus.
Brother's Keeper James 5:19,20 Adapted from a Tim Bond sermon
Galatians 5 discusses living freely through God's spirit and not being subject to religious rules or slavery. It warns that living by religious plans instead of grace cuts one off from Christ. The chapter encourages living freely and animated by the spirit, and working out the implications of this spiritual life in everyday actions.
1. Stella Noku Chikengezha
3rd Year Midlands State University
A collection which is filled with some quotes that has inspired me to be the Virtuous and
Visionary lady I am today. I believe that you all will be able to find the formulae and purpose
to life between these written lines and know that your past no matter how bad it was has no
control whatsoever, but you will become that great person you always dreamt of becoming.
It is time we all learn to put the past behind and look forward to a brighter future, regardless
of whatever we have gone through, whatsoever we have done. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold
all things are become new. No matter what you have failed in the past it is high time you
start afresh and transform your life. I am proud to proclaim or confess that i have made many
mistakes in my life, I am not proud of many things I have done. I only wish I could turn back
the hands of time and rub all the mess I caused, but it is all too late I cannot go back to my
past. So does it mean Im going to be haunted by my past, regretting every day of it, NO
those mistakes has helped me a lot. They have helped me stand on my feet whenever I feel
like life has nothing for me, whenever I feel the whole world is crumbling up on me and Im
all alone in a vacuum.
One man once said If someone feels they had never made a mistake in their life, then it
means they had never tried a new thing in their life. Then my hero the preacher says in
Ecclesiastes 1:2, Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. I
realised that all is vanity and therefore I should not let any of that control me or paint a
portrait of my future for I am the only person who has the power to do that. Mahatma Gandhi
said, be that change you want to see in the world, then I guess this also applies to our lives
we can create that change and live that life we dream of. The ultimate reason of life is to
dream and have a purpose then live a purposeful life guided by that dream. Bill Gates once
said if you are born poor it is not your mistake, but if you die poor it is your mistake, verily
whatever mistake you did unknowingly in your past can not be brought upon you, but now
that you know if you do not change then I believe you know the answer.
2. It is senseless to remain tied to the negative past, when it is very much possible to generate a
positive present and future, guided by our opening scripture all is possible if you believe and
commit yourself to it. Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 says, And be not conformed to this
world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect.... Instead of wasting our time blaming other people for all
the mistakes and misfortunes that have befallen us, we have to transform ourselves and tune
our mind to be positive-oriented. We face a lot of predicaments but it takes that one person
who has the mind of Christ, who is able to stand bold and firm proclaiming that I can do it all
through Christ. I used to think that life was a baggage full of mess, but when I started to
think like my father (Christ-like mind), I realised life is the sweetest thing that one ought to
Look around the whole world, what an amazing God we have and his beauty, the one who
created a lot of things out of nothing, the earth which was formless and void, him only
brought the beauty out of it. There is a fountain of beauty that lies in the bosom of our hearts
and it only takes the right mind to bring that to life. Today you might be looking back and
regretting every moment you lived, or you might even regret been born, but know that it is
not a clanger for you to be alive. There is a reason and purpose for your creation, when God
created everything he set a purpose for them all, even the tiny little creatures we look down
upon, they serve their own purpose.
Romans 8:1 says, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ
Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. This shows that no matter how people
might look down upon you because of the old person you were, you now carry a new title
because you are now in Christ. Then someone might say, you are just saying that because you
do not know the evil I have done, it is all okay my friend whatever you have done does not
matter for now. One thing that only matters is you are greatly loved because you are now a
new creature, living the new creation realities, look at our brother Paul who was once the
persecutor of Christians, today we look up to his Godly-inspired writings. Romans 6.14,For
sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Grace
has abounded us more that we should not be judged or condemned by anyone, because Christ
unconditionally loves us all. You also can write a story of your own life which will inspire
many people, lot of them out there only need you to save them.
3. Fear has tormented you, belittling you to think you cannot do anything because of your past
or because no one in your family managed to cross the bridge between failure and success.
English dictionary I came across defined fear as a strong, uncontrollable emotion caused by
perceived danger or threat, this emotion causes people to apprehend to certain forces which
they think have power over them. When gripped by this emotion we all tend to lose ourselves
and follow whatever path we deem possible, even if it will lead us to our destruction. We all
tend to forget that we have the power to conquer it all, and nothing will ever hinder us if we
will not give in to it.
2 Timothy 1:7, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of
a sound mind, we are capable to overcome whatever situation we come across. The reason
to our failure is not because we are not able or inadequate, but it is because we are afraid to
make it in life, many people whom you thought were capable did not make. Even in your
family it might seem as the generational trail to fail, but be rest assured that if you have a
transformed mind of Christ leaving behind all the past experiences all will be well. Romans
8.28 say, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.... God
is no respecter of men he will bless us accordingly if only we love him and be faithful to his
purpose for us, looking not unto what men can say, for we please him only. Jesus himself
went through a lot but he was not inhibited by those predicaments, he was well able to
conquer it all, even death could not hold him neither could the gates of hell defeat him.
The opposite of fear is faith; it is the only thing that hinders us to get that which was perfectly
designed for us. Faith is been sure that whatever you desperately want, even though you do
not have it, someday you will get it no matter what may come. Faith is the only weapon that
is able to drive away that false emotion that causes us to feel threatened of our future, destiny
or success. One great person I would like to recall from, who was able to attain it all through
faith, even though the world seemed to have his life planned out, defining it all for him. This
faith guru made me into believe that the reality set by the world does not have to define who
we are, we are in this world but not of this world, and nothing stipulated by the world can
ever affect us. Abraham in the Christian faith, was the man who was associated with what I
may term invention of faith, he stood firm in God knowing that age can never define who
he is in God.
Abraham was in his old ages, and fatherless not that he was the one with a problem because
he had Ishmael with Haggai, but it was his wife Sarah who could not bear. Even though that
4. was the case, he managed to keep hold to Gods promises, that he was going to be a father of
many nations and his descendants would be countless as the sand. If it was someone out
there, maybe he would have given up on God and find a solution to his own problem. He
never saw it as a problem, but it was a phase or chapter in life which was creating him to pass
the time for greatness and his destiny. A certain sister of mine, who is saying I am advanced
in age, some are now calling me sunset because of my years, am I going to be married. Look
at our father Abraham, sister he never let his age judge him; at 100 he had Isaac, which is
very bizarre, abnormal and out of the ordinary in human race, but extraordinary to him and
What are 29 compared to 100 years, those years you have had my sister should make you
understand that many years of greatness are awaiting for you. Ahead of you lie the
extraordinary works and promises of God, which no man has ever seen, heard or imagined. I
would like to think Aunty Sarah was at first ashamed to hang out with other women of her
age, at 90 people would expect her to be either bed-ridden or back-twisted, rather she was
expecting, something which can never be scientifically proven. Even when the news was
delivered that she would give birth, Sarah even laughed at the messengers, when all was
needed was for her to believe Maybe now you are afraid to attend youth sessions, certain
events simply because you are afraid of the names you are getting and how people stare at
you. There is no need to worry because if you only believe all will work out well for you, it is
high time you brace up all the courage and move around firmly with no worries lingering.
Faith always make one act like a mad man in the eyes of those who do not anything of it,
when you h