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Telephone +97430362749
E-mail ahmed.khalil.ysg@gmail.com
Career Objective:
Seeking a suitable opportunity in mechanical power engineering field, where my
academic background and analytical skills can be applied and further enhanced, to
achieve organization goals with desired quality on the planned time.
 ID : National No. 28411181300715
 Address : Zagazig / Sharkia Gov./ Egypt
 City and State : Zagazig / Sharkia.
 Military Status : Exempted.
 Social Status : Married
 Phone number : Mobile +97430362749 Home 0020552064143
 Member of Egyptian Engineering Syndicate: NO. 59/05971.
 Member of engineering & consulting offices Accrediting Committee/Qatar :10722
 E-mail address : Ahmed.khalil.ysg@gmail.com
 I have a valid driving license and have my own car.
B.Sc. of Mechanical power Engineering.
 Faculty : Faculty of Engineering.
 University : Zagazig University.
 Major : Mechanical power Engineering.
 Accumulative Grade : "good"
 Graduation Date : MAY 2009.
 Graduation project subject : (Computational & Wind Tunnel Performance
Study of Airfoils Used In Turbomachinary and Airplanes)
 Graduation Project Grade : Excellent (200/200)
 (Smartech for Trade and Systems company)
Worked in this company as Senior Mechanical Works at Qatar since April 2016 up
to now.
Also, work as project designing for HVAC & firefighting projects and site
 (Square Technical Services for MEP Works)
Worked in this company as Project Manager for Mechanical Works at Qatar since
April 2014 to April 2016
Also, work as project designing for HVAC & firefighting projects and site
 (TIBA Egypt for construction)
Worked as  mechanical engineer in firefighting and HVAC department (Aug. 2009)
- mechanical engineer supervisor -designing and installation- (Jun.2010 
Dec. 2011)
- Maintenance Manager from Dec. 2011 up to Apr. 2014 :( Maintenance of
generators and fire fighting systems and fire alarm systems and maintenance of air
conditioning and refrigeration systems and maintenance of pumps and water supply
- have certificate notarized from Egyptian authority.
 (Arab Company for air conditioning )
Worked from 1/6/2009 to 30/7/2009
I Worked as a site engineer for three months in ELMASRYA ELHOLANDIA Company for
general contracting, the nature of the job was:
In the field of the water and sanitation networks to the new cities, such as: Badr City,
New Damietta City and New Minya City.
- also AutoCAD designer for some drawings related by the work
Previous Training:
 From August to September 2006 in Egyptian National Railways
 From August to September 2007 in EFCO for Spinning and Weaving.
 From August to September 2008 in ARTEX APPAREL for garments.
 Have certificate of training for Awareness and internal auditor course
according to ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007
 Have Certificate of basic program of occupational safety and health ( Safety
Specialist) from NIOSH
 Have certificate for AutoCAD training notarized from Egyptian authority.
 Have certificate for HVAC and firefighting training notarized from Egyptian
 English : very good
 Mother language : Arabic
Computer skills:
Excellent dealing with :
 AutoCAD (2D & 3D) Mechanical
 Solid works program.
 Catia, Power mill, Pro Engineer.
 Fluent (Simulation program, CFD)
Skilled user of MS Office (MS Word, Excel, and Power Point) in all their editions.
Internet searching, surfing, and resources usage skills.
Special Skills and Capabilities:
 Accept the probability of working under pressure and negative environments.
 Good experience in presentations.
 Adapted easily with different cultures and work environment.
 Capable of managing groups, coordinating tasks, making decisions and meeting
goals at deadlines, and the experience of being a part of a team and work with
time schedule has been gathered in a small scale.
 Being a team leader in some kind of practical projects has been experienced
 Very good communication skills.
 Ability to learn new technologies, tools, plans, or work procedures in a short
Availability and job requested:
 Availability : I am able to start within 2 weeks
 As : full time.
 Job field : Mechanical power Engineering.
 I can work in : Egypt, Arab countries, foreign countries.
Reading books in my field "Mechanical Engineering Sciences"
Surfing Internet
Playing chess
Learning new technology.

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MY updated CV

  • 1. AHMED KHALIL KHALIL BOGHDADY Telephone +97430362749 E-mail ahmed.khalil.ysg@gmail.com Career Objective: Seeking a suitable opportunity in mechanical power engineering field, where my academic background and analytical skills can be applied and further enhanced, to achieve organization goals with desired quality on the planned time. Name : AHMED KHALIL KHALIL BOGHDADY. ID : National No. 28411181300715 Address : Zagazig / Sharkia Gov./ Egypt City and State : Zagazig / Sharkia. Military Status : Exempted. Social Status : Married Phone number : Mobile +97430362749 Home 0020552064143 Member of Egyptian Engineering Syndicate: NO. 59/05971. Member of engineering & consulting offices Accrediting Committee/Qatar :10722 E-mail address : Ahmed.khalil.ysg@gmail.com I have a valid driving license and have my own car. Education: B.Sc. of Mechanical power Engineering. Faculty : Faculty of Engineering. University : Zagazig University. Major : Mechanical power Engineering. Accumulative Grade : "good" Graduation Date : MAY 2009. Graduation project subject : (Computational & Wind Tunnel Performance Study of Airfoils Used In Turbomachinary and Airplanes) Graduation Project Grade : Excellent (200/200)
  • 2. Experience: (Smartech for Trade and Systems company) Worked in this company as Senior Mechanical Works at Qatar since April 2016 up to now. Also, work as project designing for HVAC & firefighting projects and site supervision. (Square Technical Services for MEP Works) Worked in this company as Project Manager for Mechanical Works at Qatar since April 2014 to April 2016 Also, work as project designing for HVAC & firefighting projects and site supervision. (TIBA Egypt for construction) Worked as mechanical engineer in firefighting and HVAC department (Aug. 2009) - mechanical engineer supervisor -designing and installation- (Jun.2010 Dec. 2011) - Maintenance Manager from Dec. 2011 up to Apr. 2014 :( Maintenance of generators and fire fighting systems and fire alarm systems and maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration systems and maintenance of pumps and water supply systems). - have certificate notarized from Egyptian authority. (Arab Company for air conditioning ) Worked from 1/6/2009 to 30/7/2009 I Worked as a site engineer for three months in ELMASRYA ELHOLANDIA Company for general contracting, the nature of the job was: In the field of the water and sanitation networks to the new cities, such as: Badr City, New Damietta City and New Minya City. - also AutoCAD designer for some drawings related by the work Previous Training: From August to September 2006 in Egyptian National Railways From August to September 2007 in EFCO for Spinning and Weaving. From August to September 2008 in ARTEX APPAREL for garments. Have certificate of training for Awareness and internal auditor course according to ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Have Certificate of basic program of occupational safety and health ( Safety Specialist) from NIOSH Have certificate for AutoCAD training notarized from Egyptian authority. Have certificate for HVAC and firefighting training notarized from Egyptian authority.
  • 3. Language: English : very good Mother language : Arabic Computer skills: Excellent dealing with : AutoCAD (2D & 3D) Mechanical Solid works program. Catia, Power mill, Pro Engineer. Fluent (Simulation program, CFD) Skilled user of MS Office (MS Word, Excel, and Power Point) in all their editions. Internet searching, surfing, and resources usage skills. Special Skills and Capabilities: Accept the probability of working under pressure and negative environments. Good experience in presentations. Adapted easily with different cultures and work environment. Capable of managing groups, coordinating tasks, making decisions and meeting goals at deadlines, and the experience of being a part of a team and work with time schedule has been gathered in a small scale. Being a team leader in some kind of practical projects has been experienced before. Very good communication skills. Ability to learn new technologies, tools, plans, or work procedures in a short time. Availability and job requested: Availability : I am able to start within 2 weeks As : full time. Job field : Mechanical power Engineering. I can work in : Egypt, Arab countries, foreign countries. Interests: Reading books in my field "Mechanical Engineering Sciences" Surfing Internet Traveling Playing chess Learning new technology.