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Mostafa Ahmed Hasanien Hazaa
Address: 11 Assem Abd El Hamied st., 8th district, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Postal code: 11762
Home No.: (+2) 0222703949
Mobile No.: (+2) 01127773448 / (+2) 01095629408
E-mail: mostafahazaa3@hotmail.com
Website: www.linkedin.com/in/MostafaHazaa3
A mechanical engineer, who looking forward to a featured position in a pioneer company which
takes advantage of my efforts, develops my educational background to the fullest extent and adds new
experiences to me.
 B.Sc. in Mechanical Power Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. (Sep 2009  Jul 2014)
Grade: Good
 Graduation Project - Designing of HVAC system for a hotel.
Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Maged Negm.
Grade: Excellent
 High School, Taher Abo Zaid Secondary School, Cairo, Egypt. (Sep 2006  Jul 2009)
Score: 98%
Employment experiences
 Site Engineer (Apr 2015  Present)
The Arab Contractors (OSMAN AHMED OSMAN & Co.)
 Design Engineer (Oct 2014  Mar 2015)
KE & Partners (Electromechanical Consulting Engineers), Cairo, Egypt.
Working as a member of team to do the following tasks for different construction projects:
o HVAC system.
o Fire fighting system.
o Plumbing system.
Training experiences
 KHALDA Petroleum Company (APACHE), Petrofac Field, Western Desert, Egypt. (Aug 2013)
Grade: Excellent
 The Arab Contractors (OSMAN AHMED OSMAN & Co.), Central Workshops, Cairo, Egypt. (Jul 2012)
Grade: Excellent
 KHALDA Petroleum Company (APACHE), Al Salam Field, Western Desert, Egypt. (Sep 2011)
Grade: Excellent
Language skills
 Arabic: Mother tongue
 English: Excellent
Enrolled in TOEFL IBT test preparation course, AMIDEAST, Giza, Egypt. (Feb 2015  Present)
Computer skills
 Microsoft Office
Extracurricular activities
 Volunteering in several charity organizations.
 Attending many sessions in soft skills.
 Member of the mass action committee in a political party.
 Participant at IDT (REVIT), Student activity. (Jul 2013)
 Participant at APEC (Es Pumps at Schlumberger), Student activity. (Aug 2013)
Personal skills
 Ambitious, organized and hard worker.
 Used to work in a teamwork environment.
 Having the ability to take responsibility and solve problems knowingly.
 Having excellent presentation skills and excellent communication skills.
Personal information
 Military state: Exempted
 Date of birth: September 23, 1992
 Marital state: Single
 Nationality: Egyptian
 Reading - Watching documentary movies.
 Travelling - Watching football matches.
 Doing Gym exercises - Playing Ping Pong.
References are available upon request.

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Mechanical Engineer - Mostafa Ahmed Hasanien Hazaa

  • 1. Mostafa Ahmed Hasanien Hazaa Address: 11 Assem Abd El Hamied st., 8th district, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. Postal code: 11762 Home No.: (+2) 0222703949 Mobile No.: (+2) 01127773448 / (+2) 01095629408 E-mail: mostafahazaa3@hotmail.com Website: www.linkedin.com/in/MostafaHazaa3 Objective A mechanical engineer, who looking forward to a featured position in a pioneer company which takes advantage of my efforts, develops my educational background to the fullest extent and adds new experiences to me. Education B.Sc. in Mechanical Power Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. (Sep 2009 Jul 2014) Grade: Good Graduation Project - Designing of HVAC system for a hotel. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Maged Negm. Grade: Excellent High School, Taher Abo Zaid Secondary School, Cairo, Egypt. (Sep 2006 Jul 2009) Score: 98% Employment experiences Site Engineer (Apr 2015 Present) The Arab Contractors (OSMAN AHMED OSMAN & Co.) Design Engineer (Oct 2014 Mar 2015) KE & Partners (Electromechanical Consulting Engineers), Cairo, Egypt. Working as a member of team to do the following tasks for different construction projects: o HVAC system. o Fire fighting system. o Plumbing system. Training experiences KHALDA Petroleum Company (APACHE), Petrofac Field, Western Desert, Egypt. (Aug 2013) Grade: Excellent The Arab Contractors (OSMAN AHMED OSMAN & Co.), Central Workshops, Cairo, Egypt. (Jul 2012) Grade: Excellent KHALDA Petroleum Company (APACHE), Al Salam Field, Western Desert, Egypt. (Sep 2011) Grade: Excellent Language skills Arabic: Mother tongue English: Excellent Enrolled in TOEFL IBT test preparation course, AMIDEAST, Giza, Egypt. (Feb 2015 Present) Computer skills Microsoft Office AutoCAD HAP REVIT Inventor
  • 2. Extracurricular activities Volunteering in several charity organizations. Attending many sessions in soft skills. Member of the mass action committee in a political party. Participant at IDT (REVIT), Student activity. (Jul 2013) Participant at APEC (Es Pumps at Schlumberger), Student activity. (Aug 2013) Personal skills Ambitious, organized and hard worker. Used to work in a teamwork environment. Having the ability to take responsibility and solve problems knowingly. Having excellent presentation skills and excellent communication skills. Personal information Military state: Exempted Date of birth: September 23, 1992 Marital state: Single Nationality: Egyptian Interests Reading - Watching documentary movies. Travelling - Watching football matches. Doing Gym exercises - Playing Ping Pong. References References are available upon request.