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[Lab1] Basic Tensorflow
Prepared by Gyeong-hoon Lee
Data Mining Lab. 503
E-mail : ghlee0304@cnu.ac.kr
1) prompt谿曙 れ ロ.
pip3 install -upgrade tensorflow
2) tensorflow windows 蟆曙 C++ 2015 覦壱 れ螳 .
 るジ讓 襷一 企Ν  危 襷 願鍵

How to Install Tensorflow (1)
3) れ企  殊 れ
How to Install Tensorflow (2)
豌危  れ 企Ν
れ企  れ
How to Install Tensorflow (3)
4) れ螳 襭給. 企ゼ 誤蠍 伎 れ螻 螳 讌.
C:> python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.__version__
>>> a = tf.constant(1)
>>> b = tf.constant(2)
>>> c = tf.add(a, b)
>>> sess = tf.Session()
>>> print(sess.run(c))
<cmd ろ覃 >
<idle ろ 覃>
Python Libraries for numerical computation in tensorflow
- numpy : 覦一伎 伎 豺 螻一  觜襯願 蠍   殊企襴
[tutorial site] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/user/quickstart.html
>>> pip3 install numpy
- pandas : 企, 襴讀 煙 襭 伎 一危磯ゼ 所 る蠍  殊企襴
[tutorial site] http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/10min.html
>>> pip3 install pandas
- matplotlib : 一危一 覿 豢 煙 蠏碁襯 牛 誤   殊企襴
[tutorial site] https://matplotlib.org/users/pyplot_tutorial.html
>>> pip3 install matplotlib
Other libraries
Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : Constant
   れ梗 螳  螳豌企 朱 覲蟆渚伎.
 磯Μ螳 燕 碁 覲襯 覿蠍 伎 覓語伎 name 朱誤磯ゼ   .
1) placeholder
襦覿 れ  螳 覦蠍  襴(place)襯 讌螻(hold)  碁
磯殊 煙 螳 螳讌讌 
2) feed_dict (feed dictionary)
- 蠏碁 placeholder 碁 螳 ロ  覃, 蠏 螳れ , 覓語, 襴ろ, numpy 覦一伎
- 伎 (dictionary) {key :value}  螳讌 襭
Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : PlaceHolder
input螳 襭 int or float 焔
input 覈 tensor shape
node 企
Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : PlaceHolder - Example
3) placeholder shape
) shape = [] : 0谿 , れ梗 - shape = [3] : 1谿  - shape = [1,3] : 2谿 
*  覈(shape) 螳 襦 一一 螳ロ.
4) placeholder feed_dict襦 螳 
- sess.run(, feed_dict={伎ろ :  螳})
1. 誤磯 螳 Lab01:Tensorflow 蠍磯蓋 殊企
in [ ]. 朱  觚襦れ 谿襦襦 豢螳願覃伎 ろ企慨螻 ろ 蟆郁骸 覃伎
貂′伎 覲願 襴.
豢螻殊-1 (10 11手讌 豢)
豢螻殊-2 (10 11手讌 豢)
2. れ 蠏碁襦 蟲 貊襯 燕螻
- a b襯 tf.constant 5 3朱 蟲
- a b襯 tf.placeholder襯 伎 蟲螻 (a,b)=(1,2), (3,4), (5,6),(7,8), (9,10)  蟶朱 ろ
襦 rank 1 襦 ロ
Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : Variable
 襾語  煙 螳 磯 覲蟆暑 螳 ロ   覦覯 .
 Session.run() 語  讌覃伎 覲蟆 螳ロ  螳 覲願蠍  Variable 螳豌企ゼ .
 , 豐蠍壱襯 讌 朱 variable 螳 轟 讌 朱襦 覦 tf.global_variables_initializer()
襯 ろ伎狩.
 豐蠍郁 讌 讌伎朱 覦覯螻 覓伎 豐蠍郁 燕 襯 伎 覦覯 .
Variable - example
tf.reduce_mean  example
x = np.array([[1,2,3],
a = tf.reduce_mean(x,axis=0) [4 5 6]
a = tf.reduce_mean(x,axis=1) [2 5 8]
a = tf.reduce_mean(x) 5

x = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
x = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])
4 5 6
case 1 : axis=0
case 2 : axis=1
覲 襦 螳 麹蠍  .
Example 1
a = tf.Variable(initial_value=3, dtype = tf.float32)
b = tf.assign(a,1) or a.assign(1)
sess = tf.Session()
print(sess.run(a))  3.0
print(sess.run(b))  1.0
print(sess.run(a))  1.0
How to load and save data
np.loadtxt(filename, dtype, delimiter, skiprows)
import numpy as np
np.loadtxt(".../data.csv", delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
# skiprows = n  蟆曙,  n覯讌 譴蟾讌 誤螻 覿.
np.savetxt(filename, X, delimiter)
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
np.savetxt(".../data.csv", a, delimiter=',')
3. 誤磯 螳 Lab02 (linear regression) 殊企
Full code with placeholder伎 貊襯 れ 一危磯ゼ 螳讌螻 ろ企慨螻 ろ 蟆郁骸
覃伎 貂′伎 覲願 襴.
X=[1,2,3,4,,10], Y=[2.2, 5.2, 6.1, 7.9, 10.5, 11.8, 15, 16, 18.2, 20]
4. 誤磯 螳 Lab03 (linear regression cost  豕) 殊企襯 谿瑚
 3覯 一危磯ゼ 螳讌螻 cost  蠏碁襯 蠏碁Μ螻 ろ覃伎 貂′伎
覲願 豢螳
5. data.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱 伎,
training set朱 linear regression  test set  豌 れ  豸♀螻 れ螳
襴壱誤螻, 豌 cost 蠏螳 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕螻 ろ誤.
豢螻殊-3 (10 11手讌 豢)
 豢 蠍壱
 1谿 : 10 12  蟾讌 (10 襷 豈)
 2谿 : 10 12  れ 螳  蟾讌(7 襷 豈)
 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( )
 豢 覦覯
1) Source 貊 (.py)
2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願
3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l  豢 企 貂殊れ 豢.
4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企
[Lab2] Logistic classification
 Hypothesis : linear function
 Prediction : 豸♀ 0.5覲企    襯 蠍一朱 class label 蟆一
 magic.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱 
, training set朱 linear classification   test set  accuracy襯 蟲 
襴壱誤 貊襯 燕.
 Step  企至 れ伎 test set    accuracy襯 詞  讌 螻ろ伎 .
豢螻殊1 (10 25手讌 豢)  linear hypothesis 伎 classification
 Hypothesis : logistic function
 Prediction : 豸♀ 0.5覲企    襯 蠍一朱 class label 蟆一
 magic.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱
, training set朱 logistic classification   test set  accuracy襯 蟲
襴壱誤 貊襯 燕.
 Step  企至 れ伎 test set    accuracy襯 詞  讌 螻ろ伎 .
 magic.csv : Data are MC generated to simulate registration of high energy gamma particles in
an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope
instance 19020螳, feature: 10螳, class: 2螳
豢螻殊2 (10 25手讌 豢)  logistic classification
 Lab06 殊企 貊襯 谿瑚 image.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱
螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱, training set朱 softmax classification 
test set  襯 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕.
 Step  企至 れ伎 test set    accuracy襯 詞  讌 螻ろ伎 .
 magic.csv : 殊 企語 一危磯 覯暑覃, , , 覃, 谿, 蟆暑, 襯 企
企る 企伎
instance 2310螳, feature: 19螳, class: 7螳
豢螻殊3 (10 25手讌 豢)  softmax classification
 豢 蠍壱
 1谿 : 10 25 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈)
 2谿 : 10 25  れ 螳  蟾讌(7 襷 豈)
 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( )
 豢 覦覯
1) Source 貊 (.py)
2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願
3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l  豢 企 貂殊れ 豢.
4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企
[Lab3] train, validation, test
[Lab 7-2]襯 谿瑚 Mnist 一危磯ゼ 覿 ,
 Training set朱 softmax classification  覈語 牛螻
 襷 epoch襷 train螻 validation, test set  襯 豸′ ロ
 Epoch 磯ジ Train, validation, test set  襯 蠏碁襦 蠏碁 觜蟲
 Learning rate襯 0.01, 0.1, 0.5襦   蟆郁骸れ 觜蟲伎 覿
豢螻殊3 (11 1手讌 豢)  mnist 一危磯ゼ 伎 softmax classification
 matplotlib 殊企襴襯 伎 蠏碁襯 蠏碁Π.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
data1 = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
data2 = data1**2
plt.plot(data1, k--, lable=data1)
plt.plot(data2, r--, lable=data2)
plt.legend() #覯襦
plt.show() #蠏碁 覲伎願鍵
蠏碁 蠏碁Μ蠍(matplotlib 伎)
* 谿瑚 : https://matplotlib.org/index.html
豢 螻殊
 豢 蠍壱
 1谿 : 11 1 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈)
 2谿 : 11 8 蟾讌(7 襷 豈)
 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( )
 豢 覦覯
1) Source 貊 (.py)
2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願
3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l  豢 企 貂殊れ 豢.
4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企
[Lab9] TensorBoard
Tensorboard (tf.summary.FileWriter覯)
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(dirname)
Step1) py殊 襷れ れ 燕螻 ろ
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.constant(1,name='input_a')
b = tf.constant(2,name='input_b')
c = tf.add(a,b,name='sum_c')
sess = tf.Session()
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./board1")
Step2) board1 启螳 蟆朱讌 
 蟆暑 れ
board1 启  殊 蟆朱讌
Step3) cmd谿曙 願 board1  启蟾讌 企
 D:/SL/board1 朱  
Step4) cmd谿曙 れ 
tensorboard -logdir=board1
譯殊襯 chrome 覿 l朱 るジ讓所骸 螳 蠏碁殊 
)  覲企 覃
Tensorboard (覲旧″ )
xor覓語襯 蠍   豸旧朱 襷 蟲譟

W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 2]), name='weight1')
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2]), name='bias1')
layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 1]), name='weight2')
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]), name='bias2')
hypothesis = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer1, W2) + b2)

)  覲企 覃 xor_nn.py
*  豸旧朱 襷 螳 蟲譟一  覲企 
磯Μ螳 襷 碁(襯 れ weight bias)
危エ覲願鍵螳 企給.
Tensorboard (with tf.name_scope(name)覯)
 with tf.name_scope(name)
 碁襯 螳蠍 ク襦  企朱 覓玖鍵  .
 ) xor_nn_name_scope.py
with tf.name_scope('Layer1'):
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 10]), name='weight1')
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias1')
layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)
with tf.name_scope('Layer2'):
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10, 10]), name='weight2')
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias2')
layer2 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer1, W2) + b2)
)  覲企 覃 xor_nn_name_scope.py
Tensorboard (tf.summary.scalar)
 tf.summary.scalar(name, value)
碁 scalar 企麹 螳れ 覈 豢企ゼ 危  
) cost, accuracy, entropy
 ) xor_nn_summary_scalar_hist.py
cost = -tf.reduce_mean(Y * tf.log(hypothesis) + (1 - Y)*tf.log(1 - hypothesis))
cost_scalar = tf.summary.scalar('cost',cost)

summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
with tf.Session() as sess:
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./board4")

for step in range(10001):
s,_ = sess.run([summary,train], feed_dict={X: x_data, Y: y_data})
writer.add_summary(s, global_step=step)
)  覲企 覃(SCALARS tab)
Tensorboard (tf.summary.histogram)
 tf.summary.histogram(name, value)
碁 vector 企麹 螳れ 覈 覿襯 誤蠍  
) weight, bias
 ) xor_nn_summary_scalar_hist.py
with tf.name_scope('Layer1'):
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 10]), name='weight1')
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias1')
layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)
W1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('weights1',W1)
b1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('biases1',b1)
layer1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('layer1',layer1)
危 tf.summary.scalar 螻殊 
)  覲企 覃(HISTOGRAM tab)
Tensorboard (multiple_run)
 螳  螳 觜蟲螻  ,  蟆暑 覦 觜蟲螻 parameter 
螳 螳 磯  蟆暑襯 襷れ 蠏碁襯 ロ伎朱 .
train =tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(cost)

train =tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(cost)
tensorboard --logdir=./logs
[Lab 7-2]襯 谿瑚 Mnist 一危磯ゼ 覿 ,
Train set 伎 softmax classifier襯 牛 貊襯  れ 
1. with tf.name_scope(name) 伎 蠏碁襯 覲企 螳.
2. tf.summary.scalar()襯 伎 cost accuray襯 覲企 epoch 磯 蠏碁襯
蠏碁Μ螻 覲企 覃伎 貂′.
3. tf.summary.histogram() 伎 w b histogram 覲企 願 epoch
 磯ジ w b 覲襯 覿.
* 螳 螻殊 覲企 覃伎 貂′ 覲願 燕.
豢螻殊1 (11 15手讌 豢)  mnist 一危  伎 覲企
[Lab 10] 谿瑚 image.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻
襾語 1/5 test set朱, training set 伎 softmax classifier襯 
螻 test set 伎 襯 豸′. (蠍磯蓋  (epoch) 2,000)
れ 螳 蟆曙一 襷蟆 牛蟆曙 覲蟆渚 牛  test set 襯 觜蟲.
1. 豸旧 1豸旧朱   vs 豸旧 3豸旧朱  
2. 豸旧 3豸旧 softmax classification
Xavier initializer 伎 vs random normal initializer
3. 豸旧 3願 xavier豐蠍壱襯  貊
dropout (keep_prob=0.7)  vs dropout  讌  
豢螻殊2 (11 15手讌 豢)  deep softmax classification
豢 蠍壱
 豢 蠍壱
 1谿 : 11 15 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈)
 2谿 : 11 22 蟾讌(7 襷 豈)
 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( )
 豢 覦覯
1) Source 貊 (.py)
2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願
3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l  豢 企 貂殊れ 豢.
4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企
[Lab11] CNN
 Cifar10 60,000螳 32x32 color image(training image : 50,000螳, test image : 10,000螳)襦 企
 . (Download site https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html)
 10螳 企(airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck)襯 螳讌螻 .
 Baseline results
- cuda-convnet : CNN 牛  18% ろ る 螳讌
Cifar10 Dataset
 Cifar-10 python version れ 覦.
 れ企  殊 豢 覃 れ螻 螳 朱れ 詞  .
 train set 10,000螳 5螳襦 伎 .
Cifar10 Dataset Download
1) unpickle 一危一 襭蟲譟磯 (dictionary)企
key襦 data labels襯 螳讌   .
2) 1~5襦 伎 train 一危磯ゼ 豎譯手 feature label
襦  螻殊 .
 Cifar10 一危磯ゼ 至鍵 伎 unpickle企朱 襯 .
Cifar10 Dataset Download
[谿語^] https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html)
ロ 蟆暑
 Cifar10 一危磯ゼ Download螻 企ゼ numpy   npy襦 襷れ伎朱 貊襯 螻
 螻牛 れ 襯 觚企Ν.
 れ  螳 殊 焔.
 npy 殊 れ螻 螳 曙  .
Cifar10 Dataset Download
[Note] Cifar10 train一危磯 50,000螳企, 螳 れ
RGB 3豈 螳讌 32x32企語襯 螳螳 1x3072 覯″磯
 [Lab 11-2]襯 谿瑚 trainX.npy, trainY.npy, testX.npy, testY.npy殊 一危磯ゼ 曙
覩碁 覦一 伎襯 100朱  一危磯ゼ  旧る CNN 蟲螻, 蟾螻 蟆
(deep and wide) 蟲譟磯ゼ 覲貅螳覃伎 test accuracy螳 螳  覈語 谿場殊.
ろ 蟆郁骸襯 貂′螻 覲願襯 燕.
(, 覈語  伎襯 覈 狩覃   code seed襯 tf.set_random_seed(0)
朱 れ.)
豢螻殊 (11 29手讌 豢)  CNN
豢 蠍壱
 豢 蠍壱
 1谿 : 11 29 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈)
 2谿 : 12 06 蟾讌(7 襷 豈)
 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( )
 豢 覦覯
1) Source 貊 (.py)
2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願
3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l  豢 企 貂殊れ 豢.
4) 启 覦 朱 : CS06_螻殊覯_覯_企

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  • 1. [Lab1] Basic Tensorflow Prepared by Gyeong-hoon Lee Data Mining Lab. 503 E-mail : ghlee0304@cnu.ac.kr
  • 2. 1) prompt谿曙 れ ロ. pip3 install -upgrade tensorflow 2) tensorflow windows 蟆曙 C++ 2015 覦壱 れ螳 . るジ讓 襷一 企Ν 危 襷 願鍵 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53587 How to Install Tensorflow (1)
  • 3. 3) れ企 殊 れ How to Install Tensorflow (2) 豌危 れ 企Ν れ企 れ
  • 4. How to Install Tensorflow (3) 4) れ螳 襭給. 企ゼ 誤蠍 伎 れ螻 螳 讌. C:> python >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> tf.__version__ 1.2.1 >>> a = tf.constant(1) >>> b = tf.constant(2) >>> c = tf.add(a, b) >>> sess = tf.Session() >>> print(sess.run(c)) 3 <cmd ろ覃 > <idle ろ 覃>
  • 5. Python Libraries for numerical computation in tensorflow - numpy : 覦一伎 伎 豺 螻一 觜襯願 蠍 殊企襴 [tutorial site] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/user/quickstart.html >>> pip3 install numpy - pandas : 企, 襴讀 煙 襭 伎 一危磯ゼ 所 る蠍 殊企襴 [tutorial site] http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/10min.html >>> pip3 install pandas - matplotlib : 一危一 覿 豢 煙 蠏碁襯 牛 誤 殊企襴 [tutorial site] https://matplotlib.org/users/pyplot_tutorial.html >>> pip3 install matplotlib Other libraries
  • 6. Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : Constant Constant れ梗 螳 螳豌企 朱 覲蟆渚伎. 磯Μ螳 燕 碁 覲襯 覿蠍 伎 覓語伎 name 朱誤磯ゼ .
  • 7. 1) placeholder 襦覿 れ 螳 覦蠍 襴(place)襯 讌螻(hold) 碁 磯殊 煙 螳 螳讌讌 2) feed_dict (feed dictionary) - 蠏碁 placeholder 碁 螳 ロ 覃, 蠏 螳れ , 覓語, 襴ろ, numpy 覦一伎 - 伎 (dictionary) {key :value} 螳讌 襭 Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : PlaceHolder input螳 襭 int or float 焔 input 覈 tensor shape node 企 () () ()
  • 8. Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : PlaceHolder - Example 3) placeholder shape ) shape = [] : 0谿 , れ梗 - shape = [3] : 1谿 - shape = [1,3] : 2谿 * 覈(shape) 螳 襦 一一 螳ロ. 4) placeholder feed_dict襦 螳 - sess.run(, feed_dict={伎ろ : 螳})
  • 10. 1. 誤磯 螳 Lab01:Tensorflow 蠍磯蓋 殊企 in [ ]. 朱 觚襦れ 谿襦襦 豢螳願覃伎 ろ企慨螻 ろ 蟆郁骸 覃伎 貂′伎 覲願 襴. 豢螻殊-1 (10 11手讌 豢)
  • 11. 豢螻殊-2 (10 11手讌 豢) 2. れ 蠏碁襦 蟲 貊襯 燕螻 - a b襯 tf.constant 5 3朱 蟲 - a b襯 tf.placeholder襯 伎 蟲螻 (a,b)=(1,2), (3,4), (5,6),(7,8), (9,10) 蟶朱 ろ 襦 rank 1 襦 ロ 5 3 input input mul add add 23 a b c d e
  • 12. Tensorflow 襭蟲譟 : Variable Variable 襾語 煙 螳 磯 覲蟆暑 螳 ロ 覦覯 . Session.run() 語 讌覃伎 覲蟆 螳ロ 螳 覲願蠍 Variable 螳豌企ゼ . , 豐蠍壱襯 讌 朱 variable 螳 轟 讌 朱襦 覦 tf.global_variables_initializer() 襯 ろ伎狩. 豐蠍郁 讌 讌伎朱 覦覯螻 覓伎 豐蠍郁 燕 襯 伎 覦覯 . Variable - example
  • 13. tf.reduce_mean tf.reduce_mean tf.reduce_mean example x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) a = tf.reduce_mean(x,axis=0) [4 5 6] a = tf.reduce_mean(x,axis=1) [2 5 8] a = tf.reduce_mean(x) 5 x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) 4 5 6 2 5 8 case 1 : axis=0 case 2 : axis=1
  • 14. tf.assign tf.assign 覲 襦 螳 麹蠍 . Example 1 a = tf.Variable(initial_value=3, dtype = tf.float32) b = tf.assign(a,1) or a.assign(1) sess = tf.Session() sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) print(sess.run(a)) 3.0 print(sess.run(b)) 1.0 print(sess.run(a)) 1.0
  • 15. How to load and save data np.loadtxt(filename, dtype, delimiter, skiprows) Example import numpy as np np.loadtxt(".../data.csv", delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32) # skiprows = n 蟆曙, n覯讌 譴蟾讌 誤螻 覿. np.savetxt(filename, X, delimiter) Example import numpy as np a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) np.savetxt(".../data.csv", a, delimiter=',')
  • 16. 3. 誤磯 螳 Lab02 (linear regression) 殊企 Full code with placeholder伎 貊襯 れ 一危磯ゼ 螳讌螻 ろ企慨螻 ろ 蟆郁骸 覃伎 貂′伎 覲願 襴. X=[1,2,3,4,,10], Y=[2.2, 5.2, 6.1, 7.9, 10.5, 11.8, 15, 16, 18.2, 20] 4. 誤磯 螳 Lab03 (linear regression cost 豕) 殊企襯 谿瑚 3覯 一危磯ゼ 螳讌螻 cost 蠏碁襯 蠏碁Μ螻 ろ覃伎 貂′伎 覲願 豢螳 5. data.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱 伎, training set朱 linear regression test set 豌 れ 豸♀螻 れ螳 襴壱誤螻, 豌 cost 蠏螳 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕螻 ろ誤. 豢螻殊-3 (10 11手讌 豢)
  • 17. 豢螻殊 豢 蠍壱 1谿 : 10 12 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈) 2谿 : 10 12 れ 螳 蟾讌(7 襷 豈) 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( ) 豢 覦覯 1) Source 貊 (.py) 2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願 3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l 豢 企 貂殊れ 豢. 4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企 豢
  • 19. Hypothesis : linear function Prediction : 豸♀ 0.5覲企 襯 蠍一朱 class label 蟆一 magic.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱 , training set朱 linear classification test set accuracy襯 蟲 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕. Step 企至 れ伎 test set accuracy襯 詞 讌 螻ろ伎 . 豢螻殊1 (10 25手讌 豢) linear hypothesis 伎 classification
  • 20. Hypothesis : logistic function Prediction : 豸♀ 0.5覲企 襯 蠍一朱 class label 蟆一 magic.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱 , training set朱 logistic classification test set accuracy襯 蟲 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕. Step 企至 れ伎 test set accuracy襯 詞 讌 螻ろ伎 . magic.csv : Data are MC generated to simulate registration of high energy gamma particles in an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope instance 19020螳, feature: 10螳, class: 2螳 豢螻殊2 (10 25手讌 豢) logistic classification
  • 21. Lab06 殊企 貊襯 谿瑚 image.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱, training set朱 softmax classification test set 襯 襴壱誤 貊襯 燕. Step 企至 れ伎 test set accuracy襯 詞 讌 螻ろ伎 . magic.csv : 殊 企語 一危磯 覯暑覃, , , 覃, 谿, 蟆暑, 襯 企 企る 企伎 instance 2310螳, feature: 19螳, class: 7螳 豢螻殊3 (10 25手讌 豢) softmax classification
  • 22. 豢螻殊 豢 蠍壱 1谿 : 10 25 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈) 2谿 : 10 25 れ 螳 蟾讌(7 襷 豈) 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( ) 豢 覦覯 1) Source 貊 (.py) 2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願 3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l 豢 企 貂殊れ 豢. 4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企 豢
  • 24. [Lab 7-2]襯 谿瑚 Mnist 一危磯ゼ 覿 , Training set朱 softmax classification 覈語 牛螻 襷 epoch襷 train螻 validation, test set 襯 豸′ ロ Epoch 磯ジ Train, validation, test set 襯 蠏碁襦 蠏碁 觜蟲 Learning rate襯 0.01, 0.1, 0.5襦 蟆郁骸れ 觜蟲伎 覿 豢螻殊3 (11 1手讌 豢) mnist 一危磯ゼ 伎 softmax classification
  • 25. matplotlib 殊企襴襯 伎 蠏碁襯 蠏碁Π. Example) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() data1 = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) data2 = data1**2 plt.plot(data1, k--, lable=data1) plt.plot(data2, r--, lable=data2) plt.legend() #覯襦 plt.show() #蠏碁 覲伎願鍵 蠏碁 蠏碁Μ蠍(matplotlib 伎) * 谿瑚 : https://matplotlib.org/index.html
  • 26. 豢 螻殊 豢 蠍壱 1谿 : 11 1 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈) 2谿 : 11 8 蟾讌(7 襷 豈) 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( ) 豢 覦覯 1) Source 貊 (.py) 2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願 3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l 豢 企 貂殊れ 豢. 4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企 豢
  • 28. Tensorboard (tf.summary.FileWriter覯) tf.summary.FileWriter(name) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(dirname) writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Example Step1) py殊 襷れ れ 燕螻 ろ import tensorflow as tf a = tf.constant(1,name='input_a') b = tf.constant(2,name='input_b') c = tf.add(a,b,name='sum_c') sess = tf.Session() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./board1") writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Step2) board1 启螳 蟆朱讌 蟆暑 れ board1 启 殊 蟆朱讌
  • 29. Tensorboard Step3) cmd谿曙 願 board1 启蟾讌 企 D:/SL/board1 朱 Step4) cmd谿曙 れ tensorboard -logdir=board1 譯殊襯 chrome 覿 l朱 るジ讓所骸 螳 蠏碁殊 ) 覲企 覃
  • 30. Tensorboard (覲旧″ ) xor_nn.py xor覓語襯 蠍 豸旧朱 襷 蟲譟 W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 2]), name='weight1') b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2]), name='bias1') layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1) W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 1]), name='weight2') b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]), name='bias2') hypothesis = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer1, W2) + b2) ) 覲企 覃 xor_nn.py * 豸旧朱 襷 螳 蟲譟一 覲企 磯Μ螳 襷 碁(襯 れ weight bias) 危エ覲願鍵螳 企給.
  • 31. Tensorboard (with tf.name_scope(name)覯) with tf.name_scope(name) 碁襯 螳蠍 ク襦 企朱 覓玖鍵 . ) xor_nn_name_scope.py with tf.name_scope('Layer1'): W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 10]), name='weight1') b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias1') layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1) with tf.name_scope('Layer2'): W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10, 10]), name='weight2') b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias2') layer2 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer1, W2) + b2) ) 覲企 覃 xor_nn_name_scope.py
  • 32. Tensorboard (tf.summary.scalar) tf.summary.scalar(name, value) 碁 scalar 企麹 螳れ 覈 豢企ゼ 危 ) cost, accuracy, entropy ) xor_nn_summary_scalar_hist.py cost = -tf.reduce_mean(Y * tf.log(hypothesis) + (1 - Y)*tf.log(1 - hypothesis)) cost_scalar = tf.summary.scalar('cost',cost) summary = tf.summary.merge_all() with tf.Session() as sess: writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./board4") writer.add_graph(sess.graph) for step in range(10001): s,_ = sess.run([summary,train], feed_dict={X: x_data, Y: y_data}) writer.add_summary(s, global_step=step) ) 覲企 覃(SCALARS tab)
  • 33. Tensorboard (tf.summary.histogram) tf.summary.histogram(name, value) 碁 vector 企麹 螳れ 覈 覿襯 誤蠍 ) weight, bias ) xor_nn_summary_scalar_hist.py with tf.name_scope('Layer1'): W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 10]), name='weight1') b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10]), name='bias1') layer1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1) W1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('weights1',W1) b1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('biases1',b1) layer1_hist = tf.summary.histogram('layer1',layer1) 危 tf.summary.scalar 螻殊 ) 覲企 覃(HISTOGRAM tab)
  • 34. Tensorboard (multiple_run) 螳 螳 觜蟲螻 , 蟆暑 覦 觜蟲螻 parameter 螳 螳 磯 蟆暑襯 襷れ 蠏碁襯 ロ伎朱 . ) train =tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(cost) tf.summary.FileWriter(./logs/lr0.01) train =tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(cost) tf.summary.FileWriter(./logs/lr0.1) tensorboard --logdir=./logs
  • 35. [Lab 7-2]襯 谿瑚 Mnist 一危磯ゼ 覿 , Train set 伎 softmax classifier襯 牛 貊襯 れ 1. with tf.name_scope(name) 伎 蠏碁襯 覲企 螳. 2. tf.summary.scalar()襯 伎 cost accuray襯 覲企 epoch 磯 蠏碁襯 蠏碁Μ螻 覲企 覃伎 貂′. 3. tf.summary.histogram() 伎 w b histogram 覲企 願 epoch 磯ジ w b 覲襯 覿. * 螳 螻殊 覲企 覃伎 貂′ 覲願 燕. 豢螻殊1 (11 15手讌 豢) mnist 一危 伎 覲企
  • 36. [Lab 10] 谿瑚 image.csv 殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 4/5襯 training set朱 螻 襾語 1/5 test set朱, training set 伎 softmax classifier襯 螻 test set 伎 襯 豸′. (蠍磯蓋 (epoch) 2,000) れ 螳 蟆曙一 襷蟆 牛蟆曙 覲蟆渚 牛 test set 襯 觜蟲. 1. 豸旧 1豸旧朱 vs 豸旧 3豸旧朱 2. 豸旧 3豸旧 softmax classification Xavier initializer 伎 vs random normal initializer 3. 豸旧 3願 xavier豐蠍壱襯 貊 dropout (keep_prob=0.7) vs dropout 讌 豢螻殊2 (11 15手讌 豢) deep softmax classification
  • 37. 豢 蠍壱 豢 蠍壱 1谿 : 11 15 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈) 2谿 : 11 22 蟾讌(7 襷 豈) 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( ) 豢 覦覯 1) Source 貊 (.py) 2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願 3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l 豢 企 貂殊れ 豢. 4) 启 覦 朱 : CS00_螻殊覯_覯_企 豢
  • 39. Cifar10 60,000螳 32x32 color image(training image : 50,000螳, test image : 10,000螳)襦 企 . (Download site https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html) 10螳 企(airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck)襯 螳讌螻 . Baseline results - cuda-convnet : CNN 牛 18% ろ る 螳讌 Cifar10 Dataset
  • 40. Cifar-10 python version れ 覦. れ企 殊 豢 覃 れ螻 螳 朱れ 詞 . train set 10,000螳 5螳襦 伎 . Cifar10 Dataset Download 企Ν!!
  • 41. 1) unpickle 一危一 襭蟲譟磯 (dictionary)企 key襦 data labels襯 螳讌 . 2) 1~5襦 伎 train 一危磯ゼ 豎譯手 feature label 襦 螻殊 . Cifar10 一危磯ゼ 至鍵 伎 unpickle企朱 襯 . Cifar10 Dataset Download [谿語^] https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html) ロ 蟆暑
  • 42. Cifar10 一危磯ゼ Download螻 企ゼ numpy npy襦 襷れ伎朱 貊襯 螻 螻牛 れ 襯 觚企Ν. れ 螳 殊 焔. npy 殊 れ螻 螳 曙 . Cifar10 Dataset Download [Note] Cifar10 train一危磯 50,000螳企, 螳 れ RGB 3豈 螳讌 32x32企語襯 螳螳 1x3072 覯″磯 .
  • 43. [Lab 11-2]襯 谿瑚 trainX.npy, trainY.npy, testX.npy, testY.npy殊 一危磯ゼ 曙 覩碁 覦一 伎襯 100朱 一危磯ゼ 旧る CNN 蟲螻, 蟾螻 蟆 (deep and wide) 蟲譟磯ゼ 覲貅螳覃伎 test accuracy螳 螳 覈語 谿場殊. ろ 蟆郁骸襯 貂′螻 覲願襯 燕. (, 覈語 伎襯 覈 狩覃 code seed襯 tf.set_random_seed(0) 朱 れ.) 豢螻殊 (11 29手讌 豢) CNN
  • 44. 豢 蠍壱 豢 蠍壱 1谿 : 11 29 蟾讌 (10 襷 豈) 2谿 : 12 06 蟾讌(7 襷 豈) 危 豢 覩語豢襦 螳譯( ) 豢 覦覯 1) Source 貊 (.py) 2) ろ 蟆郁骸 覃 貂′伎 燕 覲願 3) 1)螻 2)襯 启 l 豢 企 貂殊れ 豢. 4) 启 覦 朱 : CS06_螻殊覯_覯_企 豢