This document discusses an experiment to drop a tennis ball placed on top of a basketball. It is hypothesized that both balls will hit the ground at the same time. However, when they are dropped, the kinetic energy from the basketball is transferred to the tennis ball, causing it to bounce much higher into the air. The experiment demonstrates that energy can be transferred between objects and is not lost, only changed into different forms.
This document discusses an experiment to drop a tennis ball placed on top of a basketball. It is hypothesized that both balls will hit the ground at the same time. However, when they are dropped, the kinetic energy from the basketball is transferred to the tennis ball, causing it to bounce much higher into the air. The experiment demonstrates that energy can be transferred between objects and is not lost, only changed into different forms.
A fish was swimming in the sea until a big wave pushed it onto the beach. A woman and man helped the fish by giving it a scarf and candy cane. Then a boy came and kicked the fish back into the sea, where it swam happily once more.
The story is about a man who makes a plan to catch a fish for money but is greedy. The fish gets angry at being chased and eats the man. The man is reborn and tells his family to not be greedy for money.
This document discusses an experiment to drop a tennis ball placed on top of a basketball. It is hypothesized that both balls will hit the ground at the same time. However, when they are dropped, the kinetic energy from the basketball is transferred to the tennis ball, causing it to bounce much higher into the air. The experiment demonstrates that energy can be transferred between objects and is not lost, only changed into different forms.
A man had a giant seed and went to his neighbor's house to get some shrinking powder to make the seed smaller. He put the shrinking powder on the seed which caused both the seed and the man to shrink dramatically, requiring the man to go to the hospital.
Krishna played with his friends and ate a cherry before eating all the butter that was in a pot without sharing any of it. After finishing the butter, Krishna made some milk and put it into the pot.
Lake Bartels was built in 1999 and covers about 1.5 acres within a 10 acre area. It is stocked with various fish, aquatic plants, and invertebrates. The lake sits in a field and is replenished by rainwater and an underground aquifer. It has a maximum depth of 30 feet and recently installed underwater bubblers were added to circulate the water. The document also provides the schedule, items to bring, and rules for a visit to the lake.
The document summarizes key findings from a class survey about college student stress and health:
- 80% of students feel stressed more than half the time from school and work
- Only 16% get over 6 hours of sleep per night
- 55% feel they get sick often
- 100% exercise less than 4 times a week and most eat "grab and go" meals
It then discusses health risks of stress for college students and resources to help address these risks. Chronic stress can lower immunity and increase risks of health issues like high blood pressure. The article recommends getting adequate sleep, eating healthy, exercising, taking time for leisure, and not overstressing about being stressed.
The survey found that 80% of students feel stressed over 50% of the time from school and work. Only 16% get over 6 hours of sleep and 55% feel they get sick often. 100% exercise less than 4 times a week and most eat grab-and-go foods. The document discusses the health risks of stress for college students and resources to help address these risks.
The document describes the four seasons - autumn is neither hot nor cold as leaves fall from trees, winter is cold so people wear warm clothes, spring is pleasant as flowers bloom, summer is the hottest time when people enjoy going to the beach.
Helping students get better grades and stay focused on school can lead them to graduate from both high school and college. It also improves their self-esteem and encourages positive thinking about themselves while in school.
Andrea Pedroza plans to become an industrial engineer and practice parachuting. She hopes to start her own company and found an organization to help orphaned animals. She also imagines getting married, having children, and taking her mother to the sea.
Imagine... Tropical Inspired Modern Living.
This is what sums up Luana Homes. Located in Calajoan, Minglanilla, Cebu Luana Homes is only a few meters walk from the highway. Though without a beach front, Luana Homes has all the amenities that you need in a luxurious resort. Wide Open Spaces, Lap & Kiddie Pool, Clubhouse, Gym, Baskteball Court, and Cabanas.
Now, you can have a vacation at your own home!
A fish was swimming in the sea until a big wave pushed it onto the beach. A woman and man helped the fish by giving it a scarf and candy cane. Then a boy came and kicked the fish back into the sea, where it swam happily once more.
23. 丱仂亟 仂从舒
亅舒仗 仂亳亠仆舒亳亳.
T Good morning, children! Im glad to see you. Are you ready to work?
So, whats the topic of our lesson today?
P - Our topic is Festivals and Celebrations
T- You are right. We have already spoken about holidays in Great Britain,
about holidays in America. Our todays lesson is one of the last lessons on
the topic so today we are going to speak about holidays and festivals in
different countries of the world. But why shall we speak
about that? What do we expect to learn?
P1- We shall speak about peoples life in different countries.
P2-We shall learn some facts about customs and traditions.
T You are quite right because festivals are part of nations culture.
Speaking about holidays we learn not only what people do, how they act,
what songs they sing, what dances they dance, what they cook and what
they eat. We also learn the history of these peoples. The more we learn
about these peoples the better we understand them. They become closer to
us and it is easier to make friends with them. Please, Olesya, read the
motto.( The girl reads the motto and sais what she thinks about it.)
24. T Thank you. I believe that you will like our lesson and at the end of the lesson
you will tell what was the most interesting for you and what you learned at the
亅舒仗 亠仍亠仗仂仍舒亞舒仆亳亠.
And during the lesson we are
P1 We are learning to speak about festivals.
P2- We are developing reading skills.
P3 We are practicing listening.
P4 We are developing our writing.
P5 We are learning about culture of different cultures.
亅舒仗 亠舒仍亳亰舒亳亳.
T Now look again at the motto and tell me please how you understand it.
( P1 , P2, P3 express their opinions.)
T Thank you. The motto is the answer to the question why we learn this topic.
So what shall we do at our lesson taking into consideration your homework.
( Writing down the plan on the blackboard.)
T Say after me
AS I was going along, along, along
A-singing a comical song, song, song
The lane that I went was so long, long, long
And the song that I sang was as long, long, long
And so I went singing along.
25. 亠亠于舒 亰舒磲从舒.
T Do you like to sing?
When do you usually sing?
Do you like holidays?
What is your favourite holiday? Why?
What other holidays do you like?
What do you like more to get presents or to give presents?
How often do you get presents?
Who do you usually give presents to?
What holidays are celebrated in your family?
T - Now lets play a Guess game. On your tables there are cards. Each of
you will read the card and other pupils will guess what holiday it is.
( Pupils play the game.)
T Well, now it is the very time for your prsentations. Different holidays
are celebrated in different countries of the world. Now you will show what
you have prepared. But before you start Id like to ask you to listen to your
friends attentively. Afterwards youll tell what festival you liked best and
what holiday you would like to celebrate in our country. But first the rules
for your presentation:
Your story must be understandable
Must contain illustrations
Your story must contain interesting facts
Your speech must be correct and fluent
26. ( Pupils show their presentations : Brasil Carnival,
Rose Parade
St Valentines Day
Sydney Picnic
All Fools Day
Christmas Twice
Christmas in France
First Foot
Thanksgiving Day)
T So what holiday did you like best?
( Pupils speak about holidays they liked)
T I should say that youve found a very interesting information about
big and small festivals, about local festivals ( Passadena Rose Parade,
Sydney Harbour Bridge Picnic). Youve told us about big festivals
which are celebrated in one country ( Brasillian Carnival, Thanksgiving
Day, First Foot) and about holidays celebrated all over the
world( Christmas, All Fools Day, St Valentines Day). Youve found a
lot of things in the Internet, in the books, magazines. In our books there
is a lot of material too. Open your
27. boos at page 93 and find ex.4. First lets read the new words.( Pupils
read the new words after the teacher and individually. Then pupils read
the text and answer the questions and do ex.3,p.92).
T We have already spoken big and small holidays, about local and
state festivals. But some people like to go to the theatre or to the
concert and this is an event for them. Now Id like you to listen to the
dialogue on the cassette and say wheren they decide to go and why. But
first open the books at p.95 and look at the advertisements in ex.16.
(Pupils look at the advertisements and answer the questions .
Then they listen to the cassette and answer the main question.)
T Now lets look at our plan. What havent we done yet? We havent
done grammar exercises.
(Pupils do grammar exercises.)
T So we have fulfilled our plan. Everybody worked very well. Thank
仂仄舒仆亠亠 亰舒亟舒仆亳亠.