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Anna Nagle
December, 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Anna Nagle
3212 Ellwood Ave Unit C
Richmond, VA 23221
513-720-5550 asnagle@vcu.edu
 Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2015
o Advisors: Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD
o Dissertation: Biomechanical measurements of the human female levator ani muscle
ex vivo and in vivo. ISBN 9781339232690.
Departmental dissertation award winner of 2015
o Concentration of biomechanics and bioimaging
o Received August 2015
o GPA: 3.731/4.0
 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering with honors
The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 2001- 2005
o Senior design advisor: Madhavan Raghavan, PhD
o Senior design project: Abdominal aortic aneurysm model.
Focus area: tissue modeling
o Received May 2005
o GPA: 3.78/4.0
Research Experience
 Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. John Speich
Virginia CommonwealthUniversity Richmond, VA 2015-Present
o Conduct basic science research on bladder biomechanics using animal models
o Lead bladder ultrasound imaging in clinical studies
o Mentor undergraduate students for the Deans Undergraduate Research Initiative
 Graduate Researcher, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Advisors: Dr. T. Douglas Mast and Dr. Balakrishna Haridas
The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2015
o Create MATLAB code to measure deformation in soft tissues medical images
o Develop validation methods for strain mapping algorithm in various models
o Perform mechanical testing of soft tissues under deformation ex vivo
o Develop in vivo procedure to obtain 3D ultrasound images of the pelvic floor muscles
with increasing amounts of inter-abdominal pressure.
 Research Assistant, Department of Research
Supervisor: Dr. Ram Gudavalli
Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, IA 2005-2006
Anna Nagle
o Perform biomechanical tests on patients in vivo to monitor effect of clinical trials on
spine biomechanics and range of motion in exercises
o Reduce data in MATHCAD
 Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Reinhardt
The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 2002-2005
o Establish variation of air content and volume in the healthy lung or lobe
o Study changes in the human airway tree during respiration
o Create MATLAB programs for use in organizing and visualizing airway tree data
o Honors project: Variation in volume and air distribution in the normal human
lung and lobe.
Publications (Published and submitted)
 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast, Validation of
three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image correlation in a
pubovisceral muscle model. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 19 (2013) 075053.
 Anna Nagle, Matthew Barker, Steven Kleeman, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast,
Passive biomechanical properties of human cadaveric levator ani muscle at low strains.
Journal of Biomechanics. 47 (2014) p. 583-586.
 Fong Ming Hooi, Anna Nagle, Swetha Subramanian, and T. Douglas Mast, Analysis of
Tissue Changes, Measurement System Effects, and Motion Artifacts in Echo Decorrelation
Imaging Journal of the Acoustic Society of America. 137(2015) p.585-597.
 Andrew Colhoun, Adam Klausner, Anna Nagle, Ashley Carroll, Wayne Barbee, Paul Ratz,
and John Speich, A pilot study to measure dynamic elasticity of the bladder during
urodynamics. Neurology and Urodynamics. 2016 doi:10.1002/nau.23043
 Anna Nagle, John Speich, Stefan De Wachter, Peter Ghamarian, David Le, Andrew
Colhoun, Paul Ratz, Wayne Barbee, and Adam Klausner, Non-Invasive Characterization of
Real-Time Bladder Sensation Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter: An
Initial Experience. Neururology and Urodynamics 2016. Accepted article.
Under review
 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast, Three
dimensional texture correlation algorithm validation and optimization for strain tracking in a
pubovisceral muscle model. Under review at the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and
 Firdaweke Habteyes, S. Omid Komari, Anna Nagle, Adam Klausner, Rebecca Heise, Paul
Ratz, and John Speich, Modeling the influence of acute changes in bladder elasticityon
pressure and wall tension during filling. Under review at the Journal of Mechanical
Modeling of Biomedical Materials.
Anna Nagle
 Anna Nagle, Adam Klausner, Jary Varghese, Rachel Bernardo, Andrew Colhoun, Paul
Ratz, Wayne Barbee, and John Speich, A method to measure in vivo bladder wall
biomechanics through the addition of ultrasound to urodynamics. Under review at Journal
of Biomechanics.
Teaching Experience
 GK-12 Project STEP fellow, College of Engineering
The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2010-2012
o Increase student engagement and enhance lessons with engineering content in local
high schools
o Design and teach lesson modules in five different classes per year, each consisting of
a one-to-two week set of lessons covering both traditional course content and hands-
on engineering projects
o Work with math and science teachers to improve teaching techniques and
communication skills
o Courses taught: Algebra I, Anatomy & Physiology, AP Calculus AB, Biology,
Geometry, Physical Science, Physics, and Pre-Calculus
 Teaching assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering
The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2008
o Conduct introductory Abaqus in-class workshops for undergraduate students
o Hold office hours for one-on-one assistance for students
o Manage course websites
o Proctor and grade exams and assignments
o Courses taught: Medical Device Design II and Numerical Methods
 Religious School and Hebrew Teacher
Brown Religious school Richmond, VA 2016-present
Agudas Achim Congregation Iowa City, IA 2001-2005
o Write lesson plans and conduct class
o Teach three- to twelve-year-olds religious values, concepts, practices, songs, dances,
history, and holidays
o Teach seven- to nine-year olds Hebrew reading, writing, vocabulary, and prayers
o Mentor high school assistant teachers
Software skills
 Computer programming in C and MATLAB
 Finite element modeling in ABAQUS and MATLAB
 Image visualization software 3D Doctor, ImageJ, 4D View
 Modeling in Rhinoceros 3D, Pro/Engineer, and SolidWorks
 Statisticalanalysis in R-package and Prism
 Presentation and document preparation in Microsoft Office, LaTeX, and Visio Studio
Technical skills
 Ultrasound imaging
Anna Nagle
 Ultrasound phantom construction
 Mechanical testing of biological tissues and medical devices
 Lost wax casting
 Teaching at all age levels
Research Funding
Society for Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine &Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU)
Development of Bladder Wall Micromotion Detection Algorithms Using Ultrasound
PI: Anna Nagle Mentors: John Speich and Adam Klausner Co-investigator: R. Wayne Barbee
Funding period: Dec 2016-Dec 2017
The goal of this project is to develop an animal model in which to develop and validate a method
to measure bladder wall micromotion and to isolate micromotion from other phasic physiologic
Professional Presentations
 Anna Nagle, PhD, Intro to R-package part 1: Welcome to R and Intro to R-package
part 2: Using R with packages.
VCU How-to Talks by Postdocs Richmond, VA Sep 2016
Interactive seminar
 Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, Jary Varghese, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne
Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and John Speich, PhD, Comparison of Urodynamics and
Non-Invasive Accelerated Hydration in Characterizing Participants with Urinary Urgency.
Mid-Atlantic American Urological Association Hot Springs, VA Sep 2016
 Rachel Bernardo, Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, and John Speich, PhD, Non-
Invasive Characterization of Real-Time Bladder Sensation in Volunteers with and Without
Overactive Bladder Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter.
Mid-Atlantic American Urological Association Hot Springs, VA Sep 2016
Moderated poster
 Anna Nagle, PhD, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast,
PhD, Validation of three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image
correlation and decorrelation analysis in a pubovisceral muscle model.
Recipient of the second place award for student papers
Acoustic Society of America DC chapter Washington DC May 2016
 Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD,
Paul Ratz, PhD, Laura Carucci, MD, and John Speich, PhD, Addition of ultrasound
bladder imaging during urodynamics to calculate detrusor wall tension and stress.
Best of 2016 AUA Annual Meeting winner
American Urological Association San Diego May 2016
Anna Nagle
 Adam Klausner, MD, David Le, Anna Nagle, PhD, Peter Ghamarian, Andrew Colhoun,
MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and John Speich, PhD, Non-Invasive
Characterization of Real-Time Bladder Sensation in Volunteers with and Without Overactive
Bladder Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter.
Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine, & Urogenital Reconstruction
New Orleans, LA Feb 2016
Moderated poster
 John Speich, PhD, Anna Nagle, PhD, David Le, Peter Ghamarian, Andrew Colhoun, MD,
R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and Adam Klausner, MD, Correlation of real-time
bladder sensation during urodynamics and non-invasive accelerated hydration in participants
with urinary urgency.
Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine, & Urogenital Reconstruction
New Orleans, LA Feb 2016
 Anna Nagle, Ryo Minoguchi, Melanie Hansmann, John Norcom, Balakrishna Haridas,
PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, In vivo biomechanical properties of the pubovisceral
muscle in incontinent and asymptomatic women.
Recipient of the Best Graduate Student Podium Presentation award
American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting Akron, OH March 2014
 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD,
Validation of three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image correlation
in a pubovisceral muscle model.
Recipient of the Young Scientist Conference Attendance grant
International Conference on Acoustics Montreal, QC June 2013
Podium and Poster
 Anna Nagle, Jason Kleinhenz, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram,
MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Biomechanical analysis of in vitro and in vivo pelvic tissues
using ultrasound texture correlation. Poster
Biomedical Engineering Society Poster Session Cincinnati, Oh Feb 2010
 Anna Nagle, Jason Kleinhenz, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram,
MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Biomechanical analysis of pelvic tissues by 2D and 3D
ultrasound texture correlation.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2009
Podium and poster
 Jason Kleinhenz, Anna Nagle, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram,
MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, In-vitro puboviscerus model for validation of 3D US
texture correlation and biomechanical analysis.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2009
Podium and poster
Anna Nagle
 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Ann Choe, MD, Matthew Barker, MD, Jason Kleinhenz,
Steven Kleeman, MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, 2D and 3D imaged based deformation
algorithm validation and use.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2009
Podium and poster
 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Ann Choe, MD, Matthew Barker, MD, Jason Kleinhenz,
Steven Kleeman, MD, T. Douglas Mast, PhD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, 2D and 3D
Ultrasound Imaging of Deformation and Pubovisceral Phantoms.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2008
Podium and poster
 Ashok Nageswaren, Anna Nagle, T. Douglas Mast, PhD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD,
Image based deformation analysis of soft tissues: Bayesian texture correlation.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2008
Podium and poster
 Matthew Barker, MD, Anna Nagle, Apurva Pancholy, MD, Sam Siddighi, MD, Balakrishna
Haridas, PhD, and Steven Kleeman, Passive constitutiveproperties of the levator ani
muscles in fresh female cadavers.
American Urogynecologic So. meeting Chicago, Il Sep 2008
 Anna Nagle, Matthew Barker, MD, John Vennemeyer, Steven Kleeman, MD, and
Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Development of a cadaver model of pelvic floor muscle
MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2008
Podium and poster
 Ashok Nageswaran, Saurab Datta, PhD, Anna Nagle, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD,
Image based deformation analysis of soft tissue: prototype software.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2008
Podium and poster
 Saurabh Datta, PhD, Anna Jackson, Vasant Salgaonkar, Mickey Karram, MD, Steven
Kleeman, MD, Ann Choe, MD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation
analysis of soft tissue: internal organs.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2007
 Anna Jackson, Matthew Barker, MD, John Vennemeyer, Steven Kleeman, MD, and
Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation analysis of soft tissue: cadaver pelvic
floor biomechanical model.
MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2007
Anna Nagle
 Anna Jackson, Joseph Reinhardt, PhD, Variation in volume and air distribution in the
normal human lung and lobe.
SACNAS national diversity in STEM conference Austin, Tx Oct 2004
Community Involvement and Associate Memberships
 Member of the American Urological Association (AUA)
 Trainee member of the Society for Pelvic Research (SPR)
 Member-in-training of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
 Committee chair of VCU post-doctoral association executive council.
 Founding member of the student chapter of The University of Cincinnatis Acoustical
Society of America (ASA) student chapter and secretary for 2013-2015

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  • 1. Anna Nagle C.V. 1 December, 2016 Curriculum Vitae Anna Nagle 3212 Ellwood Ave Unit C Richmond, VA 23221 513-720-5550 asnagle@vcu.edu Education Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2015 o Advisors: Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD o Dissertation: Biomechanical measurements of the human female levator ani muscle ex vivo and in vivo. ISBN 9781339232690. Departmental dissertation award winner of 2015 o Concentration of biomechanics and bioimaging o Received August 2015 o GPA: 3.731/4.0 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering with honors The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 2001- 2005 o Senior design advisor: Madhavan Raghavan, PhD o Senior design project: Abdominal aortic aneurysm model. Focus area: tissue modeling o Received May 2005 o GPA: 3.78/4.0 Research Experience Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Supervisor: Dr. John Speich Virginia CommonwealthUniversity Richmond, VA 2015-Present o Conduct basic science research on bladder biomechanics using animal models o Lead bladder ultrasound imaging in clinical studies o Mentor undergraduate students for the Deans Undergraduate Research Initiative Graduate Researcher, Department of Biomedical Engineering Advisors: Dr. T. Douglas Mast and Dr. Balakrishna Haridas The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2015 o Create MATLAB code to measure deformation in soft tissues medical images o Develop validation methods for strain mapping algorithm in various models o Perform mechanical testing of soft tissues under deformation ex vivo o Develop in vivo procedure to obtain 3D ultrasound images of the pelvic floor muscles with increasing amounts of inter-abdominal pressure. Research Assistant, Department of Research Supervisor: Dr. Ram Gudavalli Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, IA 2005-2006
  • 2. Anna Nagle C.V. 2 o Perform biomechanical tests on patients in vivo to monitor effect of clinical trials on spine biomechanics and range of motion in exercises o Reduce data in MATHCAD Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Reinhardt The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 2002-2005 o Establish variation of air content and volume in the healthy lung or lobe o Study changes in the human airway tree during respiration o Create MATLAB programs for use in organizing and visualizing airway tree data o Honors project: Variation in volume and air distribution in the normal human lung and lobe. Publications (Published and submitted) Published Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast, Validation of three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image correlation in a pubovisceral muscle model. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 19 (2013) 075053. Anna Nagle, Matthew Barker, Steven Kleeman, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast, Passive biomechanical properties of human cadaveric levator ani muscle at low strains. Journal of Biomechanics. 47 (2014) p. 583-586. Fong Ming Hooi, Anna Nagle, Swetha Subramanian, and T. Douglas Mast, Analysis of Tissue Changes, Measurement System Effects, and Motion Artifacts in Echo Decorrelation Imaging Journal of the Acoustic Society of America. 137(2015) p.585-597. Andrew Colhoun, Adam Klausner, Anna Nagle, Ashley Carroll, Wayne Barbee, Paul Ratz, and John Speich, A pilot study to measure dynamic elasticity of the bladder during urodynamics. Neurology and Urodynamics. 2016 doi:10.1002/nau.23043 Anna Nagle, John Speich, Stefan De Wachter, Peter Ghamarian, David Le, Andrew Colhoun, Paul Ratz, Wayne Barbee, and Adam Klausner, Non-Invasive Characterization of Real-Time Bladder Sensation Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter: An Initial Experience. Neururology and Urodynamics 2016. Accepted article. Under review Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, and T. Douglas Mast, Three dimensional texture correlation algorithm validation and optimization for strain tracking in a pubovisceral muscle model. Under review at the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Firdaweke Habteyes, S. Omid Komari, Anna Nagle, Adam Klausner, Rebecca Heise, Paul Ratz, and John Speich, Modeling the influence of acute changes in bladder elasticityon pressure and wall tension during filling. Under review at the Journal of Mechanical Modeling of Biomedical Materials.
  • 3. Anna Nagle C.V. 3 Anna Nagle, Adam Klausner, Jary Varghese, Rachel Bernardo, Andrew Colhoun, Paul Ratz, Wayne Barbee, and John Speich, A method to measure in vivo bladder wall biomechanics through the addition of ultrasound to urodynamics. Under review at Journal of Biomechanics. Teaching Experience GK-12 Project STEP fellow, College of Engineering The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2010-2012 o Increase student engagement and enhance lessons with engineering content in local high schools o Design and teach lesson modules in five different classes per year, each consisting of a one-to-two week set of lessons covering both traditional course content and hands- on engineering projects o Work with math and science teachers to improve teaching techniques and communication skills o Courses taught: Algebra I, Anatomy & Physiology, AP Calculus AB, Biology, Geometry, Physical Science, Physics, and Pre-Calculus Teaching assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering The University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2006-2008 o Conduct introductory Abaqus in-class workshops for undergraduate students o Hold office hours for one-on-one assistance for students o Manage course websites o Proctor and grade exams and assignments o Courses taught: Medical Device Design II and Numerical Methods Religious School and Hebrew Teacher Brown Religious school Richmond, VA 2016-present Agudas Achim Congregation Iowa City, IA 2001-2005 o Write lesson plans and conduct class o Teach three- to twelve-year-olds religious values, concepts, practices, songs, dances, history, and holidays o Teach seven- to nine-year olds Hebrew reading, writing, vocabulary, and prayers o Mentor high school assistant teachers Software skills Computer programming in C and MATLAB Finite element modeling in ABAQUS and MATLAB Image visualization software 3D Doctor, ImageJ, 4D View Modeling in Rhinoceros 3D, Pro/Engineer, and SolidWorks Statisticalanalysis in R-package and Prism Presentation and document preparation in Microsoft Office, LaTeX, and Visio Studio Technical skills Ultrasound imaging
  • 4. Anna Nagle C.V. 4 Ultrasound phantom construction Mechanical testing of biological tissues and medical devices Lost wax casting Teaching at all age levels Research Funding Society for Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine &Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) Development of Bladder Wall Micromotion Detection Algorithms Using Ultrasound PI: Anna Nagle Mentors: John Speich and Adam Klausner Co-investigator: R. Wayne Barbee Funding period: Dec 2016-Dec 2017 The goal of this project is to develop an animal model in which to develop and validate a method to measure bladder wall micromotion and to isolate micromotion from other phasic physiologic functions. Professional Presentations Anna Nagle, PhD, Intro to R-package part 1: Welcome to R and Intro to R-package part 2: Using R with packages. VCU How-to Talks by Postdocs Richmond, VA Sep 2016 Interactive seminar Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, Jary Varghese, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and John Speich, PhD, Comparison of Urodynamics and Non-Invasive Accelerated Hydration in Characterizing Participants with Urinary Urgency. Mid-Atlantic American Urological Association Hot Springs, VA Sep 2016 Podium Rachel Bernardo, Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, and John Speich, PhD, Non- Invasive Characterization of Real-Time Bladder Sensation in Volunteers with and Without Overactive Bladder Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter. Mid-Atlantic American Urological Association Hot Springs, VA Sep 2016 Moderated poster Anna Nagle, PhD, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Validation of three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image correlation and decorrelation analysis in a pubovisceral muscle model. Recipient of the second place award for student papers Acoustic Society of America DC chapter Washington DC May 2016 Podium Anna Nagle, PhD, Adam Klausner, MD, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, Laura Carucci, MD, and John Speich, PhD, Addition of ultrasound bladder imaging during urodynamics to calculate detrusor wall tension and stress. Best of 2016 AUA Annual Meeting winner American Urological Association San Diego May 2016 Podium
  • 5. Anna Nagle C.V. 5 Adam Klausner, MD, David Le, Anna Nagle, PhD, Peter Ghamarian, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and John Speich, PhD, Non-Invasive Characterization of Real-Time Bladder Sensation in Volunteers with and Without Overactive Bladder Using Accelerated Hydration and a Novel Sensation Meter. Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine, & Urogenital Reconstruction New Orleans, LA Feb 2016 Moderated poster John Speich, PhD, Anna Nagle, PhD, David Le, Peter Ghamarian, Andrew Colhoun, MD, R. Wayne Barbee, PhD, Paul Ratz, PhD, and Adam Klausner, MD, Correlation of real-time bladder sensation during urodynamics and non-invasive accelerated hydration in participants with urinary urgency. Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine, & Urogenital Reconstruction New Orleans, LA Feb 2016 Podium Anna Nagle, Ryo Minoguchi, Melanie Hansmann, John Norcom, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, In vivo biomechanical properties of the pubovisceral muscle in incontinent and asymptomatic women. Recipient of the Best Graduate Student Podium Presentation award American Society of Biomechanics Regional Meeting Akron, OH March 2014 Podium Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Validation of three-dimensional strain tracking by volumetric ultrasound image correlation in a pubovisceral muscle model. Recipient of the Young Scientist Conference Attendance grant International Conference on Acoustics Montreal, QC June 2013 Podium and Poster Anna Nagle, Jason Kleinhenz, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram, MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Biomechanical analysis of in vitro and in vivo pelvic tissues using ultrasound texture correlation. Poster Biomedical Engineering Society Poster Session Cincinnati, Oh Feb 2010 Poster Anna Nagle, Jason Kleinhenz, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram, MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, Biomechanical analysis of pelvic tissues by 2D and 3D ultrasound texture correlation. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2009 Podium and poster Jason Kleinhenz, Anna Nagle, Ann Choe, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Mickey Karram, MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, In-vitro puboviscerus model for validation of 3D US texture correlation and biomechanical analysis. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2009 Podium and poster
  • 6. Anna Nagle C.V. 6 Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Ann Choe, MD, Matthew Barker, MD, Jason Kleinhenz, Steven Kleeman, MD, and T. Douglas Mast, PhD, 2D and 3D imaged based deformation algorithm validation and use. MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2009 Podium and poster Anna Nagle, Ashok Nageswaren, Ann Choe, MD, Matthew Barker, MD, Jason Kleinhenz, Steven Kleeman, MD, T. Douglas Mast, PhD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, 2D and 3D Ultrasound Imaging of Deformation and Pubovisceral Phantoms. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2008 Podium and poster Ashok Nageswaren, Anna Nagle, T. Douglas Mast, PhD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation analysis of soft tissues: Bayesian texture correlation. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2008 Podium and poster Matthew Barker, MD, Anna Nagle, Apurva Pancholy, MD, Sam Siddighi, MD, Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, and Steven Kleeman, Passive constitutiveproperties of the levator ani muscles in fresh female cadavers. American Urogynecologic So. meeting Chicago, Il Sep 2008 Poster Anna Nagle, Matthew Barker, MD, John Vennemeyer, Steven Kleeman, MD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Development of a cadaver model of pelvic floor muscle biomechanics. MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2008 Podium and poster Ashok Nageswaran, Saurab Datta, PhD, Anna Nagle, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation analysis of soft tissue: prototype software. MIMTeC biannual symposium Cincinnati, Oh May 2008 Podium and poster Saurabh Datta, PhD, Anna Jackson, Vasant Salgaonkar, Mickey Karram, MD, Steven Kleeman, MD, Ann Choe, MD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation analysis of soft tissue: internal organs. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2007 Podium Anna Jackson, Matthew Barker, MD, John Vennemeyer, Steven Kleeman, MD, and Balakrishna Haridas, PhD, Image based deformation analysis of soft tissue: cadaver pelvic floor biomechanical model. MIMTeC biannual symposium Minneapolis, Mn Nov 2007 Poster
  • 7. Anna Nagle C.V. 7 Anna Jackson, Joseph Reinhardt, PhD, Variation in volume and air distribution in the normal human lung and lobe. SACNAS national diversity in STEM conference Austin, Tx Oct 2004 Poster Community Involvement and Associate Memberships Member of the American Urological Association (AUA) Trainee member of the Society for Pelvic Research (SPR) Member-in-training of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Committee chair of VCU post-doctoral association executive council. Founding member of the student chapter of The University of Cincinnatis Acoustical Society of America (ASA) student chapter and secretary for 2013-2015