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Hedgeland, p. 1
Mark Hedgeland
Master of Science Student in Mechanical Engineering
Clarkson University
8 Clarkson Ave.
Potsdam, NY 13699
607.742.8722 hedgelmj@clarkson.edu
BUCKENELL UNIVERSITY Lewisburg, PA August 2010  May 2014
 B.S. in Biomedical Engineering earned May 2014
o Senior Project: Development of a Functional Test Fall Risk Assessment Device
o GPA: 3.11/ 4.0
o Advisor: Donna Ebenstein, PhD
o Institute for Leadership in Technology and Management program participant
Student consultant in a team of six; prepared feasibility report for new product
development and presented to executives at Fortune 500 company
CLARKSON UNIVERSITY Potsdam, NY August 2014  May 2016
 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering expected graduation May 2016
o Thesis Topic: Development of an Adjustable Tibial Intramedullary Nail
o Advisor: Laurel Kuxhaus, PhD; Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab
o GPA: 3.79/4.0
RESEARCH ASSISTANT Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY August 2014  present
 Develop and test novel adjustable intramedullary nail (patent approved August 2015) to be used for
fracture fixation;
 Work with orthopaedic surgeon to create functional design and directly with machinists to create
prototypes; Extensive use of Creo/NX/Solidedge
 Perform mechanical testing according to ASTM standards and design new testing for comparison to
in-use nails for FDA 510(k) approval; maintain specimen database, lab equipment and manage lab
work and testing with multiple undergraduate students
TEACHING ASSISTANT Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY January 2015  present
 Assist undergraduate students with heat transfer, biomechanics, and CAD class material and grade
homework assignments
ASSISTANT MACHINIST JD Machining, Athens, PA June 2014  August 2014
 Ran CNC mills and lathes for large quantity orders in both metals and plastics; maintained shop
equipment and learned new skills each day
 High responsibility position with very practical use in designing prototypes to be machined more
INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA July 2013  May 2014
 Designed and built iPhone interface for detecting breath sounds indicative of congestive heart failure
Hedgeland, p. 2
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCHER Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA May 2013  May 2014
& Geisingers Weis Center for Research, Danville, PA
 Combined interdisciplinary practices to develop procedures for obtaining 3D digital models of
embryonic chick and mouse hearts and novel method of material property testing. Evaluated and
combined many biological procedures.
 Worked toward goal of determining the role hemodynamics plays in formation of congenital heart
SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECT Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA August 2014  May 2014
 Worked with team of three other peers to develop a device to objectively reassess the fall risk of post-
op inpatients
 Gained skills in design process, especially in areas of : problem definition, feasibility testing, and
client interaction
 Very clinically facing process; current prototype heavily incorporates: system dynamics, electronics,
software, and biomechanics. Developed and carried out own feasibility and verification testing.
TEACHING ASSISTANT Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA August 2011  May 2013
 ENG101 & BMEG 305
o Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Bioinstrumentation
o Grader and Lab TA
Mark J. Hedgeland, Alexander D.W. Throop, Alexander Martin Clark Jr., Laurel Kuxhaus. Adjusting
Thinking About IM Nails: Mechanical Evaluation of an Adjustable Intramedullary Nail Prototype. ASB
Annual Meeting, Columbus Ohio. August 2015.
Morgan A. Libruk, Mark J. Hedgeland, Nicole C. Corbiere, Mario J. Ciani, and Laurel Kuxhaus.
Comparative Evaluation of Morphometric and Biomechanical Properties of the Cervine Femur. ASB Annual
Meeting, Columbus Ohio. August 2015.
Mark Hedgeland, Christine Buffinton, Allison Martens, Anne Moon. Feasibility and Optimization Study
for 3D Digital Reconstruction Procedure for Embryonic Chick and Mouse Hearts. Biomedical Engineering
Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. September 2013.
Mark Hedgeland, Laurel Kuxhaus. Improving Stiffness of a Novel Adjustable Tibial Intramedullary Nail
and Evaluating Implant Performance. Clarkson Graduate Research Symposium (GRS). December 17, 2014.
*Mark J. Hedgeland, Morgan A. Libruk, Nicole C. Corbiere, Mario J. Ciani,
Laurel Kuxhaus. Oh deer! Morphological and Biomechanical Evaluation of Cervine Femora. Summer
Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, Utah. June 2015.
denotes equal contributors
Mark Hedgeland, ~
Morgan Libruk, Nicole Corbiere, Mario Ciani, Laurel Kuxhaus. " The Odocoileus
virginianus Femur: Mechanical Behavior and Morphology." (In Review)
Hedgeland, p. 3
Pesevski, Zivorad, Radka Kockova, Christine Buffinton, Mark Hedgeland, Jarmila Svatunkova, and David
Sedmera. "Early Myocardial Changes in Experimental Chick Model of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
(547.10)." The FASEB Journal 28, no. 1 Supplement (2014): 547-10.
Hedgeland, p. 4
 2009 Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award
 American Society for Biomechanics (ASB)  March 2015-present.
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), January 2015 - present.
 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), September 2010-present.
Chi Phi Fraternity (Bucknell Univerisity, Lewisburg, PA) November, 2011 - present
 Alumni member; past Executive Board Member,
Historian, and New Member Educator
Habitat for Humanity (Bucknell Univerisity, Lewisburg, PA) September, 2011  May 2014
 Member and Trip leader, rebuilt homes in NC
Laurel Kuxhaus, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering
Clarkson University; CAMP Annex 2205
8 Clarkson Ave.
P.O. Box 5725
Potsdam, NY 13699
Daniel P. Cavanagh, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Biomedical Engineering
Bucknell University, 223A Dana Engineering Bldg.
701 Moore Ave.
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Thomas R. Horn, D.C.
Owner and President, Horn Family Chiropractic
27811 US-220,
Athens, PA 18810
(570) 882-9009
Hedgeland, p. 5

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Hedgeland CV 2015

  • 1. Hedgeland, p. 1 Mark Hedgeland Master of Science Student in Mechanical Engineering Clarkson University 8 Clarkson Ave. Potsdam, NY 13699 607.742.8722 hedgelmj@clarkson.edu EDUCATION: BUCKENELL UNIVERSITY Lewisburg, PA August 2010 May 2014 B.S. in Biomedical Engineering earned May 2014 o Senior Project: Development of a Functional Test Fall Risk Assessment Device o GPA: 3.11/ 4.0 o Advisor: Donna Ebenstein, PhD o Institute for Leadership in Technology and Management program participant Student consultant in a team of six; prepared feasibility report for new product development and presented to executives at Fortune 500 company CLARKSON UNIVERSITY Potsdam, NY August 2014 May 2016 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering expected graduation May 2016 o Thesis Topic: Development of an Adjustable Tibial Intramedullary Nail o Advisor: Laurel Kuxhaus, PhD; Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab o GPA: 3.79/4.0 WORK EXPERIENCE: RESEARCH ASSISTANT Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY August 2014 present Develop and test novel adjustable intramedullary nail (patent approved August 2015) to be used for fracture fixation; Work with orthopaedic surgeon to create functional design and directly with machinists to create prototypes; Extensive use of Creo/NX/Solidedge Perform mechanical testing according to ASTM standards and design new testing for comparison to in-use nails for FDA 510(k) approval; maintain specimen database, lab equipment and manage lab work and testing with multiple undergraduate students TEACHING ASSISTANT Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY January 2015 present Assist undergraduate students with heat transfer, biomechanics, and CAD class material and grade homework assignments ASSISTANT MACHINIST JD Machining, Athens, PA June 2014 August 2014 Ran CNC mills and lathes for large quantity orders in both metals and plastics; maintained shop equipment and learned new skills each day High responsibility position with very practical use in designing prototypes to be machined more efficiently INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA July 2013 May 2014 Designed and built iPhone interface for detecting breath sounds indicative of congestive heart failure
  • 2. Hedgeland, p. 2 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCHER Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA May 2013 May 2014 & Geisingers Weis Center for Research, Danville, PA Combined interdisciplinary practices to develop procedures for obtaining 3D digital models of embryonic chick and mouse hearts and novel method of material property testing. Evaluated and combined many biological procedures. Worked toward goal of determining the role hemodynamics plays in formation of congenital heart defects SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECT Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA August 2014 May 2014 Worked with team of three other peers to develop a device to objectively reassess the fall risk of post- op inpatients Gained skills in design process, especially in areas of : problem definition, feasibility testing, and client interaction Very clinically facing process; current prototype heavily incorporates: system dynamics, electronics, software, and biomechanics. Developed and carried out own feasibility and verification testing. TEACHING ASSISTANT Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA August 2011 May 2013 ENG101 & BMEG 305 o Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Bioinstrumentation o Grader and Lab TA PUBLICATIONS/ CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS: ABSTRACTS ACCEPTED FOR PRESENTATION (*=PODIUM PRESENTATION; #=POSTER PRESENTATION) # Mark J. Hedgeland, Alexander D.W. Throop, Alexander Martin Clark Jr., Laurel Kuxhaus. Adjusting Thinking About IM Nails: Mechanical Evaluation of an Adjustable Intramedullary Nail Prototype. ASB Annual Meeting, Columbus Ohio. August 2015. # Morgan A. Libruk, Mark J. Hedgeland, Nicole C. Corbiere, Mario J. Ciani, and Laurel Kuxhaus. Comparative Evaluation of Morphometric and Biomechanical Properties of the Cervine Femur. ASB Annual Meeting, Columbus Ohio. August 2015. # Mark Hedgeland, Christine Buffinton, Allison Martens, Anne Moon. Feasibility and Optimization Study for 3D Digital Reconstruction Procedure for Embryonic Chick and Mouse Hearts. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. September 2013. # Mark Hedgeland, Laurel Kuxhaus. Improving Stiffness of a Novel Adjustable Tibial Intramedullary Nail and Evaluating Implant Performance. Clarkson Graduate Research Symposium (GRS). December 17, 2014. *Mark J. Hedgeland, Morgan A. Libruk, Nicole C. Corbiere, Mario J. Ciani, Laurel Kuxhaus. Oh deer! Morphological and Biomechanical Evaluation of Cervine Femora. Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, Snowbird, Utah. June 2015. MANUSCRIPTS: ~ denotes equal contributors ~ Mark Hedgeland, ~ Morgan Libruk, Nicole Corbiere, Mario Ciani, Laurel Kuxhaus. " The Odocoileus virginianus Femur: Mechanical Behavior and Morphology." (In Review)
  • 3. Hedgeland, p. 3 Pesevski, Zivorad, Radka Kockova, Christine Buffinton, Mark Hedgeland, Jarmila Svatunkova, and David Sedmera. "Early Myocardial Changes in Experimental Chick Model of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (547.10)." The FASEB Journal 28, no. 1 Supplement (2014): 547-10.
  • 4. Hedgeland, p. 4 AWARDS AND HONORS: 2009 Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: American Society for Biomechanics (ASB) March 2015-present. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), January 2015 - present. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), September 2010-present. LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Chi Phi Fraternity (Bucknell Univerisity, Lewisburg, PA) November, 2011 - present Alumni member; past Executive Board Member, Historian, and New Member Educator Habitat for Humanity (Bucknell Univerisity, Lewisburg, PA) September, 2011 May 2014 Member and Trip leader, rebuilt homes in NC REFERENCES: Laurel Kuxhaus, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Clarkson University; CAMP Annex 2205 8 Clarkson Ave. P.O. Box 5725 Potsdam, NY 13699 315.268.6602 lkuxhaus@clarkson.edu Daniel P. Cavanagh, Ph.D. Department Chair, Biomedical Engineering Bucknell University, 223A Dana Engineering Bldg. 701 Moore Ave. Lewisburg, PA 17837 570.577.3402 dcavanag@bucknell.edu Thomas R. Horn, D.C. Owner and President, Horn Family Chiropractic 27811 US-220, Athens, PA 18810 (570) 882-9009