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TUESDAY, 21 MAY 2019. 09:00 AM.
Av. César Augusto, 125. Zaragoza (Spain)
The application of nanotechnology in the food industry can bring many benefits
and make you become a strong competitor. However, it is a highly controversial
application that arouses some consumer suspicion. If you want to know what this
new discipline can offer you or what the latest advances are that will help you
increase the profitability and competitiveness of your company, come meet us on:
9:30 Welcome and introduction.
9:45 Essential oil components encapsulated in polymeric fibers and
particles by electrodynamic techniques.
Silvia Irusta
Senior Researcher at INA and Associated Professor at UNIZAR
10:10 Towards the creation of smart + active packaging through the
use of molecular gates.
Edgar Perez Esteve
Researcher at Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
10:35 Coffee break.
11:00 NanoPack Project: extending food shelf life while improving
food safety and reducing food waste.
Ester Segal
NanoPack coordinator & Associate Professor at the Technion
11:25 How will the food-ture be? Nanostructured biopolymers for
augmenting nature.
Lorenzo Pastrana
Head of the Department of Life Sciences at the INL
11:50 Nanosafety during the life cycle of a nano-packaging material.
Presentation of NanoPack's approach: occupational, environmental &
consumer safety.
Margrethe Winther-Nielsen
Senior Researcher, Project Manager at the DHI Water & Environment
12:15 Round table.
Debate on the challenges and opportunities of nanotechnology applied
to the food industry from the point of view of consumers, business and
13:00 Closing.

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Nanotech an_untapped_approach_in_the_food_industry_def

  • 1. TUESDAY, 21 MAY 2019. 09:00 AM. HOTEL NH CIUDAD DE ZARAGOZA Av. César Augusto, 125. Zaragoza (Spain) REGISTER HERE NANOTECHNOLOGY: AN UNTAPPED APPROACH IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY The application of nanotechnology in the food industry can bring many benefits and make you become a strong competitor. However, it is a highly controversial application that arouses some consumer suspicion. If you want to know what this new discipline can offer you or what the latest advances are that will help you increase the profitability and competitiveness of your company, come meet us on:
  • 2. EVENT SCHEDULE 9:30 Welcome and introduction. 9:45 Essential oil components encapsulated in polymeric fibers and particles by electrodynamic techniques. Silvia Irusta Senior Researcher at INA and Associated Professor at UNIZAR 10:10 Towards the creation of smart + active packaging through the use of molecular gates. Edgar Perez Esteve Researcher at Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) 10:35 Coffee break. 11:00 NanoPack Project: extending food shelf life while improving food safety and reducing food waste. Ester Segal NanoPack coordinator & Associate Professor at the Technion 11:25 How will the food-ture be? Nanostructured biopolymers for augmenting nature. Lorenzo Pastrana Head of the Department of Life Sciences at the INL 11:50 Nanosafety during the life cycle of a nano-packaging material. Presentation of NanoPack's approach: occupational, environmental & consumer safety. Margrethe Winther-Nielsen Senior Researcher, Project Manager at the DHI Water & Environment 12:15 Round table. Debate on the challenges and opportunities of nanotechnology applied to the food industry from the point of view of consumers, business and research. 13:00 Closing.