I was listening to Napoleon’s Hill’s - The Law of Success in sixteen lessons (1928) audio book Vol 1 Disc 4 towards the end where he read out a long list of questions for self-analysis and I thought to myself, this is good, I should do the exercises i.e. do a self-analysis. But all the versions I saw through google search are either not complete of have been heavily embellished by the authors own suggestions, word substitutions (maybe they’re trying to make it modern – I love old school!). So, I though why not put the original thing up without any adulterations, additions or subtractions. So, here you have it. I have placed the questions in one column and you can write out your own answers in the answer column. How much time should you devoted to studying and answering these questions? This is what the author (Napoleon Hill) suggests “At least one full day is needed to truly answer this questions and contemplate your answers. If you devote that time you will know more about yourself than most people know of themselves”. – I concur. Enjoy!