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ASEAN,How are you going to COMPETE?weNares Damrongchai<nares@sti.or.th>
Countries Stage of Development
Dr. Nares Damrongchai @2010 Please do not circulate outside APEC ISTWG3factor-driveninnovation-drivenefficiency-drivenCountries Stage of DevelopmentSource: WEF Global Competitiveness Report (2010)
How much can you use knowledge for development?Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand rank highest regarding their overall innovation performance.
ASEANSource: World Bank, 2010
犖犖о顕犖÷犖犖ム厳犢犖犖÷献犢犖橿犖犖犖迦犖犖朽権犖Photo from Flickr.comAll rights reserved by liber
犖犖園犖犖迦犖迦牽犖犖犖萎犖迦権犖犖迦権犢犖犢犖犖犖犢犖犖∇犖園犖......犢犖∇犖犖о犖 犖÷顕犢犖ム犖犖朽権 犖犖巌献犖巌犖犖巌犖犢 犢犖ム鍵 犖犖巌犢犖犖犖朽犖犖朽権
80___% 犖犖犖犖犖犖園硯犢犖犖劇賢犖犖犖園犖о犖犖萎犖犖犢犖÷犖÷元犖犢犖橿犖犖萎犖迦犖犖犢犖迦
ASEAN Connectivity and What It Means to EducationPhoto from Flickr.comAll rights reserved by Fadzly
ASEAN Connectivity 2015
Nares asean talk at ku
The Hole in the Wall
Nares asean talk at ku
Thailand ---
犢犖犢犖迦見犖÷顕犖 ~犖犖 20161 %15:10,00030:70犖犖÷顕犖∇犖犖犖 :犖犖 2007	 R&D Exp = 18,225 MB R&D Exp : Gov : Private =10,935:7,290 MB	 R&D Personnel  = 42,624 (man-year)犖犖朽犖÷顕: 犖犖橿犖園犖犖迦犖犖犖萎犖犖犖÷犖迦牽犖犢犖∇犖迦権犖о鹸犖犖∇顕犖犖迦肩犖犖犢 犢犖犖犢犖犢犖ム権犖 犢犖ム鍵犖犖о険犖犖犖犖犖÷犖犢犖犖犖迦犖 (犖犖園犖о顕犖犖 2553)
Krabi Initiative 2010Science Technology and Innovation (STI) for a Competitive , Sustainable and Inclusive  ASEANfocusing on bottom-of-the-pyramid,youth, and green societyPhoto from Flickr.comAll rights reserved by faha_ska

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Nares Damrongchai
Trm for mtec
Trm for mtecTrm for mtec
Trm for mtec
Nares Damrongchai
Foresight for cis
Foresight for cisForesight for cis
Foresight for cis
Nares Damrongchai
Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Trends and technology_timeline_2010Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Nares Damrongchai
Futurewatch panoptic
Futurewatch panopticFuturewatch panoptic
Futurewatch panoptic
Nares Damrongchai
Technology trend for scg
Technology trend for scgTechnology trend for scg
Technology trend for scg
Nares Damrongchai
Lcs 2050 presented for scg
Lcs 2050 presented for scgLcs 2050 presented for scg
Lcs 2050 presented for scg
Nares Damrongchai
Foresight and technology foresight for scg
Foresight and technology foresight for scgForesight and technology foresight for scg
Foresight and technology foresight for scg
Nares Damrongchai
Rt delphi intro for siga
Rt delphi intro for sigaRt delphi intro for siga
Rt delphi intro for siga
Nares Damrongchai
Computer Electronics For Climate Change
Computer Electronics For Climate ChangeComputer Electronics For Climate Change
Computer Electronics For Climate Change
Nares Damrongchai
犖犖伍 (merit)
犖犖伍 (merit)犖犖伍 (merit)
犖犖伍 (merit)
Nares Damrongchai
Foresight Intro 20100201
Foresight Intro 20100201Foresight Intro 20100201
Foresight Intro 20100201
Nares Damrongchai
What matters in environment tech dissemination nares damrongchai
What matters in environment tech dissemination   nares damrongchaiWhat matters in environment tech dissemination   nares damrongchai
What matters in environment tech dissemination nares damrongchai
Nares Damrongchai
Nares Damrongchai
Nares Damrongchai
Foresight activities in thailand and apec
Foresight activities in thailand and apecForesight activities in thailand and apec
Foresight activities in thailand and apec
Nares Damrongchai
Thai healthforesight nares
Thai healthforesight naresThai healthforesight nares
Thai healthforesight nares
Nares Damrongchai
Foresightand technologyforesight naresdamrongchai
Foresightand technologyforesight naresdamrongchaiForesightand technologyforesight naresdamrongchai
Foresightand technologyforesight naresdamrongchai
Nares Damrongchai
Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Trends and technology_timeline_2010Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Trends and technology_timeline_2010
Nares Damrongchai
Lcs 2050 presented for scg
Lcs 2050 presented for scgLcs 2050 presented for scg
Lcs 2050 presented for scg
Nares Damrongchai
Foresight and technology foresight for scg
Foresight and technology foresight for scgForesight and technology foresight for scg
Foresight and technology foresight for scg
Nares Damrongchai
Computer Electronics For Climate Change
Computer Electronics For Climate ChangeComputer Electronics For Climate Change
Computer Electronics For Climate Change
Nares Damrongchai

Nares asean talk at ku