1. The document discusses technology foresight and scenario planning. It provides examples of organizations that conduct foresight and planning activities, and how scenarios can be used to explore possible futures.
2. Scenarios are stories about how the future might unfold based on certain assumptions. They consider different possible futures, like expected, preferred, and plausible outcomes. Scenarios help organizations prepare for various events and challenges.
3. Foresight and scenario planning were used successfully by Shell in the 1970s to anticipate and respond to the 1973 oil crisis, improving their competitive position. The techniques can provide insights into issues like climate change, migration, and technology impacts.
What matters in environment tech dissemination nares damrongchaiNares Damrongchai
This document discusses technologies for sustainable development, focusing on three areas: sustainable agriculture, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. For each area, it provides examples of relevant technologies and mitigation options. It also discusses factors that are important for technology dissemination, such as availability, ownership models, and skills development. The document argues that international cooperation can help address barriers and support policies that promote energy efficiency and sustainable development in developing countries.
The document discusses 7 mega trends in Asia-Pacific and their implications for future nanotechnology innovation and markets. The key trends discussed are: 1) Cities, not countries, will drive wealth creation in the future as cities attract talent and foster competitiveness; 2) Mega cities are economic hubs and will require new mobility and transit solutions; 3) Green growth and zero-emissions solutions will be important for smart urban development; 4) Geo-socialization and sharing economies will be enabled by new technologies; 5) Talent, not capital, will be the key business asset as the digital generation pursues entrepreneurship; 6) ASEAN integration and connectivity will be important for reducing development gaps in the region; 7) Nan
The document discusses regional foresight in science, technology, and innovation. It describes the mission of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight, which conducts research, consulting, and training/conferences to inform policy decisions through anticipatory intelligence and foresight. Examples are provided of how foresight can achieve impact by informing policies on issues like low-carbon society, nanotechnology, and forensic science. The document also outlines some of the Center's projects, including a real-time Delphi study on the futures of low-carbon society and an initiative on smart grids in developing countries.
Thailand has introduced policies to promote green and inclusive innovation through research and development. The key policies include reorganizing Thailand's national research system to reach a 2% GDP target for R&D spending, launching a "One Tablet Per Child" program, and increasing public-private partnerships in areas like high-tech industries, technology transfer, and supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. The policies aim to build Thailand's innovative capacity and empower more groups, including the poor, to participate in and benefit from innovation.
The document summarizes a presentation given in Bangkok, Thailand on green ICT and pathways to a low-carbon society beyond 2050. The presentation discusses imagining different possible futures 50 years from now with low or zero emissions, including scenarios where energy generation is integrated into new buildings, transportation is highly efficient, and energy consumption is closely monitored. It also overviewed the work of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight in conducting foresight studies and scenario planning to help organizations and governments strategically plan for emerging technologies and climate change.
Presentation on "ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015: Impacts & Benefits to Thailand¨s Academic and Technology-based Business Sectors" at Biotechnology Business and Regulations Seminar
overview ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2015 ????????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1) The document discusses foresight activities in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific region, including projects done through the APEC Center for Technology Foresight on topics like the future of low-carbon societies and ASEAN's future of science, technology, and innovation from 2015 onward.
2) It provides details on foresight projects conducted in Thailand and ASEAN countries, such as a real-time Delphi study on the future of low-carbon societies and the Krabi Initiative which set the basis for ASEAN's science, technology, and innovation work plan beyond 2015.
3) Lessons learned from the foresight activities emphasized the importance of people-to-people interaction, proper knowledge management and capacity
This document summarizes a technology roadmapping course on roadmapping concepts and applications. It includes sections on technology foresight, scenarios, trends and drivers, products and services, supporting systems, examples of technology roadmaps from various industries, and practical issues in roadmap design. The document also presents two case studies, one on a company's use of roadmapping for various business units and technologies, and another on Korea's national technology roadmapping process.
The document discusses technology foresight and scenario planning. It provides examples of scenarios developed for Thailand in 2020 that consider different economic, technology, environmental and societal trends and uncertainties. The document also outlines the process for scenario planning, including identifying trends and uncertainties and using them to design alternative future scenarios. It promotes technology foresight as a way to plan strategically and consider unknown unknowns.
This document provides a timeline of trends and technologies from 2010 to 2050 organized into 5 time zones. Some of the predictions include digital cash being widely used and embedded in clothing by 2015-2020. By 2025-2035, brain drain from hedge funds to scientific research to focus on energy issues. Later predictions include average lifespans reaching 100 years by 2035-2050 and robotic insects being used for crop pollination. The document also lists some potential high impact but low probability global risks that could disrupt future trends.
The document discusses several important drivers of change that will shape the future including environmental factors like climate change and resource limitations, societal factors like aging populations and sustainable lifestyles, and economic factors like new technologies, sharing of information, and concerns over costs and control of technologies. It raises questions around enhancing security while protecting privacy, encouraging attitudes and behaviors to address challenges, focusing on wellness over just treating illness, and containing healthcare costs without compromising health.
The document summarizes the findings of a real-time Delphi survey and scenario workshop regarding future low-carbon societies in Asia-Pacific beyond 2050. The survey and workshop engaged international experts who identified key trends and events, and their level of agreement on the feasibility and desirability of various statements. While experts were optimistic about technologies to improve healthcare and energy efficiency, they had doubts about carbon capture and widespread algae fuel. They also foresaw conflicts from climate migration and water scarcity.
The document discusses 7 mega trends in Asia-Pacific and their implications for future nanotechnology innovation and markets. The key trends discussed are: 1) Cities, not countries, will drive wealth creation in the future as cities attract talent and foster competitiveness; 2) Mega cities are economic hubs and will require new mobility and transit solutions; 3) Green growth and zero-emissions solutions will be important for smart urban development; 4) Geo-socialization and sharing economies will be enabled by new technologies; 5) Talent, not capital, will be the key business asset as the digital generation pursues entrepreneurship; 6) ASEAN integration and connectivity will be important for reducing development gaps in the region; 7) Nan
The document discusses regional foresight in science, technology, and innovation. It describes the mission of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight, which conducts research, consulting, and training/conferences to inform policy decisions through anticipatory intelligence and foresight. Examples are provided of how foresight can achieve impact by informing policies on issues like low-carbon society, nanotechnology, and forensic science. The document also outlines some of the Center's projects, including a real-time Delphi study on the futures of low-carbon society and an initiative on smart grids in developing countries.
Thailand has introduced policies to promote green and inclusive innovation through research and development. The key policies include reorganizing Thailand's national research system to reach a 2% GDP target for R&D spending, launching a "One Tablet Per Child" program, and increasing public-private partnerships in areas like high-tech industries, technology transfer, and supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. The policies aim to build Thailand's innovative capacity and empower more groups, including the poor, to participate in and benefit from innovation.
The document summarizes a presentation given in Bangkok, Thailand on green ICT and pathways to a low-carbon society beyond 2050. The presentation discusses imagining different possible futures 50 years from now with low or zero emissions, including scenarios where energy generation is integrated into new buildings, transportation is highly efficient, and energy consumption is closely monitored. It also overviewed the work of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight in conducting foresight studies and scenario planning to help organizations and governments strategically plan for emerging technologies and climate change.
Presentation on "ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015: Impacts & Benefits to Thailand¨s Academic and Technology-based Business Sectors" at Biotechnology Business and Regulations Seminar
overview ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2015 ????????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1) The document discusses foresight activities in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific region, including projects done through the APEC Center for Technology Foresight on topics like the future of low-carbon societies and ASEAN's future of science, technology, and innovation from 2015 onward.
2) It provides details on foresight projects conducted in Thailand and ASEAN countries, such as a real-time Delphi study on the future of low-carbon societies and the Krabi Initiative which set the basis for ASEAN's science, technology, and innovation work plan beyond 2015.
3) Lessons learned from the foresight activities emphasized the importance of people-to-people interaction, proper knowledge management and capacity
This document summarizes a technology roadmapping course on roadmapping concepts and applications. It includes sections on technology foresight, scenarios, trends and drivers, products and services, supporting systems, examples of technology roadmaps from various industries, and practical issues in roadmap design. The document also presents two case studies, one on a company's use of roadmapping for various business units and technologies, and another on Korea's national technology roadmapping process.
The document discusses technology foresight and scenario planning. It provides examples of scenarios developed for Thailand in 2020 that consider different economic, technology, environmental and societal trends and uncertainties. The document also outlines the process for scenario planning, including identifying trends and uncertainties and using them to design alternative future scenarios. It promotes technology foresight as a way to plan strategically and consider unknown unknowns.
This document provides a timeline of trends and technologies from 2010 to 2050 organized into 5 time zones. Some of the predictions include digital cash being widely used and embedded in clothing by 2015-2020. By 2025-2035, brain drain from hedge funds to scientific research to focus on energy issues. Later predictions include average lifespans reaching 100 years by 2035-2050 and robotic insects being used for crop pollination. The document also lists some potential high impact but low probability global risks that could disrupt future trends.
The document discusses several important drivers of change that will shape the future including environmental factors like climate change and resource limitations, societal factors like aging populations and sustainable lifestyles, and economic factors like new technologies, sharing of information, and concerns over costs and control of technologies. It raises questions around enhancing security while protecting privacy, encouraging attitudes and behaviors to address challenges, focusing on wellness over just treating illness, and containing healthcare costs without compromising health.
The document summarizes the findings of a real-time Delphi survey and scenario workshop regarding future low-carbon societies in Asia-Pacific beyond 2050. The survey and workshop engaged international experts who identified key trends and events, and their level of agreement on the feasibility and desirability of various statements. While experts were optimistic about technologies to improve healthcare and energy efficiency, they had doubts about carbon capture and widespread algae fuel. They also foresaw conflicts from climate migration and water scarcity.