Social media and the Oncology Nurses CareerDee Chaudhary
How to utilize social media to reach colleagues, gain professional information and skill, and make oneself visible to future employers.
Presented at the Fall 2014 Red River Valley Oncology Nursing Society Symposium.
Decomposition is the breakdown of organic matter by bacteria and other organisms. It mainly occurs in landfills, which are sites for burying waste. Respiration is the process by which organisms break down materials like glucose and waste to obtain energy. There are many types of wastes including solid waste (household items), hazardous waste, medical waste, agricultural waste, and industrial waste. Common methods for treating solid wastes include recycling, landfilling, and incineration. Hazardous, toxic, and medical wastes require specialized treatment like deep well injection or controlled incineration to safely break them down.
How does social media fit into the ethical, legal and professional boundaries of oncology nursing? What are concerns and opportunities that an oncology nurse must be aware of when interacting with colleagues, patients and professional social media sites?
At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to:
State the ethical, legal and social justice elements of social media.
Describe how to integrate social media into the practice of oncology nursing.
Develop tools and skills to apply social media to the oncology nurses professional and personal daily activities.
Presented in February of 2014 to ONS Chapter meetings.
n overview of current immunotherapy therapies used to treat cancer. Also provides MOA of various medications, and updates on SITC guidelines for metastatice melanoma.
Social media and the Oncology Nurses CareerDee Chaudhary
How to utilize social media to reach colleagues, gain professional information and skill, and make oneself visible to future employers.
Presented at the Fall 2014 Red River Valley Oncology Nursing Society Symposium.
Decomposition is the breakdown of organic matter by bacteria and other organisms. It mainly occurs in landfills, which are sites for burying waste. Respiration is the process by which organisms break down materials like glucose and waste to obtain energy. There are many types of wastes including solid waste (household items), hazardous waste, medical waste, agricultural waste, and industrial waste. Common methods for treating solid wastes include recycling, landfilling, and incineration. Hazardous, toxic, and medical wastes require specialized treatment like deep well injection or controlled incineration to safely break them down.
How does social media fit into the ethical, legal and professional boundaries of oncology nursing? What are concerns and opportunities that an oncology nurse must be aware of when interacting with colleagues, patients and professional social media sites?
At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to:
State the ethical, legal and social justice elements of social media.
Describe how to integrate social media into the practice of oncology nursing.
Develop tools and skills to apply social media to the oncology nurses professional and personal daily activities.
Presented in February of 2014 to ONS Chapter meetings.
n overview of current immunotherapy therapies used to treat cancer. Also provides MOA of various medications, and updates on SITC guidelines for metastatice melanoma.
2. Przedstawicielem koncepcji nasycone Ja jest
Kenneth J. Gergen. Jego zdaniem
ponowoczesna wiadomo przesycona jest
atmosfer ironicznej bazenady i zmienianych
w popiechu kostim坦w. Stawia on tez o
postpujcym procesie spoecznego
nasycenia, charakteryzujc ponowoczesne
jednostki, jako zaludnione mn坦stwem
ja添ni, obdarzone niesp坦jn osobowoci i
brakiem autentycznoci.
3. Zwielokrotnienie zwizk坦w z innymi:
Zachowywanie przeszoci
Akceleracja przyszoci
Ksztatowanie form 甜ycia spoecznego
4. Nabywanie r坦甜norodnych i rozbie甜nych
mo甜liwoci bycia, w skutek czego nastpuje
wzajemne naladowanie si.
5. Multifrenia to stan w kt坦rym od
r坦甜norodnoci i mo甜liwoci wyboru
dostajemy zawrotu gowy. To rozczepienie
jednostki na wiele r坦甜nych wybor坦w, kt坦re s
proste i w zasigu rki. Rynek i technologia
dostarczaj nam nieskoczonych mo甜liwoci
tworzenia swojej to甜samoci i autoekspersji.
Im bardziej z nich korzystamy, tym nasze
mo甜liwoci rosn i tym bardziej si od nich
6. Strategiczny manipulator
Osobowo pastiszowa
Wyanianie si Ja relacyjnego
7. Kenneth J. Gergen, Nasycone Ja, Wydawnictwo
Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009