The VP meeting discussed various topics to improve their projects and teams. They began with introductions and team building exercises. They then discussed improving their talent pool through better understanding of AIESEC services, increasing matching efficiency, and ensuring complete and appealing trainee need forms. The VPs split into groups to define next steps and pace for the upcoming semester through discussion and feedback.
This document summarizes the services of a PR talent recruitment agency called Profile Creative. They aim to find top talent to help PR agencies shine brighter. They have a large pool of both permanent and freelance PR professionals covering all levels from juniors to directors. Their approach is bespoke for each client's unique needs. They take time to understand each agency to find the best cultural fits. Recent successful placements include account managers and directors at various well-known PR firms. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the head recruiter to discuss their current recruitment needs.
The document discusses how to fix Windows XP registry errors. It explains that the registry stores information about installed software, hardware, and drives. Errors can occur due to viruses, malware, orphaned entries, an improperly shut down computer, or corrupted software. These errors can be repaired by using a Windows XP registry repair software, which scans the registry for errors, removes invalid entries, enhances performance, and avoids system conflicts and crashes.
Mustafa Kamal Malik is a Pakistani national seeking a challenging position to utilize his knowledge and skills. He has a MBA in Marketing from Bahria University and a Bachelors in Software Engineering from International Islamic University. His work experience includes marketing and proposal roles at Kestral Group and quality assurance roles coordinating international shipments and surveys. He has strong communication, leadership, and project management abilities.
This document discusses data recovery software and the need for Mac data recovery software specifically. It notes that data recovery is difficult but there are different recovery software for different purposes like PC, video, Windows, and Mac data recovery. Mac data recovery software is best for recovering lost Mac data due to situations like formatting, deletion, viruses, power outages, or accidental deletion. The software can scan and recover data from any storage device, display recoverable data with one click, and recover files with their original names while also offering security features to prevent future loss.
Use google redirect virus removal tool to remove google redirect viruscharliedavibrown
The document discusses the Google redirect virus, a Trojan that hijacks web browsers and search engines. It spreads by accessing unknown websites and opening infected email attachments. Once installed, it takes control of the browser and redirects users to malicious sites, displays unwanted pop-ups, and blocks certain websites. The document promotes a Google redirect virus removal tool that claims to fully scan computers, detect and remove the virus, and correct settings manipulated by the virus.
This document outlines the structure and goals of the Sales Cup campaign for AIESEC Germany. The campaign aims to increase sales quality and intensity through a points-based competition between local committees. It provides training opportunities and sets national sales days to drive performance. The timeline runs from April 1st to June 29th and includes phases for dueling, education, and electing new vice presidents. Local committees can earn points for activities like company meetings, evaluations, and securing trainee nominees.
This document lists potential causes of Outlook Express data loss such as power failures, faulty network devices, virus infections, and accidental deletion. It also describes solutions like keeping backups, updating patches, and avoiding large attachments. The document promotes a tool at that can repair corrupted Outlook Express files, recover various lost items with a preview, and supports multiple Windows versions.
This document discusses the importance of using a windows data recovery tool to retrieve lost or corrupted data. It notes that while people take precautions, data can still be lost through accidental deletion, human error, viruses, formatting issues, or power failures. A windows data recovery tool can recover many different types of files, works with multiple versions of windows, has a simple interface, and allows previewing recovered files before restoration.
A quick description of American and Canadian Healthcare similarities and differences. I was born in Canada and raised in the US, so it was really interesting to me to know the differences between the two and compare to what I remember prior to becoming a US citizen.
The document discusses camless engine technology as an alternative to conventional camshaft-controlled engines. It provides an overview of how camless engines work by directly controlling valve operation electronically rather than mechanically via camshafts. The key components of a camless engine include solenoid valves, hydraulic pumps and accumulators, and electronic control units that precisely time valve opening and closing for improved efficiency over traditional engine designs. Benefits of camless engines include more flexibility and accuracy in valve timing for better fuel economy and power.
Conf辿rence Availpro - Nouvelles tendances de distribution h担teli竪reAvailpro
Lors de la derni竪re conf辿rence Availpro du 21 novembre dernier, Antojne Buhl, directreur technique d'Availpro a d辿voil辿 les tendances de fond de la distribution h担teli竪re pour les prochaines ann辿es. L'h担tellerie va vers une distribution plus sociale, plus directe mais aussi et surtout plus mobile et donc local.
D辿couvrez comment prendre la mesure de tous ces changements. Pour suivre l'actualit辿 Availpro, suivez-nous sur Facebook :
Dossier de pr辿sentation du magazine gratuit IRRESISTIBLE AUTO. Diffus辿 sur la m辿tropole lilloise, le concept est d辿clinable dans votre agglom辿ration.
Contactez nous au 03 20 28 40 98
Eliott COLIN
R辿dacteur en chef
Le Mouvement communal est une revue indispensable pour les d辿cideurs qui veulent contribuer de fa巽on active la gestion de leur commune.
Soucieux de bien informer et d'辿pauler les gestionnaires communaux dans la r辿alisation de leur mission, l'Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie adresse gratuitement le Mouvement communal tous les membres du coll竪ge communal ainsi qu'au Secr辿taire communal.
Au sommaire du Mouvement communal de novembre 2011
- Invit辿 du mois: Edouard Delruelle - Centre pour l'辿galit辿 des chances
- Parole au Gouvernement: Jean-Claude Marcourt
- Dossier journ辿es d'辿tudes UVCW
- Midis de la gouvernance: synergie communes/CPAS
- Nouvelle r辿glementation march辿s publics
- Permis de location
- E-tourisme
- International: bonnes pratiques
- Vos questions, Infos communes, lire
plus d'infos sur
Pour s'abonner la version papier -->
La rentr辿e fut tr竪s active pour les journ辿es d辿tudes lUnion des Villes et Communes de Wallonie. Le mois de septembre a ainsi vu, outre les Midis de la Gouvernance consacr辿s aux synergies entre communes et CPAS (notre autre dossier de ce mois), de nombreuses journ辿es sorganisent autour de th竪mes essentiels.
Jugez plut担t: 束 Encadrement des manifestations publiques - Communes et polices locales garantes de lordre public 損 le 23 septembre 2011 W辿pion, 束 Intercommunales - focus sur les march辿s publics 損 le 30 septembre 2011 W辿pion, 束 Quelles pensions pour les agents des pouvoirs locaux ? 損 le 6 et le 13 septembre 2011 Seraing et Saint-Denis, 束 Ancrage communal du logement - De la conception la r辿alisation, quels facteurs cl辿s de succ竪s ? 損 le 29 septembre 2011 W辿pion, m辿ritaient, entre autres, d棚tre ici mis en lumi竪re.
Mais notre dossier nous permettra 辿galement de revenir sur un colloque plus ancien consacr辿 aux relations entre communes et fabriques d辿glise organis辿, lui, en f辿vrier et mars 2011 Tilff, Rochefort et Mons. Quon se le dise: sancrant fortement dans la r辿alit辿 quotidienne de terrain, lUnion sadresse, par ces s辿ances dinformations, aux mandataires et aux fonctionnaires locaux dirigeants sur les th竪mes dactualit辿 qui constituent leurs dossiers prospectifs du moment.
Cig versailles actualit辿s statutaires n属 257 janvier 2017 d gayraudDominique Gayraud
Cig versailles actualit辿s statutaires n属 257 janvier 2017 d gayraud
The document discusses strategies for promoting international internship opportunities through AIESEC and maintaining engagement with participants after their exchange. It provides tips for matching participants with opportunities abroad, communicating regularly with those on exchange through newsletters, social media and returnee events, and reintegrating participants after their return to help them continue involvement with AIESEC.
This document summarizes the services of Prestige IFA Jobs, an international wealth management recruitment firm. It discusses how the firm places candidates with top international wealth management firms, provides career advice, and gets quick results. Testimonials from past clients praise the firm for securing roles, being responsive and knowledgeable about the international market. The document cautions that larger firms do not necessarily mean the best and questions whether clients are overpaying for certain services, suggesting they can get higher commissions from some of Prestige IFA Jobs' clients.
How to Talk to Employers about Your Study Abroad ExperienceNicolle Merrill
The document provides advice on how students can leverage their study abroad experience when job searching. It recommends that students plan activities abroad that develop skills employers value, such as leadership, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Students should reflect on how these activities helped them grow and create stories that show rather than tell about their experiences. By translating their skills into language employers understand, students can impress hiring managers and make their study abroad experience stand out in a competitive job market.
This document provides an overview of the current state of iGIP and various projects being undertaken by the ER and ICX teams. It notes that while iGIP has seen 12% growth in realizations and 4% growth in matches, raises have decreased by 17%. It also shows statistics on placement numbers and matching rates for various local committees. Several projects aimed at leadership development, process improvement, sales and partnerships are then outlined, along with their goals and responsible project teams.
This document provides advice for getting a job in front end web development. It discusses presenting yourself well on your CV and in interviews by focusing on your relevant experience, interests, and skills. It emphasizes showing passion for the field, communicating clearly, and proving your intelligence and problem-solving abilities. The document also suggests considering what type of work environment and company culture is the best fit. Maintaining integrity, being helpful to others, and taking initiative are presented as important qualities. Overall, the key points are to showcase your qualifications for the role while also showing your personality and interest in the position.
This document provides information about the Global Internship Program (GIP) and Global Citizenship Development Program (GCDP) run by AIESEC. It discusses how these programs develop leadership in participants by giving them opportunities to work in multicultural environments, learn independently, and gain professional expertise. GIP places youth in business internships around the world, while GCDP focuses on raising awareness of social issues. Both programs aim to make participants more proactive, adaptable learners and open-minded global citizens through meaningful experiential learning and inner personal development work. The document also outlines the support systems AIESEC provides to participants before, during, and after their international exchanges.
This document discusses the importance of using a windows data recovery tool to retrieve lost or corrupted data. It notes that while people take precautions, data can still be lost through accidental deletion, human error, viruses, formatting issues, or power failures. A windows data recovery tool can recover many different types of files, works with multiple versions of windows, has a simple interface, and allows previewing recovered files before restoration.
A quick description of American and Canadian Healthcare similarities and differences. I was born in Canada and raised in the US, so it was really interesting to me to know the differences between the two and compare to what I remember prior to becoming a US citizen.
The document discusses camless engine technology as an alternative to conventional camshaft-controlled engines. It provides an overview of how camless engines work by directly controlling valve operation electronically rather than mechanically via camshafts. The key components of a camless engine include solenoid valves, hydraulic pumps and accumulators, and electronic control units that precisely time valve opening and closing for improved efficiency over traditional engine designs. Benefits of camless engines include more flexibility and accuracy in valve timing for better fuel economy and power.
Conf辿rence Availpro - Nouvelles tendances de distribution h担teli竪reAvailpro
Lors de la derni竪re conf辿rence Availpro du 21 novembre dernier, Antojne Buhl, directreur technique d'Availpro a d辿voil辿 les tendances de fond de la distribution h担teli竪re pour les prochaines ann辿es. L'h担tellerie va vers une distribution plus sociale, plus directe mais aussi et surtout plus mobile et donc local.
D辿couvrez comment prendre la mesure de tous ces changements. Pour suivre l'actualit辿 Availpro, suivez-nous sur Facebook :
Dossier de pr辿sentation du magazine gratuit IRRESISTIBLE AUTO. Diffus辿 sur la m辿tropole lilloise, le concept est d辿clinable dans votre agglom辿ration.
Contactez nous au 03 20 28 40 98
Eliott COLIN
R辿dacteur en chef
Le Mouvement communal est une revue indispensable pour les d辿cideurs qui veulent contribuer de fa巽on active la gestion de leur commune.
Soucieux de bien informer et d'辿pauler les gestionnaires communaux dans la r辿alisation de leur mission, l'Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie adresse gratuitement le Mouvement communal tous les membres du coll竪ge communal ainsi qu'au Secr辿taire communal.
Au sommaire du Mouvement communal de novembre 2011
- Invit辿 du mois: Edouard Delruelle - Centre pour l'辿galit辿 des chances
- Parole au Gouvernement: Jean-Claude Marcourt
- Dossier journ辿es d'辿tudes UVCW
- Midis de la gouvernance: synergie communes/CPAS
- Nouvelle r辿glementation march辿s publics
- Permis de location
- E-tourisme
- International: bonnes pratiques
- Vos questions, Infos communes, lire
plus d'infos sur
Pour s'abonner la version papier -->
La rentr辿e fut tr竪s active pour les journ辿es d辿tudes lUnion des Villes et Communes de Wallonie. Le mois de septembre a ainsi vu, outre les Midis de la Gouvernance consacr辿s aux synergies entre communes et CPAS (notre autre dossier de ce mois), de nombreuses journ辿es sorganisent autour de th竪mes essentiels.
Jugez plut担t: 束 Encadrement des manifestations publiques - Communes et polices locales garantes de lordre public 損 le 23 septembre 2011 W辿pion, 束 Intercommunales - focus sur les march辿s publics 損 le 30 septembre 2011 W辿pion, 束 Quelles pensions pour les agents des pouvoirs locaux ? 損 le 6 et le 13 septembre 2011 Seraing et Saint-Denis, 束 Ancrage communal du logement - De la conception la r辿alisation, quels facteurs cl辿s de succ竪s ? 損 le 29 septembre 2011 W辿pion, m辿ritaient, entre autres, d棚tre ici mis en lumi竪re.
Mais notre dossier nous permettra 辿galement de revenir sur un colloque plus ancien consacr辿 aux relations entre communes et fabriques d辿glise organis辿, lui, en f辿vrier et mars 2011 Tilff, Rochefort et Mons. Quon se le dise: sancrant fortement dans la r辿alit辿 quotidienne de terrain, lUnion sadresse, par ces s辿ances dinformations, aux mandataires et aux fonctionnaires locaux dirigeants sur les th竪mes dactualit辿 qui constituent leurs dossiers prospectifs du moment.
Cig versailles actualit辿s statutaires n属 257 janvier 2017 d gayraudDominique Gayraud
Cig versailles actualit辿s statutaires n属 257 janvier 2017 d gayraud
The document discusses strategies for promoting international internship opportunities through AIESEC and maintaining engagement with participants after their exchange. It provides tips for matching participants with opportunities abroad, communicating regularly with those on exchange through newsletters, social media and returnee events, and reintegrating participants after their return to help them continue involvement with AIESEC.
This document summarizes the services of Prestige IFA Jobs, an international wealth management recruitment firm. It discusses how the firm places candidates with top international wealth management firms, provides career advice, and gets quick results. Testimonials from past clients praise the firm for securing roles, being responsive and knowledgeable about the international market. The document cautions that larger firms do not necessarily mean the best and questions whether clients are overpaying for certain services, suggesting they can get higher commissions from some of Prestige IFA Jobs' clients.
How to Talk to Employers about Your Study Abroad ExperienceNicolle Merrill
The document provides advice on how students can leverage their study abroad experience when job searching. It recommends that students plan activities abroad that develop skills employers value, such as leadership, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Students should reflect on how these activities helped them grow and create stories that show rather than tell about their experiences. By translating their skills into language employers understand, students can impress hiring managers and make their study abroad experience stand out in a competitive job market.
This document provides an overview of the current state of iGIP and various projects being undertaken by the ER and ICX teams. It notes that while iGIP has seen 12% growth in realizations and 4% growth in matches, raises have decreased by 17%. It also shows statistics on placement numbers and matching rates for various local committees. Several projects aimed at leadership development, process improvement, sales and partnerships are then outlined, along with their goals and responsible project teams.
This document provides advice for getting a job in front end web development. It discusses presenting yourself well on your CV and in interviews by focusing on your relevant experience, interests, and skills. It emphasizes showing passion for the field, communicating clearly, and proving your intelligence and problem-solving abilities. The document also suggests considering what type of work environment and company culture is the best fit. Maintaining integrity, being helpful to others, and taking initiative are presented as important qualities. Overall, the key points are to showcase your qualifications for the role while also showing your personality and interest in the position.
This document provides information about the Global Internship Program (GIP) and Global Citizenship Development Program (GCDP) run by AIESEC. It discusses how these programs develop leadership in participants by giving them opportunities to work in multicultural environments, learn independently, and gain professional expertise. GIP places youth in business internships around the world, while GCDP focuses on raising awareness of social issues. Both programs aim to make participants more proactive, adaptable learners and open-minded global citizens through meaningful experiential learning and inner personal development work. The document also outlines the support systems AIESEC provides to participants before, during, and after their international exchanges.
Ivana Sendecka gave a presentation about how she built the New Great Life Stories (NGLS) movement from scratch using social media. She emphasized starting with defining your "why", then determining how to connect people and what specific actions to take. Her why was to educate people in Slovakia about having a good life. She used social media to connect with others who shared her vision. She then quit her job, set up an online community, conducted surveys, and created educational content and a documentary film. Her advice is to publicly share your why, build and educate a loyal tribe, and implement a culture of trust, impact, and empathy within any organization.
The document discusses why the author would be a good hire. It outlines their leadership ethos based on 5 principles: communication, trust, empowerment, ownership, and relationships. It also discusses the author's creativity in thinking outside the box, experience in marketing, inspiration from business leaders, commercial awareness from managing large accounts, and technology skills from introducing new products. The author's personal qualities that would aid their work include being loyal, helpful, dependable, committed, sympathetic, imaginative, resourceful, gentle, idealistic, caring, approachable, confident, inquisitive, creative, and trustworthy.
Expatriate Singapore Assignment | Consulting and PreparationKrystal Aguilar
If you would like some professional consulting similar contact me at
I created educational material that can be used for preparing international workers for a business assignment in Singapore. I used real world business applications, thorough culture research, and provided substantial insight for conducting oneself in and out of the workplace.
The document describes Web Summit, a technology conference that has grown from 400 attendees to over 50,000 attendees from more than 150 countries in just six years. It discusses how Web Summit brings together entrepreneurs, inventors, and technology leaders from around the world and highlights some of its key speakers and attendees. The document also provides information about open roles at Web Summit and the benefits of working for the company.
The document describes Web Summit, a technology conference that has grown from 400 attendees to over 50,000 attendees from more than 150 countries in just six years. It discusses how Web Summit brings together entrepreneurs, inventors, and technology leaders from around the world and highlights some of its key speakers and attendees. The document also provides information about open job opportunities at Web Summit and the benefits of working for the company.
The document outlines NEXTGen Detroit's core values and guidelines for partnering on programs. It provides information on what NEXTGen can contribute such as space, money, marketing and more. It also discusses what is expected from potential partners and stresses the importance of alignment with both organization's missions and measurable goals. The document emphasizes creating meaningful experiences for participants over superficial factors like alcohol. It concludes by inviting the reader to discuss partnership opportunities with NEXTGen staff.
The document provides guidance on how to build an effective pitch deck for presenting to investors. It emphasizes that a pitch should tell a clear and concise story that focuses on the problem being solved, the proposed solution, the market opportunity, and credentials of the founding team. The deck should include 10-13 slides with minimal text and focus on visual elements. Key sections outlined include an elevator pitch, traction metrics, market size and customer definitions, the value proposition, business model, marketing strategy, team bios, competition, and requested funding amount. Presenting the pitch requires practicing delivery to ensure a smooth flow between main points that engages and connects with the audience.
The document provides information about a freelance copywriter named Mayank. It outlines his writing process in 3 stages: research, developing ideas and stories, and writing. It then lists the types of services he offers such as blog writing, article writing, sales letters, and more. It also includes details on his rates, values, portfolio examples, and a draft sales letter.
This document describes the recruitment process for Genpact using their new platform called YouYourself. The process includes uploading a video introduction, staying engaged with the platform through social media check-ins and knowledge sharing, and facilitating mobile access to job postings. The goal is to make the application and screening process more engaging for candidates while giving them opportunities to showcase their personality and interest in the company.
From InDemand 2014, LinkedIn's Steve Watt, walks through the variety storytelling methods to help you find which approach is best for your talent brand.
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This document provides guidance on creating an effective pitch deck and presentation. It emphasizes that the goal is to engage investors by telling a simple yet memorable story about solving a problem. The pitch should focus on a few key points like the customer, problem, solution, market and team. Details and financials are less important than conveying passion and vision. Effective decks use minimal text and visuals to illustrate the story. Practice is key to refining the pitch into a crisp two-minute version that leaves investors wanting more information.
This document contains examples of graphic design work by David Gillentine for various clients. It includes brochures, signage, packaging, and website designs created for companies like GES, Bridge Recruitment, Plantation, Countrywide Estate Agents, IKEA, and others. The designs showcase Gillentine's skills in logo design, branding, layout, and preparing graphics for different file types and formats.
The secret potential of techies revealed!Techtomar
An inspirational talk by Techtomar on the secret potential of techies in pre-sales. This presentation will show you why techies are still not seen as an added value and asset during pre-sales meetings with their customers.
This document describes various recruitment services offered by Discover Retail including:
- Candidate mapping services to identify potential candidates within competitors.
- Advertising services to attract candidates through expertly written job postings on various sites and social media.
- Flexible recruitment packages from individual candidate searches to full store staffing.
- Specialized services for senior executive hiring including dedicated headhunting and assessment.
- Options focus on saving clients time and providing quality candidates through flexible recruitment solutions.
2. Positivity
油 proactivity
油 collaborative
油 constructive
油 Lead others by
leading yourself
3. We reconnect as a generation of VPs,
NST and MC and exchange our
experiences to learn from the past
4. We look forward into the future by
getting input on MC and NST projects
and relevant topics
5. We define the next steps and the pace
for the upcoming semester by having
a dialogue, discuss, criticize and
absorb the input received in the last
1. Get to Know
2. Split Up:
- VP REC: Go with Elli
- VPiGCDP: Go with Nadine
3. Why of iGIP
4. Talent Capacity/Product and EP Pool Education/TN Audit
5. Picture Time -> VPREC and VP iGCDP are back with us
6. Business Lunch
7. Clustertime
8. Common Track with ER
8. Who are your colleagues here in the
Get to Know
24. The Right number
of members
則р Before recruitement: Review your JDs Do
you really need more people? (One member per
iGIP is enough!)"
則р Which JDs do you need to be 鍖lled? Which
people do you need?"
則р Tipp: Start Small! Induct fast! Learning by doing!"
25. Right kind of
Who is the right member for you?"
Skill AttitudeBackground Interest Time
Year of university
Other work xp
Business Savvy
Hard working
Results Oriented
Solution Oriented
What does the
individual want to
Individual needs
to have the time
availability during
the week for
general AIESEC
activity and sales
竪 Communicate this to your VP TM!
31. Product Knowledge
Purpose of this presentation"
Raising your awareness
regarding our iGIP product"
Increasing your matching
Uncovering the bottlenecks"
TN Taker does not understand our
50% matching ef鍖ciency only"
32. Our Services
油 What
Send batch of most promising
candidates to company
Pre-selection of
potential candidates for
the TN"
Upon arrival"
Get residence
Pick-up from
Steuer ID" City registration"
After selection"
Get working
permit (ZAV)"
Housing support"VISA support" Get the VISA"
After selection"
VISA support"VISA support"
Social Securities Number" Insuring the intern"
Upon arrival"
33. What we can Supply
Increase matching ef鍖ciency"
Raise TNs that
can be
with your
35. Where do they come from?
36. When we can supply
EP 12"
EP 13"
37. When we can supply
Jan" Feb" Mrz" Apr" Mai" Jun" Jul" Aug" Sep" Okt" Nov" Dez"
IT 12"
IT 13"
BA 12"
BA 13"
Ma 12"
Ma 13"
En 12"
En 13"
38. Timeline
Modulare Global Talent Broschure"
Local TN taker stories"
International trainee pool"
Detailed service process"
Guideline: How to get an
overview of the current pool."
42. Why is it such a problem?
≒Poorly filled out forms do not provide full
≒Forms that do not look appealing and
sound boring will most probably not get
many applications
43. What will happen?
≒14.-18.04 Implementation week:
LCs will not be able anymore to put TNs on available, this has to
be done by the NST ICX
≒Forms will be checked for the preset criteria and feedbacked via
If they are according to standards they will be put on available
within 48 hours
If they are not a feedback note will be left on Salesforce for the
LC; The TN will be checked again after 24 hours