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The future ageing of the ethnic
         minority population
               Ageing and Ethnicity Conference
                    Runnymede / AgeUK
Nat Lievesley
Centre for Policy on Ageing
December 2012
The future ageing of the ethnic minority
   population of England and Wales
Key findings and
implications of
projections carried out
in 2010 by the Centre
for Policy on Ageing on
behalf of the
Runnymede Trust as
part of a Nationwide
Foundation funded
programme of work.
Using as a base,2001 census data and the ethnic minority
categories from that census
• Ethnicity is a ‘multi-faceted and changing phenomenon’ that
  may reflect a combination of a number of features including
  country of birth, nationality, language spoken at home,
  ancestral country of birth, skin colour, national or
  geographical origin, racial group and religion. (ONS, 2003)

• An individual’s ethnicity is a self assessed concept that may
  change over time and is not the same as country of birth or
  nationality. Country of birth may sometimes be used as a
  proxy for ethnicity for recent migrant groups but for second
  and subsequent generation descendants of migrants, country
  of birth will be a poor indicator of ethnicity.
Projections (England and Wales)
• Extrapolation from ONS 2001-2007 mid year
  population estimates
• Cohort component projection
  End population = Start population + births – deaths –
  outward migration + survivors from inward
   –   2001 Census as base
   –   Fertility
   –   Mortality
   –   Migration
   –   Ethnic switching (trans-generational ethnic transfer)
The drawback of national projections
•   The ethnic minority population of England and Wales is not evenly
•   In 2011...
     – 15% of population of England and Wales live in London but 41% of BME
       population live in London
     – 61% of BME population live in London , West Midlands, Greater Manchester
       or West Yorkshire
     – Over one quarter (27%) of all Bangladeshis in England and Wales live in Tower
       Hamlets or Newham
     – Over half of the black ethnic minority population live in London (Black
       Caribbean – 58%, Black African – 58%, Other Black – 61%)
•   A 2010 study from the University of Leeds suggests BME population will
    become more evenly spread in future
    (Wohland et al, Ethnic population projections for the UK and local areas, University of Leeds
    School of Geography, 2010)
Population age structures in 2007
Population age structures in 2007

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the average number of live children that a group of women would bear
if they experienced the age-specific fertility rates of the calendar year in question throughout their
childbearing lifespan.
• Re-migration, the return or onward migration
  of non-British nationals, is an increasingly
  important phenomenon. Since 1975 around
  one half of all immigrants have re-migrated.
• Return migration in older age may also
  become an increasingly important
  phenomenon among some ethnic minority
  groups in the future.
Ethnic switching / Intergenerational ethnic transfer
• The overall population projections for England and Wales
  derived by summing the individual ethnic minority cohort
  component projections are a close match to both the figures
  derived by extrapolation and to the principal ONS population
  projections for England and Wales for 2016 and 2026.

• The overall population for England and Wales, derived by
  summing the individual ethnic minority group projections,
  continues to lie within 1% of ONS population projections for
  every 5 year time point all the way to 2051.
Ethnic minority population projections to 2051, England and Wales

Note: The left axis starts at 30 million to visibly display the ethnic minority groups and therefore does not show the majority
‘White British’ group proportionately.
The future of the older black and
          minority ethnic population
• Going forward, the ethnic minority population of England and
  Wales will, in general, have a younger population structure
  than the majority White British population. The notable
  exceptions to this are the White Irish, Indian, ’Other White’
  and Black Caribbean ethnic groups.
• Despite this...
   – there will be 2.4 million BMEs aged 50 and over by 2016 with 3.8
     million by 2026 and 7.4 million by 2051
   – there will be over 800 thousand BMEs aged 65 and over by 2016 with
     1.3 million by 2026 and 3.8 million by 2051
   – there will be over 500 thousand BMEs aged 70 and over by 2016 with
     over 800 thousand by 2026 and 2.8 million by 2051
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
2011 Census
Ethnicity Data
(released 11th December 2012)
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Population age structures in 2016
Population age structures in 2016
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Population age structures in 2026
Population age structures in 2026
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Population age structures in 2051
Population age structures in 2051
Implications for service provision

*As indicated by a Revised Clinical Interview Schedule score of 12 or more
Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community (EMPIRIC), National Centre for
Social Research, 2002
Implications for service provision

*Self assessed
Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community (EMPIRIC), National Centre for
Social Research, 2002
Alzheimer’s Society - UK Dementia rates:
  – 40-64 years: 1 in 1400
  – 65-69 years: 1 in 100
  – 70-79 years: 1 in 25
  – 80+ years: 1 in 6
Note: The left axis starts at 30 million to visibly display the ethnic minority groups and therefore
does not show the majority ‘White British’ group proportionately.
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing
Culturally Competent Care

Culturally competent care involves a knowledge and awareness of
cultural diversity and the views and practices of the individual religions
and cultures of residents so that care may be offered in an appropriate
way. Training in cultural competence should be part of staff training.
Nat Lievesley email: nat@cpa.org.uk

The full projection report is available at...

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Nat Lievesley, Centre for Policy on Ageing

  • 1. The future ageing of the ethnic minority population Ageing and Ethnicity Conference Runnymede / AgeUK Nat Lievesley Centre for Policy on Ageing December 2012
  • 2. The future ageing of the ethnic minority population of England and Wales Key findings and implications of projections carried out in 2010 by the Centre for Policy on Ageing on behalf of the Runnymede Trust as part of a Nationwide Foundation funded programme of work.
  • 3. Using as a base,2001 census data and the ethnic minority categories from that census
  • 4. Ethnicity • Ethnicity is a ‘multi-faceted and changing phenomenon’ that may reflect a combination of a number of features including country of birth, nationality, language spoken at home, ancestral country of birth, skin colour, national or geographical origin, racial group and religion. (ONS, 2003) • An individual’s ethnicity is a self assessed concept that may change over time and is not the same as country of birth or nationality. Country of birth may sometimes be used as a proxy for ethnicity for recent migrant groups but for second and subsequent generation descendants of migrants, country of birth will be a poor indicator of ethnicity.
  • 5. Projections (England and Wales) • Extrapolation from ONS 2001-2007 mid year population estimates • Cohort component projection End population = Start population + births – deaths – outward migration + survivors from inward migration – 2001 Census as base – Fertility – Mortality – Migration – Ethnic switching (trans-generational ethnic transfer)
  • 6. The drawback of national projections • The ethnic minority population of England and Wales is not evenly distributed • In 2011... – 15% of population of England and Wales live in London but 41% of BME population live in London – 61% of BME population live in London , West Midlands, Greater Manchester or West Yorkshire – Over one quarter (27%) of all Bangladeshis in England and Wales live in Tower Hamlets or Newham – Over half of the black ethnic minority population live in London (Black Caribbean – 58%, Black African – 58%, Other Black – 61%) • A 2010 study from the University of Leeds suggests BME population will become more evenly spread in future (Wohland et al, Ethnic population projections for the UK and local areas, University of Leeds School of Geography, 2010)
  • 9. Fertility The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the average number of live children that a group of women would bear if they experienced the age-specific fertility rates of the calendar year in question throughout their childbearing lifespan.
  • 16. Migration • Re-migration, the return or onward migration of non-British nationals, is an increasingly important phenomenon. Since 1975 around one half of all immigrants have re-migrated. • Return migration in older age may also become an increasingly important phenomenon among some ethnic minority groups in the future.
  • 18. Ethnic switching / Intergenerational ethnic transfer
  • 19. Validation • The overall population projections for England and Wales derived by summing the individual ethnic minority cohort component projections are a close match to both the figures derived by extrapolation and to the principal ONS population projections for England and Wales for 2016 and 2026. • The overall population for England and Wales, derived by summing the individual ethnic minority group projections, continues to lie within 1% of ONS population projections for every 5 year time point all the way to 2051.
  • 20. Ethnic minority population projections to 2051, England and Wales Note: The left axis starts at 30 million to visibly display the ethnic minority groups and therefore does not show the majority ‘White British’ group proportionately.
  • 21. The future of the older black and minority ethnic population • Going forward, the ethnic minority population of England and Wales will, in general, have a younger population structure than the majority White British population. The notable exceptions to this are the White Irish, Indian, ’Other White’ and Black Caribbean ethnic groups. • Despite this... – there will be 2.4 million BMEs aged 50 and over by 2016 with 3.8 million by 2026 and 7.4 million by 2051 – there will be over 800 thousand BMEs aged 65 and over by 2016 with 1.3 million by 2026 and 3.8 million by 2051 – there will be over 500 thousand BMEs aged 70 and over by 2016 with over 800 thousand by 2026 and 2.8 million by 2051
  • 37. Implications for service provision *As indicated by a Revised Clinical Interview Schedule score of 12 or more Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community (EMPIRIC), National Centre for Social Research, 2002
  • 38. Implications for service provision *Self assessed Ethnic Minority Psychiatric Illness Rates in the Community (EMPIRIC), National Centre for Social Research, 2002
  • 39. Dementia Alzheimer’s Society - UK Dementia rates: – 40-64 years: 1 in 1400 – 65-69 years: 1 in 100 – 70-79 years: 1 in 25 – 80+ years: 1 in 6
  • 40. Note: The left axis starts at 30 million to visibly display the ethnic minority groups and therefore does not show the majority ‘White British’ group proportionately.
  • 45. Culturally Competent Care Culturally competent care involves a knowledge and awareness of cultural diversity and the views and practices of the individual religions and cultures of residents so that care may be offered in an appropriate way. Training in cultural competence should be part of staff training.
  • 46. Nat Lievesley email: nat@cpa.org.uk The full projection report is available at... http://www.cpa.org.uk/reportsandreviews

Editor's Notes

  • #11: The total fertility rate for the whole population fell from a peak of 2.93 in 1964 to a low of 1.63 in 2001 before rising again to 1.97 in 2008. Women are having children later but the age gap between the second and third child is falling and birth rates for 35-39 and 40+ are rising
  • #12: Ethnic minority birth rates are converging.
  • #13: Ethnic minority groups settle disproportionately in different parts of the country and because overall life expectancy also varies by locality, best estimates of the contribution of each ethnic group to local life expectancies and from that the life expectancies of individual ethnic groups can be estimated. Rees and Wohland call this process the GWM or Geographically Weighted Method.
  • #14: Life expectancy at any age will generally improve over time for both males and females
  • #15: The Office for National Statistics has published tables of period life expectancies for the population of England and Wales for all ages from 0 to 95 and all years from 1981 to 2058. These are based on historical mortality rates from 1981 to 2008 and assumed calendar year mortality rates from the 2008-based principal projections. From these tables, life table values can be reverse engineered and five year survival rates calculated.
  • #16: Migration patterns can be erratic and difficult to predict
  • #18: In a period of restricted inward migration, net migration for each ethnic group may be made up of two components, an inflow which has a fixed maximum value and an outflow that is proportionate to the resident population. Where there is a net outflow, and a falling population, as in the case of the White Irish, the falling population cannot maintain the same absolute overall level of net outward migration and emigration will fall as the population size falls. These projections assume that migration remains at 2001–2007 levels until 2011 then falls by an average of 30%. It is the coalition government’s declared intention to reduce non-EU migration to the levels experienced in the 1990s.
  • #47: Team effort from the Centre