Define topology and explain different types of topologies of the network?
Explain error detection and error correction techniques?
Explain the flow control mechanism?
Polarographic Analysis: Principle, component of polarogram, Ilkovic equation, diffusion current factor affection affusion current and half wave potential, quantitative analysis and applications. plarographic maxima supprissor, oxygen wave, supporting electrolyte.
List of Research papers: Prof. Kishore Kothapalli, CSTAR, IIIT HyderabadSubhajit Sahu
Professor Kishore Kothapalli, CSTAR, IIIT Hyderabad
Ph.D (John Hopkins University, USA)
Research Areas:
- Multicore and many core algorithms (GPUs)
- Distributed algorithms
Email: kkishore[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal homepage:
Conductometry: Principle, important laws, definition & relations, mobility of ions governing forces, applications. kohlrauschs Law, apparatus and measurements, experimental details of conductometric titration, high frequency titration, application and limitations.
Radiochemical Methods of Analysis: Origin and nature of radioactive isotopes, natural and induced radioactivity, radioactive decay, different type of radiation, radiation detection and their measurement, principles of Geiger-Muller, Scintillation and proportion counters, radio- activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis, characterization, methodology and use of radiometric titrations in pharmaceutical research.
This document defines and explains various philosophical concepts and "isms". It discusses authoritarianism, rationalism, empiricism, dogmatism, Cartesian skepticism, fatalism, determinism, indeterminism, monism, idealism, occasionalism, subjectivism, and physicalism. For each view, it provides a brief definition and explanation of its key aspects and thinkers associated with developing those views.
The document outlines several schools of philosophy including monism, idealism, occasionalism, subjectivism, and physicalism. Monism asserts there is only one fundamental kind of thing in the universe while idealism holds that only minds and ideas exist. Occasionalism rejects a causal connection between body and mind, believing God mediates all interaction. Subjectivism states that our own mental activity is the only undeniable fact and there is no objective reality. Physicalism is the view that everything is physical and supervenes on the physical.
List of Research papers: Prof. Kishore Kothapalli, CSTAR, IIIT HyderabadSubhajit Sahu
Professor Kishore Kothapalli, CSTAR, IIIT Hyderabad
Ph.D (John Hopkins University, USA)
Research Areas:
- Multicore and many core algorithms (GPUs)
- Distributed algorithms
Email: kkishore[at]iiit[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal homepage:
Conductometry: Principle, important laws, definition & relations, mobility of ions governing forces, applications. kohlrauschs Law, apparatus and measurements, experimental details of conductometric titration, high frequency titration, application and limitations.
Radiochemical Methods of Analysis: Origin and nature of radioactive isotopes, natural and induced radioactivity, radioactive decay, different type of radiation, radiation detection and their measurement, principles of Geiger-Muller, Scintillation and proportion counters, radio- activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis, characterization, methodology and use of radiometric titrations in pharmaceutical research.
This document defines and explains various philosophical concepts and "isms". It discusses authoritarianism, rationalism, empiricism, dogmatism, Cartesian skepticism, fatalism, determinism, indeterminism, monism, idealism, occasionalism, subjectivism, and physicalism. For each view, it provides a brief definition and explanation of its key aspects and thinkers associated with developing those views.
The document outlines several schools of philosophy including monism, idealism, occasionalism, subjectivism, and physicalism. Monism asserts there is only one fundamental kind of thing in the universe while idealism holds that only minds and ideas exist. Occasionalism rejects a causal connection between body and mind, believing God mediates all interaction. Subjectivism states that our own mental activity is the only undeniable fact and there is no objective reality. Physicalism is the view that everything is physical and supervenes on the physical.
Monism is the philosophy that there is only one fundamental substance or nature in the universe. There are two types of monism - one where only the physical is fundamental (physicalism/materialism) and one where only the mind is fundamental (idealism). Idealism asserts that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual rather than physical. It holds that the world and objects can only be known through ideas, and that ultimately reality is in the mind. Occasionalism is the view that events are directly caused by God rather than physical causes, and God mediates all interaction between mind and body. Subjectivism is the belief that our mental experiences are the only certain facts and there is no objective truth independent of the mind.
This document outlines different philosophical theories of idealism and realism. It discusses:
1) Idealism views knowledge as dependent on the mind and prioritizes ideas over the material world. Realism views the material world as primary.
2) There are three types of idealism - subjective, phenomenalistic, and absolute. Subjective idealism holds that ideas depend on individuals. Phenomenalistic idealism says we can only know phenomena, not things-in-themselves. Absolute idealism sees ideas and material as a synthesis.
3) Realism is divided into popular and scientific realism. Popular realism holds primary qualities like shape are objective, while secondary qualities like color are subjective
This document discusses several topics in philosophy including methodology, epistemology, ontology regarding body and mind, freedom of will, axiology regarding ethics and values, and idealism vs realism. It addresses sources of knowledge such as rationalism vs empiricism. Regarding body and mind, it examines monism, dualism, and various dualist positions including substance dualism, epiphenomenalism, occasionalism, and parallelism.
Friedrich Nietzsche was a highly influential German philosopher known for uncovering the underlying reasons of traditional Western religion, morality, and philosophy. His masterwork Thus Spoke Zarathustra, published between 1883-1885, was the first comprehensive presentation of his mature philosophy and had a significant impact on arts and philosophy after his death. Some of his other notable works included Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, and Ecce Homo.
Philosophy originated from wonder, the need to understand doubts and overcome deficiencies. It is characterized by the study of reality, knowledge, and values. There are some common misconceptions about philosophy - that it is just an attitude or outlook, or a collection of general principles. However, philosophy is an academic discipline that questions everyday issues through studying fields like metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology. Philosophers differ from ordinary people in that they continuously wonder and question topics in a way that is relevant to everyday life.
Is there any difference between philosophy and common senseMahima Zaman
Philosophy uses self-examination to develop theoretical and practical understandings of the universe. Science progresses with support from common sense, which was traditionally viewed as an internal sense connecting the five external senses. Everyday struggles inspire further study, data analysis, and answers to community dilemmas through both philosophy and science.
This document provides 7 arguments and determines whether each is valid or invalid and sound or unsound. The arguments examine relationships between trees, plants, oaks, roses, and shrubs using categorical syllogisms. For each argument, it states whether the logic is valid/invalid and the premise is true/false, making the overall argument sound/unsound.
The document contains a quiz about logical fallacies. It lists 10 claims or arguments and asks the reader to identify the type of fallacy each one commits. The fallacies included are red herring, hasty generalization, false dichotomy, weak analogy, appeal to authority, appeal to pity, straw man, false cause, and slippery slope.
This document contains a quiz about logical fallacies. It lists 10 claims or arguments and asks the reader to identify the type of logical fallacy present in each one. The fallacies included are hasty generalization, false dichotomy, appeal to pity, straw man, weak analogy, false cause, slippery slope, and red herring. By identifying the logical fallacies, the quiz tests the reader's understanding of common fallacious reasoning patterns.
This document is a chapter review for a logic and philosophy class. It contains multiple choice and short answer questions testing knowledge of key terms and concepts. The questions cover different branches of philosophy like aesthetics, ethics, logic and metaphysics. They also ask about differences between philosophers and ordinary people as well as what constitutes a philosophical statement.
Make a survey of at least 8 questions on attitudes of students towards englis...Mahima Zaman
The document outlines an 8 question survey to assess student attitudes towards learning the English language in Bangladesh. The survey questions gauge student perspectives on whether learning English will help grow their mind, improve their personality, open more job opportunities, help with higher academic achievement, help progress in life, and whether communicating with foreigners is a basic purpose of English learning. Students will respond with their level of agreement to each question.
Code switching refers to alternating between two or more languages or language varieties in conversation. In Bangladesh, people often code switch between Bengali and English informally. Different types of code switching occur, such as situational code switching based on context or intra-sentential code switching within sentences. While Bengali is Bangladesh's official language, English is used widely in education, business, and demonstrating social status. A survey found that Bangladeshi youth frequently code switch online for communication, with over half switching languages more than 10 times daily in social media and classes. Code switching allows for clearer expression and is becoming a standard form of virtual communication.
This presentation summarizes research on code-switching in virtual communication in Bangladesh. The research surveyed 21 participants and found that over half switch between languages 5-10 times per day on social media. Most believe code-switching is beneficial for communication. While code-switching is becoming more common, ensuring it develops properly remains a challenge.
This document discusses code switching in virtual communication. It outlines three patterns of code switching: situational, intra-sentential, and metaphorical. It describes a survey conducted on the usability of code switching in virtual communication in Bangladesh. The document also includes a section on personal observations about code switching becoming a new form of communication, with most people switching codes automatically and it being an alarming trend among younger generations.
This document discusses Bengali speech communities and varieties of the Bengali language. It defines a speech community as the type of group that sociolinguists study. It notes that while English has standardized and regional varieties spoken across the world, Bengali also has formal standardized varieties as well as colloquial varieties that differ by region. The regional varieties are considered dialects of the standardized Bengali, while colloquial varieties remain non-localized accents. Varieties differ in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation depending on the speaker's background and context. The standardized Bengali has no regional affiliation, while colloquial varieties and dialects reflect regional influences.
A speech community is defined as a group that shares a common language and language patterns, and communicates more within the group than outside of it. Some linguists propose the theoretical concept of an 'ideal' speech community for analytical purposes, though real speech communities exist within social contexts. A language has more influence and power than any of its dialects. While dialects may vary regionally, they should not be confused with accents. Bangladesh can be described as a monolingual speech community, as the vast majority of people use Bangla and regional dialects are respected. In Bangladesh, standard Bangla is used in formal contexts nationwide, while dialects vary regionally depending on social and educational backgrounds.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.