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Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion
e ,V'- ~ !r~ C.臓 o.~clc.

't" ~o~l'<U ~

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- 臓-

--t 揃" -

~f~ctt'fO : ~n

cr&~ .. ~
~,"u~. rt~:~-r: ;:;;.t ,o":;t~tl ;{eM .~a ' .Cf ~ 3o ~)
~多_sr' ~ prolaci.~0a. y l~ ~ 揃t 臓揃E.ste. ~(~l''l~o(O pu-e.d2 estd.,辿lloCA..~
k-.! o ti o p.._ ,"




'Y'U.l.Y fe_~-tl'j}~臓 ,.

clwe~~)' ~(meQ.Q. Co('(l,O ~'td?<:)('~1-~.r
dof~rt1'~r__q,co~ .) 'f-&'f~~~s ~lh-c;~.n+~
dd htfo-~T~mo o ~Q.J~ !<f ~p~-h~' ~- ~~

1'{+Q"fe.( e.0 _ Qo~ Id ~ ~~}:'1ac..t.b ( d;e..': e
~~~') tle h~~ f'oac~nq_ F ' k PR-tH /
~fCt{01 cLS~.?



,1~~ .~<?VC)S'B'UJ,.,e(.te.._. ,

"JR..K . y_ -e 端sq" ~- ~"{1揃. 足
coYC.eP.t'l 0.S Of~. es. Lo.r揃 fv..m.o. ~f
.SeCfQ...tO e J de. p~ a c+LV S'cvt. 坦t~

e~~ y ~V: h;Jcef~c:. ~"~~~'.~~
~ por ~o_{ac..--urea_, ~rneno,cea. '!) 揃 ~~h?.f' hda:~~ . .J~.sto~ ~ium辿s鱈eJ 9lw_ c.o~.s-~b -~y~~


~~~ 12*~(ai:~~ Bo~/. Ole_ t~rn p9 f:.~ F 'oS 揃~~~t t~~~r- 1fo"" ~ 're<> el. '+~-c.{. () V.J
~~~~..t<d'c:.c~9 ~U:l r~rg"t c揃a_. ~

-9f c.c~ ca~e n

_fc.,rmat.olo~,c.oJ'. ' G..ta.Vd.o ,.. }~f' fo.~oreJ
so~ ~'tro ade~om~ 揃 (o asou~d.QJ' t-e(
G )(t-e (~16" s,..q~ ~~-~~o a. lb-e.揃,-.~~ ~ ~~- ;

e:.~~ l1~ud..t. l~rst6"' ~~'(rrvac.ol叩-::
~ tc.d &e_ d ~c:n?c.t.h 4 ~~ ~:l~ tY'la ~/'
ed~c-L" a ~l - pko e. ~~, ~._oSct ~揃-e~da.

~-?-揃 Su,,:p.sesto'l' de. ~LE_,~_l?ctor~~ ~-0~
, d~ J 1 ~ clo'Y d~_ fe::.'1 u叩o_;~~- 揃 ~~~ . ~ k
A ~:t
,~~ a~~ toe e .c..JY"' 'f.'e.SJ  Q cLJ r v~'n ..,bJ~

t~&.-uros -~~~r+f! i~~ .~ ra~deh~ '~~~~di足
Y'tfe" te ~ v,e.g-o ~e. 'l~e te1 r'~f'<"'~~ ta rt?J'

?~ . c5lge.~4e. Se 'ncl.r ob~r"'i~o ntsu.(~-?d~
c[l t1~ c;os.. M.叩) ~ 揃.:r-o m So no~ f. c. o lt. (;) r
dQnJ-2Cbf &1 端J<Ve.~eo ck( C.Q t+en~ .
..A~u~os- ck. es.-ib~ e<>mfOe&tJi tVh.bR.~ }d Se.c.met""On
dQ f;odti-1'~ JI'! ~tvo j e<'- _fe.~ e1~ ck. - ~ 1 -.:揃  "'
f',sts cl.tS ~dor 'f J ,t-roJ estoJ 揃 Q_ ~Lf-os
~" a<t~~(~~cl()f ~-t e.l kaopnJ.ol!:.~l
辿V con~<:.ueocl~, ~~ r~b~ ~e. lQr
ak:~lotder de c:or't'~~e1o c.leJ C..el"-.fetto !
achle~ lor fece.r~c~r dopertHl辿f~(_oj'

lo5- 揃~..unoref'_ ~<..U~( ~~Vlck ~ ~)~
'~ b'f'D m o~( r""'OQ



,~ l ~iro cl~ tJ ~~cm~ ~la ~no_ 臓e cteO~~,~
~,..e~ ~t. ~ m~ctda ~' '2 -fhc'r>Y'eJ'i n_,~Taomltof
i,.c. 1-tofnt())~ Lt.kCt~'(C.. dJ... l6 ~0(1<:lt"'Q ~ Sl'euntlt~tii
' (6:HR-) i d.. H.,"monct ''"~'h&r~tk ~tt o :'ru~.' <fJL ~
'ofO'~~ . de CteC:臓rt'~~<'1t:> (~m~-fos~-61"'-) , k .f."'<> f''"Jad
~~C4t..~ ~ lGt ~t.c..r~O揃~l- ltt MI'',"'Or1C ~~ are U.~




f"'c.~n '~ 1 b~h~t..L6C e~ -p:--o~~fn~

~~ 1 =

r- ,

~0'f'損e.l-k mi~ U 6l e_J ~~ b'IU n10(.r
揃h~ 1 tuyy d~s., f~~~t.U> r y. e fecb:d揃 S~
~~Y d~W..tl:c..o 'terlor~ente..e()V n:.Q- rn1eCT~ &a~.- lCJ-Jtheretui-' ep~J~~CA ~~n~r炭揃"'<.cA
CV;)V ~ ~ ~rnfeo eh c~~~~Q..
~ -esh1 ~ctttdcre.s .t 0wa~r f"C::.r'"'u.0>J, fl.~ro t~_,'ifl)h
J.~nd.o ~ Oromo~nph~a ~ ~~re~ ~'(~ sc.~S,mttob<:~kt~D/ rcirof eJt:fl'u.L;J ~t+er~v' Svr'mr ~ Sa~CLoY' cl~ p~ol~~+~~e ~ )"'- s~c.r~c..t~~" <k. te:-- -'o,揃N~tc.t. cid c._鱈eu''1::C.W 1
.por :1.1.mo'f~ f _.fAV(..Ul'anteJ 1 ~ <:(~ ~c..'U) .- .(r~揃h.
.t4"~ Sbb~""'e. h' ~Ott:.~ "''"<:> (_ ~ fec~'<.ro ~


~ meYorre~ usu.d.meffe C@I~n .~~u~:H' ~ GHR-f y de s-t:::mo..tosi:-c.t~,~~~
u..0a~ ~~t ~~W~t' y e; /'~do le ~+ ~ I:;n-le e.llqJ S'e. e:"'UJ..e'" '辿.ro..,' (q_ dof~'Yq''-..;


~~ eh'~fa~.
e-+ lQ.. ~~ld<~~'~臓;-pl:-an"tfu.. (:~-KT)_ y f'-F
_tV' e~tos ~c~t' loJ' ~N" 'o~'(~~)' y 1a ='*= ct~"t~S o< . . o..J,~e!Sic.cJ / ~ erf~l~tdw' c.M. __ _
t>;ope-"''e. h~n S~ VtOa-m~l~ 1 .per.;:, se
' . ,'tc-rM炭. a..gu~. l"'-. ~" ~ ~ ',0(!'"o i(. d.t:J
rcc.ohte<"~ta ~us~dsu ~~ h....omoe:r-~p,'i..2 l cceCtmlei"W"'={,. u'htbtUC( d..< lt~re..c.t.6." f>veh



~~st ii}C..6n.



~~ ~1er~., ~ ?.al~ ~tone~, l d
.;}~'fOt"f'e..多 y O este~ .ld~ ~Cu.'("f'e~
""-'"' a pa"'-e( ~e oo ~es.al'.+ cu~nd.o
~ ~q,e.fcl.t.. e.
rvn aoo '"
._. .


~ f~ 端~c'l'tot' , ~t=-o._dreterjtc..qJ
-Av. ~f~ L,'tb6C; 1_ t叩F-:~. -f fe,- ["' r:1 pu:>.. hur,TOt;_c.

cc~炭 f'1en1S . . k . qu.uoS~ p)CV)'nCl.tl~ ~~'V.biPV
e臓 Uf' podJHtlfo m_~.t_W eU. &- %~,'~
(t-. ~tr-L-1 M c:reu '"''tef'"f~臓 ~ 臓,tf:+-c.lif'"-la. Jer..u~-


{:)t~Vtof bO'O(f(!J' se t..-re_to(ej' de r,ro~Lrr. .~ " k ~ct_mt ('tsf(a~' Ct:_" f()Jtdt 揃~/o rs-:'
d t~ m, r'H.y ~ t' .su t".a~an o du ~a~ le f~
o bb f c-auJa.S mc.l;..Lu_ a"'-l... r~p揃c~ e(R.va.炭-0{ k <.多,__
a d ~~ '{~-t("~c.炭)"' <iR.. bmmou- p-t,--~~1 d~J Co ' ~' ~rt:t-W'II i ~0<tt (,,.j~ ttA-ert<.U dJ... k ~,~~Jo~ 1~("..
tOc((.cJ.o~ el m~.a~~mo d.t



QSt,a ~~鱈e.t~'Y (o. Qtdt~' c1t l-. ~f4 cuAJ坦. ltt10..{'TA.... yl,"'''"''':8. -f,),1~<--~
_ . . _______ ___揃 -...!.t~-!~Fei"-<.JClQ.( ~ctl..., {" tVscdf>Ol, cil. a114 <.A,,,J&( n ~
Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion
~f eon~r~uones ele.J~c:{.~, IQ ~~"?'Ya ~c..+.'Jcl

lo~ f(!cer~or~.r v~cu  ~re.l alfo;>_,- ~dren辿'S>c1U
<....y pos~ h..e':'e"~ tn rt.amfef'rtc..os), ~~~wtdo
"'BS<>Co'Csn.ec.l-6-n  t<'"'~ C..on~cu.e..nci a , C.U;)Vd.o ~
o.tilt<e dopaYYHYo Q" esi:&!cr d~ ~~bct-k <t~
a Yne.~a<a" ~ 'Cdd., ~~ tl.Qbe_ efe~h.t.~r u.n_ CX)a'td

~~~d~'> ~ la p-res~on orter~. 'j la
~"~ t fe ~. el~

揃 ? f t-

t- t

11E"<>.aucl 揃'!lf'~~


n ' 揃 -- ~ t 揃 '.揃


~ ~~- ~

揃 ~~ _t :--揃--




fea"'to 1a. m鱈 na.

揃r -.

f' c~~V

~l m~ h~ e')(c e.Snta ( ~u~9-t.~ e tcmb 1辿Yl fu.c!ck..
se'("" a re~ !les1a o s~cck ~ eY"'1~~u) P炭..eck.
haat"~ Y~u~aS:) "'~,"t~t~s- , {.a2olt.ca~'a 1 d..oo("
- .



a "'-'~rte.YSA ~

~~ O~s ,()" ck doyam11a

~de ~USL 1~ cl:c~a ttene Ul2 "'da m ~eL~
~~~ f'C~ i;,ca
(X)( to. 1 esbr- ~fectas n<~d:u d. . . .
me.. V 揃h~ ~~~2f'e<:eY ro'1.1E ~!臓 ~ J,~ I'YII nu.'{~ ~ _ _
e' ~  t lV v .dA..,  ~ t"n flt 'S' o 1. o -s-e ''{ te n-o m f>t. ~ tZ.:l f i ..


~<. -r-'-~~ r(~9i}~;~r~

b~- at~ 0.J 揃 ~~p.

e. ~se~ O,t" d.<?~n揃hc bo9u~tn
b~~e c.omJ ..Peo'.Qiclrn,na '


pc2"'de) ca('tid~<ks
d~fd"''t多). d..t.h~"+~ d . 揃,, ~'!,多n r.~.J .-Q.d~

La e>c+c<l.a.sao..c'l

.w, ros揃揃s : '~""'辿""''~~ :.'.f. ~~s:fa.c.lo.,






~  (t-J ;1~ton

a cko多o , :S ( T." 揃揃.ste.r)

tnstd::..ur .A~~
,nfdtc~~tiS" A_opa' ~ a- 'f~t5" ce~

~~ner~me"te ao" ~t(i ~ble.r ~ 2 ';)ct,'ftdQd

a~~'~oso, a.rrtM.as.. s_ef~


' '
~.t'd臓 -;~ a ~ d

ame.th.~4a~,-s~ de-be

r,oc t1"ens fusi坦n ok ~n~re ~tt~(多. ~ 1~s-m2 o
i'UJ.lclo' ca r~~dos .. Se ~~ C:o'鱈1-~oaY ~- 
~-;).c.t~+e. como ~ '"cl',to a n-~ ~ lor ef~~-h~y

o fes


K?-~t~ ,揃c'0~J 揃 LklV~~- ~' ~ ~ ~(l~~~"!.d'{Ft~!'
Ao~S' de:. ~dm~r,,sk~ . plopemX'~ ~ - l~r ~~~1't..r
en shock k debe. _~1ret>~ '~ h, :po"CoEomle .

~~e~~es ckb1'cbr


_f?B;ra ~"?~,. )~ ~~(? Vl~ 臓d 1rl l 6 r ; ~ctas 1 1~
.'f> hh'b~I'Smo J ~ ~~forocne~ ~e rQ臓f~ ent.e. k 1~

<坦'" u~ . -~-

多t-1)r-fet- d~"~- 辿J.e;~+-- J~tr揃,r:揃}s~)
' . -~ --~e t;ce~
i -- f .. . ~ -揃 .


e ~~t() c.e. or- neurotJ~n~Ml S'o鱈 es

~~oks e"' to~ ~ngltos ~~l~, ~lo _
la ~e:e-hle:o~ na se COfStd揃e (C) ~ctu~tttet.IG
4~t ~~~t-ttyaiw}n~J 揃~ ~: c~~~c.~s . re~3~~.fS' 臓et' ~ f'?r'af' te: e~ ~ fa{"~ ~ca t~!~ rd ck,l
p~rk~ to nt SiO' O. Uf moclcJ '? YelJ: rnq~ Nl C.V
las 揃 F~a~ de i: q 50 j . l960 ~stubi~Jerpr'l
1~ G~ngho~ ~d~a~:s del
c:ati~f~~ , J:~vf lo~
~~~~~ta ~ pero t~ l. ;_ de .lrd ~~!n~;.~'0 <;.~lA臓
e~~f'~l~f ji: ~spe~ft.d~en+e: -e.~ ~'~!~roe_
~~~,o~ ba~es ~t~~: l~ ~. --~ ....
d坦ffrn'"'~~~o YC~ '"oes"tt-'a~ torst~ ~~"'en reoe.~ ina kfYl ( tU~eo ~&do Y.
e SltLo .de. . est6-f ~(d.a.Oe~tc1 ~ - la
~t~men ). contlene nrmJ. Tent~ .e.(
el'fe.~me.~~~ } de p?-~kr$;)( ~~~t~ J.( a
es-..ul 'b t揃~ (X)mronenter tVh~ q.clo~
d~f''-'e'<'~ r-ro'Cu.nc.acl e e.v:_ ~ 1e (J <ct6 ( d.dpamne~tc.os '/ eXQ r.ddoreyfe:.o 1~r足

~ '" t


- -'t -

~opaN'Vere~a -~e lot ~~~etlor ba~ae~
. ~koS' (.~"o's"'" G坦~)
d~btc}  ~ . ~e~ce~r, dcr ~r Ye.uro aS ~ t ~H et" e .' L~ e t"Pe"" me.d~c ~ ~'1" u Vocc.) ,~ad a~:- k' ~~ sus-t~ nC,..a n.e-~<a.
揃 揃 揃 . Son "O etfun ~ t~c-~~ J' ~~~ hW'<onaJ'
LQ}s~~~ r~ rne<tacta~ cl~C - 1~ ~us:f. ~. cd tec-3~~5" e dl~
d.~ e .
c1a ne~rd :~ 'n~rma Me(te u--~~~ '2..dY do~rA~l~ cd:t 'L' do~ d :l ~cm, n 辿 rcfi?'cq ~_.p,-rocl..u.c e co m;)
c.omo ~e.u.tb t(a~~mso{" Se he. cl~tno~{c坦i:l.U
res~t~do ~o exc~ ~Lf~t'"o d~ '~flj~~
9u.~ 6 揃ye~titda ck e~--c cat@辿uam,V{~
揃C dS . <:e 揃~c-.,e ICdS, t ~ 0.. . t:on~CJ.J.entiqi u ...aa



"'""'uu坦 ('

1??'( 揃 lJ! . ~P~V~~f ~揃 ba-saer ~~rct~ r. at~~ ~gul"da e~ro~鱈~ taufl(~. "'.:: h"'to "<:al la~ m.a't 'te.rtao:one..r mciocas ~ "Dhfupa leJt 'IYV~C~e. dl't~ rOf") ~'Ca
1 t 揃 t.- ' "' -t -揃 -揃
揃t r

:do r~": ~1S<t''-~rf'O 1

~揃e~ l~_ s:'i-1-<?~Pt ~
dro(ec..en ~ aolo "+~"'~ ~~?-_ d~FY~~ ~~-~

~ ~a 199~~ El (1?~-?b~c.,f't ~~"tL~- ~ ~~'
t(~ fS N[ ~'lo" db ft_a'('t'(e ,~,~~ "'~d.i~V~e_l. .
 m* e~ k, 臓 d;e~"" S>Js-h:t '1C.. <l S ~ qu.e fe <l...f < t"l ~V ~o_/ res--ta.uca a ~~t.辿01 ~9_m~'d
e~ e pa臓' c:lf&'OfIS("(0 y . Cons-b~v'{ e  ~ ern~.
f.eg'揃~ ce'.b{~ e V ~c.--.c多YY~Vte to d..-__,y 1
~1) t fheJ.' ~~ ~a"-u~fir ~ tyo -<~ l't'e fb el.
~揃"- e ,.~e(揃 0 c.. J e(c:L

r' ..

~1 :~~r.~n~n揃s~~p_J ~rr L~~~~~~~$-i足
-~~ a ctt11 od~cl ~l,~frg'': () ' -~~~Ju~~ -~~~tt;~~

~ re.sta'o,.~der el e1~hb~~-C?;. __' ~e tono
c!b fi1 m '"~tfc.O y c.o (.o 辿 .rg<c O e" ~- 1

A~f~s-t;/?~~ ~fo.-,b,(l.?r:: k(~Aip~o""' s~ S'

多~ ta 1)''"t'~r-g '~,...
'j ~t.t~?O~lli'b::l.) COllt'-e_f~tC':l"' (1)'UJSC~n足

{,:) m e "te

..... _


EJ c,r端.Jit~ , k 揃 ~;-C;.Tn~l~g hca~;~_sT~~z-tern~ n~~,c~t~"' nume.'(t)~_f 揃  f'ter-ccV')e)C..tot1~
~~+~ptc~m~~~) .for~~ u"' d~ ~~~-~-r~~r. =~t1(~ lo臓 cUl~c-s~ ~~NeftoF ok ~~S'-"~~~
_ ~e: "So~ l~ ~~d~ ~ ~ CX)t-1-e.~.?f,{- t"l o;}~~hos bel~ej f~l~~~s ~,__ {~t cu~kJ
"YY'IO-b(a; est~ a'o opore<--en'-enre
en"'bcf'~O,f 1a_f' '113) 'nle..f lrt'p~COCtrod, los N"ov'm '~"-t-v.r ~e. se radll~Yl : t-=.nt~t 揃 e a pa~<?Q<''e y e


e" c:.~de


~R. pc~far e, _ _ t-~td.mte'fTh ~)a_ ~nfef'm~~~J ~

&~~ma Motor~~.a ~ Nt-v-../. NHento &f~ . ~臓- ~'f'k,nson ~V. ~<!J.~ cone.t.taV ~pi
e" l.lfC.. ~~C}sJ捉f t -e-+ r. ~ .-f 揃 -揃- t--t=揃 .- L 1U.deo c~ud~cla-it>Jtta men to~ '~
辿&te ,~s+e~d ~ ~b t~1~~ un~~ rfY~(~=e.fl(.l<t , r~..::sta.nct.a ne.g~_ ...f _
lar- a Fe(""e"'f:es

d.~c-&.. <SI<>~;<T ~~~1'1-_! '捉 Cn~u~f,j~.-~- bkl ~ 揃. ~~ <..onCleYe( ~.P-~mw9. emeff>~ll

--+-- -+~ ~Yw)C ~o19l'~l~~~JH1-<辿_J:!~t----'f me~. ~ f~ --~'q- ~~t~ ~ ~ ~~t~~~

~1 ~~~~o r:多Jl:~~dem~-; 4*叩 C:,4ft;t :~:臓~~~~ ~:~j~V::J~J ~t:c~:

+?{:fYo .t.~~

'lu..st ._.l~ V !4-~!fQ~-i.J ?a~,~~)~

-- T . --揃

~~ ~~en_.e.~Te ~ ~ la Cl?4~!f-~e ~ t . ~--~ste~ neu(t)"0~JJ-1o 辿ilYYHV~-f~ C.~
-+-~ ~otof"d,. 1 sensorial _~. cla ~~sCt.&n L.t fe-<_~~Y21 """'f fo8~(.
t. po>t_cl&L~

ros . +~~-~tJt1<2-UCb~多~ Uc: ~'uc:.eo

-=es t:rdn$port~de~t-?l ~~estraatu..f'<l J ,
-'-nudeo e_~ y ~t~~eV) '/ lltecro i c~t..tl~- ~- pu.tav-nc:n , '"clu.~-a"'~ at
,揃a lo~ ot~S' ~1~0'e(lf;oS ct.-. ~) ~揃~n'?l1.0j r:t= ~~VdeJ tftec"lell(.')'~f Y0 'eSJ?tnoS'aJ
,ba"S.ees ( ~lob.us j>~l~~, n.uc1eo ~ __1. y 2S 'l'.euronas V"YU:..cti ~"'~ .t ~~rptnu~
~~-tcl叩r'l"<:.u 'j SuS"taVua Ye~~-.;-a)
'臓 Y o t- r f.'IIOJaS "1.
.M.<!. eo.n-t-lel'tf.q c
'Li坦.}- c*J.tt:cb:as- e 臓Y'C'.llf~~,
~ l
'~ )(.. o(Y~O~l.Lt--l!lCo (G.ABA). l2r n~.:t0nd
~ h"Q~ ,~ ., ~fofni) d~~~ 則l~ _:s'UCj<:! ,= 0~K辿':ji~~f .5~e1 l~ _ tu.~nte pr~c..,r,~.L


p.r,1'u e~rte~-.fJ~-臓1~

~v:~~ ~~F ~da 揃揃~,, ~. :fr'Y e~fR-" ~4rQ~? o.l~r ~6.ructS t'
GR.~ su~ tino.~l neg r.il h~ti.~ 'r 1.v. c..le..o ~ r ~
e} r~ al m e" t e.c[則'. 1'~.-:s '"'l{ ,'cu ~ d.a

sJ臓 ~stanud ~-<a~
~ z.

~S t~ ~mo, ~.sd~ d..chT ~ nfo.~e_.
&f er en'tl(lda fn1.ll'V'f'o ~k CJ:)ric-z.多 . _l~f t)u.CUl'2)' <?AABA- 揃~cetc~~ ll;ambte1
fl'otofa y P'Ctora su pemenian~ ~-u rr tiete" u t ~p t-td~ ~~ rno ~l)Sr~n~C P
'-1 luttl( o , . k re~ yeSo  'f le PJ'>f,'.;;. c,,.揃tis~ ~~So m~ tos-t.a b "多 , _~"' 多 eY1ce.f'.,..h ~~R.Hn多
~-h>~. : ~ . . .揃 1    t 臓 1 t t. ~ dJ..<)l~f 1'e ..

1 - ~ ~ r~ r;-~ t ~+ l ~ J . l
5単 (gQ~en炭a, ! e P.~~ . ck_l~ 臓: p-roye+.~J ;s~nio_~~ 多;多_ '"P~'~TSO~nno ~-~Gr-.c( ,.
.{k:pc-.nni'1)LC:~~ h.ao.~ e cu..u-~ F~~r-~~~ otr~~~"J !J-W- '-?"~t揃~ .a er-Thtili- lf.~l:e,ttv.<1


~':, ~ctJ..f,c:~t l'tJ 0e~~J'


臓,.,~ ~nfe<'~f1>1<'!~




ot~r Tf揃 t~d~ _ S,~~l"'lO)' l ?~~'OJ' b~}-lef CCC't0 S'.tto ~
N~-'.!t"l'揃} .臓1束-?,.:,hcl;. 1 ;;}~"' d..t.. ~+.a lmyoc--1:..:""-t.._ d~f" d-.1.

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Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion




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Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion
Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion

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Milton Lazo Yzaga

Somatomamotrofinas apuntes resumen para exposicion

  • 2. e ,V'- ~ !r~ C.臓 o.~clc. .. 1 't" ~o~l'<U ~ ~~ . , ___ , . '" .,. - 臓- --t 揃" - ~f~ctt'fO : ~n cr&~ .. ~
  • 3. ~,"u~. rt~:~-r: ;:;;.t ,o":;t~tl ;{eM .~a ' .Cf ~ 3o ~) ~多_sr' ~ prolaci.~0a. y l~ ~ 揃t 臓揃E.ste. ~(~l''l~o(O pu-e.d2 estd.,辿lloCA..~ k-.! o ti o p.._ ," e!.r 1J( tnhtbc(;>'r 'Y'U.l.Y fe_~-tl'j}~臓 ,. clwe~~)' ~(meQ.Q. Co('(l,O ~'td?<:)('~1-~.r dof~rt1'~r__q,co~ .) 'f-&'f~~~s ~lh-c;~.n+~ dd htfo-~T~mo o ~Q.J~ !<f ~p~-h~' ~- ~~ Cot 1'{+Q"fe.( e.0 _ Qo~ Id ~ ~~}:'1ac..t.b ( d;e..': e ~~~') tle h~~ f'oac~nq_ F ' k PR-tH / ~fCt{01 cLS~.? fe Cv(f ,1~~ .~<?VC)S'B'UJ,.,e(.te.._. , 多:a.tmet'to "JR..K . y_ -e 端sq" ~- ~"{1揃. 足 coYC.eP.t'l 0.S Of~. es. Lo.r揃 fv..m.o. ~f .SeCfQ...tO e J de. p~ a c+LV S'cvt. 坦t~ e~~ y ~V: h;Jcef~c:. ~"~~~'.~~ ~ por ~o_{ac..--urea_, ~rneno,cea. '!) 揃 ~~h?.f' hda:~~ . .J~.sto~ ~ium辿s鱈eJ 9lw_ c.o~.s-~b -~y~~ r-#ncmef ~~~ 12*~(ai:~~ Bo~/. Ole_ t~rn p9 f:.~ F 'oS 揃~~~t t~~~r- 1fo"" ~ 're<> el. '+~-c.{. () V.J } ~~~~..t<d'c:.c~9 ~U:l r~rg"t c揃a_. ~ -9f c.c~ ca~e n lc2{ _fc.,rmat.olo~,c.oJ'. ' G..ta.Vd.o ,.. }~f' fo.~oreJ so~ ~'tro ade~om~ 揃 (o asou~d.QJ' t-e( 揃揃 r 1 G )(t-e (~16" s,..q~ ~~-~~o a. lb-e.揃,-.~~ ~ ~~- ; e:.~~ l1~ud..t. l~rst6"' ~~'(rrvac.ol叩-:: ~ tc.d &e_ d ~c:n?c.t.h 4 ~~ ~:l~ tY'la ~/' ed~c-L" a ~l - pko e. ~~, ~._oSct ~揃-e~da. ~-?-揃 Su,,:p.sesto'l' de. ~LE_,~_l?ctor~~ ~-0~ , d~ J 1 ~ clo'Y d~_ fe::.'1 u叩o_;~~- 揃 ~~~ . ~ k A ~:t ,~~ a~~ toe e .c..JY"' 'f.'e.SJ Q cLJ r v~'n ..,bJ~ t~&.-uros -~~~r+f! i~~ .~ ra~deh~ '~~~~di足 Y'tfe" te ~ v,e.g-o ~e. 'l~e te1 r'~f'<"'~~ ta rt?J' ?~ . c5lge.~4e. Se 'ncl.r ob~r"'i~o ntsu.(~-?d~ c[l t1~ c;os.. M.叩) ~ 揃.:r-o m So no~ f. c. o lt. (;) r dQnJ-2Cbf &1 端J<Ve.~eo ck( C.Q t+en~ . c ...
  • 4. ..A~u~os- ck. es.-ib~ e<>mfOe&tJi tVh.bR.~ }d Se.c.met""On dQ f;odti-1'~ JI'! ~tvo j e<'- _fe.~ e1~ ck. - ~ 1 -.:揃 "' f',sts cl.tS ~dor 'f J ,t-roJ estoJ 揃 Q_ ~Lf-os ~" a<t~~(~~cl()f ~-t e.l kaopnJ.ol!:.~l 辿V con~<:.ueocl~, ~~ r~b~ ~e. lQr ak:~lotder de c:or't'~~e1o c.leJ C..el"-.fetto ! achle~ lor fece.r~c~r dopertHl辿f~(_oj' lo5- 揃~..unoref'_ ~<..U~( ~~Vlck ~ ~)~ '~ b'f'D m o~( r""'OQ ( "''ro ~ ~"" ,~ l ~iro cl~ tJ ~~cm~ ~la ~no_ 臓e cteO~~,~ ~,..e~ ~t. ~ m~ctda ~' '2 -fhc'r>Y'eJ'i n_,~Taomltof i,.c. 1-tofnt())~ Lt.kCt~'(C.. dJ... l6 ~0(1<:lt"'Q ~ Sl'euntlt~tii ' (6:HR-) i d.. H.,"monct ''"~'h&r~tk ~tt o :'ru~.' <fJL ~ 'ofO'~~ . de CteC:臓rt'~~<'1t:> (~m~-fos~-61"'-) , k .f."'<> f''"Jad ~~C4t..~ ~ lGt ~t.c..r~O揃~l- ltt MI'',"'Or1C ~~ are U.~ .J: <;l.ue t f"'c.~n '~ 1 b~h~t..L6C e~ -p:--o~~fn~ ~~ 1 = r- , ~0'f'損e.l-k mi~ U 6l e_J ~~ b'IU n10(.r 揃h~ 1 tuyy d~s., f~~~t.U> r y. e fecb:d揃 S~ ~~Y d~W..tl:c..o 'terlor~ente..e()V n:.Q- rn1eCT~ &a~.- lCJ-Jtheretui-' ep~J~~CA ~~n~r炭揃"'<.cA CV;)V ~ ~ ~rnfeo eh c~~~~Q.. ~ -esh1 ~ctttdcre.s .t 0wa~r f"C::.r'"'u.0>J, fl.~ro t~_,'ifl)h J.~nd.o ~ Oromo~nph~a ~ ~~re~ ~'(~ sc.~S,mttob<:~kt~D/ rcirof eJt:fl'u.L;J ~t+er~v' Svr'mr ~ Sa~CLoY' cl~ p~ol~~+~~e ~ )"'- s~c.r~c..t~~" <k. te:-- -'o,揃N~tc.t. cid c._鱈eu''1::C.W 1 .por :1.1.mo'f~ f _.fAV(..Ul'anteJ 1 ~ <:(~ ~c..'U) .- .(r~揃h. .t4"~ Sbb~""'e. h' ~Ott:.~ "''"<:> (_ ~ fec~'<.ro ~ 're<- ~( ~ meYorre~ usu.d.meffe C@I~n .~~u~:H' ~ GHR-f y de s-t:::mo..tosi:-c.t~,~~~ u..0a~ ~~t ~~W~t' y e; /'~do le ~+ ~ I:;n-le e.llqJ S'e. e:"'UJ..e'" '辿.ro..,' (q_ dof~'Yq''-..; y ! ~~ eh'~fa~. e-+ lQ.. ~~ld<~~'~臓;-pl:-an"tfu.. (:~-KT)_ y f'-F _tV' e~tos ~c~t' loJ' ~N" 'o~'(~~)' y 1a ='*= ct~"t~S o< . . o..J,~e!Sic.cJ / ~ erf~l~tdw' c.M. __ _ t>;ope-"''e. h~n S~ VtOa-m~l~ 1 .per.;:, se ' . ,'tc-rM炭. a..gu~. l"'-. ~" ~ ~ ',0(!'"o i(. d.t:J rcc.ohte<"~ta ~us~dsu ~~ h....omoe:r-~p,'i..2 l cceCtmlei"W"'={,. u'htbtUC( d..< lt~re..c.t.6." f>veh d.,u.~Y.te a ~~st ii}C..6n. . -t~r-t- ~~ ~1er~., ~ ?.al~ ~tone~, l d 揃 .;}~'fOt"f'e..多 y O este~ .ld~ ~Cu.'("f'e~ ""-'"' a pa"'-e( ~e oo ~es.al'.+ cu~nd.o ~ ~q,e.fcl.t.. e. rvn aoo '" ._. . .f辿 ~ f~ 端~c'l'tot' , ~t=-o._dreterjtc..qJ -Av. ~f~ L,'tb6C; 1_ t叩F-:~. -f fe,- ["' r:1 pu:>.. hur,TOt;_c. Sef cc~炭 f'1en1S . . k . qu.uoS~ p)CV)'nCl.tl~ ~~'V.biPV e臓 Uf' podJHtlfo m_~.t_W eU. &- %~,'~ (t-. ~tr-L-1 M c:reu '"''tef'"f~臓 ~ 臓,tf:+-c.lif'"-la. Jer..u~- ctJ {:)t~Vtof bO'O(f(!J' se t..-re_to(ej' de r,ro~Lrr. .~ " k ~ct_mt ('tsf(a~' Ct:_" f()Jtdt 揃~/o rs-:' d t~ m, r'H.y ~ t' .su t".a~an o du ~a~ le f~ o bb f c-auJa.S mc.l;..Lu_ a"'-l... r~p揃c~ e(R.va.炭-0{ k <.多,__ a d ~~ '{~-t("~c.炭)"' <iR.. bmmou- p-t,--~~1 d~J Co ' ~' ~rt:t-W'II i ~0<tt (,,.j~ ttA-ert<.U dJ... k ~,~~Jo~ 1~(".. tOc((.cJ.o~ el m~.a~~mo d.t "---'----- (!U. QSt,a ~~鱈e.t~'Y (o. Qtdt~' c1t l-. ~f4 cuAJ坦. ltt10..{'TA.... yl,"'''"''':8. -f,),1~<--~ _ . . _______ ___揃 -...!.t~-!~Fei"-<.JClQ.( ~ctl..., {" tVscdf>Ol, cil. a114 <.A,,,J&( n ~
  • 6. ~f eon~r~uones ele.J~c:{.~, IQ ~~"?'Ya ~c..+.'Jcl lo~ f(!cer~or~.r v~cu ~re.l alfo;>_,- ~dren辿'S>c1U <....y pos~ h..e':'e"~ tn rt.amfef'rtc..os), ~~~wtdo "'BS<>Co'Csn.ec.l-6-n t<'"'~ C..on~cu.e..nci a , C.U;)Vd.o ~ o.tilt<e dopaYYHYo Q" esi:&!cr d~ ~~bct-k <t~ a Yne.~a<a" ~ 'Cdd., ~~ tl.Qbe_ efe~h.t.~r u.n_ CX)a'td ~~~d~'> ~ la p-res~on orter~. 'j la ~"~ t fe ~. el~ 揃 ? f t- t- t 11E"<>.aucl 揃'!lf'~~ 1 n ' 揃 -- ~ t 揃 '.揃 A w揃+- ~ ~~- ~ 揃 ~~ _t :--揃-- 1 lf~-f'.:>S s-vb-edvsi fea"'to 1a. m鱈 na. 揃r -. f' c~~V ~l m~ h~ e')(c e.Snta ( ~u~9-t.~ e tcmb 1辿Yl fu.c!ck.. se'("" a re~ !les1a o s~cck ~ eY"'1~~u) P炭..eck. haat"~ Y~u~aS:) "'~,"t~t~s- , {.a2olt.ca~'a 1 d..oo(" t - . Y2Soc.ci'~r~.~cl6~ c)..ufa'11e. a "'-'~rte.YSA ~ ~~ O~s ,()" ck doyam11a ~de ~USL 1~ cl:c~a ttene Ul2 "'da m ~eL~ ~~~ f'C~ i;,ca (X)( to. 1 esbr- ~fectas n<~d:u d. . . . me.. V 揃h~ ~~~2f'e<:eY ro'1.1E ~!臓 ~ J,~ I'YII nu.'{~ ~ _ _ _., e' ~ t lV v .dA.., ~ t"n flt 'S' o 1. o -s-e ''{ te n-o m f>t. ~ tZ.:l f i .. muy ~<. -r-'-~~ r(~9i}~;~r~ b~- at~ 0.J 揃 ~~p. e. ~se~ O,t" d.<?~n揃hc bo9u~tn b~~e c.omJ ..Peo'.Qiclrn,na ' Jq pc2"'de) ca('tid~<ks d~fd"''t多). d..t.h~"+~ d . 揃,, ~'!,多n r.~.J .-Q.d~ La e>c+c<l.a.sao..c'l .w, ros揃揃s : '~""'辿""''~~ :.'.f. ~~s:fa.c.lo., . d..ct 鱈 ~ i( ~ (t-J ;1~ton a cko多o , :S ( T." 揃揃.ste.r) ' tnstd::..ur .A~~ ,nfdtc~~tiS" A_opa' ~ a- 'f~t5" ce~ ~~ner~me"te ao" ~t(i ~ble.r ~ 2 ';)ct,'ftdQd a~~'~oso, a.rrtM.as.. s_ef~ eJ.臓;-多 l, ' ' ~.t'd臓 -;~ a ~ d ame.th.~4a~,-s~ de-be r,oc t1"ens fusi坦n ok ~n~re ~tt~(多. ~ 1~s-m2 o i'UJ.lclo' ca r~~dos .. Se ~~ C:o'鱈1-~oaY ~- ~-;).c.t~+e. como ~ '"cl',to a n-~ ~ lor ef~~-h~y ..2- o fes ptol~0~de K?-~t~ ,揃c'0~J 揃 LklV~~- ~' ~ ~ ~(l~~~"!.d'{Ft~!' Ao~S' de:. ~dm~r,,sk~ . plopemX'~ ~ - l~r ~~~1't..r en shock k debe. _~1ret>~ '~ h, :po"CoEomle . ~~e~~es ckb1'cbr 1 _f?B;ra ~"?~,. )~ ~~(? Vl~ 臓d 1rl l 6 r ; ~ctas 1 1~ 臓
  • 7. .'f> hh'b~I'Smo J ~ ~~forocne~ ~e rQ臓f~ ent.e. k 1~ ~~ <坦'" u~ . -~- 多t-1)r-fet- d~"~- 辿J.e;~+-- J~tr揃,r:揃}s~) ' . -~ --~e t;ce~ i -- f .. . ~ -揃 . Sntre e ~~t() c.e. or- neurotJ~n~Ml S'o鱈 es ~~oks e"' to~ ~ngltos ~~l~, ~lo _ la ~e:e-hle:o~ na se COfStd揃e (C) ~ctu~tttet.IG 4~t ~~~t-ttyaiw}n~J 揃~ ~: c~~~c.~s . re~3~~.fS' 臓et' ~ f'?r'af' te: e~ ~ fa{"~ ~ca t~!~ rd ck,l p~rk~ to nt SiO' O. Uf moclcJ '? YelJ: rnq~ Nl C.V las 揃 F~a~ de i: q 50 j . l960 ~stubi~Jerpr'l 1~ G~ngho~ ~d~a~:s del c:ati~f~~ , J:~vf lo~ ~~~~~ta ~ pero t~ l. ;_ de .lrd ~~!n~;.~'0 <;.~lA臓 e~~f'~l~f ji: ~spe~ft.d~en+e: -e.~ ~'~!~roe_ ~~~,o~ ba~es ~t~~: l~ ~. --~ .... ~ d坦ffrn'"'~~~o YC~ '"oes"tt-'a~ torst~ ~~"'en reoe.~ ina kfYl ( tU~eo ~&do Y. e SltLo .de. . est6-f ~(d.a.Oe~tc1 ~ - la l ~t~men ). contlene nrmJ. Tent~ .e.( el'fe.~me.~~~ } de p?-~kr$;)( ~~~t~ J.( a es-..ul 'b t揃~ (X)mronenter tVh~ q.clo~ d~f''-'e'<'~ r-ro'Cu.nc.acl e e.v:_ ~ 1e (J <ct6 ( d.dpamne~tc.os '/ eXQ r.ddoreyfe:.o 1~r足 ~ '" t - - -'t - ~opaN'Vere~a -~e lot ~~~etlor ba~ae~ . ~koS' (.~"o's"'" G坦~) d~btc} ~ . ~e~ce~r, dcr ~r Ye.uro aS ~ t ~H et" e .' L~ e t"Pe"" me.d~c ~ ~'1" u Vocc.) ,~ad a~:- k' ~~ sus-t~ nC,..a n.e-~<a. 揃 揃 揃 . Son "O etfun ~ t~c-~~ J' ~~~ hW'<onaJ' LQ}s~~~ r~ rne<tacta~ cl~C - 1~ ~us:f. ~. cd tec-3~~5" e dl~ d.~ e . c1a ne~rd :~ 'n~rma Me(te u--~~~ '2..dY do~rA~l~ cd:t 'L' do~ d :l ~cm, n 辿 rcfi?'cq ~_.p,-rocl..u.c e co m;) c.omo ~e.u.tb t(a~~mso{" Se he. cl~tno~{c坦i:l.U res~t~do ~o exc~ ~Lf~t'"o d~ '~flj~~ 9u.~ 6 揃ye~titda ck e~--c cat@辿uam,V{~ 揃C dS . <:e 揃~c-.,e ICdS, t ~ 0.. . t:on~CJ.J.entiqi u ...aa 1 feu.F "'""'uu坦 (' 1??'( 揃 lJ! . ~P~V~~f ~揃 ba-saer ~~rct~ r. at~~ ~gul"da e~ro~鱈~ taufl(~. "'.:: h"'to "<:al la~ m.a't 'te.rtao:one..r mciocas ~ "Dhfupa leJt 'IYV~C~e. dl't~ rOf") ~'Ca _ fa_1~~~tfb 1 t 揃 t.- ' "' -t -揃 -揃 揃t r :do r~": ~1S<t''-~rf'O 1 ~揃e~ l~_ s:'i-1-<?~Pt ~ dro(ec..en ~ aolo "+~"'~ ~~?-_ d~FY~~ ~~-~ S ~ ~a 199~~ El (1?~-?b~c.,f't ~~"tL~- ~ ~~' t(~ fS N[ ~'lo" db ft_a'('t'(e ,~,~~ "'~d.i~V~e_l. . m* e~ k, 臓 d;e~"" S>Js-h:t '1C.. <l S ~ qu.e fe <l...f < t"l ~V ~o_/ res--ta.uca a ~~t.辿01 ~9_m~'d e~ e pa臓' c:lf&'OfIS("(0 y . Cons-b~v'{ e ~ ern~. f.eg'揃~ ce'.b{~ e V ~c.--.c多YY~Vte to d..-__,y 1 :J! ~1) t fheJ.' ~~ ~a"-u~fir ~ tyo -<~ l't'e fb el. ~揃"- e ,.~e(揃 0 c.. J e(c:L r' .. ~1 :~~r.~n~n揃s~~p_J ~rr L~~~~~~~$-i足 -~~ a ctt11 od~cl ~l,~frg'': () ' -~~~Ju~~ -~~~tt;~~ ~ re.sta'o,.~der el e1~hb~~-C?;. __' ~e tono c!b fi1 m '"~tfc.O y c.o (.o 辿 .rg<c O e" ~- 1 A~f~s-t;/?~~ ~fo.-,b,(l.?r:: k(~Aip~o""' s~ S' 多~ ta 1)''"t'~r-g '~,... 'j ~t.t~?O~lli'b::l.) COllt'-e_f~tC':l"' (1)'UJSC~n足 {,:) m e "te 揃v'"C.OS) ..... _ _ t
  • 8. EJ c,r端.Jit~ , k 揃 ~;-C;.Tn~l~g hca~;~_sT~~z-tern~ n~~,c~t~"' nume.'(t)~_f 揃 f'ter-ccV')e)C..tot1~ ~~+~ptc~m~~~) .for~~ u"' d~ ~~~-~-r~~r. =~t1(~ lo臓 cUl~c-s~ ~~NeftoF ok ~~S'-"~~~ _ ~e: "So~ l~ ~~d~ ~ ~ CX)t-1-e.~.?f,{- t"l o;}~~hos bel~ej f~l~~~s ~,__ {~t cu~kJ "YY'IO-b(a; est~ a'o opore<--en'-enre en"'bcf'~O,f 1a_f' '113) 'nle..f lrt'p~COCtrod, los N"ov'm '~"-t-v.r ~e. se radll~Yl : t-=.nt~t 揃 e a pa~<?Q<''e y e S1" e" c:.~de moment-.:::> ~R. pc~far e, _ _ t-~td.mte'fTh ~)a_ ~nfef'm~~~J ~ &~~ma Motor~~.a ~ Nt-v-../. NHento &f~ . ~臓- ~'f'k,nson ~V. ~<!J.~ cone.t.taV ~pi e" l.lfC.. ~~C}sJ捉f t -e-+ r. ~ .-f 揃 -揃- t--t=揃 .- L 1U.deo c~ud~cla-it>Jtta men to~ '~ 辿&te ,~s+e~d ~ ~b t~1~~ un~~ rfY~(~=e.fl(.l<t , r~..::sta.nct.a ne.g~_ ...f _ 揃~ lar- a Fe(""e"'f:es d.~c-&.. <SI<>~;<T ~~~1'1-_! '捉 Cn~u~f,j~.-~- bkl ~ 揃. ~~ <..onCleYe( ~.P-~mw9. emeff>~ll --+-- -+~ ~Yw)C ~o19l'~l~~~JH1-<辿_J:!~t----'f me~. ~ f~ --~'q- ~~t~ ~ ~ ~~t~~~ ~1 ~~~~o r:多Jl:~~dem~-; 4*叩 C:,4ft;t :~:臓~~~~ ~:~j~V::J~J ~t:c~: fufclo +?{:fYo .t.~~ 'lu..st ._.l~ V !4-~!fQ~-i.J ?a~,~~)~ -- T . --揃 -- -,_ ~~ ~~en_.e.~Te ~ ~ la Cl?4~!f-~e ~ t . ~--~ste~ neu(t)"0~JJ-1o 辿ilYYHV~-f~ C.~ -+-~ ~otof"d,. 1 sensorial _~. cla ~~sCt.&n L.t fe-<_~~Y21 """'f fo8~(. . t. po>t_cl&L~ d.Q ros . +~~-~tJt1<2-UCb~多~ Uc: ~'uc:.eo -=es t:rdn$port~de~t-?l ~~estraatu..f'<l J , -'-nudeo e_~ y ~t~~eV) '/ lltecro i c~t..tl~- ~- pu.tav-nc:n , '"clu.~-a"'~ at ,揃a lo~ ot~S' ~1~0'e(lf;oS ct.-. ~) ~揃~n'?l1.0j r:t= ~~VdeJ tftec"lell(.')'~f Y0 'eSJ?tnoS'aJ ,ba"S.ees ( ~lob.us j>~l~~, n.uc1eo ~ __1. y 2S 'l'.euronas V"YU:..cti ~"'~ .t ~~rptnu~ ~~-tcl叩r'l"<:.u 'j SuS"taVua Ye~~-.;-a) '臓 Y o t- r f.'IIOJaS "1. . e. .M.<!. eo.n-t-lel'tf.q c .iock 'Li坦.}- c*J.tt:cb:as- e 臓Y'C'.llf~~, ~ l '~ )(.. o(Y~O~l.Lt--l!lCo (G.ABA). l2r n~.:t0nd ~ h"Q~ ,~ ., ~fofni) d~~~ 則l~ _:s'UCj<:! ,= 0~K辿':ji~~f .5~e1 l~ _ tu.~nte pr~c..,r,~.L rf臓. p.r,1'u e~rte~-.fJ~-臓1~ ~v:~~ ~~F ~da 揃揃~,, ~. :fr'Y e~fR-" ~4rQ~? o.l~r ~6.ructS t' GR.~ su~ tino.~l neg r.il h~ti.~ 'r 1.v. c..le..o ~ r ~ e} r~ al m e" t e.c[則'. 1'~.-:s '"'l{ ,'cu ~ d.a * sJ臓 ~stanud ~-<a~ ~ z. ~S t~ ~mo, ~.sd~ d..chT ~ nfo.~e_. clQ . _ &f er en'tl(lda fn1.ll'V'f'o ~k CJ:)ric-z.多 . _l~f t)u.CUl'2)' <?AABA- 揃~cetc~~ ll;ambte1 fl'otofa y P'Ctora su pemenian~ ~-u rr tiete" u t ~p t-td~ ~~ rno ~l)Sr~n~C P '-1 luttl( o , . k re~ yeSo 'f le PJ'>f,'.;;. c,,.揃tis~ ~~So m~ tos-t.a b "多 , _~"' 多 eY1ce.f'.,..h ~~R.Hn多 c ~-h>~. : ~ . . .揃 1 t 臓 1 t t. ~ dJ..<)l~f 1'e .. r,-
  • 9. 1 - ~ ~ r~ r;-~ t ~+ l ~ J . l 5単 (gQ~en炭a, ! e P.~~ . ck_l~ 臓: p-roye+.~J ;s~nio_~~ 多;多_ '"P~'~TSO~nno ~-~Gr-.c( ,. .{k:pc-.nni'1)LC:~~ h.ao.~ e cu..u-~ F~~r-~~~ otr~~~"J !J-W- '-?"~t揃~ .a er-Thtili- lf.~l:e,ttv.<1 . 速 ~':, ~ctJ..f,c:~t l'tJ 0e~~J' a.. 臓,.,~ ~nfe<'~f1>1<'!~ ~.0ir""') c:U J ot~r Tf揃 t~d~ _ S,~~l"'lO)' l ?~~'OJ' b~}-lef CCC't0 S'.tto ~ N~-'.!t"l'揃} .臓1束-?,.:,hcl;. 1 ;;}~"' d..t.. ~+.a lmyoc--1:..:""-t.._ d~f" d-.1. Jt est.多 T uifoc1d<~ 揃 1 r f~r'l"t'~C..OS, ~ coNpCef'~lO" ~ ~u.t eJ ~rk.,o&-brtSm.<l eP u..r' ,sf"d(brne. ~-- tL~{:,<.tco~~ c:.k ~pc!J'(H(~ y e cl.<:rtUbtlfYt.n~ t ~揃 ~- _l~lodo~ ~ ~ 揃~則> e.ttl.Jz 1'Nf.r.Jrta_ntc2, -~~~,X ~t~rt'.lt.Ct~ 揃 _&o_臓_e-r(~ ef'terme..cacl ~~ n 2 ~m,n~~_, u~(~ ~ U.i'~ ~r,~ U OkCY( ~CUHe ( !~S臓!.~ - lQ_ ~JerU~ o,多 ~F.~'(e. eN. e e~f~lo J~nt~ r~ . (lCp;-=t) <.0 fU-:<!. Cot"-f-'(VYQde M.ot t.)f揃l~J ~'<"" C.~(~J'Yy ~~ne rrfd. mb.~V' ~mo~t~'<'On. 2 ~leuu'V _ -~ a~ f~u~t~W~Yl'IS~~.. .pu.t~tl107 pe:損; . pk""t~ dl a ~fe.('f'r~~a '/ ~u ~r_Q<:.)t "/ 51!-cuon~das, . " u~ cl;..: 'Q.~ F'~束t~f ft.le eJ hall.~z~u t..(rn,~ _ crntCc:.)S 1t t""rle.cli.~"'-te.- r ~ do~ l~ n"~~~ (' dJ. ~) ~'(c..ent<dcu.J~ r-ee..a<~~ ~ ~?~m,~多 eA. e QVc辿J~k, ~<.U". e~ CU.Q. ta._ rts~ P'Vl~ 1nw.t炭a u~ . . VUMa~ pro~C'-W'6 ~ -er-lab辿" ~?S(~ <:U co.-n.o 揃t.. et'{re .o)' es +u<Wlr . 揃 . . ;:,bo...-atono y ete:-fu~UAnt1:er-}o . oUP-~'1~~~t~ b.~ ~ L~,--- . ~> ~p,c..d~(eJ' ~~'~tlC.dS _ ~~1d鱈b.mR. . ~.'f"=' ' - PF-r. _"-'. nS:~Vl.'<:!~"W .~ ~ ~fk多~ ~揃' M 'l . -~~~f1)., ~ e eox-~<lO f f'YIQ.Y"ts_l~, clo~u~~u ~ik ~~r~'~ t~.loe~坦e y ~o C.O'r'S~wevu~ a.~o-1~~ l<:)/" 揃1 . . ~~~d,--or ~ S hctYo)(l-;t<p l7YV'"'a . cM'S I ! 臓 = -'~c:-li.c.lo~ ~~ 80/ hk {Q do,rr,~2 ck.l:_(多<cef~1:o揃, -'1-J.. f<"~VA) , e rf-..a C'"OVl c-:e~. t~~C? el'- oS' ~.:2of~u~ ~>"asa~J, pYt. OctF.1"'e...鱈te.... e~ e-l (~deo cd.J.J...c.~olo i L5- HT) y ~ta.<..oam. ~~ del e2nc~~tR . . t:..~ pv..~Y'e..~ ( k.e.~.po ertr'~d.o) la. a.u.rtl~ y_ (2 ~~~ f ~d.u-t~d~f : ~ fQrcoe- ~ ~le nc...t~ J..q_ ~ d<lf~~'Vl2. ~ ~ ~ ~Se.fp'l'Yd ~t ~to'l~S F~" S~ . s-~ne t.~l { LO~ 坦 rt'eioJ . ~ lo tOfm-) f'ele_i-tdas 'F--r ;.~~ admtl'1t~t~~"': ~ t. 1 Q.f' of O~V~l,o'S b~S1aeS ~ p;luef.teJ f 3 4 dJ-"r,..ch-o"f't-fe-"d- ~an,na (d-Dpa~ , c.o" ~f~o,g~('~ a.F.'"T坦 e -e'J de l"'ua e t 揃;p~c.u..fSOf . :"'eiili6ltc..o, .e!~ 1~ d~ ~"''~"'". fu."d'""'e"'+L ;E 1 ~cJu.,f c.t... ~'"-''7""鱈a " .. ~tb Yo ~ 5 - h,~~~ f-npto t~'o_ 1 : . . .. 揃. ~S ~be c~~n~ ~Y c. ~r坦..c!-a ~~t~<JU,.(S<J( dJ. r~ S-MI., . 1 :_ 1 ~ ~r n~nal ~ <.onheVeV me.~ftiZ. L':f '"N par ~V te obo~Ylact...o鱈' ~'V;) JJ ~ ~.~ _:~ 1 .R:a~r- c.d~c~ cLt_ --a ~b.Yu~ ~ Q.r ~n.=> t-. ~揃:l.H''QS ~YY''oLi" 1"ducen ~r,~ J. e ~~l'~ pa_ to(6"c(,c.o N"if (OnGVi坦 "e 1 ri 1 r t f 臓 t;.-f'.. ~ 臓 (RY ~"'~Y' Sn'l~ . ,
  • 11. 1 m坦s 揃 t t- ... -r r 揃 ~fec.-b'lo ~..u~ b fb'(lrr-~
  • 12. br<:<d"~' r_lg~~f -y~ ;, b~o 臓 Fr l t:j,r tr 1:"'~~"'""' ~ Id oksi o.' le, te m r. r ;,r 鱈 """ 臓 YO r},,4'r n<:< 1 ,., 0.. o Lo. a tenu.c~坦n .,c{束f1o~ s鱈 nto_pt~,~ -~~ s揃 ~~m ror~~-~- LJ_ ,'bof~~~ece(")oL -=~揃 - -t .}_~~(:t . = t- 揃+ m t t tes Jel ~r.~~n~'illlffDO ~la.t a~~F -~cu'o.~:r-P.f.v-h fk~-' :l~P{;~:t' na ~o. rnb辿l od:'JC-1- 'fl os "f(!e<)'O t6re~ c una f(QJOnq srem~~~Yt~ :e( k. co..po. 多da~ 揃 runc:.(or.o.l Uop~yn. nerg, ,c.o& vasc-u.lc.t-res 'j hbe..v-a 1'0CCJCY'e- ~en:.... don_ o.s lcrs mon;yestacZone.S mo*o,~~ ~<...u~- ~al'1N~J ~MO l(tf ___.c).tero~ov-1e.) er. ~u ')(.pt~SI~() ~ , ho.'86 j 11a_ escr,{J ro., 1o. {~~lU'-.lOf' los 揃 L~ re':>.S.h!nua faro enso.y~x- '<a端rc多~} od,~'0辿c~Ca~) d~ J~:p~m-eros1 1~le~)~do..-~ lo~ ;> ~fecfost ck. ~os~~- t -bs Jl fo.~1a 1 .o CSf(Cl.~l.Or'l, ~e. Joro.~ pro_~ :C{o揃V"l 1t e't ~~ - '.. ' /evoda .p~ scbre el j=<><l<:'"':,ord~IY0 "'"' ql<>.blo: . ~~'. 揃 . . t;=~e dm "Thi'tA<~"'f_._ .__~ - }=! "~~ .f ,, ~n l t J ~ s>' a-' po.e'le a 'J.d. ~ 1:;,."" ' o" lo C pa r "'- ' e n 1 揃e::.. . 臓 en E:~ ffilH:htl~ ?ac_~~l~L~-eu le:<od1Dp~. ? fenuQ u ~m en~) d<; e-fi~~t:p? ~ ~d ~ ovasc.u!a.te3 ro+;n~o. m-e cl<a 9~=t paf~1 J~~ -?:fruCJ.on~s=f"揃 el e~Joclo dQc:t(lm~J iox.tco':)~J=e~ . P~y~,ccdt:4-r ,~,~-~~-S'~端"< j orn-t1 ~:c~o:~c ~or~~t::,~~% dfl~toez::r~:~ ~"4~KJ ~f-lts~t~rf"';? ;:ut~': ~~t: f~:臓:r,";'~~ b me.m-pla:~dC{ fre_sueY~~ f c: ~0~Gfl: ~e1os~~po-e~s)f>X o!f_std.ti ~ a mo~ e.rb..d.?- Y.0~'nto~Cc~; '-1-= to(c:~_nclo.. ~t~ .et.. e-{e.c~~...l~.ff~~~ ~, ~ ~~1"~~~<;S -~~~1'qS ck._3(_:JL~p',t::-'!'1u :cr~n~~o. it~~ f'!'lc.c:~~~ f-P~r ~1 ~1 b l~'LC?ck~ f'Y~ce hlpa~sto n rp ~f . _.,. -bo{a.Y"'&~-t~ .~o~l~h!o l~ro pue~e . V~a~'Jen(' .......~.. l 9c-c:.ton~s :C:.~~t:a.es-. y, perifer-~cn~. . l t - ~ t las do~1s; ~f<? p~u. ~lso S ~ (e'lodopQ. .p~d.J.ice0 p ~tlfiU to.t.9鱈. e<;trc:Vosc~ .~e ctc:ci.6l' de o. c:.o r'1' '':'e .. ~re a'5: ra ~~~f~o~' 揃 {3 ~- 9-c:ren辿~~~os: . E~ a_.l~v.nos-. f~c.1_~nte~ F~~ ?~du..~.r~ , UhO., "'~--'-" tocq.ul~r-~lo h-.o.'):S~ol~o. y gf.fCl~ . o.yy-itm~' o~ c.c;.n;O-c.o~ .'j ~~1?~~~ ~ ~ dosis:- a~~~a. de... :cU.揃 ~;L~d?pa_ 1 揃-~ -=揃 He ._ e<::t~~臓~~f~ J _, V損e<k cuuYe.'Y"-tu ~~=W= ~f.'t鱈oc:td id~J Je. ~lo~ard'~ c.u.;c:-a.file 'i a n a t oru :S, "- ~ 'l-'-'~ln臓_ t<>. a 1 <.o"' '"" 10 f e' ........