Biomedical Transducer: Inertial SensorsDaniele AntonioliBasic theory of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. Newton’s law
of Classical Mech. Inertial and non inertial reference system: centrifugal,
Coriolis and Euler forces. IMU hardware description. Static IMU’s Noise
evaluation: mean and std deviation in all axis w.r.t. data sheet. Drift effect
in MATLAB. Sit-to-stand experiment with 2 IMUs: development of an
algorithm able to estimate the duration of stand-up, sit-down and variation
of the bending angles.
Transducers for bio medicalSLIETThis document provides an overview of transducers for biomedical applications. It defines transducers as devices that convert one form of energy into another for measurement purposes. It classifies transducers as active or passive, analog or digital, and primary or secondary. It also discusses various transducer principles including capacitive, inductive, resistive, and piezoelectric. The document then focuses on specific biomedical applications, describing transducers used to measure electrical activity, blood pressure, blood flow, temperature, respiration, and pulse. Common transducer types for these applications include electrodes, strain gauges, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, thermistors, and fiber optic sensors.
Bio Medical Engineering Harindu Chathuranga KoralaBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology. It seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine by designing products and procedures that solve medical problems, such as artificial organs, prostheses, medical instrumentation, and health systems. Biomedical engineers work with doctors and scientists to develop and apply technology including designing equipment to analyze blood samples, creating artificial hearts and skin grafts, and developing prosthetic hips and devices to repair bones.
Biomedical engineering and recent trendsHanzelah KhanThis document provides an overview of biomedical engineering, including its applications, classifications, sub-disciplines, recent trends, and career prospects. Biomedical engineering applies engineering principles to healthcare for purposes like diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. It combines engineering with medical and biological sciences. Recent trends include advances in medical imaging, biomechanics, biomaterials, rehabilitation engineering, and bioinstrumentation. Biomedical engineering offers excellent job prospects and earning potential, with a projected 10-year job growth of 72 percent.
Organ and bio 3D printingCarsten EngelThis document discusses 3D bioprinting and its potential applications. It begins with definitions of bioprinting and discusses its goals in tissue engineering. Current achievements are summarized, including the first 3D printed bladder in 2006 and liver in 2009. Requirements for organ bioprinting are outlined, including cell sources, scaffold materials, and bioprinting technologies. The document concludes that bioprinting has potential to help address the shortage of organs for transplantation.
Biomedical engineering (BME)Tapeshwar YadavThis document provides an overview of biomedical engineering. It begins by defining biomedical engineering as the application of engineering principles, techniques and methods to solve medical and biological problems. It then discusses the diversity in related terminology and the roles of medical engineers, clinical engineers and bioengineers. The document outlines several branches of biomedical engineering including biomechanics, biomaterials, medical devices and clinical engineering. It concludes by discussing the relationships between biomedical engineering and other fields like medicine, physics, and various engineering disciplines.
Biomedical instrumentation PPTabhi1802vermaThis document provides an overview of biomedical instrumentation. It discusses how instrumentation is used to monitor and control process variables for measurement and control. Biomedical instrumentation specifically creates instruments to measure, record, and transmit data to and from the body. Some key types of biomedical instrumentation systems are direct/indirect, invasive/noninvasive, contact/remote for sensing and actuating in real-time or statically. Several important instruments are discussed in detail, including X-rays, electrocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and computed tomography. The document outlines the basic workings, advantages, and disadvantages of these key biomedical instruments.
3D Printing: Endless OpportunitiesInstitute of Customer ExperienceThis document discusses 3D printing technology. It begins with a brief overview of how 3D printing works by building objects layer by layer from a digital file. It then provides a history of 3D printing, highlighting key developments. Examples are given of different uses for 3D printing, such as concept modeling, functional prototyping, manufacturing tools, end use parts, and more. Projections for significant growth in the 3D printing industry are mentioned. Notable 3D printer manufacturers and specific printer models are listed, along with potential future applications and scenarios involving 3D printing technology.
Biomedical Transducer: Inertial SensorsDaniele AntonioliBasic theory of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. Newton’s law
of Classical Mech. Inertial and non inertial reference system: centrifugal,
Coriolis and Euler forces. IMU hardware description. Static IMU’s Noise
evaluation: mean and std deviation in all axis w.r.t. data sheet. Drift effect
in MATLAB. Sit-to-stand experiment with 2 IMUs: development of an
algorithm able to estimate the duration of stand-up, sit-down and variation
of the bending angles.
Transducers for bio medicalSLIETThis document provides an overview of transducers for biomedical applications. It defines transducers as devices that convert one form of energy into another for measurement purposes. It classifies transducers as active or passive, analog or digital, and primary or secondary. It also discusses various transducer principles including capacitive, inductive, resistive, and piezoelectric. The document then focuses on specific biomedical applications, describing transducers used to measure electrical activity, blood pressure, blood flow, temperature, respiration, and pulse. Common transducer types for these applications include electrodes, strain gauges, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, thermistors, and fiber optic sensors.
Bio Medical Engineering Harindu Chathuranga KoralaBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology. It seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine by designing products and procedures that solve medical problems, such as artificial organs, prostheses, medical instrumentation, and health systems. Biomedical engineers work with doctors and scientists to develop and apply technology including designing equipment to analyze blood samples, creating artificial hearts and skin grafts, and developing prosthetic hips and devices to repair bones.
Biomedical engineering and recent trendsHanzelah KhanThis document provides an overview of biomedical engineering, including its applications, classifications, sub-disciplines, recent trends, and career prospects. Biomedical engineering applies engineering principles to healthcare for purposes like diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. It combines engineering with medical and biological sciences. Recent trends include advances in medical imaging, biomechanics, biomaterials, rehabilitation engineering, and bioinstrumentation. Biomedical engineering offers excellent job prospects and earning potential, with a projected 10-year job growth of 72 percent.
Organ and bio 3D printingCarsten EngelThis document discusses 3D bioprinting and its potential applications. It begins with definitions of bioprinting and discusses its goals in tissue engineering. Current achievements are summarized, including the first 3D printed bladder in 2006 and liver in 2009. Requirements for organ bioprinting are outlined, including cell sources, scaffold materials, and bioprinting technologies. The document concludes that bioprinting has potential to help address the shortage of organs for transplantation.
Biomedical engineering (BME)Tapeshwar YadavThis document provides an overview of biomedical engineering. It begins by defining biomedical engineering as the application of engineering principles, techniques and methods to solve medical and biological problems. It then discusses the diversity in related terminology and the roles of medical engineers, clinical engineers and bioengineers. The document outlines several branches of biomedical engineering including biomechanics, biomaterials, medical devices and clinical engineering. It concludes by discussing the relationships between biomedical engineering and other fields like medicine, physics, and various engineering disciplines.
Biomedical instrumentation PPTabhi1802vermaThis document provides an overview of biomedical instrumentation. It discusses how instrumentation is used to monitor and control process variables for measurement and control. Biomedical instrumentation specifically creates instruments to measure, record, and transmit data to and from the body. Some key types of biomedical instrumentation systems are direct/indirect, invasive/noninvasive, contact/remote for sensing and actuating in real-time or statically. Several important instruments are discussed in detail, including X-rays, electrocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and computed tomography. The document outlines the basic workings, advantages, and disadvantages of these key biomedical instruments.
3D Printing: Endless OpportunitiesInstitute of Customer ExperienceThis document discusses 3D printing technology. It begins with a brief overview of how 3D printing works by building objects layer by layer from a digital file. It then provides a history of 3D printing, highlighting key developments. Examples are given of different uses for 3D printing, such as concept modeling, functional prototyping, manufacturing tools, end use parts, and more. Projections for significant growth in the 3D printing industry are mentioned. Notable 3D printer manufacturers and specific printer models are listed, along with potential future applications and scenarios involving 3D printing technology.
цивилизационные и философские следствия развития современных технологийValerija Pride (Udalova)Презентация к лекции И. В. Артюхова "Цивилизационные и философские следствия развития современных технологий", состоявшейся в Центральном Доме ученых в Москве 24 марта 2009 г.
ИНДУСТРИЯ 4.0: БУДУЩЕЕ ИТ-СФЕРЫВладимир АртамоновМеждународная научная конференция
«Социально-экономические трансформации под влиянием цифровизации»
Авторы: Артамонова Елена Владимировна, Сафонов Александр Евгеньевич
Инфраструктура наноиндустрииRoman SolovyevВ статье подробно описывается перспектива «выхода нанотехнологий из лабораторий» и развития инфраструктуры нанотехнологических исследований, что в конечном итоге положительно скажется на развитии наноиндустрии в России.
Возможность использования IoT в прогнозировании ЧС (Сарьян В.К.)Georgy AyzelВыступление д.т.н. В.К. Сарьяна на научном семинаре Института водных проблем РАН
The remembrance of the resurrectables (2015) (1)Danila MedvedevThe 2015 spiritual service dedicated to cryonics patients in cryostasis in different organizations across the globe. The service remembers the people who were cryopreserved with a hope for their eventual resurrection.
Продление жизни в мегаполисеDanila MedvedevЛекция Валерии Прайд 30 мая 2014 в "Светловке". Рассказ о том, полезно ли жить в городе, как можно сохранить здоровье, и что нужно сделать, чтобы продлить свою жизнь.
Утопология - как построить трансгуманистическую утопиюDanila MedvedevТеория создания утопий от автора "Программы на будущее" (Россия-2). Что такое трансгуманистическая утопия, какие вообще бывают утопии, как строить утопию, что мы для этого делаем уже сейчас.
Антиклерикальная стратегияDanila MedvedevНевозможно победить РПЦ и остановить клерикализацию России, если не разбираться в менеджменте, стратегии и других подобных вещах.
Презентация с конференции "Светское государство - гарант общественного мира".
Название: "Стратегия борьбы с клерикализацией"
Автор: Данила Медведев
Создание альтернативных идеологических техноэкосистемDanila MedvedevВыступление на конференции в Политехническом музее 5.9.2012.
Медведев Данила: Создание альтернативных идеологических техноэкосистем.
Об альтернативах венчурному рынку и государственному финансированию.
Москва-2015: город без пробокDanila MedvedevВыступление Данилы Медведева на конференции TEDx ГОРОД 2.0 27 мая 2011.
Тема: как избавить Москву от пробок с помощью Segway и другого персонального транспорта.
Видео выступления:
KrioRusDanila MedvedevKrioRus is a cryonics organization founded in 2005 in Russia. It has preserved 15 patients to date, using either neuropreservation or full-body cryopreservation techniques. The document describes 4 case studies to illustrate KrioRus's cryopreservation procedures. Case 1 involved an 80+ year old relative of a transhumanist who was cryopreserved over 20 hours after death. Case 2 was a 25 year old preserved in Moscow. Case 3 was a 70+ year old relative where perfusion was performed in a hospital morgue. Case 4 described an old dog that was cryopreserved in a private laboratory. KrioRus has facilities in Russia and can accept international clients to store patients cry
Management in the Russian Transhumanist MovementDanila MedvedevThe document summarizes the Russian Transhumanist Movement (RTM) and its projects. It discusses the importance of good management for transhumanism organizations. The RTM uses methods like seminars, lectures, and online communities to pursue projects in areas like aging research, cryonics, and molecular nanotechnology. It also outlines the enormous potential of transhumanism if emerging technologies can be developed and managed responsibly, as well as some potential challenges.
Krio rus imminstDanila MedvedevKrioRus is a cryonics organization founded in 2005 in Russia. It has preserved 15 patients so far using cryoprotectants like glycerol and cooling techniques like dry ice to cryopreserve bodies. Key staff include Valerija Pride as General Director and Igor Artyukhov as Science Director. The document describes four case studies of cryopreservation procedures on humans and one dog to illustrate KrioRus' process, which can involve delays, improvisation, and varying levels of success depending on the circumstances and logistics of each case. KrioRus is willing to cooperate internationally by accepting patients for storage from other countries and regions.
Human Aging System DiagramDanila Medvedev1. The document describes the Human Aging System Diagram (HASD) project, which aims to systematically organize knowledge about human aging processes and determine future directions for solving aging issues.
2. HASD is a multidisciplinary project between gerontology and cognitive science that uses a visual diagram to qualitatively describe the cause-and-effect relationships between aging processes, moving from primary causes to pathologies and death.
3. The diagram is developed through expert interviews with gerontologists and distributed work aided by visualization software, with the goal of providing sufficiently detailed aging process information to identify potential interventions.
Проблемы практического принятия решенийDanila MedvedevПрезентация для семинара по трансгуманизму и научному иммортализму в Санкт-Петербурге (29.05.2010)
4. Волны НТР 1941 1953 инфо био нано 1972 Z3 DNA 1981 STM когно CAT
5. Инфо- Вся информация становится доступной Скорость компьютеров неуклонно растёт Глобальная сеть охватывает весь мир Устойства доступа всё более удобны
6. Био- Выращиваются искусственные органы Созданы кибернетические органы Завершена расшифровка генома Начат проект моделирования E. coli Идёт работа по борьбе со старением
7. Нано- Созданы детали «наноавтомобиля» Моделируются наномашины размером до 20 000 атомов
8. Когно- Базовые принципы работы мозга поняты Создаются прямые интерфейсы (движение, зрение, слух) В продаже эффективные ноотропики Создаются подробные карты мозга Запущен проект по моделированию мозга
9. О конвергенции «Конвергенция технологий базируется на материальном единстве на наноуровне и интеграции технологий на более высоких уровнях» NBIC- отчёт инфо био нано когно
10. Другие ключевые области Робототехника (инфо) Виртуальная реальность (когно-инфо) Киборгизация (био-робо) Искусственный интеллект ( когно-инфо )
11. Другие ключевые области Робототехника Киборгизация Нанотехнологии Биотехнологии Иск. интеллект Когнитивные Информ. и коммуникац. технол. Вирт. реальн. тело субстрат разум человек машина субстрат
12. « NBIC -отчёт» В 2002 году отчёт подготовлен для Национального научного совета и министерства торговли США Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science NSF/DOC-sponsored report 2002
13. Расширение возможностей Акцент в NBIC- отчёте сделан на расширении возможностей человека Трансгуманистический характер Взвешенное позитивное отношение к перспективам технологий
15. Подход к прогнозированию Учитывать развитие всех областей Отталкиваться от перспектив Анализировать взаимодействие
16. Таймлайн NISTEP British Telecom Будущее науки (Микрософт) NBIC Ray Kurzweil Качественные прогнозы в целом схожи Ключевые области: NBIC
17. Мега-проекты Мега-проекты — это крупные национальные или международные проекты, имеющие конкретную цель и часто требующие разработки новых областей науки и форм организации. Пирамиды, МКС, Геном, наноассемблер
18. Оценка проектов Описание внешней среды на срок проекта (исходя из прогресса по всем областям) Адекватен ли проект внешней среде ? Использует ли проект будущие возможности ?
19. Дальнейшее изучение Нужна ваша помощь Как NBIC- конвергенция влияет на различные области? Статья по NBIC в сборнике «Вызовы цивилизационного пограничья»
20. Как узнать больше? Листовка со схемой ключевых технологий Сайт РТД : NBIC:
Editor's Notes
#2: комментарий: если на плен. был Бахман про конвергенцию: «На плен. докл. был Бахман про конв. влияние на науку. Мы тоже просились на плен. долклад, но нас не пустили. Так что вы слушали “ чужеземца ”, а теперь послушайте нас».