This document provides summaries of iPhone apps for SEO experts. It is organized into sections for SEO, affiliate marketing, social media, and statistics apps. Each app listing includes the app name, developer, price, and a brief summary describing the app's functionality and the author's rating on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. There are a total of 26 apps summarized across the different categories.
Management in the Russian Transhumanist MovementDanila Medvedev
The document summarizes the Russian Transhumanist Movement (RTM) and its projects. It discusses the importance of good management for transhumanism organizations. The RTM uses methods like seminars, lectures, and online communities to pursue projects in areas like aging research, cryonics, and molecular nanotechnology. It also outlines the enormous potential of transhumanism if emerging technologies can be developed and managed responsibly, as well as some potential challenges.
Our eyesight is vital to our daily lives, and yet many often neglect taking care of it. What don't you know about your eyesight? And how does you lifestyle contribute? Find out the answers and more with our Eye Health Guide.
This document is from the International Centre for Eye Health and provides a teaching set on common eye conditions that may be encountered and treated in primary health care. It covers 23 different eye conditions including the normal anatomy of the eye, corneal foreign bodies, conjunctivitis, trachoma, cataracts, glaucoma, and conditions caused by vitamin A deficiency, measles, herpes, and leprosy. For each condition it provides brief descriptions and example photographs of clinical presentations.
Arc teamed up with Alcon to create this innovative approach to get kids and parents educated about children*s eye care. Read more about the project here:
The document provides tips and strategies for using social media in a healthcare setting. It discusses Mayo Clinic's philosophy of using social media to help patients access information and connect with providers. It also emphasizes that social media is now an essential part of reaching patients and must be prioritized as such. The document provides advice on setting goals, developing networks, engaging audiences, identifying influencers, gathering data and other best practices for using social media.
Eye-related problems caused by all sorts of electronic devices - computer, smart phones, tablets and e-readers which are fast becoming inseparable from our lives - are more serious than we think!
In this deck, learn, how by doing some simple daily exercises can help relieve your eyes from these stress and strain.
The document summarizes key points from a presentation about how people's real-life social networks differ from their online social networks. It tells a story about a woman named Debbie who was upset to discover that photos from her friends' wild nights at a gay bar, which she had commented on on Facebook, could be viewed by 10-year-old children she teaches swimming. This highlighted the problem that online social networks do not always match people's real-world relationships and connections. The presentation then covered topics like how social networks have changed the web, the importance of understanding relationships and influence, identity, and privacy on social platforms.
What's Trending in Talent and Learning for 2016?Skillsoft
Skillsoft took a look at the top trends that will impact talent and learning efforts in 2016. For a number of reasons, it's a pivotal time for the HR industry to make its move. However, the landscape of work is changing fast and the most adept pace-setters will adapt to take advantage of the top trends. At the same time, companies need to be cautious of industry trends that may be overhyped. This infographic provides a balanced view of practices that will keep your talent and learning strategy moving in the right direction.
Keynote address (Feb, 2016) to the educators in the Fort Nelson school district. We all know that we cannot teach a child without a concection... without a relationship. In the hustle and bustle of our jobs as educators, we often forget our why, the reason we got into education, of trying to make a difference with kids. In this talk, 6 Keys to Connecting are shared and discussed with the challenge of creating a more positive climate and better connections with kids in our classrooms, schools, and organizations.
Need some help on how to deal with your students who fall short in academics? Find help in this presentation. This guides the faculty or the counselor on how to help the students make the most of their life in school
This document provides a summary of common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design and tips to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality visuals, having a disorganized "visual vomit" style, and lack of preparation. The document emphasizes telling a story over slide design, using whitespace on slides, consistent formatting, and spending significant time preparing presentations.
With the explosion of the maker movement, schools are beginning to embrace creativity. However, what does this mean for assessment? Should we assess the creative process? Should we assess the finished product? Does assessing creativity actually make kids more risk-averse? In this workshop we explore what it means to assess both the creative process and the creative product without leading to risk aversion.
The remembrance of the resurrectables (2015) (1)Danila Medvedev
The 2015 spiritual service dedicated to cryonics patients in cryostasis in different organizations across the globe. The service remembers the people who were cryopreserved with a hope for their eventual resurrection.
Our eyesight is vital to our daily lives, and yet many often neglect taking care of it. What don't you know about your eyesight? And how does you lifestyle contribute? Find out the answers and more with our Eye Health Guide.
This document is from the International Centre for Eye Health and provides a teaching set on common eye conditions that may be encountered and treated in primary health care. It covers 23 different eye conditions including the normal anatomy of the eye, corneal foreign bodies, conjunctivitis, trachoma, cataracts, glaucoma, and conditions caused by vitamin A deficiency, measles, herpes, and leprosy. For each condition it provides brief descriptions and example photographs of clinical presentations.
Arc teamed up with Alcon to create this innovative approach to get kids and parents educated about children*s eye care. Read more about the project here:
The document provides tips and strategies for using social media in a healthcare setting. It discusses Mayo Clinic's philosophy of using social media to help patients access information and connect with providers. It also emphasizes that social media is now an essential part of reaching patients and must be prioritized as such. The document provides advice on setting goals, developing networks, engaging audiences, identifying influencers, gathering data and other best practices for using social media.
Eye-related problems caused by all sorts of electronic devices - computer, smart phones, tablets and e-readers which are fast becoming inseparable from our lives - are more serious than we think!
In this deck, learn, how by doing some simple daily exercises can help relieve your eyes from these stress and strain.
The document summarizes key points from a presentation about how people's real-life social networks differ from their online social networks. It tells a story about a woman named Debbie who was upset to discover that photos from her friends' wild nights at a gay bar, which she had commented on on Facebook, could be viewed by 10-year-old children she teaches swimming. This highlighted the problem that online social networks do not always match people's real-world relationships and connections. The presentation then covered topics like how social networks have changed the web, the importance of understanding relationships and influence, identity, and privacy on social platforms.
What's Trending in Talent and Learning for 2016?Skillsoft
Skillsoft took a look at the top trends that will impact talent and learning efforts in 2016. For a number of reasons, it's a pivotal time for the HR industry to make its move. However, the landscape of work is changing fast and the most adept pace-setters will adapt to take advantage of the top trends. At the same time, companies need to be cautious of industry trends that may be overhyped. This infographic provides a balanced view of practices that will keep your talent and learning strategy moving in the right direction.
Keynote address (Feb, 2016) to the educators in the Fort Nelson school district. We all know that we cannot teach a child without a concection... without a relationship. In the hustle and bustle of our jobs as educators, we often forget our why, the reason we got into education, of trying to make a difference with kids. In this talk, 6 Keys to Connecting are shared and discussed with the challenge of creating a more positive climate and better connections with kids in our classrooms, schools, and organizations.
Need some help on how to deal with your students who fall short in academics? Find help in this presentation. This guides the faculty or the counselor on how to help the students make the most of their life in school
This document provides a summary of common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design and tips to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality visuals, having a disorganized "visual vomit" style, and lack of preparation. The document emphasizes telling a story over slide design, using whitespace on slides, consistent formatting, and spending significant time preparing presentations.
With the explosion of the maker movement, schools are beginning to embrace creativity. However, what does this mean for assessment? Should we assess the creative process? Should we assess the finished product? Does assessing creativity actually make kids more risk-averse? In this workshop we explore what it means to assess both the creative process and the creative product without leading to risk aversion.
The remembrance of the resurrectables (2015) (1)Danila Medvedev
The 2015 spiritual service dedicated to cryonics patients in cryostasis in different organizations across the globe. The service remembers the people who were cryopreserved with a hope for their eventual resurrection.
KrioRus is a cryonics organization founded in 2005 in Russia. It has preserved 15 patients to date, using either neuropreservation or full-body cryopreservation techniques. The document describes 4 case studies to illustrate KrioRus's cryopreservation procedures. Case 1 involved an 80+ year old relative of a transhumanist who was cryopreserved over 20 hours after death. Case 2 was a 25 year old preserved in Moscow. Case 3 was a 70+ year old relative where perfusion was performed in a hospital morgue. Case 4 described an old dog that was cryopreserved in a private laboratory. KrioRus has facilities in Russia and can accept international clients to store patients cry
KrioRus is a cryonics organization founded in 2005 in Russia. It has preserved 15 patients so far using cryoprotectants like glycerol and cooling techniques like dry ice to cryopreserve bodies. Key staff include Valerija Pride as General Director and Igor Artyukhov as Science Director. The document describes four case studies of cryopreservation procedures on humans and one dog to illustrate KrioRus' process, which can involve delays, improvisation, and varying levels of success depending on the circumstances and logistics of each case. KrioRus is willing to cooperate internationally by accepting patients for storage from other countries and regions.
1. The document describes the Human Aging System Diagram (HASD) project, which aims to systematically organize knowledge about human aging processes and determine future directions for solving aging issues.
2. HASD is a multidisciplinary project between gerontology and cognitive science that uses a visual diagram to qualitatively describe the cause-and-effect relationships between aging processes, moving from primary causes to pathologies and death.
3. The diagram is developed through expert interviews with gerontologists and distributed work aided by visualization software, with the goal of providing sufficiently detailed aging process information to identify potential interventions.