This resume summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of Tushar Shah. He has a Master's degree in Social Work from KSOU with 69.3% marks from 2014. He has over 15 years of experience training over 10,000 students in accounting, taxation, and computer skills. He has authored two books in Gujarati on taxation and Excel skills. Over 200 students from his training institute have been placed in well-known organizations in accounting, taxation, finance, and banking.
How to make an effective campaign addressed to inclusion and no discrimination locally, nationally and internationally.
Presented in Marseilles in October 16 for the project CLOSER:
This document discusses how personal resilience can help individuals manage conflict in the workplace. It introduces the R@W model of resilience, which identifies seven factors that build resilience: living authentically, finding your calling, maintaining perspective, mastering stress, interacting cooperatively, staying healthy, and building networks. The document also presents the CDP model of conflict competence, which describes constructive responses like perspective taking and destructive responses like displaying anger. It poses discussion questions about how resilience impacts an individual's approach to conflict situations at work.
Dokumen tersebut berisi soalan-soalan berkaitan agama dan nilai moral yang baik seperti menghormati orang tua, menjaga kebersihan, serta tanggungjawab sebagai pelajar dan anak yang baik. Terdapat juga soalan yang membandingkan amalan-amalan keagamaan antara Islam, Kristian, Hindu dan Buddha.
This document discusses health behavior change and the role of mobile technology. It covers theories of behavior change like the Theory of Planned Behavior and Transtheoretical Model. It discusses determinants of human behavior and behavior change interventions. The role of mobile apps and social media in facilitating behavior change is examined, as are challenges like ensuring accuracy and privacy. Overall, the document provides an overview of concepts and theories in behavior change and how mobile technologies can be leveraged to influence health behaviors.
Presentatie t.b.v. WZO-overleg: samenwerking tussen wonen-zorg-welzijn. De stand van zaken over de ontwikkelingen in de wijk: 3d's, wijkgerichte zorg en ondersteuning.
The department's view of the collective ambition of the regional health service South-Limburg; diapresentatie over collectieve ambitie van afdeling Kennis & Innovatie van GGD Zuid Limburg
Presentatie t.b.v. WZO-overleg: samenwerking tussen wonen-zorg-welzijn. De stand van zaken over de ontwikkelingen in de wijk: 3d's, wijkgerichte zorg en ondersteuning.
The department's view of the collective ambition of the regional health service South-Limburg; diapresentatie over collectieve ambitie van afdeling Kennis & Innovatie van GGD Zuid Limburg
1. Gezondheid bezien vanuit onderwijs,
armoede, arbeid en zorg
NCVGZ, 6 april 2016
Werelden verbinden: je zal er maar
3. Programma
Deel 1 (14.35 15.15 u)
De Limburg Factor Maria Jansen
Blauwe Zorg Anita Vermeer
Een stem voor gezinnen en huishoudens in armoede
Marjolein Wassenberg
De gezonde basisschool van de toekomst Nina
Deel 2 (15.15 15.35 u)
Vragen, dilemmas bespreken
Deel 3 (15.35 15.45 u)
Plenaire terugkoppeling en afsluiting