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    1) MovingGoodsSafelySeminar
       A meeting of the Working Party was held on Tuesday 28th April 2009, when the
       Delegate Fee to be £25 per person; Exhibitors Fee £150; Event to be held Mid
       November. Four locations are being looked at as possible venues to compare

    2) FallingMDFboardskillapprentice
       stack of MDF boards fell on him. He died later in hospital from serious head
       pleadingguiltytobreachingtheProvision &UseatWorkEquipmentRegulations
       a bracket that was intended to restrain them was not strong enough to support

    3) Firmfinedaftertwoaccidentsinthreemonths
       A North East Manufacturing firm has been fined more than £25,000 after two
       HSE Inspector Bruno Porter said “Employers must prevent or control risks to
       is suitable for use. Any assessment and safe working practice must include safe

   4) KeithBassendineITC(IndependentTrainingConsultant)
    5) Steelyardfinedafterseriousaccident
       his legs and crushing his ankle. The court heard that guidance for storing and

    6) Morrison’sadmitssafetycharge
       Morrison’sthesupermarketchainhasbeenfined afteranemployee’seyeswere
       manager at the store had been exposed to the same chemical the day before
       when using the same defective dispenser. The company was fined £18,000 with
       costs of £2,954.00 after pleading guilty to offences under HASAWA 1974 and

    7) Councilfinedfollowingdeathofwastecollector
       A local authority was fined £13,500.00 after pleading guilty to a charge under
       working as a waste recycling collector was run over by the council’s waste
       recycling lorry which was reversing. He was fatally injured. The HSE has warned

    8) TeessideSafetyGroupAGM
       At the above meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2009, the Treasurer stated the
       Group had £14,994.23 in the bank. The programme for July 2009 – June 2010 is
       to Anne Pennock (Mouchel) for the excellent administration service she gives to
       Chairman–                        PaulSmith
       Secretary–                       KeithDavison
       Treasurer–                       MauriceAdamson
       OrganisingSecretary– StevePiper
       Promotion/Publicity– AlanBassett
       Committee–                      JohnRaftery
       Co‐optedMembers– PeterWalker(BCSA)

    9) Constructionworkersuffersseriousheadinjuries
       HSE has warned the construction industry about the need to properly manage
       working at height, following the prosecution of the principal contractor on
       Europe’s largest city centre regeneration project. The warning follows the
       prosecution of Laing O’Rourke Construction Ltd, after one of its employees fell
       more than 3 metres during the construction of concrete stairs inside one of the
       main apartment blocks on the project. He suffered multiple, serious head and
       incident happened in Liverpool One, the new shopping and entertainment
       development in Liverpool City Centre. The Company was fined £80,000 and

    10) Workerengulfedinflames
        burns covered 17% of his body and he has not returned to work since. The

    11) Joineryfirmfinedoverscaffoldfall
        shopping centre. The injured person was working from a mobile tower scaffold
        while fitting ducting for a shop when he fell 3 metres and suffered serious head
        injuries. The Company was fined £20,000.00 and were also instructed to pay

    12) Newguidancepublished
           New guidance on managing skin exposure risks at work points out that many
           materials used at work can affect the skin or pass through it and cause diseases
           elsewhere in the body. The guidance recently published by the HSE is aimed at
           employers, health and safety advisers, trainers and safety representatives; and
           Thanks to Maurice Adamson for the time he spends reviewing many relevant

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Ne Safety Group Newsletter June 2009

  • 1. NorthEastSafetyGroupsNewsletter June2009 1) MovingGoodsSafelySeminar A meeting of the Working Party was held on Tuesday 28th April 2009, when the followingdecisionsweremade:‐ Delegate Fee to be £25 per person; Exhibitors Fee £150; Event to be held Mid November. Four locations are being looked at as possible venues to compare costing&availability. Wewillkeepyouuptodateasthematterprogresses. 2) FallingMDFboardskillapprentice TheapprenticewasworkingattheChrisPridmoreJoineryLtdworkshops,whena stack of MDF boards fell on him. He died later in hospital from serious head injuries.Thecompanywasfined£7,500andorderedtopaycostsof£2,500after pleadingguiltytobreachingtheProvision &UseatWorkEquipmentRegulations 1998.Theboardswerestoredontopofabenchintheworkshopandfellbecause a bracket that was intended to restrain them was not strong enough to support theirweight.Thebracketfailedafteronlyaweekinuse. 3) Firmfinedaftertwoaccidentsinthreemonths A North East Manufacturing firm has been fined more than £25,000 after two accidentsinthreemonthsleftoneworkerneedinghislegamputatedandanother withseriouscrushinjuries.EggerUKLtd,achipboardmanufacturer,pleadedguilty tosixhealthandsafetychargesfollowingtheaccidentsinMayandAugust2007.It wasfined£25,400withcostsof£11,881.00,withavictimsurchargeof£15.00. HSE Inspector Bruno Porter said “Employers must prevent or control risks to people’shealthfromequipmenttheyuseatwork:Anemployermustensurethat appropriateriskassessmentshavebeencarriedout,andthatallworkequipment is suitable for use. Any assessment and safe working practice must include safe isolationofallsourcesofenergy,electrical&mechanical”. 4) KeithBassendineITC(IndependentTrainingConsultant) “Doyouhaveahealthandsafetyproblem”–ifsowecandesignatrainingcourse tomeetyourneeds.OurCompanyareextremelycompetitive,costeffectiveand flexibletosuityourcompaniesbusyworkschedule. CCNSGNationallyAccreditedSafetyPassport ManualHandlingInstructor/Assessor PeopleHandlingInstructor/Assessor RiskAssessor COSHHAssessor SafeWorkingatHeights ConfidenceBuildingCourses Ifyouhaveanyothersafetyrequirementspleasecontactuson:‐ Tel:01642458230Mobile:07958713929orEmail:kbassendine@ntlworld.com
  • 2. NorthEastSafetyGroupsNewsletter June2009 5) Steelyardfinedafterseriousaccident AHullfirmhasbeenfined£8,000with£2,195.00costsafteranaccidentinwhicha warehousemanwasseriouslyinjuredbyfallingsteelbars.Theemployeewasusing aradio‐controlledoverheadcranetotransfersteelbarsfromthefloortorackingin thefirmswarehousewhenbundlesofsteelbarsbecamedislodged,breakingboth his legs and crushing his ankle. The court heard that guidance for storing and stackingsteelbarshadnotbeenfollowed. 6) Morrison’sadmitssafetycharge Morrison’sthesupermarketchainhasbeenfined afteranemployee’seyeswere injuredbyachemicalcleanerthatsquirtedintohereyesfromafaultydispenser.A manager at the store had been exposed to the same chemical the day before when using the same defective dispenser. The company was fined £18,000 with costs of £2,954.00 after pleading guilty to offences under HASAWA 1974 and COSHH. 7) Councilfinedfollowingdeathofwastecollector A local authority was fined £13,500.00 after pleading guilty to a charge under section2(1)ofHASAWA1974.Theaccidenthappenedastheemployeewhowas working as a waste recycling collector was run over by the council’s waste recycling lorry which was reversing. He was fatally injured. The HSE has warned employersofwastecollectorstoensuretheirkerbsideworkersarefullytrainedto safelyassisttheirdriverstoreverse. 8) TeessideSafetyGroupAGM At the above meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2009, the Treasurer stated the Group had £14,994.23 in the bank. The programme for July 2009 – June 2010 is nowbeingcompiledandwearesurethecontentswillmeetwithyoursatisfaction andlookforwardtoyourcontinuedsupport.ThethanksoftheGroupweregiven to Anne Pennock (Mouchel) for the excellent administration service she gives to theGroup.Wehavelost22Membersduetotherecessionbuthavesofargained 8newmembers. ThefollowingmembersoftheCommitteewerere‐elected:‐ Chairman– PaulSmith Secretary– KeithDavison Treasurer– MauriceAdamson OrganisingSecretary– StevePiper Promotion/Publicity– AlanBassett Committee– JohnRaftery MrsRozElms Co‐optedMembers– PeterWalker(BCSA) RobHirst(HSE)
  • 3. NorthEastSafetyGroupsNewsletter June2009 9) Constructionworkersuffersseriousheadinjuries HSE has warned the construction industry about the need to properly manage working at height, following the prosecution of the principal contractor on Europe’s largest city centre regeneration project. The warning follows the prosecution of Laing O’Rourke Construction Ltd, after one of its employees fell more than 3 metres during the construction of concrete stairs inside one of the main apartment blocks on the project. He suffered multiple, serious head and otherinjuriesandnarrowlyescapedfalling3floorstothebaseofthebuilding.The incident happened in Liverpool One, the new shopping and entertainment development in Liverpool City Centre. The Company was fined £80,000 and orderedtopay£10,000costs. 10) Workerengulfedinflames A59‐year‐oldworkerwasengulfedinflameswhenaleakignitedaspetrolfroma fuelretrievertankwasbeingtransferred.Theman’strousersweresetalightand hesufferedsevereburnstothebacksofhislegsandtohishandsandarmsashe wastryingtoriphistrousersoff.Herantoanearbytaptoputouttheflames.The employeewasadmittedtohospitalfor5weeksandhadtohave2skingrafts.His burns covered 17% of his body and he has not returned to work since. The Companywasfined£2,000andorderedtopay£2,375.00costs. 11) Joineryfirmfinedoverscaffoldfall Theincidenthappenedduringthefit‐outofashopaspartoftheconstructionofa shopping centre. The injured person was working from a mobile tower scaffold while fitting ducting for a shop when he fell 3 metres and suffered serious head injuries. The Company was fined £20,000.00 and were also instructed to pay £11,895.00costs. 12) Newguidancepublished New guidance on managing skin exposure risks at work points out that many materials used at work can affect the skin or pass through it and cause diseases elsewhere in the body. The guidance recently published by the HSE is aimed at employers, health and safety advisers, trainers and safety representatives; and offerspracticaladvicetohelppreventsuchdisablingdiseases. “ManagingSkinExposureRisksatWork”,HSG262canbeorderedfromHSEBooks onTel.01787881165. Thanks to Maurice Adamson for the time he spends reviewing many relevant publicationstodevelopthisnewsletter.Thisenablesustogetonwithourdayto dayactivitieswithoutmissingvaluableinformationandtimelyreminders…..!