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                  Newsletter Edition 37 - November 2009
                                             In This Issue

Introduction - Fall From Height Prosecution - Build Safe UAE - HSE Asbestos
Campaign - Shocking Photographs - Forthcoming Events



This month sees our final seminar for 2009 - Planning for Emergency. Bookings are now
being taken so reserve your place by e-mailing Elizabeth Brown at necdm@hotmail.co.uk.
Please let us know what topics you would like covered in future seminars.

Also please keep your articles and photographs coming for future editions of the

Fall From Height Prosecution

                                HSE recently prosecuted both Weber Trading Ltd and one of
                                the Directors, Jeffrey Robinson, following a serious incident
                                in which Mr Lucasz Czuba, 26, of Longbenton, Newcastle fell
                                seven metres whilst carrying out refurbishment work on the
                                roof of a building at "Shoe City", Sands Lane Industrial
                                Estate, Gateshead in July 2007.

The building owners contracted Webber Trading Ltd to carry out industrial roof repairs
which involved fitting steel sheets over the existing fragile plastic roof lights. The team of
four working on the roof included the director Jeffrey Robinson.

During the course of the work, Mr Czuba stepped onto an unprotected fragile plastic
rooflight which gave way and he fell seven metres to the warehouse floor, sustaining
serious injuries.

On 29 September 2009, at Gateshead Magistrates Court Webber Trading Ltd, of Keighley
Mill, 43 Bank Parade, Burnley, was fined 贈6,000 after pleading guilty to charges under
section 3(1) and section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The company
was also ordered to pay 贈2,838.20 costs and 贈15 victim surcharge.

Jeffrey Robinson, director of Webber Trading Ltd, who was present on the roof directing
the work at the time of the incident, was fined 贈1,000 after pleading guilty to charges
under section 37 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 - for breaches of section
3(1) and section 2(1) . He was also ordered to pay 贈200 costs and 贈15 victim surcharge.

Interestingly the company has a previous health and safety conviction from 2002 following
an accident where a worker fell 10m through a fragile roof sheet.

HSE Inspector Martin Smith commented after the case:

"Last year (2007-08) more than half (52%) of the workers who died on construction sites
worked in refurbishment, repair and maintenance. Of these, 34 were killed following a fall
from height during construction work."

"The measures which should have been taken in order to prevent this incident happening
are straightforward and well documented. It is clear that the director and the company
failed to recognise the risks posed in working on the fragile rooflights. This serious incident
could have been avoided."

Build Safe UAE

                              We are please to inform you that the Group has informally
                              linked up the Build Safe UAE who are the leading health &
                              safety organisation aimed at improving the health, safety and
                              welfare conditions of all construction industry stakeholders
                              through the free exchange and sharing of information
                              between organisations working in the UAE.

Build Safe UAE consists of a number of major (International and Local) Developers,
Contractors, Consultants, Project Managers and Service Organisations of the UAE
Construction Industry who have agreed to share their Best Practice Safety Information in
the forms of risk assessments, safe working methods, safety presentations, safety alerts,
tool box talks, best practice case studies, etc. for the greater good of the whole industry in
an effort to improve the general standard of Health, Safety and Welfare across the UAE.

Build Safe UAE have agreed to allow us to distribute this information to our Members and
publish it on our Website. We will be reciprocating and encourage you to submit Safety
Alerts following accidents / incidents on you sites. All submissions will be anonymised.
You can visit their website at www.buildsafeuae.com

HSE Asbestos Campaign

                               HSEs Asbestos - Hidden Killer Campaign re-launches 2
                               November 2009. The campaign was originally launched in
                               October 2008 following a regional pilot in the North West.
                               The campaign succeeded in raising awareness of asbestos
                               risks - 8 out of 10 tradesmen were aware of the adverts and
                               71 % said they had or planned to take further precautions.

Asbestos-related disease accounts for around 4000 deaths a year, the biggest single
cause of work-related deaths in Great Britain. More people die as a result of exposure to
asbestos than in road accidents.

To keep the messages hitting home, HSE is running a similar campaign this year, starting
on 2 November. It will aim to help tradesmen and maintenance workers know when they
might be working with asbestos and what they can do to protect themselves.

The campaign will run for 4 weeks and will include:

       national radio and press advertising,
       PR activity using real-life case studies,
       a direct mail and
       online activity.

Shocking Photographs

This month we have some more photographs from Riyadh that is proving to be a hot bed
of unsafe practice! The photo on the left shows unfenced demolition work in the middle of
a row of shops and next to a four lane highway. The photograph on the right needs no

Forthcoming Events

25th November 2009  Planning for Emergency

The event will be held at the Esporta Sunderland Health & Racquet Club, Doxford
International from 1 p.m. (for coffee with seminar to commence at 1.30 p.m.) to 4.30 p.m.

The programme for the first few months of 2010 will be published in a future edition of the


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NECDM Group Newsletter 37 November 2009

  • 1. www.necdm.co.uk Newsletter Edition 37 - November 2009 In This Issue Introduction - Fall From Height Prosecution - Build Safe UAE - HSE Asbestos Campaign - Shocking Photographs - Forthcoming Events ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction This month sees our final seminar for 2009 - Planning for Emergency. Bookings are now being taken so reserve your place by e-mailing Elizabeth Brown at necdm@hotmail.co.uk. Please let us know what topics you would like covered in future seminars. Also please keep your articles and photographs coming for future editions of the Newsletter. Fall From Height Prosecution HSE recently prosecuted both Weber Trading Ltd and one of the Directors, Jeffrey Robinson, following a serious incident in which Mr Lucasz Czuba, 26, of Longbenton, Newcastle fell seven metres whilst carrying out refurbishment work on the roof of a building at "Shoe City", Sands Lane Industrial Estate, Gateshead in July 2007. The building owners contracted Webber Trading Ltd to carry out industrial roof repairs which involved fitting steel sheets over the existing fragile plastic roof lights. The team of four working on the roof included the director Jeffrey Robinson. During the course of the work, Mr Czuba stepped onto an unprotected fragile plastic rooflight which gave way and he fell seven metres to the warehouse floor, sustaining serious injuries. On 29 September 2009, at Gateshead Magistrates Court Webber Trading Ltd, of Keighley Mill, 43 Bank Parade, Burnley, was fined 贈6,000 after pleading guilty to charges under section 3(1) and section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The company was also ordered to pay 贈2,838.20 costs and 贈15 victim surcharge. 1
  • 2. Jeffrey Robinson, director of Webber Trading Ltd, who was present on the roof directing the work at the time of the incident, was fined 贈1,000 after pleading guilty to charges under section 37 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 - for breaches of section 3(1) and section 2(1) . He was also ordered to pay 贈200 costs and 贈15 victim surcharge. Interestingly the company has a previous health and safety conviction from 2002 following an accident where a worker fell 10m through a fragile roof sheet. HSE Inspector Martin Smith commented after the case: "Last year (2007-08) more than half (52%) of the workers who died on construction sites worked in refurbishment, repair and maintenance. Of these, 34 were killed following a fall from height during construction work." "The measures which should have been taken in order to prevent this incident happening are straightforward and well documented. It is clear that the director and the company failed to recognise the risks posed in working on the fragile rooflights. This serious incident could have been avoided." Build Safe UAE We are please to inform you that the Group has informally linked up the Build Safe UAE who are the leading health & safety organisation aimed at improving the health, safety and welfare conditions of all construction industry stakeholders through the free exchange and sharing of information between organisations working in the UAE. Build Safe UAE consists of a number of major (International and Local) Developers, Contractors, Consultants, Project Managers and Service Organisations of the UAE Construction Industry who have agreed to share their Best Practice Safety Information in the forms of risk assessments, safe working methods, safety presentations, safety alerts, tool box talks, best practice case studies, etc. for the greater good of the whole industry in an effort to improve the general standard of Health, Safety and Welfare across the UAE. Build Safe UAE have agreed to allow us to distribute this information to our Members and publish it on our Website. We will be reciprocating and encourage you to submit Safety Alerts following accidents / incidents on you sites. All submissions will be anonymised. You can visit their website at www.buildsafeuae.com HSE Asbestos Campaign HSEs Asbestos - Hidden Killer Campaign re-launches 2 November 2009. The campaign was originally launched in October 2008 following a regional pilot in the North West. The campaign succeeded in raising awareness of asbestos risks - 8 out of 10 tradesmen were aware of the adverts and 71 % said they had or planned to take further precautions. Asbestos-related disease accounts for around 4000 deaths a year, the biggest single 2
  • 3. cause of work-related deaths in Great Britain. More people die as a result of exposure to asbestos than in road accidents. To keep the messages hitting home, HSE is running a similar campaign this year, starting on 2 November. It will aim to help tradesmen and maintenance workers know when they might be working with asbestos and what they can do to protect themselves. The campaign will run for 4 weeks and will include: national radio and press advertising, PR activity using real-life case studies, a direct mail and online activity. Shocking Photographs This month we have some more photographs from Riyadh that is proving to be a hot bed of unsafe practice! The photo on the left shows unfenced demolition work in the middle of a row of shops and next to a four lane highway. The photograph on the right needs no explanation. Forthcoming Events 25th November 2009 Planning for Emergency The event will be held at the Esporta Sunderland Health & Racquet Club, Doxford International from 1 p.m. (for coffee with seminar to commence at 1.30 p.m.) to 4.30 p.m. The programme for the first few months of 2010 will be published in a future edition of the Newsletter. 3