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Need For Speed Marketing Campaign
Due to Need For Speed already being a game franchise it already had a big following as
it has been one of the biggest franchises of all time. The campaign of this film was
spread out through various media platforms. Some of these media forms were;
televisions interviews, podcasts, radio interviews and TV appearances.
To help gain a wider audience, the main actor of the film Aaron Paul appeared on
various media platforms. One of the TV shows that he appeared on was Top Gear. This
television show has the same audience as what the film wanted to appeal to. This target
audience is males aged 18 to 40+ who have an interest in cars. This programme appears
on BBC 2 who has an older target audience which helps as the film is aimed at an older
audience. When Aaron Paul appeared on this programme it showed him have a short
interview talking about the film and also do a challenge to see how fast he could go
round a race track in a car. This is something that relates to the film as the character
that he plays in it is a race car driver.
To help the marketing campaign reach out to a different and bigger audience Aaron Paul
appeared on the Graham Norton show on a Friday night. As this is a popular programme
to watch on a Friday night meant that he would gain a wider audience. You know this
because Graham Norton attracts a women audience as well as males. This programme
also gets a wider age range than he did when he appeared on Top Gear.
I think that when it came to gaining a wider audience through a media platform the one
that would have got the bigger audience for their intended target audience would have
been Top Gear. The reason for this being that this programmes his targeted at exactly
the same audience as the film. I also think that Aaron Paul was the right person to
choose to be the front of the marketing campaign. I think this because at the moment
this actor is well known for being in Breaking Bad which is very popular within the UK.
With him being the main character in the film means that when people see or hear him
on various media platforms they will be interested to find out what he is talking about.
Therefore, after watching both or either of his interviews on television will mean that
the audience will want to go and see the film just because Aaron Paul is in it. He will also
appeal to a female audience as he is considered as a good looking actor. This will make
them also want to go and see the film.

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Need For Speed

  • 1. Need For Speed Marketing Campaign Due to Need For Speed already being a game franchise it already had a big following as it has been one of the biggest franchises of all time. The campaign of this film was spread out through various media platforms. Some of these media forms were; televisions interviews, podcasts, radio interviews and TV appearances. To help gain a wider audience, the main actor of the film Aaron Paul appeared on various media platforms. One of the TV shows that he appeared on was Top Gear. This television show has the same audience as what the film wanted to appeal to. This target audience is males aged 18 to 40+ who have an interest in cars. This programme appears on BBC 2 who has an older target audience which helps as the film is aimed at an older audience. When Aaron Paul appeared on this programme it showed him have a short interview talking about the film and also do a challenge to see how fast he could go round a race track in a car. This is something that relates to the film as the character that he plays in it is a race car driver. To help the marketing campaign reach out to a different and bigger audience Aaron Paul appeared on the Graham Norton show on a Friday night. As this is a popular programme to watch on a Friday night meant that he would gain a wider audience. You know this because Graham Norton attracts a women audience as well as males. This programme also gets a wider age range than he did when he appeared on Top Gear. I think that when it came to gaining a wider audience through a media platform the one that would have got the bigger audience for their intended target audience would have been Top Gear. The reason for this being that this programmes his targeted at exactly the same audience as the film. I also think that Aaron Paul was the right person to choose to be the front of the marketing campaign. I think this because at the moment this actor is well known for being in Breaking Bad which is very popular within the UK. With him being the main character in the film means that when people see or hear him on various media platforms they will be interested to find out what he is talking about. Therefore, after watching both or either of his interviews on television will mean that the audience will want to go and see the film just because Aaron Paul is in it. He will also appeal to a female audience as he is considered as a good looking actor. This will make them also want to go and see the film.