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Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status
    Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams
New Leads are the result of incoming electronic customer inquiries, or manually
added sales prospects from incoming phone calls , walk-ins or customer referrals and have
not yet had a status change. New Leads can be found under Lead Group; New Leads and
also in Working Leads. It is imperative that BDC staff does not change the status of a
New Lead until after an Internet Sales Specialist has sent an email containing a 4 car quote.
When working on leads previously assigned to an Internet Sales Specialist, a BDC
Customer Service Representative must enter their name into the NetTrack CDR field.

Undo Last Status will put a lead back into New Lead Status.

Working Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Working Leads)
   Called Customer; must be used to indicate that a salesperson or CSR has actually
    spoken to the customer. Use along with scheduling a Demo, Phone Call or Email
    appointment in NetTrack. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   No Answer; use when a call has been attempted, but there was no answer. Must be
    used in conjunction with the scheduling of another call using NetTrack Phone Appt.
   Left Message; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Customer Called; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Working Toward Appt; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Gave a Price Quote; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Re-Confirm Appointment; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Test Drive; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Write Up (Sit down & do numbers with a customer) User must schedule a follow-up
    activity with this status.
   T/O Manager (Let manager have a shot at the customer before he left the dealership)
    User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Deal in F&I (Finance & Insurance does not go dormant) User must schedule a
    follow-up activity with this status.
   Deal Pending; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Sold (not yet delivered does not go dormant)
   Still Shopping; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Went Home to Think; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Deal in High Risk; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Ordered Vehicle (does not go to a Dormant Status) User must schedule a follow-up
    activity with this status.
   Email Sent User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Email Received; user must respond to customers email and change status to
    appropriate category. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Snail Mail; To be used when a user sends a USPS letter or postcard to a customer.

Sunday, October 24, 2010                                                                   1
Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status
    Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams
Final Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Finalized Leads)
   Dormant; working leads that are left unattended for 4 days will automatically be
    transferred into Dormant status. Dormant leads may be claimed and worked by any
    other Internet Sales Specialist or BDC Customer Service Representative.
   Never Responded; to be used when a customer has repeatedly failed to respond to
    emails sent, phone messages left and any other attempted contacts by a dealership
    employee. Should not be used until at least TWO WEEKS or repeated contact attempts
    have been made.
   Wanted Brochure Only; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Bought Other Make; To be used when it is discovered that the customer bought a
    NEW vehicle other than a Chevrolet from another dealership.
   Bought Elsewhere; To be used when it is discovered that the customer has purchased a
    new Chevrolet or a Used Car from another dealership.
   No Longer Interested; To be used when the customer sends an email, or tells us that
    they are no longer interested. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.
   Bad Credit; Use this status ONLY after the Courtesy Chevrolet Finance Department
    has actually turned down a deal and nothing could be structured that would get an
    approval. User must schedule a follow-up activity for 6 months later with this status.
   Buried in Trade; This should be used ONLY when it is the actual reason why we
    could not go any further at the present time with making a car deal. User must schedule
    a follow-up activity for 6 months later with this status.
   Unable to come to Terms; This status should ONLY BE USED after a customer has
    physically visited the dealership and we were unable to arrive at a selling price,
    monthly payment or trade-in value that the customer would accept.
   Internet to Showroom; An Internet prospect that comes into the showroom and works
    with a showroom salesperson but does not buy, AND the Showroom Salesperson will
    be handling follow-up and subsequent sales attempts. This status can also be used
    when a customer sends in an online credit application after working with a showroom
   Retail Showroom Sale (Can be found under Lead Groups Delivered and Finalized)
    An Internet lead that comes into the showroom and buys from the showroom
    salesperson not an Internet sales Specialist This status gets the same automated
    emails as Delivered status customers.
   Delivered (Can be found under Lead Groups Delivered and Finalized) This status
    DELIVERED, regardless of whether or not the deal has been billed.
   Not in Stock; Use this status when we cannot go any further with a lead because we do
    not have the vehicle the customer wants, and we cannot dealer trade for it, or order it.
    User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status.

Sunday, October 24, 2010                                                                  2
Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status
    Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams
Invalid Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Invalid Leads These are under
Invalid totals and they do not show up in your report percentages.)
 Invalid; (False Lead) Use ONLY when there is either a BAD EMAIL ADDRESS or a
   non-functioning BAD PHONE NUMBER that prevents us from working the lead.
 Duplicate Lead; Only to be used when another lead from the same customer has been
   received WITHIN PREVIOUS 30 DAYS of the current leads arrival. User must mark
   the original leads source in a Duplicate Leads notes section.
 Service/Parts; Parts and service related leads, as well as used for Job Applicants.
 Junk Email; Advertisement, Solicitations from people trying to sell something to the
   dealership, Spam or test leads from vendors and in-house sources.
 Promo Entry, is for promotional ads with giveaways, such as Win $500 Worth of
   Gas or Free GM Oil Change that we run from our websites and micro-sites. This is
   an invalid status, that will not affect your closing percentages on your end of month
   reports or clutter your working left list. Courtesy Chevrolet has a separate
   autoresponder made for it, so they won't get the standard "Thank you for your purchase
   request". We also have set-up a few automails, using the status Promo Entry to
   schedule them, so these customers will receive dealership contacts over time.

Scheduled Follow-Up Events; Can be found under the appointment tab/menu
   Demo Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status)
   Delayed Contact (does not go to a Dormant Status)
   Phone Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status)
   Delivery Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status)
   Email Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status)
   Service Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status)

Sunday, October 24, 2010                                                                3
Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status
   Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams
BDC Rules of Engagement regarding Internet Leads:
 If lead is directly routed to a BDC Customer Service Representative, then it must
  be responded to with an appropriate email response to the customer PRIOR to making a
  phone call to the customer. The email response must be executed within 15 minutes of
  the leads arrival, followed up IMMEDIATELY by a phone call to schedule a Demo
 If lead is routed to an Internet Sales Specialist, then the CSR in the BDC who is
  assigned to assist the ISS in following up MUST confirm with the ISS or the Internet
  Sales Manager BEFORE making an attempted contact with that customer. If there is a
  note in NetTrack that says Needs BDC cobntact then the CSR does not need to
  confirm that it is OK to contact that customer.
 BDC staff does not change the status of a New Internet Sales Team Lead until after
  an Internet Sales Specialist has sent an email containing a 4 car quote. When working
  on leads previously assigned to an Internet Sales Specialist, a BDC Customer Service
  Representative must enter their name into the NetTrack CDR field.
 Dormant Leads are fair game, and can be contacted by any CSR in the BDC at any
  time that a lead remains in Dormant status.
 Customer Service Representatives in the BDC that work Dormant or any other
  status Internet Lead that was originally assigned to an ISS must ONLY put their
  name in the CDR field, and must never change the original salespersons name. A
  Salespersons name in NetTrack must ONLY be changed by an authorized

Sunday, October 24, 2010                                                                 4

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Net trak lead status v5

  • 1. Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams New Leads are the result of incoming electronic customer inquiries, or manually added sales prospects from incoming phone calls , walk-ins or customer referrals and have not yet had a status change. New Leads can be found under Lead Group; New Leads and also in Working Leads. It is imperative that BDC staff does not change the status of a New Lead until after an Internet Sales Specialist has sent an email containing a 4 car quote. When working on leads previously assigned to an Internet Sales Specialist, a BDC Customer Service Representative must enter their name into the NetTrack CDR field. Undo Last Status will put a lead back into New Lead Status. Working Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Working Leads) Called Customer; must be used to indicate that a salesperson or CSR has actually spoken to the customer. Use along with scheduling a Demo, Phone Call or Email appointment in NetTrack. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. No Answer; use when a call has been attempted, but there was no answer. Must be used in conjunction with the scheduling of another call using NetTrack Phone Appt. Left Message; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Customer Called; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Working Toward Appt; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Gave a Price Quote; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Re-Confirm Appointment; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Test Drive; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Write Up (Sit down & do numbers with a customer) User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. T/O Manager (Let manager have a shot at the customer before he left the dealership) User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Deal in F&I (Finance & Insurance does not go dormant) User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Deal Pending; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Sold (not yet delivered does not go dormant) Still Shopping; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Went Home to Think; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Deal in High Risk; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Ordered Vehicle (does not go to a Dormant Status) User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Email Sent User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Email Received; user must respond to customers email and change status to appropriate category. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Snail Mail; To be used when a user sends a USPS letter or postcard to a customer. Sunday, October 24, 2010 1
  • 2. Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams Final Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Finalized Leads) Dormant; working leads that are left unattended for 4 days will automatically be transferred into Dormant status. Dormant leads may be claimed and worked by any other Internet Sales Specialist or BDC Customer Service Representative. Never Responded; to be used when a customer has repeatedly failed to respond to emails sent, phone messages left and any other attempted contacts by a dealership employee. Should not be used until at least TWO WEEKS or repeated contact attempts have been made. Wanted Brochure Only; User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Bought Other Make; To be used when it is discovered that the customer bought a NEW vehicle other than a Chevrolet from another dealership. Bought Elsewhere; To be used when it is discovered that the customer has purchased a new Chevrolet or a Used Car from another dealership. No Longer Interested; To be used when the customer sends an email, or tells us that they are no longer interested. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Bad Credit; Use this status ONLY after the Courtesy Chevrolet Finance Department has actually turned down a deal and nothing could be structured that would get an approval. User must schedule a follow-up activity for 6 months later with this status. Buried in Trade; This should be used ONLY when it is the actual reason why we could not go any further at the present time with making a car deal. User must schedule a follow-up activity for 6 months later with this status. Unable to come to Terms; This status should ONLY BE USED after a customer has physically visited the dealership and we were unable to arrive at a selling price, monthly payment or trade-in value that the customer would accept. Internet to Showroom; An Internet prospect that comes into the showroom and works with a showroom salesperson but does not buy, AND the Showroom Salesperson will be handling follow-up and subsequent sales attempts. This status can also be used when a customer sends in an online credit application after working with a showroom salesperson. Retail Showroom Sale (Can be found under Lead Groups Delivered and Finalized) An Internet lead that comes into the showroom and buys from the showroom salesperson not an Internet sales Specialist This status gets the same automated emails as Delivered status customers. Delivered (Can be found under Lead Groups Delivered and Finalized) This status MUST BE USED EVERY TIME A CUSTOMER HAS BEEN SOLD AND DELIVERED, regardless of whether or not the deal has been billed. Not in Stock; Use this status when we cannot go any further with a lead because we do not have the vehicle the customer wants, and we cannot dealer trade for it, or order it. User must schedule a follow-up activity with this status. Sunday, October 24, 2010 2
  • 3. Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams Invalid Statuses (Can be found under Lead Group Invalid Leads These are under Invalid totals and they do not show up in your report percentages.) Invalid; (False Lead) Use ONLY when there is either a BAD EMAIL ADDRESS or a non-functioning BAD PHONE NUMBER that prevents us from working the lead. Duplicate Lead; Only to be used when another lead from the same customer has been received WITHIN PREVIOUS 30 DAYS of the current leads arrival. User must mark the original leads source in a Duplicate Leads notes section. Service/Parts; Parts and service related leads, as well as used for Job Applicants. Junk Email; Advertisement, Solicitations from people trying to sell something to the dealership, Spam or test leads from vendors and in-house sources. Promo Entry, is for promotional ads with giveaways, such as Win $500 Worth of Gas or Free GM Oil Change that we run from our websites and micro-sites. This is an invalid status, that will not affect your closing percentages on your end of month reports or clutter your working left list. Courtesy Chevrolet has a separate autoresponder made for it, so they won't get the standard "Thank you for your purchase request". We also have set-up a few automails, using the status Promo Entry to schedule them, so these customers will receive dealership contacts over time. Scheduled Follow-Up Events; Can be found under the appointment tab/menu Demo Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status) Delayed Contact (does not go to a Dormant Status) Phone Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status) Delivery Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status) Email Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status) Service Appointment (does not go to a Dormant Status) Sunday, October 24, 2010 3
  • 4. Courtesy Chevrolet BuzzTrak/NetTrack Lead Status Management Policies for BDC and Internet Sales Teams BDC Rules of Engagement regarding Internet Leads: If lead is directly routed to a BDC Customer Service Representative, then it must be responded to with an appropriate email response to the customer PRIOR to making a phone call to the customer. The email response must be executed within 15 minutes of the leads arrival, followed up IMMEDIATELY by a phone call to schedule a Demo Appointment. If lead is routed to an Internet Sales Specialist, then the CSR in the BDC who is assigned to assist the ISS in following up MUST confirm with the ISS or the Internet Sales Manager BEFORE making an attempted contact with that customer. If there is a note in NetTrack that says Needs BDC cobntact then the CSR does not need to confirm that it is OK to contact that customer. BDC staff does not change the status of a New Internet Sales Team Lead until after an Internet Sales Specialist has sent an email containing a 4 car quote. When working on leads previously assigned to an Internet Sales Specialist, a BDC Customer Service Representative must enter their name into the NetTrack CDR field. Dormant Leads are fair game, and can be contacted by any CSR in the BDC at any time that a lead remains in Dormant status. Customer Service Representatives in the BDC that work Dormant or any other status Internet Lead that was originally assigned to an ISS must ONLY put their name in the CDR field, and must never change the original salespersons name. A Salespersons name in NetTrack must ONLY be changed by an authorized manager. Sunday, October 24, 2010 4