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Neteru Compound Glossary of Terms

Neteru  Divine qualities present in all things (Kemetian); The
    Vampire Huntress Legends, a Neteru was born every 1,000 years
    to fight the dark sidebut at the dawn of the Armageddon the
    Light sent two (Damali Richards and Carlos Rivera.)
Neteru Guardians  Special Forces Guardians of the Light that stand
    by the Neterus in battle against the dark side.
The Morrigan  Guardians of the Light that have turned to the dark
Valkyrie  A warrior angel being that lifts fallen soldiers of
    righteousness to Valhalla. (Also Sarah aunts name.)
Daywalker  A Vampire made impervious to sunlight. (Also Sarahs
    Uncle Yonnie.)
The Land of Nod  a place between dimensions (in the 4th realm)
    created at the dawn of time, where all mystical creatures and
    species were cloaked from human interaction. This banishment
    zone was to protect humans from the supernatural, but every now
    and then the veil between worlds would rip. There were good
    members and bad members of this community, just like is found
    in human society. But during the Armageddon the veil was
    permanently damagedrefugees (good beings) fled persecution
    and sought safety with the Neterus at The Temt Tchaas
Neteru Compound Family Tree

NOTE: All of the Neteru Compound siblings, seven in all, were born during the
same season and the same year after the first major clash of the Armageddon,
except Ayana, who was four years old at the time.

    !     Carlos Rivera + Damali Richards-Rivera [Both are the
    Neteru Compound Leaders] = (parents of twins) Sarah Rivera
    and Alejandro Rivera. Their father was once a daywalker and was
    brought into the Light as a Neteruhe married their mother, a
    Powers Angel and Neteru. Both siblings have a combination of
    their parents seven supernatural gifts and physical make-up.
    !     Tara Rider (ex-Vampire) + Jack Rider (Olfactory Sensor
    Guardian) = Tami Rider (Sarahs BFF, with a lot of Vampire
    !     Jasmine Berkfield (Dragon Painter) + Bobby Berkfield
    (White Light Wizard) = Hyacinth Berkfield (one of Sarahs non-
    blood related compound sisters who is psychic)
    !     Heather Weinstein (Stoneworker/White-lighter) + Dan
    Weinstein (Tactical Guardian) = Allie Weinstein (one of Sarahs
    non-blood related compound sisters who is electromagnetic)
    !     Valkyrie Johnson (a Warrior Valkyrie) + Yolando
Johnson (Daywalker) = Valencio Johnson (one of Sarahs non-
   blood related compound brothers who is a handsome combo of
   Valkyrie and Vampire)
   !    Juanita Ciponte (psychic) + Jose Ciponte (Olfactory
   Guardian) = Miguel Ciponte (one of Sarahs non-blood related
   compound brothers who is a strong tracker)
   !    Krissy Berkfield-Leung (White lighter) + J.L. Leung
   (Tactical Guardian) = Donnie Leung (one of Sarahs non-blood
   related compound brothers who is a burgeoning White-lighter
   computer geek)
   !     Inez Porter-Roberts (Psychic) + Big Mike Roberts (step
   father) = parents of Ayana Porter (one of Sarahs non-blood
   related compound sister who is older by 4 years and is destined to
   become the Mother-seer of a Guardian compound)

   !    Marlene Stone = Mother-seer to the Neteru Compound, and
   called Nana by all. She is also the headmistress of the Temt Tchaas
   !    Baba Shabazz = House Security for the Temt Tchaas
   academy, called grandfather by all in the Neteru compound,
   married to Marlene Stone, and is a martial arts master. Baba
   Shabazz is also a Tactical Guardian and panther shape-shifter.
   !    Ms. Delores Filgueiras and Mr. Monty Sinclair (neither
own any special supernatural gift, but Inez was born with a very
    strong third eye psychic ability) = Aunt Inezs mother and new
    stepfather; grandparents to Ayana. Ms. Delores runs the school
    cafeteria and Mr. Monty is in charge of building maintenance.
    !      Stella and Frank Weinstein (neither own any special
    supernatural talent, but their son has the Tactical gift) = Uncle
    Dans parents; Allies grandparents. They are dorm resident
    advisors at the school.
    !      Marjorie (a White-lighter by birth) and Richard
    Berkfield (a healer by gift) = Aunt Krissys and Uncle Bobbys
    parents (they are brother and sister and the whole family fought evil
    in the compound together); Hyacinths grandparents. They are also
    dorm resident advisors at the school and dont go out on campaigns
    against the dark side any more.

Guardian Talents/Gifts:
 Olfactors (taste/smell superioritydestiny: trackers.)
 Audios (superior hearingdestiny: point walkers for a team.)
 Clair-Vs (superior second sightdestiny: team seers/psychics.)
 Tacticals (touch sensitivitydestiny: team security barriers, emit
        strong electromagnetic energy, can levitate items, and power zap
 Stoneworkers  can feel where someone has passed by a natural
        stone object or touch that object to supercharge it to gather
information from it.
 Dragon Painters  can use organic material to paint with and bring
      that image to life.
 White-lighters and White Wizards  can use the natural energy
      found in organic material to ward off predators with white light
Neterus  have all the above abilities, plus the gifts of healing and
walking between dimensions in energy whirls.!

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Neteru glossary terms

  • 1. Neteru Compound Glossary of Terms Neteru Divine qualities present in all things (Kemetian); The Vampire Huntress Legends, a Neteru was born every 1,000 years to fight the dark sidebut at the dawn of the Armageddon the Light sent two (Damali Richards and Carlos Rivera.) Neteru Guardians Special Forces Guardians of the Light that stand by the Neterus in battle against the dark side. The Morrigan Guardians of the Light that have turned to the dark side. Valkyrie A warrior angel being that lifts fallen soldiers of righteousness to Valhalla. (Also Sarah aunts name.) Daywalker A Vampire made impervious to sunlight. (Also Sarahs Uncle Yonnie.) The Land of Nod a place between dimensions (in the 4th realm) created at the dawn of time, where all mystical creatures and species were cloaked from human interaction. This banishment zone was to protect humans from the supernatural, but every now and then the veil between worlds would rip. There were good members and bad members of this community, just like is found in human society. But during the Armageddon the veil was permanently damagedrefugees (good beings) fled persecution and sought safety with the Neterus at The Temt Tchaas Academy.
  • 2. Neteru Compound Family Tree NOTE: All of the Neteru Compound siblings, seven in all, were born during the same season and the same year after the first major clash of the Armageddon, except Ayana, who was four years old at the time. PARENTS: ! Carlos Rivera + Damali Richards-Rivera [Both are the Neteru Compound Leaders] = (parents of twins) Sarah Rivera and Alejandro Rivera. Their father was once a daywalker and was brought into the Light as a Neteruhe married their mother, a Powers Angel and Neteru. Both siblings have a combination of their parents seven supernatural gifts and physical make-up. ! Tara Rider (ex-Vampire) + Jack Rider (Olfactory Sensor Guardian) = Tami Rider (Sarahs BFF, with a lot of Vampire traits) ! Jasmine Berkfield (Dragon Painter) + Bobby Berkfield (White Light Wizard) = Hyacinth Berkfield (one of Sarahs non- blood related compound sisters who is psychic) ! Heather Weinstein (Stoneworker/White-lighter) + Dan Weinstein (Tactical Guardian) = Allie Weinstein (one of Sarahs non-blood related compound sisters who is electromagnetic) ! Valkyrie Johnson (a Warrior Valkyrie) + Yolando
  • 3. Johnson (Daywalker) = Valencio Johnson (one of Sarahs non- blood related compound brothers who is a handsome combo of Valkyrie and Vampire) ! Juanita Ciponte (psychic) + Jose Ciponte (Olfactory Guardian) = Miguel Ciponte (one of Sarahs non-blood related compound brothers who is a strong tracker) ! Krissy Berkfield-Leung (White lighter) + J.L. Leung (Tactical Guardian) = Donnie Leung (one of Sarahs non-blood related compound brothers who is a burgeoning White-lighter computer geek) ! Inez Porter-Roberts (Psychic) + Big Mike Roberts (step father) = parents of Ayana Porter (one of Sarahs non-blood related compound sister who is older by 4 years and is destined to become the Mother-seer of a Guardian compound) Grandparents: ! Marlene Stone = Mother-seer to the Neteru Compound, and called Nana by all. She is also the headmistress of the Temt Tchaas Academy. ! Baba Shabazz = House Security for the Temt Tchaas academy, called grandfather by all in the Neteru compound, married to Marlene Stone, and is a martial arts master. Baba Shabazz is also a Tactical Guardian and panther shape-shifter. ! Ms. Delores Filgueiras and Mr. Monty Sinclair (neither
  • 4. own any special supernatural gift, but Inez was born with a very strong third eye psychic ability) = Aunt Inezs mother and new stepfather; grandparents to Ayana. Ms. Delores runs the school cafeteria and Mr. Monty is in charge of building maintenance. ! Stella and Frank Weinstein (neither own any special supernatural talent, but their son has the Tactical gift) = Uncle Dans parents; Allies grandparents. They are dorm resident advisors at the school. ! Marjorie (a White-lighter by birth) and Richard Berkfield (a healer by gift) = Aunt Krissys and Uncle Bobbys parents (they are brother and sister and the whole family fought evil in the compound together); Hyacinths grandparents. They are also dorm resident advisors at the school and dont go out on campaigns against the dark side any more. Guardian Talents/Gifts: Olfactors (taste/smell superioritydestiny: trackers.) Audios (superior hearingdestiny: point walkers for a team.) Clair-Vs (superior second sightdestiny: team seers/psychics.) Tacticals (touch sensitivitydestiny: team security barriers, emit strong electromagnetic energy, can levitate items, and power zap predators.) Stoneworkers can feel where someone has passed by a natural stone object or touch that object to supercharge it to gather
  • 5. information from it. Dragon Painters can use organic material to paint with and bring that image to life. White-lighters and White Wizards can use the natural energy found in organic material to ward off predators with white light zaps. Neterus have all the above abilities, plus the gifts of healing and walking between dimensions in energy whirls.!