The document provides background information on supernatural terms and the family tree of the Neteru Compound. It defines terms like Neteru, Neteru Guardians, The Morrigan, and Daywalker. It then details the parents and grandparents of the seven Neteru siblings and their supernatural gifts, such as Olfactors, Audios, Clair-Vs, Tacticals, Stoneworkers, Dragon Painters, and White-lighters. The Neteru Compound is led by Carlos Rivera and Damali Richards-Rivera and their twins Sarah and Alejandro have a combination of their parents' seven gifts.
The document discusses supplier performance evaluation methods for SMEs in Macedonia. It covers several key areas:
1. Supplier evaluation methods including categorical, weighted-point, and cost-ratio models. The weighted-point model is most commonly used.
2. Key performance indicators from literature including Dickson and Weber's criteria which focus on quality, delivery, price and other factors.
3. Approaches to evaluate suppliers such as linear weighting, total cost of ownership, and statistical models. Linear weighting is most popular.
4. The study's methodology used grounded theory and questionnaires. Findings showed manufacturing is the largest industry, evaluation processes are common, and key criteria include price, quality and delivery
INT-244 Topic 7 Animism Folk Religion and African ReligionS Meyer
1) African folk religions are animistic in nature and trace their origins to ancient indigenous beliefs on the continent. They involve belief in a supreme creator God and proliferation of spirits and lesser deities that influence daily life.
2) Common practices include communication with spirits through rituals conducted by healers and shamans. Sacred spaces and objects like fetishes that represent spirits are also part of these traditions.
3) Core beliefs typically involve a creation myth explaining human origins, as well as stories of how sin entered the world through a primordial human act that distanced people from the creator God. Polytheism and worship of multiple nature spirits is now prevalent.
The document provides information on the main characters of the X-Men including Logan/Wolverine, Raven/Mystique, Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler, Charles Xavier/Professor X, Peter/Quicksilver, Marie/Rogue, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Ororo Munroe/Storm, Hank McCoy/Beast, Scott Summers/Cyclops, and Wade Wilson/Deadpool. It also summarizes several X-Men films including X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and others go to a school in Maine and encounter two half-blood siblings, Bianca and Nico di Angelo. They are attacked by Dr. Thorn, a manticore, but are helped by Artemis and her Hunters. Artemis goes missing and the group goes on a quest to find her. They learn she is searching for a powerful monster that could destroy Olympus. Bianca dies helping destroy a prototype Talos. The group continues their search, finally finding Artemis at the Titan's headquarters. Zoe sacrifices herself defeating the Titans. Thalia joins the Hunters to prevent a prophecy from coming true.
The Quest For Peace Redux: Chapter Thirteenanimeangel1983
Peredwyn and Arwyn arrive through the Pacifican gateway to stop Dalen from using an alien weapon. They learn that Dalen plans to eliminate the bloodline of his twin to cement his rule. The chapter provides backstory on the gods and planets involved, including details on Peredwyn and Arwyn's backstory and family. It explains past events where the twins and others were cursed and battled the threat of Dahak, including the deaths of friends which still affect Reias. Peredwyn and Arwyn decide to seek out Dalen and Batalia at their temple to intervene in Dalen's plans.
This document summarizes 10 different curses or mysterious events from around the world. It includes curses such as the Hope Diamond curse, the curse of the Garden of Eden involving the forbidden fruit, and the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb. For each curse, it provides background details on location, origins and supposed effects. The document also references various online sources for more information on each curse.
"The Crucible" - Background on McCarthyism and WitchesLina Ell
Most of those accused of being witches in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1692 trials were women, often healers who used plants, or those without family who were easy targets. They did not fit into mainstream society. Over 20 people were executed and between 175-200 imprisoned. Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, written in 1953, uses the Salem witch trials as an allegory for McCarthyism and the persecution of supposed communists during the Red Scare of the late 1940s and 1950s.
The document provides an overview of the world and gameplay elements of the online role-playing game Talarna. It describes the different races that players can choose from including goblins, orcs, dwarves, elves, people, necromancers, monks, and dragons. It also summarizes the game's magic forces, world elements of air, water, earth and fire, and how players can build up their character's experience and skills over time through battles and crafting. Clans are introduced as a way for new players to find protection and support within the game.
The document provides a detailed summary of the plot of the film Split. It describes the main characters of Casey Cooke, Claire Benoit, and Marcia and how the three girls are kidnapped by Kevin Wendell Crumb who has dissociative identity disorder and 23 personalities, including the dangerous personality known as "The Beast". The summary then outlines Casey's journey to try and escape with the other girls and ultimately defeat The Beast with the help of clues from the psychiatrist. It concludes with Casey reporting her uncle to police for past abuse.
The document provides an introduction to Norse mythology. It describes the creation story where nothing existed except two lands, and from where their meeting created the first giant, Ymir. Ymir was later killed by the first gods, Odin, Vili, and Ve, and from Ymir's body came the lands and seas. The gods then created the first humans from trees. It also summarizes some of the major gods like Odin and Thor and enemies like Loki. It describes the prophecy of Ragnarok, where Loki's son Fenrir will cause the end of the world by swallowing it.
The document provides an overview of the evolution of religious systems, beginning with indigenous or tribal religions. It discusses 5 types of spirits found in tribal religions: elemental spirits, puppeteer spirits, organic spirits, ancestral spirits, and the high god. It then provides examples of religious practices and beliefs among various indigenous groups, including the Kalapalo people of Brazil, the Walbiri people of Australia, and Navajo traditions. Key concepts discussed include djugurba (Walbiri dreaming), hozho (Navajo harmony), and rituals/ceremonies like the Sun Dance and Blessingway.
Perspektif baru eksistensi e.t. dalam kehidupan manusiaNur Agustinus
Tanggal 12 Desember 2009, lingkar kecil Metafisika Study Club mengadakan pertemuan dan membahas soal UFO bersama BETA-UFO di Manggala Wanabakti, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. Topik dibahas oleh dua orang nara sumber, yang pertama oleh Nur Agustinus, membawakan presentasi yang berjudul "Perspektif Baru Eksistensi E.T. dalam Kehidupan Manusia" yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membahas "Kisah Pilot UFO yang selamat ketika jatuh di Roswell, USA" oleh Sita Soedjono. Acara ini dipandu oleh Ketua Umum Metafisika Study Club, Dr Sabdono Surohadikusumo.
Balancing the spectrum of the collection 2003 Johan Koren
The document discusses balancing collections by using a "prism" model with two continuums to map types of resources. The real-invented continuum and personal-smiley continuum can be used to evaluate whether a collection covers different topics and approaches in a balanced way. Examples are given of how folklore, literature, and controversial issues could be mapped on the prism. The prism model is proposed as a way to intentionally develop a well-rounded collection.
Balancing the spectrum of the collection 2003Johan Koren
The document discusses balancing collections by using a "prism" model with two continuums to map types of resources. The real-invented continuum and personal-smiley continuum can be used to evaluate whether a collection covers different topics and approaches in a balanced way. Examples are given of how folklore, literature, and controversial issues could be mapped on the prism. The prism model is proposed as a way to intentionally shape a balanced collection.
The document provides an overview of the world and gameplay elements of the online role-playing game Talarna. It describes the different races that players can choose from including goblins, orcs, dwarves, elves, people, necromancers, monks, and dragons. It also summarizes the game's magic forces, world elements of air, water, earth and fire, and how players can build up their character's experience and skills over time through battles and crafting. Clans are introduced as a way for new players to find protection and support within the game.
The document provides a detailed summary of the plot of the film Split. It describes the main characters of Casey Cooke, Claire Benoit, and Marcia and how the three girls are kidnapped by Kevin Wendell Crumb who has dissociative identity disorder and 23 personalities, including the dangerous personality known as "The Beast". The summary then outlines Casey's journey to try and escape with the other girls and ultimately defeat The Beast with the help of clues from the psychiatrist. It concludes with Casey reporting her uncle to police for past abuse.
The document provides an introduction to Norse mythology. It describes the creation story where nothing existed except two lands, and from where their meeting created the first giant, Ymir. Ymir was later killed by the first gods, Odin, Vili, and Ve, and from Ymir's body came the lands and seas. The gods then created the first humans from trees. It also summarizes some of the major gods like Odin and Thor and enemies like Loki. It describes the prophecy of Ragnarok, where Loki's son Fenrir will cause the end of the world by swallowing it.
The document provides an overview of the evolution of religious systems, beginning with indigenous or tribal religions. It discusses 5 types of spirits found in tribal religions: elemental spirits, puppeteer spirits, organic spirits, ancestral spirits, and the high god. It then provides examples of religious practices and beliefs among various indigenous groups, including the Kalapalo people of Brazil, the Walbiri people of Australia, and Navajo traditions. Key concepts discussed include djugurba (Walbiri dreaming), hozho (Navajo harmony), and rituals/ceremonies like the Sun Dance and Blessingway.
Perspektif baru eksistensi e.t. dalam kehidupan manusiaNur Agustinus
Tanggal 12 Desember 2009, lingkar kecil Metafisika Study Club mengadakan pertemuan dan membahas soal UFO bersama BETA-UFO di Manggala Wanabakti, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. Topik dibahas oleh dua orang nara sumber, yang pertama oleh Nur Agustinus, membawakan presentasi yang berjudul "Perspektif Baru Eksistensi E.T. dalam Kehidupan Manusia" yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membahas "Kisah Pilot UFO yang selamat ketika jatuh di Roswell, USA" oleh Sita Soedjono. Acara ini dipandu oleh Ketua Umum Metafisika Study Club, Dr Sabdono Surohadikusumo.
Balancing the spectrum of the collection 2003 Johan Koren
The document discusses balancing collections by using a "prism" model with two continuums to map types of resources. The real-invented continuum and personal-smiley continuum can be used to evaluate whether a collection covers different topics and approaches in a balanced way. Examples are given of how folklore, literature, and controversial issues could be mapped on the prism. The prism model is proposed as a way to intentionally develop a well-rounded collection.
Balancing the spectrum of the collection 2003Johan Koren
The document discusses balancing collections by using a "prism" model with two continuums to map types of resources. The real-invented continuum and personal-smiley continuum can be used to evaluate whether a collection covers different topics and approaches in a balanced way. Examples are given of how folklore, literature, and controversial issues could be mapped on the prism. The prism model is proposed as a way to intentionally shape a balanced collection.
1. Neteru Compound Glossary of Terms
Neteru Divine qualities present in all things (Kemetian); The
Vampire Huntress Legends, a Neteru was born every 1,000 years
to fight the dark sidebut at the dawn of the Armageddon the
Light sent two (Damali Richards and Carlos Rivera.)
Neteru Guardians Special Forces Guardians of the Light that stand
by the Neterus in battle against the dark side.
The Morrigan Guardians of the Light that have turned to the dark
Valkyrie A warrior angel being that lifts fallen soldiers of
righteousness to Valhalla. (Also Sarah aunts name.)
Daywalker A Vampire made impervious to sunlight. (Also Sarahs
Uncle Yonnie.)
The Land of Nod a place between dimensions (in the 4th realm)
created at the dawn of time, where all mystical creatures and
species were cloaked from human interaction. This banishment
zone was to protect humans from the supernatural, but every now
and then the veil between worlds would rip. There were good
members and bad members of this community, just like is found
in human society. But during the Armageddon the veil was
permanently damagedrefugees (good beings) fled persecution
and sought safety with the Neterus at The Temt Tchaas
2. Neteru Compound Family Tree
NOTE: All of the Neteru Compound siblings, seven in all, were born during the
same season and the same year after the first major clash of the Armageddon,
except Ayana, who was four years old at the time.
! Carlos Rivera + Damali Richards-Rivera [Both are the
Neteru Compound Leaders] = (parents of twins) Sarah Rivera
and Alejandro Rivera. Their father was once a daywalker and was
brought into the Light as a Neteruhe married their mother, a
Powers Angel and Neteru. Both siblings have a combination of
their parents seven supernatural gifts and physical make-up.
! Tara Rider (ex-Vampire) + Jack Rider (Olfactory Sensor
Guardian) = Tami Rider (Sarahs BFF, with a lot of Vampire
! Jasmine Berkfield (Dragon Painter) + Bobby Berkfield
(White Light Wizard) = Hyacinth Berkfield (one of Sarahs non-
blood related compound sisters who is psychic)
! Heather Weinstein (Stoneworker/White-lighter) + Dan
Weinstein (Tactical Guardian) = Allie Weinstein (one of Sarahs
non-blood related compound sisters who is electromagnetic)
! Valkyrie Johnson (a Warrior Valkyrie) + Yolando
3. Johnson (Daywalker) = Valencio Johnson (one of Sarahs non-
blood related compound brothers who is a handsome combo of
Valkyrie and Vampire)
! Juanita Ciponte (psychic) + Jose Ciponte (Olfactory
Guardian) = Miguel Ciponte (one of Sarahs non-blood related
compound brothers who is a strong tracker)
! Krissy Berkfield-Leung (White lighter) + J.L. Leung
(Tactical Guardian) = Donnie Leung (one of Sarahs non-blood
related compound brothers who is a burgeoning White-lighter
computer geek)
! Inez Porter-Roberts (Psychic) + Big Mike Roberts (step
father) = parents of Ayana Porter (one of Sarahs non-blood
related compound sister who is older by 4 years and is destined to
become the Mother-seer of a Guardian compound)
! Marlene Stone = Mother-seer to the Neteru Compound, and
called Nana by all. She is also the headmistress of the Temt Tchaas
! Baba Shabazz = House Security for the Temt Tchaas
academy, called grandfather by all in the Neteru compound,
married to Marlene Stone, and is a martial arts master. Baba
Shabazz is also a Tactical Guardian and panther shape-shifter.
! Ms. Delores Filgueiras and Mr. Monty Sinclair (neither
4. own any special supernatural gift, but Inez was born with a very
strong third eye psychic ability) = Aunt Inezs mother and new
stepfather; grandparents to Ayana. Ms. Delores runs the school
cafeteria and Mr. Monty is in charge of building maintenance.
! Stella and Frank Weinstein (neither own any special
supernatural talent, but their son has the Tactical gift) = Uncle
Dans parents; Allies grandparents. They are dorm resident
advisors at the school.
! Marjorie (a White-lighter by birth) and Richard
Berkfield (a healer by gift) = Aunt Krissys and Uncle Bobbys
parents (they are brother and sister and the whole family fought evil
in the compound together); Hyacinths grandparents. They are also
dorm resident advisors at the school and dont go out on campaigns
against the dark side any more.
Guardian Talents/Gifts:
Olfactors (taste/smell superioritydestiny: trackers.)
Audios (superior hearingdestiny: point walkers for a team.)
Clair-Vs (superior second sightdestiny: team seers/psychics.)
Tacticals (touch sensitivitydestiny: team security barriers, emit
strong electromagnetic energy, can levitate items, and power zap
Stoneworkers can feel where someone has passed by a natural
stone object or touch that object to supercharge it to gather
5. information from it.
Dragon Painters can use organic material to paint with and bring
that image to life.
White-lighters and White Wizards can use the natural energy
found in organic material to ward off predators with white light
Neterus have all the above abilities, plus the gifts of healing and
walking between dimensions in energy whirls.!