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Not A Pyramid!   Network Marketing Myths
Agenda Introduction  Definition of a pyramid What is Network Marketing  History/Examples  Network Marketing Advantages Residual Income What to look for in a Network Marketing Company
Cash Flow Shortages You lose your job You have exhausted your savings You get sick and cannot work You are worried about paying bills You want to leverage your time better You need additional income outside of what you are currently doing What is your plan B? WHAT IF...
A Pyramid Scheme What is it? A pyramid is where people only make money by recruiting other people  there is no products or services sold.  It is typical investing money and recruiting other people to invest money. If products are involved, they typical have no value and the emphasis is on recruiting other people. Unable to surpass the top leader(s) of the company Pyramids are illegal
Pyramids The biggest pyramid ever  Corporate America The Traditional Business Model
Network Marketing Network marketing is a legitimate business It is a business distribution model that markets products via relationship referrals.   Designed to help people build their business Duplicable system  Leverages time
History & Examples History Sprint Microsoft Examples Tupperware  Avon Mary Kay Arbonne BeautiControl Amway Herbalife Melaluca Pre-Paid Legal Quixtar YTB 5LINX Silpada
Tupperware Party in 1950 Women, some with products on their heads, attend a Tupperware party in 1950. Tupperware is one of the many successful companies that uses multi-level marketing techniques.
Network Marketing Advantages What is important Personal Development Business Owner  Leadership Internal System in place Residual Income
Cons Self-Motivation Up-front Cost
Residual Income Recurring payments that you receive long after the initial sale is made, usually in specific amounts and at regular intervals for the duration of the customers commitment. Do something once and get paid over and over and over again! Time Leveraging WHAT IS IT?
Time Leverage  I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts.   J. Paul Getty   who created one the world greatest fortunes
What to Look For Ground Floor Opportunity Valuable product or services Low operating cost (start-up cost) Buy-back or option to cancel Representatives come first Growing Company Proven System of success Clear Compensation Plan Training Program
The Company
Timing and Positioning
Additional Products
Not a Pyramid!  Network Marketing Myths Any Questions ???
Want More Information Contact Tanice Logan 816-231-0706 [email_address] www.keepintouch4less.com www.5linxmedia.com

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Network Marketing

  • 1. Not A Pyramid! Network Marketing Myths
  • 2. Agenda Introduction Definition of a pyramid What is Network Marketing History/Examples Network Marketing Advantages Residual Income What to look for in a Network Marketing Company
  • 3. Cash Flow Shortages You lose your job You have exhausted your savings You get sick and cannot work You are worried about paying bills You want to leverage your time better You need additional income outside of what you are currently doing What is your plan B? WHAT IF...
  • 4. A Pyramid Scheme What is it? A pyramid is where people only make money by recruiting other people there is no products or services sold. It is typical investing money and recruiting other people to invest money. If products are involved, they typical have no value and the emphasis is on recruiting other people. Unable to surpass the top leader(s) of the company Pyramids are illegal
  • 5. Pyramids The biggest pyramid ever Corporate America The Traditional Business Model
  • 6. Network Marketing Network marketing is a legitimate business It is a business distribution model that markets products via relationship referrals. Designed to help people build their business Duplicable system Leverages time
  • 7. History & Examples History Sprint Microsoft Examples Tupperware Avon Mary Kay Arbonne BeautiControl Amway Herbalife Melaluca Pre-Paid Legal Quixtar YTB 5LINX Silpada
  • 8. Tupperware Party in 1950 Women, some with products on their heads, attend a Tupperware party in 1950. Tupperware is one of the many successful companies that uses multi-level marketing techniques.
  • 9. Network Marketing Advantages What is important Personal Development Business Owner Leadership Internal System in place Residual Income
  • 11. Residual Income Recurring payments that you receive long after the initial sale is made, usually in specific amounts and at regular intervals for the duration of the customers commitment. Do something once and get paid over and over and over again! Time Leveraging WHAT IS IT?
  • 12. Time Leverage I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts. J. Paul Getty who created one the world greatest fortunes
  • 13. What to Look For Ground Floor Opportunity Valuable product or services Low operating cost (start-up cost) Buy-back or option to cancel Representatives come first Growing Company Proven System of success Clear Compensation Plan Training Program
  • 18. Not a Pyramid! Network Marketing Myths Any Questions ???
  • 19. Want More Information Contact Tanice Logan 816-231-0706 [email_address] www.keepintouch4less.com www.5linxmedia.com