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Employee Incentive Awards
Infrastructure Sales                           PSG Pass the Torch                            Most Determined Awards
Ray Glass                                      Dmitry Edelshteyn                             Vijay Kothari
                     Achieved the highest                           Dmitry Edelshteyn                            Vijay Kothari earned
                     sales in any quarter                           earned the Client                            this award for third
                     for 2012                                       Service Superstar                            quarter. Vijay has
                                                                    Award. He has                                demonstrated
                                                                    quietly being working                        determination to
                                                                    behind the scenes at                         successfully drive
                                               many of our X3 and Pro clients as well as     revenue both for himself and others on
IT Services                                    for internal Net@Work/Docutrend. He           the team. He truly exemplifies the
                                               balances these many requests and gets         concept of ¡°Everyone Sells¡± and has
Nikolay Skripnik, Henry Vernov,
                                               the job done ¨C on time and with the           consistently demonstrated determination
Zvi Neumann and Yuriy Nikulin                  highest level of quality. He did this while   to achieve results.
                                               learning X3, doing Pro and MAS50
                                               development, installing SQL and the
                                                                                             Rod Quenneville
                                               myriad of other technical tasks he takes
                                                                                                                   Rod Quenneville,
                                               on every day.
                                                                                                                   most determined for
                                               On a recent X3 upgrade project (which we
                                                                                                                    fourth quarter, had an
                                               had never done before) we got feedback
                                                                                                                   amazing year!
                                               such as ¡°the work and the communica-
                                                                                                                   Throughout the year,
                                               tion was excellent¡±. ¡°Dmitry was quietly
                                                                                                                   Rod has continually
                                               making miracles happen in the back-
                                                                                             demonstrated his determination. He has
                                               ground.¡± He is a true team player, and
                                                                                             worked on his own and with our
                                               contributes to our ability to win Raving
                                                                                             salespeople to continue to bring in and
                                                                                             help manage over 2,500 hours of Pro
                                                                                             work. He has also learned the X3
Awards for top revenue generation in           PSG Pass the Torch                            development tool set, written mods and
2012                                           Iwona Andruszkiewicz                          taught many clients the technical side of
                                                                    Iwona Andruszkiewicz     Pro.
PSG Award Winners                                                   earned the Team          With all that billable work going on he still
Dmitriy Pariyskiy                                                   Player Award. She is     manages to actively participate in the
                       Dmitriy Pariyskiy                            being recognized for     technology committee as well as teach
                       received the PSG                             stepping up on the       himself .net (on track for certification in
                       Employee Recogni-                            Citarella project,       2013). He does it all with a smile, great
                       tion Award. Dmitry is   taking ownership and getting things           determination and hard work ¨C the end
                       a great example of an   done. Despite the fact that she was only      result is a Net@Work team player who
                       employee who            assigned a part of the project, she took a    delivers
personifies the go above and beyond            lead role, coordinated many activities
spirit here at Net@Work. On a recent           outside of her role, displayed a great
project, Alex and Ani, Dmitriy has not only    attitudeand was very proactive in her
exhibited the ability to produce results in    actions.
the web development arena under
incredibly tight timelines, but he has
proven to be an equally effective resource
for facilitating solutions and answers
outside of his core responsibilities.

Jump to Front Page                                                                                                              Page 8

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Net@work winter newsletter employee incentive

  • 1. Employee Incentive Awards Infrastructure Sales PSG Pass the Torch Most Determined Awards Ray Glass Dmitry Edelshteyn Vijay Kothari Achieved the highest Dmitry Edelshteyn Vijay Kothari earned sales in any quarter earned the Client this award for third for 2012 Service Superstar quarter. Vijay has Award. He has demonstrated quietly being working determination to behind the scenes at successfully drive many of our X3 and Pro clients as well as revenue both for himself and others on IT Services for internal Net@Work/Docutrend. He the team. He truly exemplifies the balances these many requests and gets concept of ¡°Everyone Sells¡± and has Nikolay Skripnik, Henry Vernov, the job done ¨C on time and with the consistently demonstrated determination Zvi Neumann and Yuriy Nikulin highest level of quality. He did this while to achieve results. learning X3, doing Pro and MAS50 development, installing SQL and the Rod Quenneville myriad of other technical tasks he takes Rod Quenneville, on every day. most determined for On a recent X3 upgrade project (which we fourth quarter, had an had never done before) we got feedback amazing year! such as ¡°the work and the communica- Throughout the year, tion was excellent¡±. ¡°Dmitry was quietly Rod has continually making miracles happen in the back- demonstrated his determination. He has ground.¡± He is a true team player, and worked on his own and with our contributes to our ability to win Raving salespeople to continue to bring in and Fans. help manage over 2,500 hours of Pro work. He has also learned the X3 Awards for top revenue generation in PSG Pass the Torch development tool set, written mods and 2012 Iwona Andruszkiewicz taught many clients the technical side of Iwona Andruszkiewicz Pro. PSG Award Winners earned the Team With all that billable work going on he still Dmitriy Pariyskiy Player Award. She is manages to actively participate in the Dmitriy Pariyskiy being recognized for technology committee as well as teach received the PSG stepping up on the himself .net (on track for certification in Employee Recogni- Citarella project, 2013). He does it all with a smile, great tion Award. Dmitry is taking ownership and getting things determination and hard work ¨C the end a great example of an done. Despite the fact that she was only result is a Net@Work team player who employee who assigned a part of the project, she took a delivers personifies the go above and beyond lead role, coordinated many activities spirit here at Net@Work. On a recent outside of her role, displayed a great project, Alex and Ani, Dmitriy has not only attitudeand was very proactive in her exhibited the ability to produce results in actions. the web development arena under incredibly tight timelines, but he has proven to be an equally effective resource for facilitating solutions and answers outside of his core responsibilities. Jump to Front Page Page 8