The document recognizes several employees for various awards in the third and fourth quarters of 2012. Ray Glass received an award for achieving the highest sales in any quarter of 2012. Dmitry Edelshteyn earned an award for his client service work behind the scenes. Vijay Kothari received an award for his determination in driving revenue. Nikolay Skripnik, Henry Vernov, Zvi Neumann and Yuriy Nikulin received awards for top revenue generation in 2012. Dmitriy Pariyskiy received an employee recognition award. Iwona Andruszkiewicz earned an award for her teamwork on the Citarella project. Rod Quenneville was recognized as most determined for the fourth quarter
Results Matter: ITIL V3 vs. Metro Government of Nashville - ITSM Academy WebinarITSM Academy, Inc.
ITSM Academy provides ITSM training and certification. It has trained over 18,000 learners since 2003. In 2007, it was awarded a federal government contract, allowing it to provide education to the US Government. The Metro Government of Nashville implemented ITIL to improve its IT service management processes and align with ISO/IEC 20000. Key activities included assessments, training staff in ITIL foundations, and achieving ITIL and ISO certifications. The goals were to improve service fulfillment, knowledge management, and continual service improvement.
The document discusses the importance of teamwork in delivering excellent customer service. It emphasizes that customer needs are often handled by multiple team members working together. Effective teamwork requires clear roles and responsibilities, good communication, and a shared goal of service excellence. When teams work well together, it leads to increased job satisfaction, motivation and better service for both internal and external customers. The document provides examples of dos and don'ts for effective teamwork.
The document introduces the concept of a "Job Jar", which is a socially-enabled tool and process that allows employees to freely work on and collaborate on tasks, projects, issues and other work items ("cookies"). The Job Jar aims to break down silos and inefficiencies by making work transparent and allowing people to pick up any work item. The document then discusses potential benefits if the Job Jar was connected to key business functions like IT, HR, and LOBs. It also discusses how the Job Jar could tap into hidden talents and apply principles of double-loop learning to continually evolve and improve.
El Pleno aprueba las propuestas de UPyD de realizar una revisi¨®n catastral y medidas en materia de Sanidad. La propuesta de revisi¨®n catastral fue aprobada por unanimidad, mientras que la propuesta sobre medidas de Sanidad fue aprobada a pesar de la oposici¨®n del PP. Tambi¨¦n hubo unanimidad en apoyar a los afectados por el bloqueo de viviendas en Los Molinos.
Este documento presenta res¨²menes de varios libros y documentos sobre temas de psicolog¨ªa, salud mental, educaci¨®n y discapacidad. Entre los textos resumidos se encuentran gu¨ªas y manuales sobre trastornos mentales, estr¨¦s, alcoholismo, violencia dom¨¦stica y discapacidad. Tambi¨¦n incluye biograf¨ªas de pensadores como Freud, Deleuze y Guattari, y libros sobre temas como el psicoan¨¢lisis, la educaci¨®n inclusiva, los grupos familiares y la globalizaci¨®n.
El documento presenta el n¨²mero 19 del peri¨®dico Palabra Juniorista de la Instituci¨®n Educativa C¨¢mara Junior. Resalta varios eventos y actividades realizados recientemente como representaciones sobre el d¨ªa del idioma y el mes del ni?o. Tambi¨¦n destaca los esfuerzos por implementar el biling¨¹ismo en la instituci¨®n y mejorar la prevenci¨®n de desastres. Finalmente, invita a la comunidad educativa a colaborar con el peri¨®dico a trav¨¦s de comentarios y art¨ªculos.
This presentation from IVT's 2nd Annual Validation Week Canada covers the 2011 FDA Process validation and the subsequent statistical processes. Statistics in process validation is introduced as well as the integration with six sigma and solutions to common mistakes.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) realise that increasing their web audience is absolutely key to their success. As such, they are using a range of tools and techniques to ensure they meet the needs of their customers both now and in the future. Alison Saunders, Head of User Insight, will explain why this is a time for great opportunities at ONS and share detailed insight and examples which you can use to help meet the needs of your own users and inform your digital projects.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar nilai 5 siswa untuk mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, dan IPS di SD Negeri. Dokumen juga berisi soal ulangan harian mata pelajaran Matematika untuk kelas V tentang mengubah antara pecahan, persen dan desimal.
El documento describe la arquitectura de una computadora seg¨²n el modelo de John von Neumann, incluyendo el procesador CPU con su unidad de control y aritm¨¦tico l¨®gica, la memoria RAM principal y sus posiciones de memoria, y los perif¨¦ricos de entrada como rat¨®n, teclado y c¨¢mara web; de salida como monitor y proyector; y de entrada y salida como disco duro, CD/DVD y tarjeta de red.
Este documento es una c¨¦dula de inscripci¨®n y reinscripci¨®n para cursos y ex¨¢menes de certificaci¨®n de ingl¨¦s. Solicita datos personales como nombre, fecha de nacimiento, domicilio, y detalles educativos y laborales. Tambi¨¦n incluye un cat¨¢logo de actividades profesionales.
La amistad entre un hombre y una mujer a menudo conduce al amor, y la amistad verdadera es rara y debe ser salvaguardada. La amistad es necesaria y puede conducir a una relaci¨®n m¨¢s profunda.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan untuk ujian UPSR Bahasa Melayu tahun 2012. Terdiri dari tiga bahagian yaitu Bahagian A yang mengandungi soalan menulis lima ayat berdasarkan gambar kebakaran, Bahagian B meminta peserta memilih satu topik dan menulis karangan minimal 60 kata, dan Bahagian C berisi soalan menulis pendapat berdasarkan satu paragraf dengan batas maksimal 40 kata.
Amiqus is a top UK games recruiter that has been in business for over 20 years. It started as a technology recruitment consultancy and built up its video games specialty over time. Amiqus now recruits for all areas of games development and publishing, including programming, art, design, production, and business roles. The document profiles the Amiqus leadership team and consultants, and discusses the company's specialized approach and long-term focus on building client and candidate relationships. Amiqus leaders believe the economic downturn has impacted some studios but that opportunities still exist, particularly for programmers and environment artists. They emphasize the need to help graduates transition into industry roles. The document features positive testimonials from several major game companies
CS2Comm provides various corporate communication services including marketing, event management, promotion management, and outsourcing services. The company's vision is to work with a great team with integrity to deliver positive experiences to customers. CS2Comm differentiates itself by providing customized programs with dedicated teams and excellent databases. The company's clients include large multinational companies and its team has experience in media relations, government arrangements, events, training programs, and creative design.
Vijay Anand led efforts to transform Intuit India into one of the best companies to work for in India. He focused on empowering employees and enabling a culture of learning, recognition, and innovation. This led to employee engagement increasing by 10 points to 83, and Intuit India ranking #8 on India's Best Companies to Work for. Customers and shareholders also benefited, with customers delighted by Intuit's impactful offerings and Intuit enjoying premier innovative growth in global markets.
Customer Name: Boon Edam
Industry: Manufacturing
Location: The Netherlands
Number of Employees: 700
Business Impact
? Improved communications, thanks to increased
collaboration between colleagues
? More efficient design process, resulting in productivity
? Reduction in travel time and expenditure
D2 Studios is a graphic design firm that provides a wide range of design services including logos, brochures, advertisements, and website design. They have over 25 years of experience meeting tight deadlines and budgets. Clients praise D2 Studios for their creative concepts and ability to transform ideas into visually striking designs that help businesses communicate effectively.
The document discusses Tomoharu Nagasawa's presentation on developing engineering skills that will still be relevant in 10 years. It emphasizes continuous feedback and Visual Studio "11" as keys to an enduring development environment. Nagasawa is an evangelist at Microsoft who focuses on agility, communities, and tools.
The document provides information about RD Construction Management, a company that specializes in construction management. It discusses the company's functions such as consultant, designer manager, general planner, general contractor, and construction manager. It also lists some of the company's realized projects, including offices for Novatek, Nycomed, Honeywell, Troika Dialog, and others. The management team is introduced along with their backgrounds and goals for the company.
RD Construction Management is a leading construction management firm with a reputation for building high quality offices. They specialize in technically complex offices for major companies. The company aims to continuously improve and take on new challenges. They prioritize understanding client needs and delivering high standards of work. The brochure invites readers to partner with RD Construction Management for a 100% chance of project success.
Who we are...
Brand strategy or campaign planning, creative services or app development,
we build a team of specialists around each project, with the express ambition
of raising and exceeding expectations.
We pride ourselves on delivering the big agency service, but with added
personal understanding and fees based in reality. Our aim isn't to be the biggest,
because ultimately, what's the point in that? We want to be the best.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) realise that increasing their web audience is absolutely key to their success. As such, they are using a range of tools and techniques to ensure they meet the needs of their customers both now and in the future. Alison Saunders, Head of User Insight, will explain why this is a time for great opportunities at ONS and share detailed insight and examples which you can use to help meet the needs of your own users and inform your digital projects.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar nilai 5 siswa untuk mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, dan IPS di SD Negeri. Dokumen juga berisi soal ulangan harian mata pelajaran Matematika untuk kelas V tentang mengubah antara pecahan, persen dan desimal.
El documento describe la arquitectura de una computadora seg¨²n el modelo de John von Neumann, incluyendo el procesador CPU con su unidad de control y aritm¨¦tico l¨®gica, la memoria RAM principal y sus posiciones de memoria, y los perif¨¦ricos de entrada como rat¨®n, teclado y c¨¢mara web; de salida como monitor y proyector; y de entrada y salida como disco duro, CD/DVD y tarjeta de red.
Este documento es una c¨¦dula de inscripci¨®n y reinscripci¨®n para cursos y ex¨¢menes de certificaci¨®n de ingl¨¦s. Solicita datos personales como nombre, fecha de nacimiento, domicilio, y detalles educativos y laborales. Tambi¨¦n incluye un cat¨¢logo de actividades profesionales.
La amistad entre un hombre y una mujer a menudo conduce al amor, y la amistad verdadera es rara y debe ser salvaguardada. La amistad es necesaria y puede conducir a una relaci¨®n m¨¢s profunda.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan untuk ujian UPSR Bahasa Melayu tahun 2012. Terdiri dari tiga bahagian yaitu Bahagian A yang mengandungi soalan menulis lima ayat berdasarkan gambar kebakaran, Bahagian B meminta peserta memilih satu topik dan menulis karangan minimal 60 kata, dan Bahagian C berisi soalan menulis pendapat berdasarkan satu paragraf dengan batas maksimal 40 kata.
Amiqus is a top UK games recruiter that has been in business for over 20 years. It started as a technology recruitment consultancy and built up its video games specialty over time. Amiqus now recruits for all areas of games development and publishing, including programming, art, design, production, and business roles. The document profiles the Amiqus leadership team and consultants, and discusses the company's specialized approach and long-term focus on building client and candidate relationships. Amiqus leaders believe the economic downturn has impacted some studios but that opportunities still exist, particularly for programmers and environment artists. They emphasize the need to help graduates transition into industry roles. The document features positive testimonials from several major game companies
CS2Comm provides various corporate communication services including marketing, event management, promotion management, and outsourcing services. The company's vision is to work with a great team with integrity to deliver positive experiences to customers. CS2Comm differentiates itself by providing customized programs with dedicated teams and excellent databases. The company's clients include large multinational companies and its team has experience in media relations, government arrangements, events, training programs, and creative design.
Vijay Anand led efforts to transform Intuit India into one of the best companies to work for in India. He focused on empowering employees and enabling a culture of learning, recognition, and innovation. This led to employee engagement increasing by 10 points to 83, and Intuit India ranking #8 on India's Best Companies to Work for. Customers and shareholders also benefited, with customers delighted by Intuit's impactful offerings and Intuit enjoying premier innovative growth in global markets.
Customer Name: Boon Edam
Industry: Manufacturing
Location: The Netherlands
Number of Employees: 700
Business Impact
? Improved communications, thanks to increased
collaboration between colleagues
? More efficient design process, resulting in productivity
? Reduction in travel time and expenditure
D2 Studios is a graphic design firm that provides a wide range of design services including logos, brochures, advertisements, and website design. They have over 25 years of experience meeting tight deadlines and budgets. Clients praise D2 Studios for their creative concepts and ability to transform ideas into visually striking designs that help businesses communicate effectively.
The document discusses Tomoharu Nagasawa's presentation on developing engineering skills that will still be relevant in 10 years. It emphasizes continuous feedback and Visual Studio "11" as keys to an enduring development environment. Nagasawa is an evangelist at Microsoft who focuses on agility, communities, and tools.
The document provides information about RD Construction Management, a company that specializes in construction management. It discusses the company's functions such as consultant, designer manager, general planner, general contractor, and construction manager. It also lists some of the company's realized projects, including offices for Novatek, Nycomed, Honeywell, Troika Dialog, and others. The management team is introduced along with their backgrounds and goals for the company.
RD Construction Management is a leading construction management firm with a reputation for building high quality offices. They specialize in technically complex offices for major companies. The company aims to continuously improve and take on new challenges. They prioritize understanding client needs and delivering high standards of work. The brochure invites readers to partner with RD Construction Management for a 100% chance of project success.
Who we are...
Brand strategy or campaign planning, creative services or app development,
we build a team of specialists around each project, with the express ambition
of raising and exceeding expectations.
We pride ourselves on delivering the big agency service, but with added
personal understanding and fees based in reality. Our aim isn't to be the biggest,
because ultimately, what's the point in that? We want to be the best.
1. Meydan aims to accelerate startups from idea to revenue by providing knowledge, tools, and mentorship over 9 weeks to ready ideas for investor pitches.
2. Their program selects pioneering ideas and compresses the typical startup timeline through packaged expertise and proven methods.
3. By week 10, startups will have built an initial offering, generated sales leads, and be ready to pitch to angel investors for initial funding.
Scand Ltd. is a privately held IT services and software development outsourcing company founded in 2000 in Minsk, Belarus with over 160 engineers. Scand has successfully completed over 300 projects for clients like NASA, IBM, Cisco, developing custom software, web applications, and technical documentation. Scand offers high-quality, cost-effective software development services using technologies like Java, .NET, PHP, and C++.
An offering that cuts across the 3 dimensions of Performance Management: Training, Consulting and Outsorcing. Check out what many global corporations have benefited from.
Message Mapping is an inclusive communications planning tool that aligns teams around key messages. It clarifies objectives, examines measures, and prioritizes targets. The process defines and simplifies brand communications, establishes desired perceptions, and creates compelling 15-second messages highlighting what makes a company special. Customers praise Message Mapping for providing a structured, evidence-based approach that engages stakeholders and produces effective strategic communications.
The New Year offers the perfect opportunity to reflect. This concise document highlights new products, technological investments and other accomplishments delivered by the UK Computershare Registry team in the last twelve months.
Click to Cloud Case Study featuring Rookie RecruitsSamantha Hills
1. Rookie Recruits is a recruitment company that offers mentoring programs for candidates. They needed a cloud-based solution to manage recruitment and coaching.
2. People Cloud provided a customizable platform that improved productivity by streamlining workflows and allowing the company to focus on revenue-generating activities.
3. Reporting capabilities transformed the business by providing single-view management reports that increased insight and responsiveness.
The IC Group has assisted NVIDIA in sourcing candidates for various positions on several occasions. The IC Group aims to be an active member of the technology community rather than just an external supplier. They work to build long-term relationships with clients and candidates based on open communication and mutual business benefits. The IC Group offers recruitment services including contingency recruitment, executive search, and fully outsourced campaign management.
This document provides a detailed profile and resume for Prithijit Mukherjee, including his 8 years of experience in IT projects involving roles like project lead, delivery lead, and global delivery coordinator. He has extensive experience working with JDE applications, specifically with upgrades, implementations, and support projects. The profile lists his technical skills and various projects he has worked on for clients like Cengage Learning, Toyota Tsusho America, and Ivanhoe Cambridge.
The document provides an overview of responsive web design. It discusses how responsive design adapts the layout to different screen sizes using flexible grids and images, and media queries. The benefits are delivering a single website that works across devices without separate mobile sites. Everything remains fluid and loads quickly. Content hierarchy and a consistent layout inform the responsive design.
The document discusses the concepts of agile development. It provides definitions and perspectives from agile experts on what agile is and key principles such as iterative development, minimum viable products, emergent design, collaboration, and self-organization. Agile values individuals, interactions, working software, and responding to change over processes, tools, documentation, and plans.
1. Employee Incentive Awards
Infrastructure Sales PSG Pass the Torch Most Determined Awards
Ray Glass Dmitry Edelshteyn Vijay Kothari
Achieved the highest Dmitry Edelshteyn Vijay Kothari earned
sales in any quarter earned the Client this award for third
for 2012 Service Superstar quarter. Vijay has
Award. He has demonstrated
quietly being working determination to
behind the scenes at successfully drive
many of our X3 and Pro clients as well as revenue both for himself and others on
IT Services for internal Net@Work/Docutrend. He the team. He truly exemplifies the
balances these many requests and gets concept of ¡°Everyone Sells¡± and has
Nikolay Skripnik, Henry Vernov,
the job done ¨C on time and with the consistently demonstrated determination
Zvi Neumann and Yuriy Nikulin highest level of quality. He did this while to achieve results.
learning X3, doing Pro and MAS50
development, installing SQL and the
Rod Quenneville
myriad of other technical tasks he takes
Rod Quenneville,
on every day.
most determined for
On a recent X3 upgrade project (which we
fourth quarter, had an
had never done before) we got feedback
amazing year!
such as ¡°the work and the communica-
Throughout the year,
tion was excellent¡±. ¡°Dmitry was quietly
Rod has continually
making miracles happen in the back-
demonstrated his determination. He has
ground.¡± He is a true team player, and
worked on his own and with our
contributes to our ability to win Raving
salespeople to continue to bring in and
help manage over 2,500 hours of Pro
work. He has also learned the X3
Awards for top revenue generation in PSG Pass the Torch development tool set, written mods and
2012 Iwona Andruszkiewicz taught many clients the technical side of
Iwona Andruszkiewicz Pro.
PSG Award Winners earned the Team With all that billable work going on he still
Dmitriy Pariyskiy Player Award. She is manages to actively participate in the
Dmitriy Pariyskiy being recognized for technology committee as well as teach
received the PSG stepping up on the himself .net (on track for certification in
Employee Recogni- Citarella project, 2013). He does it all with a smile, great
tion Award. Dmitry is taking ownership and getting things determination and hard work ¨C the end
a great example of an done. Despite the fact that she was only result is a Net@Work team player who
employee who assigned a part of the project, she took a delivers
personifies the go above and beyond lead role, coordinated many activities
spirit here at Net@Work. On a recent outside of her role, displayed a great
project, Alex and Ani, Dmitriy has not only attitudeand was very proactive in her
exhibited the ability to produce results in actions.
the web development arena under
incredibly tight timelines, but he has
proven to be an equally effective resource
for facilitating solutions and answers
outside of his core responsibilities.
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