Prezentacija "asovnik, as, minut" za 2. razred osnovne 邸kole iz predmeta "Matematika". Uiteljica urica Stojkovi, Osnovna 邸kola "Jovan Popovi" Bano邸tor.
Nervni sistem - Jelena Stojanovi - Jasmina Miljkovi鰻温邸温一看鉛温.鰻艶岳
Takmienje na portalu
"biramo najbolju lekciju"
februar 2012. godine,
Nervni sistem,
Jelena Stojanovi, III-4
Jasmina Miljkovi,
Prva ni邸ka gimnazija "Stevan Sremac"
Sjajna prezentacija o uticaju droga na psihofiziko zdravlje oveka sa aspekta funkcionisanja nervnog sistema i sinaptikih veza. Biolo邸ka strana dejstva droge
SEKTE - lovci na duse, vrste i funkcionisanje.ppsxparlamentpoljsk
Vrste i funkcionisanje sekti uz osvrt na njihovo prisustvo u Srbiji. Prezentacija napravljena pre vise od deset godina pa onda doradjena i uredjena. O nacinima privlacenja clanova, o nacinu zadrzavanja clana, o tehnikama kontrole uma, o najbitnijim primerima funkcionisanja sekti i sl. Kako proveriti da li neko nastoji da Vas uvuce u sektu, kako se odbraniti informacijama, ko su najcesce zrve sekti i kako se 'biraju'... Sve sto trebate znati o ovim totalitarnim i destruktivnim organizacijama u manje od 30 slajdova. Autor je psiholog Z. Masovic koji vise od dve decenije uspesno radi sa adolecentima izmedju ostalog i u oblasti 'izvlacenja' iz ovakvih organizacija i/ili rasformiranja 'sektaskih' razmisljanja kod samostalnih praktikanata.
Types and functioning of sects / cults with reference to their presence in Serbia. The presentation was made more than ten years ago and refined and edited this month.
Learn about the ways of attracting members, about the way of retaining members, about mind control techniques, about the most important examples of the functioning of sects, etc. How to check if someone is trying to drag you into a sect, how to defend yourself with information, who are the most frequent victims of sects and how they are 'chosen'... Everything you need to know about these totalitarian and destructive organizations in less than 30 slides. The author is psychologist Z. Masovic, who has been successfully working with adolescents for more than two decades, among other things, in the field of 'extracting' them from such organizations and/or disbanding 'sectarian' thinking among independent practitioners.
SEKTE - lovci na duse, vrste i funkcionisanje.ppsxparlamentpoljsk
Vrste i funkcionisanje sekti uz osvrt na njihovo prisustvo u Srbiji. Prezentacija napravljena pre vise od deset godina pa onda doradjena i uredjena. O nacinima privlacenja clanova, o nacinu zadrzavanja clana, o tehnikama kontrole uma, o najbitnijim primerima funkcionisanja sekti i sl. Kako proveriti da li neko nastoji da Vas uvuce u sektu, kako se odbraniti informacijama, ko su najcesce zrve sekti i kako se 'biraju'... Sve sto trebate znati o ovim totalitarnim i destruktivnim organizacijama u manje od 30 slajdova. Autor je psiholog Z. Masovic koji vise od dve decenije uspesno radi sa adolecentima izmedju ostalog i u oblasti 'izvlacenja' iz ovakvih organizacija i/ili rasformiranja 'sektaskih' razmisljanja kod samostalnih praktikanata.
Types and functioning of sects / cults with reference to their presence in Serbia. The presentation was made more than ten years ago and refined and edited this month.
Learn about the ways of attracting members, about the way of retaining members, about mind control techniques, about the most important examples of the functioning of sects, etc. How to check if someone is trying to drag you into a sect, how to defend yourself with information, who are the most frequent victims of sects and how they are 'chosen'... Everything you need to know about these totalitarian and destructive organizations in less than 30 slides. The author is psychologist Z. Masovic, who has been successfully working with adolescents for more than two decades, among other things, in the field of 'extracting' them from such organizations and/or disbanding 'sectarian' thinking among independent practitioners.
Prezentacija o novom proizvodu u sirokoj paleti dodataka ishrani komanije CaliVita International. To je Organski Noni, nov proizvod sa visokom koncentracijom.
This document provides information about Patriarch Pavle Gymnasium in Belgrade, Serbia. It summarizes that the school was founded in 1991 and now has approximately 1,000 students aged 14 to 18 split between language/social studies and science/math sectors. It also offers two specialized ICT classes. The school aims to become modern, high-quality, and international as outlined in its 2015-2020 development plan. It provides students with extracurricular activities including summer library use, ambiental days which involve off-site learning, art, journalism, athletics, and international projects and conferences.
The document discusses a lesson on intelligence that includes watching two short films - one about Helen Keller and another about feral children Oxana and Genie. It asks students to think about factors that influence intelligence development like genes, environment, and personal activity. Students are asked whether disabled people can be included in normal society and education. The document also questions if there are different types of intelligence and asks students to research average IQ scores and their distribution in the population. Students are instructed to define new terms in their glossaries.
Rad se bavi projektivnim testom "Cre転 ljudske figure" autorke Karen Mahover. Uenica XV gimnazije je sprovela istra転ivanje u kom je obradila odreen broj ovakvih testova, analizirala ih na osnovu uputstva testa.