This document provides a biography and resume for Sri Wahyuningsih Ritonga. It details her personal information such as date of birth, education history including graduating from Bogor Agricultural University with a degree in Aquatic Product Technology. It also outlines her work experience including positions as a private tutor, contract staff, and laboratory assistant. Her resume highlights achievements such as awards and memberships in student organizations. Skills and areas of expertise mentioned include English proficiency, computer skills, and research experience involving DNA isolation of red algae.
This curriculum vitae outlines the personal and professional details of Octavianie. She received a degree in Geology Engineering from Yogyakarta University in 2004. Her work experience includes serving as Chief of a Yogyakarta cafe from 2014-2015 and holding various roles in health, safety, and environmental systems development and evaluation at PT. Mahakam Sumber Jaya from 2011-2014. She has participated in numerous safety, environmental, and technical training courses and has experience teaching geology and coal quality topics.
I hereby certify that the information I have written in the registration form and its attachments is correct. If the information I provide is not correct, I am willing to be disqualified as a candidate.
Penang-Malaysia, 9 September 2017
(B.Sc, M.Eng.)
I hereby certify that the information I have written in the registration form and its attachments is correct. If the information I provide is not correct, I am willing to be disqualified as a candidate.
Penang-Malaysia, 12 September 2017
(B.Sc, M.Eng.)
I hereby certify that the information I have written in the registration form and its attachments is correct. If the information I provide is not correct, I am willing to be disqualified as a candidate.
Penang-Malaysia, 12 September 2017
(B.Sc, M.Eng.)
Rehema Mwabulambo's curriculum vitae provides her personal details including her name, date and place of birth, languages spoken, and contact information. She obtained a BSc in Forestry from Sokoine University of Agriculture in 2013 and has worked in several roles relating to forestry, including human resource management, ecological surveys, forest management planning, and as a research assistant. Her interests include ecological restoration, carbon modeling, survey and mapping, and helping disabled people.
Lilly Soto V叩squez es una periodista y escritora nicarag端ense que ha publicado varios libros y aparecido en otros. Ha ocupado cargos como Secretaria General de la Uni坦n de Periodistas de Nicaragua. Sus 叩reas de inter辿s incluyen la historia pol鱈tica de Nicaragua y el desarrollo de los partidos pol鱈ticos en el pa鱈s. Ha participado en conferencias y organizaciones relacionadas con el periodismo y la comunicaci坦n en Nicaragua y Am辿rica Central.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada en Espa単a sobre el uso de Internet. Muestra estad鱈sticas detalladas sobre el perfil del usuario promedio espa単ol, incluyendo edad, sexo, estado civil, ocupaci坦n, equipos de acceso, frecuencia de uso y actividades realizadas. Tambi辿n analiza brevemente el crecimiento exponencial de usuarios en Espa単a en la 炭ltima d辿cada y la disminuci坦n de la brecha digital entre generaciones. Finalmente, resume los principales usos de Internet, como redes sociales, ver videos y mantenerse actualizado ac
This document outlines resources and options for students at Bryant University who have experienced harassment, stalking, relationship violence, or sexual assault. It provides contact information for on-campus and off-campus confidential resources such as the Women on Call and the Hochberg Women's Center, as well as legal resources like the Smithfield Police Department and Women and Infants Hospital. The document also describes informal complaint options through the university as well as formal complaint and criminal processes.
El documento describe el trabajo colaborativo, en el que todos conocen el tema y cumplen un rol espec鱈fico para completar la tarea de forma conjunta. Cada persona tiene un rol importante que involucra la comunicaci坦n, atenci坦n y compromiso. El trabajo colaborativo requiere que todos entiendan lo que est叩n haciendo y valoren las contribuciones de los dem叩s.
The document provides instructions for accessing and searching articles on the Medline database through EBSCOhost. It outlines the steps to sign into Medline using a student username and password, search for an article, and open a PDF version of an article found through the search by selecting the university affiliation through a Shibboleth login. The instructions conclude by providing a URL for additional guides and tutorials.
Wembley's Inc. is a full-service residential and commercial real estate and mortgage lending company located in Calabasas, California. Since 2005, the company has been providing services to residents of Calabasas and surrounding Los Angeles communities. The CEO and President, Kamyar K. Rezaie, graduated summa cum laude from UCLA with an economics degree and has pursued his passion of helping clients achieve their real estate goals and find their perfect home. The company aims to make the home buying process easy and reduce stress by guiding clients every step of the way and using their expertise to help clients achieve their real estate goals.
La profase I de la meiosis involucra la condensaci坦n de la cromatina en cromosomas, la disoluci坦n del nucl辿olo y la formaci坦n del huso mit坦tico. Los cromosomas hom坦logos se cruzan durante esta etapa, lo que permite que las c辿lulas hijas resultantes sean gen辿ticamente diferentes entre s鱈 y de la c辿lula original.
Forsythia shrubs can be used for shrub borders, banks, or hedging. Miracle Grow Quick Start helps roots grow and regular Miracle Grow will grow the shrubs to 8 feet tall. Forsythias love sun and easily take root from fallen branches, making them suitable for creating borders.
This document provides specifications for a 12V 12AH sealed lead-acid battery. The battery measures approximately 3.6 kg and 101 x 151 x 98 mm. It has a nominal voltage of 12V, capacity of 12AH, and internal resistance of approximately 14m立. The document outlines the battery's performance under various discharge and charge conditions, its operating temperature range, storage characteristics, and other details.
Actividad 4 an叩lisis de una p叩gina de un librojavier_atletico
El documento analiza una pr叩ctica educativa que ense単a multiplicaciones y divisiones basadas en cambios de moneda. El objetivo del autor es ense単ar operaciones matem叩ticas b叩sicas a trav辿s de problemas de compra-venta. Sin embargo, las im叩genes pueden distraer a los ni単os del objetivo principal y causar bloqueos de comprensi坦n. El documento concluye que es importante seleccionar im叩genes que apoyen el aprendizaje en lugar de distorsionarlo, y ponerse en la perspectiva del ni単o para identificar posibles
Actividad 2 localizaci坦n de informaci坦n documentada sobre la realidad local.javier_atletico
Villasequilla es un peque単o pueblo rural con aproximadamente 2,653 habitantes que tradicionalmente se ha dedicado a la agricultura. Actualmente, muchos residentes trabajan en los sectores secundario y terciario. La tasa de desempleo es alta, alrededor del 10.5% de la poblaci坦n total. El sector servicios, como comercios minoristas y peque単as tiendas, es la actividad econ坦mica m叩s importante, aunque muchos tambi辿n trabajan en agricultura, industria y construcci坦n. Villasequilla est叩 experimentando un desarrol
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de circuitos sumadores y decodificadores. Explica el funcionamiento del semisumador, sumador total y cu叩druple sumador total, as鱈 como sus tablas de verdad y circuitos. Tambi辿n cubre multiplexores, codificadores, decodificadores y su uso para extender multiplexores y decodificar c坦digos como BCD a 7 segmentos.
El documento describe los efectos de la crisis econ坦mica en Espa単a y la educaci坦n. La crisis comenz坦 en 2008 debido a la burbuja inmobiliaria y ha causado altos niveles de desempleo y recortes al gasto p炭blico. Estos recortes han incluido un aumento en el tama単o de las clases, menos profesores y recursos, y aumentos en las cuotas universitarias, lo que ha reducido el acceso a la educaci坦n. La crisis contin炭a teniendo un gran impacto negativo en la econom鱈a espa単ola y el sistema educativo.
Este documento describe los fundamentos de la l坦gica combinacional, incluyendo el 叩lgebra de Boole, funciones l坦gicas, m辿todos de simplificaci坦n como Karnaugh y puertas l坦gicas. Explica que un 叩lgebra de Boole cumple ciertos postulados como conmutatividad y distributividad. Luego describe c坦mo representar funciones l坦gicas mediante tablas de verdad, t辿rminos can坦nicos y n炭meros. Finalmente, introduce puertas l坦gicas b叩sicas como AND, OR, NOT y NAND.
Zephir is an open source language that makes it easier to create PHP extensions by adding features like type safety and memory management. The document discusses setting up Zephir using Vagrant and Laravel Homestead, and demonstrates creating a "hello world" PHP extension. Alternative extension languages like PHP-CPP and Rust are also mentioned. Additional resources for learning more about Zephir and PHP extension development are provided.
This curriculum vitae outlines the education and experience of Fathurrahman. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology from 2010 to 2014. He lists his secondary and primary education. Fathurrahman also lists training programs he attended, achievements including being a finalist in a competition and winner of another, seminars participated in, contact information, personal details, work experience, scholarships received, and organization experience including roles in student groups at his university.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dafid Pirnanda. He received a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Mathematics, and Natural Science from the University of Andalas in 2010. Since then, he has worked as a lecturer assistant, coordinator of botanists, and consultant botanist. He is currently employed as a staff member focusing on high conservation value areas by PT. Rimba Harapan Sakti.
Noor Amen Resume (Biology Fresh Graduate) 2018Ameen Zndn
This document is a resume for Noor Amen bin Zainuddin, a recent biology graduate from Universiti Putra Malaysia seeking opportunities in the animals and wildlife industry. He has experience as a personal trainer, science and math tutor, and internship managing wildlife at a wetlands park. His resume outlines his educational background and degrees in biology, work experience in tutoring, personal training, and wildlife internships. It also provides references and lists additional skills and experiences in facilitating science events.
EKA PRAWIRA is seeking a job where he can apply his mechanical engineering knowledge and skills. He is currently a 4th year student at the National Institute of Technology Bandung studying Mechanical Engineering. He has experience in various organizations, internships, and seminars related to mechanical engineering. His skills include using engineering software, languages of Indonesian and English, and interest in mechanical rotating equipment analysis.
1) Aditha Vaniadevi is a female Indonesian citizen born in 1989 who currently works as an HSE Officer at a pharmaceutical company.
2) She has a bachelor's degree in public health from the University of Indonesia and experience working in HSE roles for construction and building contractors.
3) Her resume lists over 30 training programs and seminars attended in areas like occupational health and safety, fire safety, and environmental management.
This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Musa Arridho. It summarizes his education, work experience, organizational experience, courses and seminars, and abilities. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering from Diponegoro University in 2014. His work experience includes projects in waste management, environmental impact assessments, and transportation emissions reduction. He has held leadership roles in student organizations and has experience teaching courses in environmental engineering topics.
This document outlines resources and options for students at Bryant University who have experienced harassment, stalking, relationship violence, or sexual assault. It provides contact information for on-campus and off-campus confidential resources such as the Women on Call and the Hochberg Women's Center, as well as legal resources like the Smithfield Police Department and Women and Infants Hospital. The document also describes informal complaint options through the university as well as formal complaint and criminal processes.
El documento describe el trabajo colaborativo, en el que todos conocen el tema y cumplen un rol espec鱈fico para completar la tarea de forma conjunta. Cada persona tiene un rol importante que involucra la comunicaci坦n, atenci坦n y compromiso. El trabajo colaborativo requiere que todos entiendan lo que est叩n haciendo y valoren las contribuciones de los dem叩s.
The document provides instructions for accessing and searching articles on the Medline database through EBSCOhost. It outlines the steps to sign into Medline using a student username and password, search for an article, and open a PDF version of an article found through the search by selecting the university affiliation through a Shibboleth login. The instructions conclude by providing a URL for additional guides and tutorials.
Wembley's Inc. is a full-service residential and commercial real estate and mortgage lending company located in Calabasas, California. Since 2005, the company has been providing services to residents of Calabasas and surrounding Los Angeles communities. The CEO and President, Kamyar K. Rezaie, graduated summa cum laude from UCLA with an economics degree and has pursued his passion of helping clients achieve their real estate goals and find their perfect home. The company aims to make the home buying process easy and reduce stress by guiding clients every step of the way and using their expertise to help clients achieve their real estate goals.
La profase I de la meiosis involucra la condensaci坦n de la cromatina en cromosomas, la disoluci坦n del nucl辿olo y la formaci坦n del huso mit坦tico. Los cromosomas hom坦logos se cruzan durante esta etapa, lo que permite que las c辿lulas hijas resultantes sean gen辿ticamente diferentes entre s鱈 y de la c辿lula original.
Forsythia shrubs can be used for shrub borders, banks, or hedging. Miracle Grow Quick Start helps roots grow and regular Miracle Grow will grow the shrubs to 8 feet tall. Forsythias love sun and easily take root from fallen branches, making them suitable for creating borders.
This document provides specifications for a 12V 12AH sealed lead-acid battery. The battery measures approximately 3.6 kg and 101 x 151 x 98 mm. It has a nominal voltage of 12V, capacity of 12AH, and internal resistance of approximately 14m立. The document outlines the battery's performance under various discharge and charge conditions, its operating temperature range, storage characteristics, and other details.
Actividad 4 an叩lisis de una p叩gina de un librojavier_atletico
El documento analiza una pr叩ctica educativa que ense単a multiplicaciones y divisiones basadas en cambios de moneda. El objetivo del autor es ense単ar operaciones matem叩ticas b叩sicas a trav辿s de problemas de compra-venta. Sin embargo, las im叩genes pueden distraer a los ni単os del objetivo principal y causar bloqueos de comprensi坦n. El documento concluye que es importante seleccionar im叩genes que apoyen el aprendizaje en lugar de distorsionarlo, y ponerse en la perspectiva del ni単o para identificar posibles
Actividad 2 localizaci坦n de informaci坦n documentada sobre la realidad local.javier_atletico
Villasequilla es un peque単o pueblo rural con aproximadamente 2,653 habitantes que tradicionalmente se ha dedicado a la agricultura. Actualmente, muchos residentes trabajan en los sectores secundario y terciario. La tasa de desempleo es alta, alrededor del 10.5% de la poblaci坦n total. El sector servicios, como comercios minoristas y peque単as tiendas, es la actividad econ坦mica m叩s importante, aunque muchos tambi辿n trabajan en agricultura, industria y construcci坦n. Villasequilla est叩 experimentando un desarrol
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de circuitos sumadores y decodificadores. Explica el funcionamiento del semisumador, sumador total y cu叩druple sumador total, as鱈 como sus tablas de verdad y circuitos. Tambi辿n cubre multiplexores, codificadores, decodificadores y su uso para extender multiplexores y decodificar c坦digos como BCD a 7 segmentos.
El documento describe los efectos de la crisis econ坦mica en Espa単a y la educaci坦n. La crisis comenz坦 en 2008 debido a la burbuja inmobiliaria y ha causado altos niveles de desempleo y recortes al gasto p炭blico. Estos recortes han incluido un aumento en el tama単o de las clases, menos profesores y recursos, y aumentos en las cuotas universitarias, lo que ha reducido el acceso a la educaci坦n. La crisis contin炭a teniendo un gran impacto negativo en la econom鱈a espa単ola y el sistema educativo.
Este documento describe los fundamentos de la l坦gica combinacional, incluyendo el 叩lgebra de Boole, funciones l坦gicas, m辿todos de simplificaci坦n como Karnaugh y puertas l坦gicas. Explica que un 叩lgebra de Boole cumple ciertos postulados como conmutatividad y distributividad. Luego describe c坦mo representar funciones l坦gicas mediante tablas de verdad, t辿rminos can坦nicos y n炭meros. Finalmente, introduce puertas l坦gicas b叩sicas como AND, OR, NOT y NAND.
Zephir is an open source language that makes it easier to create PHP extensions by adding features like type safety and memory management. The document discusses setting up Zephir using Vagrant and Laravel Homestead, and demonstrates creating a "hello world" PHP extension. Alternative extension languages like PHP-CPP and Rust are also mentioned. Additional resources for learning more about Zephir and PHP extension development are provided.
This curriculum vitae outlines the education and experience of Fathurrahman. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology from 2010 to 2014. He lists his secondary and primary education. Fathurrahman also lists training programs he attended, achievements including being a finalist in a competition and winner of another, seminars participated in, contact information, personal details, work experience, scholarships received, and organization experience including roles in student groups at his university.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Dafid Pirnanda. He received a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Mathematics, and Natural Science from the University of Andalas in 2010. Since then, he has worked as a lecturer assistant, coordinator of botanists, and consultant botanist. He is currently employed as a staff member focusing on high conservation value areas by PT. Rimba Harapan Sakti.
Noor Amen Resume (Biology Fresh Graduate) 2018Ameen Zndn
This document is a resume for Noor Amen bin Zainuddin, a recent biology graduate from Universiti Putra Malaysia seeking opportunities in the animals and wildlife industry. He has experience as a personal trainer, science and math tutor, and internship managing wildlife at a wetlands park. His resume outlines his educational background and degrees in biology, work experience in tutoring, personal training, and wildlife internships. It also provides references and lists additional skills and experiences in facilitating science events.
EKA PRAWIRA is seeking a job where he can apply his mechanical engineering knowledge and skills. He is currently a 4th year student at the National Institute of Technology Bandung studying Mechanical Engineering. He has experience in various organizations, internships, and seminars related to mechanical engineering. His skills include using engineering software, languages of Indonesian and English, and interest in mechanical rotating equipment analysis.
1) Aditha Vaniadevi is a female Indonesian citizen born in 1989 who currently works as an HSE Officer at a pharmaceutical company.
2) She has a bachelor's degree in public health from the University of Indonesia and experience working in HSE roles for construction and building contractors.
3) Her resume lists over 30 training programs and seminars attended in areas like occupational health and safety, fire safety, and environmental management.
This curriculum vitae provides biographical information about Musa Arridho. It summarizes his education, work experience, organizational experience, courses and seminars, and abilities. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering from Diponegoro University in 2014. His work experience includes projects in waste management, environmental impact assessments, and transportation emissions reduction. He has held leadership roles in student organizations and has experience teaching courses in environmental engineering topics.
Gede Darma Raharja's curriculum vitae provides personal and educational details. He graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2013 with a degree in Geology Technic and a GPA of 3.23/4. His CV lists formal education, organizational experience including roles in student communities, work experience including an internship and projects, and skills in computer programs, Indonesian, and English.
This curriculum vitae outlines the educational and professional background of Anifatus Rizky Eka Puspita. She received her Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in 2015. During her studies, she held leadership roles in student organizations and participated in conferences. Her work experience includes evaluating wastewater treatment processes and assessing companies' environmental performance for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. She currently works as an environmental expert assisting with water supply projects across Indonesia.
This curriculum vitae outlines the qualifications and experience of Meidawati Rahayuningsih. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography and Environmental Science from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2014. Her work experience includes positions at PT Waindo SpecTerra, the Regional Development Planning Agency in Wonosobo, and Asia Pacific Resouces International Holdings Ltd. She has strong computer skills and interests in geography research, traveling, yoga, and photography.
This curriculum vitae outlines the qualifications and experience of Dimas Noorca Mahendra. It summarizes his education history including graduating from Bogor Agricultural University with a Bachelor's degree in Forestry in 2014. It also lists his relevant work experiences in environmental management and forestry. Finally, it provides details of his involvement in student organizations during his time in school.
This document provides personal and academic details about a female born in Medan, Indonesia in 1994. She achieved high grades in university and received awards for chemistry and volleyball. Her skills include English, Indonesian, and Chinese languages as well as advanced Microsoft Office abilities. She has worked in research and development, as a laboratory assistant, and lecturer assistant. Her organizational experience includes leadership roles in Buddhist and engineering student groups at University of Indonesia.
This document provides a summary of Eneng Fitriani's formal education, nonformal education, organization experience, work experience, and seminars/training. She received a Bachelor's degree in English Education from the State Islamic University Bandung in 2014. Her organizational experience includes being a committee member and member of various student organizations from 2010-2014. Her work experience includes being a private teacher from 2010-2013 and volunteering at Darul Qur'an in 2014. She has participated in several seminars and training from 2011-2013 related to cross-culture education, chemistry, and international panels.
1. Lingga Adistya Mukti is a marketing professional currently working at PT. Simentari Abdhi Bina in Surabaya, Indonesia.
2. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from State University of Malang in 2013, specializing in material physics.
3. In his current role, he is responsible for providing quotations to customers, helping customers find suitable products, and managing the order fulfillment process from quotation to delivery.
CV Edo Galisman Update 13 Februari 2016Edo Galisman
This curriculum vitae outlines the educational and professional background of Edo Galisman. It summarizes that he graduated from Riau University's Faculty of Engineering with a major in chemical engineering and worked as a field operator for PT. Energi Sejahtera Mas and a supervisor for PT. Enviromental Reksatama Engineering. The CV also lists his education history, organizational experience, training, seminars, computer literacy and contact information.
This curriculum vitae outlines the personal and educational background, professional experience, training, and interests of Fiqi Diyona. She received her primary and secondary education in Sijunjung, Indonesia and obtained a bachelor's degree in physics from Andalas University with a GPA of 3.01. Her professional experience includes serving on numerous committees related to physics festivals, seminars, and religious and community events. She has participated in various soft skills, leadership, and technical training programs. Her interests include travelling, cooking, and traditional dance.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Kathleen Kurniawan that summarizes her personal details, education history, skills, work experience, languages, and achievements. She was born in 1993 in Jakarta, Indonesia and is currently working as a Front Desk Agent at Swiss Belhotel Pondok Indah. Her educational background includes studies in Thailand and Indonesia, with degrees from Burapha University International College and Trisakti Institute of Tourism. She has various skills in teamwork, communication, and adaptability.
Rifka Auliya F. graduated cum laude from the University of Gadjah Mada with a GPA of 3.73/4.00. She has experience in marketing, quality assurance, and event coordination roles. Her achievements include winning competitions and receiving scholarships. She is fluent in English and Indonesian and has skills in Microsoft Office, photography, and food safety auditing.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Lia Yuni Winarsih, providing personal and educational details. It outlines her education history including a pharmacy program and university degree. It also lists organizational experience, seminars/training attended, internships completed, language and computer skills. The CV aims to showcase Lia Yuni Winarsih's qualifications and experience for employment opportunities.
Fitriana Qurrata A'yun received her undergraduate degree in Resource and Environmental Economics from Bogor Agricultural University in 2015. She held several committee roles for economic contests and events while in university. Her work experience includes an administrative role at an insurance company and she has participated in several seminars and training events. She lists public speaking, presentation, teamwork, problem solving and flexibility as skills and has interests in design and art.
1. Sri Wahyuningsih Ritonga, S.Pi
Kelahiran (Birth) : Bogor, 01 Maret 1993 (Bogor, March 1st 1993)
Jenis Kelamin (Gender) : Perempuan (Female)
Agama (Religion) : Islam (Moeslem)
Tinggi / Berat (Height / Weight) : 155 cm / 52 kg
Alamat (Address) : Jl. Sidomukti L303, Sukaluyu, Kecamatan Cibeunying
Kaler, Kota Bandung - Jawa Barat (Sidomukti Street L303, Sukaluyu,
Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung City West Java)
Telepon (Phone) : 081216377390
Surat Elektronik (E-mail) :
PENGALAMAN MENGAJAR (Teaching Experiences)
2013 2014 : Pengajar Privat di Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar Nurul Fikri, Cabang Yasmin Kabupaten Bogor
(Private Teacher in Nurul Fikri Education Course, Branch of Yasmin, District of Bogor)
2011 : Pengajar Privat Mahasiswa Tingkat Persiapan Bersama, Institut Pertanian Bogor di Bidang Pengantar
Matematika dan Kalkulus Dasar
PENGALAMAN KERJA LAINNYA (The Other Work Experiences)
2015 2016 : Tenaga Kerja Kontrak di COREMAP CTI Project, Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap,
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
(Contract Staff in COREMAP CTI Project, Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries)
2013 2014 : Koordinator Asisten Praktikum Bioteknologi Hasil Perairan
(Coordinator Assistant of Biotechnology of Aquatic Product Practical Work)
2013 : Asisten Praktikum Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perairan I dan II
(Assistant of Aquatic Product Processing Technology I and II Practical Work)
2012 2013 : Asisten Praktikum Pengujian Bahan Baku Hasil Perairan
(Assistant of Raw Material of Aquatic Product Testing Practical Work)
2012 2013 : Asisten Praktikum Biokimia Hasil Perairan
(Assistant of Aquatic Product Biochemistry Practical Work)
2011 : Praktik Kerja Lapang terkait Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point di Perusahaan Pasteurisasi
Rajungan, PT. Tonga Tiur Putra
(Internship at Rajungan Pasteurization Company, PT. Tonga Tiur Putra (Topic of Internship: Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point))
PENDIDIKAN FORMAL (Formal Education)
2010-2014 : Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(IPK: 3.89 dari 4.00)
(Department of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Bogor Agriculture
University, GPA: 3.89 OF 4.00)
2007-2010 : SMA Negeri 3 Kota Bogor, Bidang Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
(Senir High School of 3 Bogor City, Science Program)
2004-2007 : SMP Negeri 1 Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat
(Junior High School of 1 Cibinong, District of Bogor, West Java Province)
1998-2004 : SD Negeri Puspanegara VI
(Elementary School of Puspanegara VI)
1997-1998 : Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Karya Mukti
(Moeslem Kindergarten of Karya Mukti)
PRESTASI (Achievement)
2015 : Mahasiswa terbaik se-Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Periode Januari 2015
(Best Student in the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Period of January 2015)
2014 : Lolos 200 besar audisi Nutrifood Leadership Award 2014
(200 Finalists in the Audition of Nutrifood Leadership Award 2014)
2011 : Meraih Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif sebesar 4.00 pada Tingkat Persiapan Bersama (TPB IPB)
(Get a GPA 4.00 in the first year college in BAU (TPB IPB))
2011 : Juara II Lomba Tari Tradisional AWAN IPB
(The 2nd winner in The Traditional Dance Competition AWAN IPB)
2. PRESTASI (Achievement)
2008 : Juara I Science Fair di SMA Negeri 3 Bogor
(The 1st winner in Science Fair in Senior High School of 3 Bogor)
2008 : Juara I Lomba Cepat Tepat Metalurgi Universitas Indonesia 2008
(The 1st winner in Lomba Cepat Tepat Metalurgi, University of Indonesia 2008)
2008 : Juara Harapan II Olimpiade Kimia se-Kota Bogor
(The 2nd Runner Up in Chemistry Olympiade of Bogor City)
PENDIDIKAN INFORMAL (Informal Education)
2014 : Kursus Bahasa Inggris Pre-TOEFL iBT, Pre-TOEFL ITP, Dynamic Speaking,Shocking English, Confidence
Class, dan Pronounciation di ELFAST English Course, Pare, Kediri Jawa Timur
(Enrolled English Course in ELFAST English Course, Pare, Kediri East Java related to Pre-TOEFL iBT,
Pre-TOEFL ITP, Dynamic Speaking, Shocking English, and Pronounciation)
2014 : Kursus Public Speaking in English di The Daffodil English Course, Pare, Kediri-Jawa Timur
(Enrolled Public Speaking in English Course in The Daffodil English Course, Pare, Kediri-East Java)
2011 : Kursus Conversation in English di Lembaga ILP, Kota Bogor
(Enrolled Conversation in English Course in ILP Institution, Bogor City)
2008 : Kursus Basic 2 Intermediet 1 di Lembaga ILP, Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor
(Enrolled Basic 2 Intermediet 1 in ILP Institution, Cibinong, District of Bogor
2003 : Kursus Reach Out 1 Reach Out 3 di Lembaga IEC, Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor
(Enrolled Reach Out 1 Reach Out 3 in IEC Institution, Citeureup, District of Bogor)
PENGALAMAN ORGANISASI (Organization Experiences)
2012-2013 : Anggota divisi SKP di Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (HIMASILKAN)
(Member of SKP division in Student Association of Aquatic Product Technology Department)
2011-2012 : Anggota divisi fund riser di Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (HIMASILKAN)
(Member of fund riser division in Student Association of Aquatic Product Technology Department)
2010-2011 : Anggota divisi tari di UKM Gentra Kaheman, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(Member of traditional dance division in Gentra Kaheman, Bogor Agriculture University)
2010-2011 : Bendahara di UKM Merpati Putih, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(Treasurer in Merpati Putih, Bogor Agriculture University)
PENGALAMAN KEPANITIAAN (Committee Organization Experiences)
2015 : Simposium Nasional Pengelolaan Perikanan Karang Berkelanjutan Indonesia (Penyelenggara:
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dan WWF)
(National Symposium of Sustainable Reef Fisheries Management Indonesia (MMAF and WWF))
2015 : Workshop Pengkajian Stok, Biologi dan Trofik Level Sumberdaya Ikan Karang di WPP 711, 715 dan
(Workshop of Stock, Biology and Trophic Level Assessment of Reef Fisheries Resources in WPP 711,
715 and 718)
2015 : Workshop Inisiasi Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan Perikanan Karang di WPP 711, 715 dan 718
(Workshop of Initiation of Reef Fisheries Management Plan Formulation in WPP 711, 715 and 718)
KEAHLIAN PRIBADI (Personal Soft Skill)
Bahasa (Language) : Bahasa Inggris (Pasif and Active), Skor TOEFL ITP: 517
(English Language (Passive and Active), TOEFL ITP Score: 517)
Komputer (Computer) : Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point
Spesialisasi: Penulisan dan Penyusunan Laporan/Proposal, editing laporan/proposal,
Penelitian (Research) : Optimasi Isolasi dan Ekstraksi DNA Alga Merah (Rhodophyta) di Pantai Cipatujah,
Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat (Spesialisasi: Isolasi DNA, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR))
(Optimation of DNA Isolation and Extraction OF Red Algae (Rhodophyta) in Cipatujah
Beach, Tasikmalaya, West Java)