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PDSSN Membership Enrollment Form
                              To pay by check, please mail completed form and dues to:
                            Deborah Woolard, 4049 Max Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Family Information:

First Name                                        Last Name

Street                                            City                                   State

Your Email Address                                County                                 Zip

Best Contact Phone Number                         Additional Phone Number

Your Employer                                     Your Title

Spouse First Name                                 Spouse Last Name

Spouse Email Address                              Spouse Cell Phone

Spouse Employer                                   Spouse Title

Please indicate your connection with our community:
        Parent of a Child with Ds                          Other relative of an individual with Ds
        Individual with Ds                                 Friend of individual with Ds
        Sibling of an individual with Ds                   Professional
        Grandparent of an individual with Ds               Other

If you have a child with Down syndrome, please share the following info so we can provide
activities that will meet the needs and interests of your family:

Name of child with Ds                             Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name of Additional Child                          Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name of Additional Child                          Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)

Name of Additional Child                          Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
How did you become aware of our organization? Please select ALL that apply.
       Referred by a physician                         Facebook
       Referred by family, friend or colleague         Twitter
       Searching the internet / PDSSN website          Linked In
       Attended an event                               News article, radio, TV
       Other - Please write in the box to right ==>
How important is it to you to have child care available at events:
       I must have child care provided at PDSSN events in order to attend.
       I sometimes need child care provided at PDSSN events in order to attend.
       I never need child care provided at PDSSN events.
Place a check next to ALL the days of the week when you can usually attend a family
gathering, such as educational programs, social events, etc:
        Monday Evenings                                  Saturday Afternoons
        Tuesday Evenings                                 Saturday Evenings
        Wednesday Evenings                               Sunday Afternoons
        Thursday Evenings                                Sunday Evenings
        Friday Evenings
Place a check next to ALL the days of the week when you can usually attend a family dinner
night out event with other PDSSN families:
        Monday Evenings                                  Friday Evenings
        Tuesday Evenings                                 Saturday Evenings
        Wednesday Evenings                               Sunday Evenings
        Thursday Evenings
Please indicate how you would like to contribute to PDSSN. Select ALL that apply:
        Occasional Attendee at Events                   Occasional Volunteer
        Frequent Attendee at Events                     Active Volunteer
        PDSSN Board Member                              Committee Chairperson
Please indicate if you¡¯d like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities with PDSSN:
        Yes                                           No
Please let us know how we can best meet your needs and interests by indicating ALL the
programs you'd be interested in attending:
       Buddy Walk                                        Ladies Night Out
       Family Social Gatherings                          D.A.D.S. (Dads Appreciating Ds)
       New Parent Ds Information Meeting                 Transition Tips
       Playgroup for Children with Ds                    Next Chapter Book Club
       Social Events for Teens with Ds                   Sensory Integration Presentation
       Social Events for Adults with Ds                  Ear Nose Throat Physician Presentation
       Elementary School Options and Info                Ophthalmology Physician Presentation
       Middle School Options and Information             Sexuality Program
       High School Options and Information               Special Needs Trusts
       Post Secondary Program Information                Guardianship
       IEP Planning                                      Financial & Estate Planning
       KIDS FEST                                         SSI Eligibility and Benefits
       Other - Please write in the box to right ==>

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  • 1. PDSSN Membership Enrollment Form To pay by check, please mail completed form and dues to: Deborah Woolard, 4049 Max Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Family Information: First Name Last Name Street City State Your Email Address County Zip Best Contact Phone Number Additional Phone Number Your Employer Your Title Spouse First Name Spouse Last Name Spouse Email Address Spouse Cell Phone Spouse Employer Spouse Title Please indicate your connection with our community: Parent of a Child with Ds Other relative of an individual with Ds Individual with Ds Friend of individual with Ds Sibling of an individual with Ds Professional Grandparent of an individual with Ds Other If you have a child with Down syndrome, please share the following info so we can provide activities that will meet the needs and interests of your family: Name of child with Ds Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Name of Additional Child Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Name of Additional Child Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Name of Additional Child Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • 2. How did you become aware of our organization? Please select ALL that apply. Referred by a physician Facebook Referred by family, friend or colleague Twitter Searching the internet / PDSSN website Linked In Attended an event News article, radio, TV Other - Please write in the box to right ==> Interests: How important is it to you to have child care available at events: I must have child care provided at PDSSN events in order to attend. I sometimes need child care provided at PDSSN events in order to attend. I never need child care provided at PDSSN events. Place a check next to ALL the days of the week when you can usually attend a family gathering, such as educational programs, social events, etc: Monday Evenings Saturday Afternoons Tuesday Evenings Saturday Evenings Wednesday Evenings Sunday Afternoons Thursday Evenings Sunday Evenings Friday Evenings Place a check next to ALL the days of the week when you can usually attend a family dinner night out event with other PDSSN families: Monday Evenings Friday Evenings Tuesday Evenings Saturday Evenings Wednesday Evenings Sunday Evenings Thursday Evenings Please indicate how you would like to contribute to PDSSN. Select ALL that apply: Occasional Attendee at Events Occasional Volunteer Frequent Attendee at Events Active Volunteer PDSSN Board Member Committee Chairperson Please indicate if you¡¯d like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities with PDSSN: Yes No Please let us know how we can best meet your needs and interests by indicating ALL the programs you'd be interested in attending: Buddy Walk Ladies Night Out Family Social Gatherings D.A.D.S. (Dads Appreciating Ds) New Parent Ds Information Meeting Transition Tips Playgroup for Children with Ds Next Chapter Book Club Social Events for Teens with Ds Sensory Integration Presentation Social Events for Adults with Ds Ear Nose Throat Physician Presentation Elementary School Options and Info Ophthalmology Physician Presentation Middle School Options and Information Sexuality Program High School Options and Information Special Needs Trusts Post Secondary Program Information Guardianship IEP Planning Financial & Estate Planning KIDS FEST SSI Eligibility and Benefits Other - Please write in the box to right ==>