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Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Network
Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Networks Mission

   Enhance the lives of people with
    Down syndrome

   Provide information and support
    to families and professionals

   Provide educational and social
    opportunities for our members

   Educate the community to
    promote awareness, respect, and
    inclusion of people with Down
PDSSN is a Support and Advocacy Group

Founded in 1987

Has grown and increased services to
others over the past 12 years

Became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization in 2005

While the main advocacy remains
on Down syndrome, welcomes
other special needs groups to many
PDSSN Organization

In 2012, awarded a grant from the Winston-Salem Foundation and hired
a part-time executive director

Affiliations: National Down Syndrome Congress, the National Down
Syndrome Society, and the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action

www.pdssn.com highlights our mission, programs, events calendar,
information about Down syndrome, and more.
Programs for Families Who Have Children
                with Down Syndrome

Family Social Gatherings

Ladies and Guys Nights Out

PDSSN Member Scholarships

Sunshine Fund

New Parent Resource Notebook

Pre and Post Natal Program

Triad First in Family Funds

Seasonal Newsletters
Family Social Gatherings

Regular gatherings include:

   PDSSN family nights at area

   A winter family gathering

   A summer family picnic

   Spring KIDS FEST

   Ladies Nights Out

   Guys Night Out
PDSSN Member Scholarships

PDSSN members can apply for
funding to attend national and local
Down syndrome related conferences.

Scholarship awards based on past
years involvement with the PDSSN.
Sunshine Fund

The PDSSN shows support
for families who are
hospitalized by offering
visits and a gift card to
assist families during their
time of need
PDSSN New Parent Resource Notebook

Provides comprehensive
information for ages birth through

Lists I/DD related resources for the
surrounding six counties

Available in both English and

Materials also available online at
Pre & Post Natal Program

Available to any family whose child is diagnosed with Down
syndrome before or after birth

Provides up-to-date accurate written information as well as a
trained volunteer
Triad First in Family Funds
        First In Families of North Carolina Believe, Achieve, Give Back.

  TFIF offers support to families and individuals in Forsyth, Davie & Stokes
  Counties. Support might be achieved by connecting them to community
  programs, obtaining discounts and in some cases providing funds.
  The PDSSN annually provides funds to TFIF that can be used for people
  who have Down syndrome and their families in the 3 counties TFIF covers
  plus Surry, Yadkin, and Davidson. Distribution of funds is determined by
  the TFIF management team.

Eligibility Requirements:
  Triad First In Families supports any family in which one
  family member has a developmental disability or
  traumatic brain injury.
  The family/individual must be living in their own rented
  or owned home, not in a group home.
  Total household income cannot exceed $65,000 per year.
PDSSN Programs Open to the Community

Exceptional Families Program

Next Chapter Book Clubs

Community Education

Annual Down Syndrome

Community Grants
Exceptional Families Program

Partnership with Family Support Network

Meets 10 times a year on the 4th Thursday of
the month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the
Little Creek Recreation Center

Guest facilitators support discussions
regarding topics of interest to parents of
children who have intellectual and
developmental disabilities

A light supper and childcare are available
but reservations for both are required

Professionals are welcome and Infant
Toddler Credit is available
Next Chapter Book Club

Promotes literacy and encourages
friendships among adolescents and
adults with intellectual disabilities.

Members meet for one hour a week
at local bookstores, coffee shops
and caf辿s to read and discuss a
book of their choosing.

Anyone can participate, no matter
their reading or ability level.

Two trained volunteers facilitate
each group.
Community Education Programs

PDSSN Community Education
Programs are open to everyone.

Our speakers have included:
speech language pathologists;
occupational therapists; ear, nose
and throat doctors; special needs
trusts attorneys; estate planning
professionals; and others.

PDSSN hosts an annual Down
Syndrome update meeting every
January, at which Dr. Tamison
Jewett presents the most current
medical information available
about Down syndrome.
Community Grants

PDSSN makes donations to
groups that support people who
have Down syndrome or other
intellectual disabilities.

Some recipients: Triad First in
Families, Beyond Academics,
The Special Childrens School,
No Limits II, Friday Socialites,
and the Family Support
PDSSN Representation on Community Committees

  CenterPoints Consumer & Family Advisory Committee

  CenterPoints I/DD Advisory Committee

  TFIF Management Team

  Forsyth County Special Needs Planning Committee

  Family Support Networks Local Collaboration Team
The PDSSN Buddy Walk

PDSSNs largest annual fundraiser

Held in October which is Down
Syndrome Awareness Month

Fun for all includes: food, photos,
carnival games, live bands, magic
shows, inflatables, and the famous
talent show
2012 Buddy Walk Results

             Revenue      Expenses     Net

2012 Walk     $46,932      $10,388    $36,543

2011 Walk     $22,048       $9,255    $12,793
2012 Accomplishments

Held most successful Buddy Walk

Tripled our membership

Increased community awareness

Launched PDSSN Wine
2013 Initiatives

Increase number and variety of social and educational gatherings

Welcome each new family with a PDSSN Baby Bootie Box

Launch D.A.D.S.  Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome

Build and expand partnerships with community organizations

Produce our first PDSSN Calendar
PDSSN Member Benefits

Support, social, and educational opportunities

Input and voting privileges regarding PDSSN issues

Information on Down syndrome, resources, and advocacy

Parent resource notebooks

Support if a family member is hospitalized

Scholarship funds to attend local and national conferences
Thank you!

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Pdssn power point final membership meeting - 1.11.13

  • 1. Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Network
  • 2. Piedmont Down Syndrome Support Networks Mission Enhance the lives of people with Down syndrome Provide information and support to families and professionals Provide educational and social opportunities for our members Educate the community to promote awareness, respect, and inclusion of people with Down syndrome
  • 3. PDSSN is a Support and Advocacy Group Founded in 1987 Has grown and increased services to others over the past 12 years Became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2005 While the main advocacy remains on Down syndrome, welcomes other special needs groups to many activities
  • 4. PDSSN Organization In 2012, awarded a grant from the Winston-Salem Foundation and hired a part-time executive director Affiliations: National Down Syndrome Congress, the National Down Syndrome Society, and the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action www.pdssn.com highlights our mission, programs, events calendar, information about Down syndrome, and more.
  • 5. Programs for Families Who Have Children with Down Syndrome Family Social Gatherings Ladies and Guys Nights Out PDSSN Member Scholarships Sunshine Fund New Parent Resource Notebook Pre and Post Natal Program Triad First in Family Funds Seasonal Newsletters
  • 6. Family Social Gatherings Regular gatherings include: PDSSN family nights at area restaurants A winter family gathering A summer family picnic Spring KIDS FEST Ladies Nights Out Guys Night Out
  • 7. PDSSN Member Scholarships PDSSN members can apply for funding to attend national and local Down syndrome related conferences. Scholarship awards based on past years involvement with the PDSSN.
  • 8. Sunshine Fund The PDSSN shows support for families who are hospitalized by offering visits and a gift card to assist families during their time of need
  • 9. PDSSN New Parent Resource Notebook Provides comprehensive information for ages birth through adulthood Lists I/DD related resources for the surrounding six counties Available in both English and Spanish Materials also available online at www.pdssn.com
  • 10. Pre & Post Natal Program Available to any family whose child is diagnosed with Down syndrome before or after birth Provides up-to-date accurate written information as well as a trained volunteer
  • 11. Triad First in Family Funds First In Families of North Carolina Believe, Achieve, Give Back. TFIF offers support to families and individuals in Forsyth, Davie & Stokes Counties. Support might be achieved by connecting them to community programs, obtaining discounts and in some cases providing funds. The PDSSN annually provides funds to TFIF that can be used for people who have Down syndrome and their families in the 3 counties TFIF covers plus Surry, Yadkin, and Davidson. Distribution of funds is determined by the TFIF management team. Eligibility Requirements: Triad First In Families supports any family in which one family member has a developmental disability or traumatic brain injury. The family/individual must be living in their own rented or owned home, not in a group home. Total household income cannot exceed $65,000 per year.
  • 12. PDSSN Programs Open to the Community Exceptional Families Program Next Chapter Book Clubs Community Education Programs Annual Down Syndrome Update Community Grants
  • 13. Exceptional Families Program Partnership with Family Support Network Meets 10 times a year on the 4th Thursday of the month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the Little Creek Recreation Center Guest facilitators support discussions regarding topics of interest to parents of children who have intellectual and developmental disabilities A light supper and childcare are available but reservations for both are required Professionals are welcome and Infant Toddler Credit is available
  • 14. Next Chapter Book Club Promotes literacy and encourages friendships among adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities. Members meet for one hour a week at local bookstores, coffee shops and caf辿s to read and discuss a book of their choosing. Anyone can participate, no matter their reading or ability level. Two trained volunteers facilitate each group.
  • 15. Community Education Programs PDSSN Community Education Programs are open to everyone. Our speakers have included: speech language pathologists; occupational therapists; ear, nose and throat doctors; special needs trusts attorneys; estate planning professionals; and others. PDSSN hosts an annual Down Syndrome update meeting every January, at which Dr. Tamison Jewett presents the most current medical information available about Down syndrome.
  • 16. Community Grants PDSSN makes donations to groups that support people who have Down syndrome or other intellectual disabilities. Some recipients: Triad First in Families, Beyond Academics, The Special Childrens School, No Limits II, Friday Socialites, and the Family Support Network.
  • 17. PDSSN Representation on Community Committees CenterPoints Consumer & Family Advisory Committee CenterPoints I/DD Advisory Committee TFIF Management Team Forsyth County Special Needs Planning Committee Family Support Networks Local Collaboration Team
  • 18. The PDSSN Buddy Walk PDSSNs largest annual fundraiser Held in October which is Down Syndrome Awareness Month Fun for all includes: food, photos, carnival games, live bands, magic shows, inflatables, and the famous talent show
  • 19. 2012 Buddy Walk Results Revenue Expenses Net 2012 Walk $46,932 $10,388 $36,543 2011 Walk $22,048 $9,255 $12,793
  • 20. 2012 Accomplishments Held most successful Buddy Walk Tripled our membership Increased community awareness Launched PDSSN Wine
  • 21. 2013 Initiatives Increase number and variety of social and educational gatherings Welcome each new family with a PDSSN Baby Bootie Box Launch D.A.D.S. Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome Build and expand partnerships with community organizations Produce our first PDSSN Calendar
  • 22. PDSSN Member Benefits Support, social, and educational opportunities Input and voting privileges regarding PDSSN issues Information on Down syndrome, resources, and advocacy Parent resource notebooks Support if a family member is hospitalized Scholarship funds to attend local and national conferences