The tobacco industry never stops inventing new ways to hook teens. This powerpoint details all the new products they've come up with to addict another generation.
This document is a memoir by Tim Carroll about his childhood memories of his mother in the 1960s-1970s in Martinez, California. Some key details include:
- His mother would take him and his brothers to play in a construction site in nearby Hercules while she sat in their car listening to music on the radio.
- She was a big fan of jazz musician Louis Armstrong and correctly predicted that the whole world would be sad when he died.
- After his parents divorced, his mother took a job at a pie shop and the family would spend time with her before she started her evening shift.
1) The narrator recalls moving from San Francisco to Martinez, California with his family as a child in the 1960s.
2) His mother would take him and his brothers to play in a construction site in the nearby town of Hercules, sitting in the car listening to music on the radio while they played.
3) During one visit, after the narrator dramatically "died" while playing, his mother reflected on how sad the world would be when Louis Armstrong died, demonstrating her memory of small moments and appreciation for music.
The document discusses different forms of activism and provides examples to encourage participation. It defines activism as direct action to achieve a goal and notes it can take many forms. The document then outlines guerilla art as a form of street activism and describes an activism event involving displaying empty tobacco product packaging to raise awareness of tobacco-related deaths. It concludes by listing additional ways for people to engage in activism through a shoe display, chalk walk, post-it notes, candy-coated tobacco, a mobile memorial, and masks.
E-cigarettes were invented in 2003 and entered the US market in 2007. Their use has grown rapidly, with sales exceeding $1 billion in 2013. While e-cigarettes may be less harmful than combustible cigarettes and have helped some smokers quit, their long-term health effects are unclear. Their rise has generated significant debate, as public health experts are concerned they could renormalize smoking or serve as a gateway for youth. The FDA proposed regulating e-cigarettes in 2014 to protect public health, but some argue this may not go far enough to restrict youth access and marketing. Going forward, further research and surveillance are needed to understand e-cigarettes' overall impact on public health.
There is growing concern over the consistency of youth tobacco use rates over the past few years across Canada. In Saskatchewan, this trend is particularly troubling, as tobacco use rates in the province are consistently greater than the national average. A popular hypothesis is that the availability of flavoured products is to blame.
E-cigarette marketing analysis based on European Lawmakers reject tight restrictions on e-cigarettes and the e-cigarette industry waiting to exhale by The New York Times.
Smoking and tobacco use contains over 60 toxic chemicals that are harmful and in some cases fatal to human health. Smoking kills over 1,000 Americans per day from smoking-related illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. While tobacco companies advertise their products as cool and attractive, the reality is that long-term smoking takes years off people's lives and causes premature death and disease. It is important for youth to understand the true health risks and impacts of smoking so they can make informed choices to stay smoke-free.
The document discusses the dangers of smoking and provides tips to quit smoking. It notes that World No Tobacco Day is observed annually on May 31st to spread awareness of the health risks of tobacco, which contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 51 carcinogens. Common chemicals in cigarettes include carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, arsenic, and cyanide. Smoking is linked to 22% of male deaths and 11% of female deaths. The document offers advice to help quit smoking such as using nicotine replacements, keeping busy, and avoiding others who smoke.
This document provides an overview of smokeless tobacco, including what it is, common products, history of use in the USA, how the landscape is changing, and health risks. Smokeless tobacco is not smoked but rather is chewed, dipped, or placed in the mouth. It has traditionally been used by older men who chew but now younger men are using dipping products. The tobacco industry spends millions marketing smokeless tobacco as a safer alternative to cigarettes. However, smokeless tobacco use carries health risks like various cancers, oral health issues, and addiction.
Smoking and tobacco use can have serious negative health consequences:
- More than 1,000 Americans die each day from smoking-related illnesses. Tobacco is toxic, addictive, and can kill users by taking away years of their lives.
- Cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, cyanide, and over 70 cancer-causing agents.
- Both smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke increase risks of cancer, heart disease, lung disease, premature birth, and infant death. Quitting smoking can reduce health risks.
It gives insight into why tobacco smoking is harful and what strategies one should adpot to quit smoking. Some interesting snapshots makes the point clear to all
High School Tobacco Industry Denormalization Presentation with Addiction 2013Kellie Milani
How does the Tobacco Industry work to addict youth to their deadly products? This presentation will give some insight into the marketing strategies of this evil industry. It will also touch upon the reasons why it is so difficult for people to quit using tobacco industry products.
ITC Mint-O Marketing and Business development analysisVivek Kapoor
Candies are a fiercely contested space in India, and within Candies, Nestle Polo has a strong hold. Mint-O from ITC positioned itself uniquely targeting niche sensibilities and providing the necessary thrust though its wide network of small cigarette shops. This presentation identifies possible growth areas for the brand.
The document discusses R.J. Reynolds, a major tobacco company in the US. It details some of R.J. Reynolds' top cigarette brands which make up about 28% of the US market, including Camel, Pall Mall, Winston, and Kool. The document also discusses strategies around tobacco blending, marketing, product innovation, and harm reduction approaches.
The document discusses the harms of smoking and tobacco use. It provides information on why people smoke, the addictive nature of nicotine, and the many harmful chemicals in tobacco. It also summarizes the short and long term health problems caused by smoking, such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. The document aims to discourage tobacco use and smoking by highlighting the unrealistic promises of tobacco advertisements versus the real health risks.
Fairtrade is an organization that aims to address unfairness in global trade by ensuring farmers and workers receive fair wages and safe working conditions. Typically, farmers earn only a small fraction of the price paid for products while the rest is distributed among other entities in the supply chain. Fairtrade guarantees farmers a fair minimum price for their crops, long-term trading partnerships, and support for community development projects. This helps provide a more reliable income and improves lives, as farmers report being able to afford basic necessities and regain their dignity through Fairtrade.
Tobacco Underground is an introduction to the tobacco industry in all it's forms.
From targeting young people, to animal cruelty, and all the lies in between this is a comprehensive multi-media presentation. It's got videos, tons of great photos and stats, and everything you need to start your career as an anti-tobacco activist. We are extremely excited about this presentation and hope you can use to educate the masses.
Check out more about this presentation here.
This presentation discusses traditional and commercial tobacco. It notes that traditionally, tobacco was used ceremonially and medicinally by indigenous communities but was not addictive. Commercial tobacco was developed to specifically target consumer groups and includes chemicals added to increase addiction. The health effects of smoking commercial tobacco are significant, increasing risks of cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Statistics show high smoking rates among indigenous communities compared to other groups in the US.
The document summarizes tactics used by the tobacco industry to target and attract young people. It describes how the industry designs new products like candy-flavored dissolvable tobacco to hook young people into lifelong addiction. These new products make tobacco use seem appealing and mask that it is tobacco. The document urges taking action to inform others and one's community about the industry's tactics and influence on kids.
The document outlines the need for tobacco control for health, environmental, and economic reasons. It discusses how tobacco causes cancer and other diseases, pollutes the environment, and wastes economic resources. The document then expresses anger at tobacco industry tactics like lying about the health effects of smoking, targeting youth, and influencing governments. It provides several examples of deceptive industry statements acknowledging nicotine addiction, the health risks of low-tar cigarettes, and the dangers of secondhand smoke. The tobacco industry has also tried to infiltrate anti-smoking organizations and influence politicians. In conclusion, tobacco control is needed because tobacco kills and harms smokers and nonsmokers, damages the environment, and hurts economies.
The document outlines the need for tobacco control for health, environmental, and economic reasons. It discusses how the tobacco industry has lied about the health effects of smoking, targeted youth, and denied the addictiveness of tobacco for decades. The tobacco industry has also tried to influence governments and the WHO in order to undermine tobacco control efforts and protect profits. In conclusion, tobacco control is necessary because tobacco harms both users and non-users, damages the environment, and hurts individuals and national economies.
This document discusses the importance and power of brands. It explains that a brand represents the sum of all associations consumers have about a product, service, or organization. It is the job of marketers to shape and direct these associations to be rich and productive. Strong brands are valuable as they can create "effective monopolies" where consumers prefer the brand even when priced higher than alternatives due to their attachment to the brand. The document provides examples of how Innocent smoothies and Apple's iPods have been able to charge a premium compared to competitors due to their strong brand positioning. However, it cautions that brands must have substance and quality products behind them, or else a superior competitor could undermine the brand.
Community Blueprint Youth Engagement PresentationCatalyst
This document discusses using interactive art such as aerosol art, videos, photovoice, screen printing, and button making to educate and empower young people. It provides examples of guerrilla art like graffiti and posters that send messages to encourage social change. Specific projects are mentioned, such as working with counties in Minnesota on a photovoice project to document the health of small towns. Videos and posters are also discussed as engaging art forms that can inform people about important causes.
This document discusses guerrilla art and how it can be used to encourage social change. It defines guerrilla art as creating art that sends a message promoting social change. Some common forms of guerrilla art discussed are graffiti, posters, music, and pins. Graffiti uses highly visible messages to trigger responses, while posters, music, and pins are inexpensive and easy ways to spread ideas to large audiences. However, the document also notes that the tobacco industry has used guerrilla art techniques like farm and hip hop imagery to target new smokers and keep current smokers hooked. The document concludes by suggesting making posters, buttons, and doing screen printing and spray painting as guerrilla art activities.
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Smoking and tobacco use contains over 60 toxic chemicals that are harmful and in some cases fatal to human health. Smoking kills over 1,000 Americans per day from smoking-related illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. While tobacco companies advertise their products as cool and attractive, the reality is that long-term smoking takes years off people's lives and causes premature death and disease. It is important for youth to understand the true health risks and impacts of smoking so they can make informed choices to stay smoke-free.
The document discusses the dangers of smoking and provides tips to quit smoking. It notes that World No Tobacco Day is observed annually on May 31st to spread awareness of the health risks of tobacco, which contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 51 carcinogens. Common chemicals in cigarettes include carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, arsenic, and cyanide. Smoking is linked to 22% of male deaths and 11% of female deaths. The document offers advice to help quit smoking such as using nicotine replacements, keeping busy, and avoiding others who smoke.
This document provides an overview of smokeless tobacco, including what it is, common products, history of use in the USA, how the landscape is changing, and health risks. Smokeless tobacco is not smoked but rather is chewed, dipped, or placed in the mouth. It has traditionally been used by older men who chew but now younger men are using dipping products. The tobacco industry spends millions marketing smokeless tobacco as a safer alternative to cigarettes. However, smokeless tobacco use carries health risks like various cancers, oral health issues, and addiction.
Smoking and tobacco use can have serious negative health consequences:
- More than 1,000 Americans die each day from smoking-related illnesses. Tobacco is toxic, addictive, and can kill users by taking away years of their lives.
- Cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, cyanide, and over 70 cancer-causing agents.
- Both smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke increase risks of cancer, heart disease, lung disease, premature birth, and infant death. Quitting smoking can reduce health risks.
It gives insight into why tobacco smoking is harful and what strategies one should adpot to quit smoking. Some interesting snapshots makes the point clear to all
High School Tobacco Industry Denormalization Presentation with Addiction 2013Kellie Milani
How does the Tobacco Industry work to addict youth to their deadly products? This presentation will give some insight into the marketing strategies of this evil industry. It will also touch upon the reasons why it is so difficult for people to quit using tobacco industry products.
ITC Mint-O Marketing and Business development analysisVivek Kapoor
Candies are a fiercely contested space in India, and within Candies, Nestle Polo has a strong hold. Mint-O from ITC positioned itself uniquely targeting niche sensibilities and providing the necessary thrust though its wide network of small cigarette shops. This presentation identifies possible growth areas for the brand.
The document discusses R.J. Reynolds, a major tobacco company in the US. It details some of R.J. Reynolds' top cigarette brands which make up about 28% of the US market, including Camel, Pall Mall, Winston, and Kool. The document also discusses strategies around tobacco blending, marketing, product innovation, and harm reduction approaches.
The document discusses the harms of smoking and tobacco use. It provides information on why people smoke, the addictive nature of nicotine, and the many harmful chemicals in tobacco. It also summarizes the short and long term health problems caused by smoking, such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. The document aims to discourage tobacco use and smoking by highlighting the unrealistic promises of tobacco advertisements versus the real health risks.
Fairtrade is an organization that aims to address unfairness in global trade by ensuring farmers and workers receive fair wages and safe working conditions. Typically, farmers earn only a small fraction of the price paid for products while the rest is distributed among other entities in the supply chain. Fairtrade guarantees farmers a fair minimum price for their crops, long-term trading partnerships, and support for community development projects. This helps provide a more reliable income and improves lives, as farmers report being able to afford basic necessities and regain their dignity through Fairtrade.
Tobacco Underground is an introduction to the tobacco industry in all it's forms.
From targeting young people, to animal cruelty, and all the lies in between this is a comprehensive multi-media presentation. It's got videos, tons of great photos and stats, and everything you need to start your career as an anti-tobacco activist. We are extremely excited about this presentation and hope you can use to educate the masses.
Check out more about this presentation here.
This presentation discusses traditional and commercial tobacco. It notes that traditionally, tobacco was used ceremonially and medicinally by indigenous communities but was not addictive. Commercial tobacco was developed to specifically target consumer groups and includes chemicals added to increase addiction. The health effects of smoking commercial tobacco are significant, increasing risks of cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Statistics show high smoking rates among indigenous communities compared to other groups in the US.
The document summarizes tactics used by the tobacco industry to target and attract young people. It describes how the industry designs new products like candy-flavored dissolvable tobacco to hook young people into lifelong addiction. These new products make tobacco use seem appealing and mask that it is tobacco. The document urges taking action to inform others and one's community about the industry's tactics and influence on kids.
The document outlines the need for tobacco control for health, environmental, and economic reasons. It discusses how tobacco causes cancer and other diseases, pollutes the environment, and wastes economic resources. The document then expresses anger at tobacco industry tactics like lying about the health effects of smoking, targeting youth, and influencing governments. It provides several examples of deceptive industry statements acknowledging nicotine addiction, the health risks of low-tar cigarettes, and the dangers of secondhand smoke. The tobacco industry has also tried to infiltrate anti-smoking organizations and influence politicians. In conclusion, tobacco control is needed because tobacco kills and harms smokers and nonsmokers, damages the environment, and hurts economies.
The document outlines the need for tobacco control for health, environmental, and economic reasons. It discusses how the tobacco industry has lied about the health effects of smoking, targeted youth, and denied the addictiveness of tobacco for decades. The tobacco industry has also tried to influence governments and the WHO in order to undermine tobacco control efforts and protect profits. In conclusion, tobacco control is necessary because tobacco harms both users and non-users, damages the environment, and hurts individuals and national economies.
This document discusses the importance and power of brands. It explains that a brand represents the sum of all associations consumers have about a product, service, or organization. It is the job of marketers to shape and direct these associations to be rich and productive. Strong brands are valuable as they can create "effective monopolies" where consumers prefer the brand even when priced higher than alternatives due to their attachment to the brand. The document provides examples of how Innocent smoothies and Apple's iPods have been able to charge a premium compared to competitors due to their strong brand positioning. However, it cautions that brands must have substance and quality products behind them, or else a superior competitor could undermine the brand.
Community Blueprint Youth Engagement PresentationCatalyst
This document discusses using interactive art such as aerosol art, videos, photovoice, screen printing, and button making to educate and empower young people. It provides examples of guerrilla art like graffiti and posters that send messages to encourage social change. Specific projects are mentioned, such as working with counties in Minnesota on a photovoice project to document the health of small towns. Videos and posters are also discussed as engaging art forms that can inform people about important causes.
This document discusses guerrilla art and how it can be used to encourage social change. It defines guerrilla art as creating art that sends a message promoting social change. Some common forms of guerrilla art discussed are graffiti, posters, music, and pins. Graffiti uses highly visible messages to trigger responses, while posters, music, and pins are inexpensive and easy ways to spread ideas to large audiences. However, the document also notes that the tobacco industry has used guerrilla art techniques like farm and hip hop imagery to target new smokers and keep current smokers hooked. The document concludes by suggesting making posters, buttons, and doing screen printing and spray painting as guerrilla art activities.
Sweet Demise - The Real Facts about Sugar Sweetened BeveragesCatalyst
This is a presentation about one of the real causes of obesity, sugar sweetened beverages. It details how while sugar in beverages has skyrocketed, so has our wastelines.
It also shows what we can do to solve the problems. Check it out!
You can download the entire presentation in PowerPoint form here at our website
This document discusses food marketing strategies used by fast food companies and how they target different demographics. It notes that food companies spend billions of dollars on marketing each year to promote unhealthy foods to children and questions whether this type of marketing should be regulated more. The document then instructs students to get in groups and develop marketing campaigns to promote healthy food options to various audiences.
This document provides an overview of Catalyst, a youth empowerment organization focused on promoting healthy eating, physical activity, and tobacco prevention. Some key points:
- Catalyst has been operating for 3 years, is funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield, and has a budget of $250,000 per year.
- Catalyst's work includes yearly summits and school/regional events, as well as resources on their website, to engage over 5,000 youth on health issues.
- They are transitioning some of their focus to issues around healthy eating and nutrition, based on feedback from youth and adults. This includes student involvement in school wellness policies and access to local, healthy foods.
This powerpoint goes over quotes from the tobacco industry as well as activities you can do with high school students so they can investigate more quotes from the tobacco industry.
This is a powerpoint made for high school students dispelling popular food myths, and then offers some more information about the myth, and the truth behind it. Each slide has speakers notes and sources.
Take Tobacco Back - Keeping Tobacco SacredCatalyst
This document provides a brief history of tobacco use among indigenous peoples in North America and the influence of European colonization. It discusses how various tribes traditionally used tobacco for medicinal, ceremonial, and trade purposes. It then outlines how commercial tobacco grew into a profitable industry for Europeans and led to high rates of tobacco-related illnesses and death among native populations today.
This is a presentation made from the book - Eat this Not That. Basically we just made a presentation about the book. Check out more info here.
This is Catalyst's overview of how you can start making positive changes in your school to support healthy eating.
Here's what the presentation covers:
First well talk a little bit about why we need healthy food in schools, and what the food is like at our schools.
Then were are going to break for two rounds of Catalysts Family Food. Its like the game show Family Feud, but all about food, healthy eating, and what food is like at school. Weve been talking with students at our schools to get their thoughts about food in general and about the food thats offered at school, and in this game, youll have a chance to guess what theyre thinking.
We also want to talk about what we can do to get things moving in our schools and make sure we have healthy options that taste good. So first well talk a little about questions you might get from your principal and food service staff if you talk to them about starting to make changes.
Then well work in small groups and plan out some first steps you can take, like setting up a meeting to talk to your principal and food service staff.
Farm to school programs aim to connect schools and local farms by featuring locally produced foods in school cafeterias. This gives students access to fresh, local foods while supporting local farmers. The programs also incorporate nutrition education into classrooms and partner with the community through activities like field trips and cooking lessons. While these programs have many benefits for students' health, local economies, and the environment, increasing costs and pressure from corporate interests make expanding organic options challenging.
Andy introduces himself and the agenda which includes meeting new people, learning icebreakers and team building activities, and how to use them effectively. The document then defines an icebreaker as giving people a chance to comfortably meet one another and act as a segue into presentations. It encourages keeping a list of icebreakers, ensuring their appropriateness, and asking participants what they learned. Resources for additional icebreakers are also provided.
Now you have the power to use politics to make change. Political Action is a presentation designed to teach the basics of how to use policy and politics to make real lasting change in our world. This presentation is provided by Catalyst, a statewide youth movement against the tobacco industry based in Minnesota. For more info, click here.
Now you have the power to use art to get your point across. Guerrilla Art is a presentation about how to use art to get a message out, specifically as cheap as possible. We talk about screenprinting, aerosol art, graffiti, stencil, music activism, and all sort of other stuff.
The document describes a game show about the history of tobacco and the tobacco industry. It is presented in 3 rounds of trivia questions with 7 multiple choice questions per round. The questions cover topics like the negative health effects of smoking, statistics on tobacco-related deaths and costs, the tobacco industry's targeting of teens and certain groups, toxic chemicals in cigarettes, and regulation of tobacco.
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Microbiology.pptxDr Punith Kumar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing clinical microbiology by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, automating workflows, and improving patient outcomes. This presentation explores the key applications of AI in microbial identification, antimicrobial resistance detection, and laboratory automation. Learn how machine learning, deep learning, and data-driven analytics are transforming the field, leading to faster and more efficient microbiological diagnostics. Whether you're a researcher, clinician, or healthcare professional, this presentation provides valuable insights into the future of AI in microbiology.
At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
Digestive Powerhouses: Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas for Nursing StudentsViresh Mahajani
This educational PowerPoint presentation is designed to equip GNM students with a solid understanding of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. It explores the anatomical structures, physiological processes, and clinical significance of these vital organs. Key topics include:
Liver functions: detoxification, metabolism, and bile synthesis.
Gallbladder: bile storage and release.
Pancreas: exocrine and endocrine functions, including digestive enzyme and hormone production. This presentation is ideal for GNM students seeking a clear and concise review of these important digestive system components."
Union Budget 2025 Healthcare Sector Analysis & Impact (PPT).pdfAditiAlishetty
The Union Budget 2025-26 emphasizes enhancing India's healthcare by allocating 99,858 crore to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. Key initiatives include adding 10,000 medical college seats, with a plan to reach 75,000 over five years, and increasing funding for the Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission by 41% to 4,758 crore. However, experts express concerns that the allocation may still fall short of the sector's urgent needs. Dr. Bipin Vibhute, a distinguished Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon, is renowned for pioneering free liver transplants for pediatric patients up to 12 years old in Pune. As the Program Director of the Center for Organ Transplants at Sahyadri Hospitals, he has significantly advanced organ transplantation services across Maharashtra.
Chair, Grzegorz (Greg) S. Nowakowski, MD, FASCO, discusses diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in this CME activity titled Addressing Unmet Needs for Better Outcomes in DLBCL: Leveraging Prognostic Assessment and Off-the-Shelf Immunotherapy Strategies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aid, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 27, 2026.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Distribution of Drugs Plasma Protein Binding and Blood-Brain BarrierSumeetSharma591398
This presentation provides a detailed overview of drug distribution, focusing on plasma protein binding and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). It explains the factors affecting drug distribution, the role of plasma proteins in drug binding, and how drugs penetrate the BBB. Key topics include the significance of protein-bound vs. free drug concentration, drug interactions, and strategies to enhance drug permeability across the BBB. Ideal for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals in pharmacology and drug development.
Enzyme Induction and Inhibition: Mechanisms, Examples & Clinical SignificanceSumeetSharma591398
This presentation explains the crucial role of enzyme induction and inhibition in drug metabolism. It covers:
鏝 Mechanisms of enzyme regulation in the liver
鏝 Examples of enzyme inducers (Rifampin, Carbamazepine) and inhibitors (Ketoconazole, Grapefruit juice)
鏝 Clinical significance of drug interactions affecting efficacy and toxicity
鏝 Factors like genetics, age, diet, and disease influencing enzyme activity
Ideal for pharmacy, pharmacology, and medical students, this presentation helps in understanding drug metabolism and dosage adjustments for safe medication use.
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Chair, Shaji K. Kumar, MD, prepared useful Practice Aids pertaining to multiple myeloma for this CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Restoring Remission in RRMM: Present and Future of Sequential Immunotherapy With GPRC5D-Targeting Options. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until February 23, 2026.
20. Marlboro Mix 9 A kretek cloved with fruit flavor Launched in Indonesia Aimed at urban population (90% smoke cloves) Contains 2x as many chemicals Only costs $.78
61. Encourage Congress to pass legislation Ask convience store owners not to sell or advertise these products Educate other people about the dangers of these products Try to encourage the industry to stop making these things