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Financial Aid
Your Money
 Applying for Financial Aid
 Financial Aid Options
 Tuition, Fees & Payment
 Keeping your Financial Aid
Todays Topics
Financial Aid
CTC Financial Aid Process
Receive &
FA Award
Each Year
Apply For
may be
Pay $$$
due by
your cost
to attend
Applying for Financial Aid
Students and Parents must create
a FSA ID (using separate emails)
in order to submit the FAFSA to
the Office of Financial Aid
Applying for Financial Aid
Students can only be considered
Independent for Financial Aid
purpose if they can answer YES
to any of the following:
 Were you born before Jan. 1, 1995?
 As of today, are you married?
 At the beginning of the 201819 school year, will you be working on a masters or doctorate
 Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training
 Are you a veteran of the U.S. armed forces?
 Do you now haveor will you havechildren who will receive more than half of their support
from you between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019?
 Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive
more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2019?
 At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or
were you a dependent or ward of the court?
 Has it been decided by a court in your state of legal residence that you are an emancipated minor
or that someone other than your parent or stepparent has legal guardianship of you?
 At any time on or after July 1, 2017, were you determined to be an unaccompanied youth who
was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless, as determined by
o your high school or district homeless liaison,
o the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, or
o the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program?
Applying for Financial Aid
CTC School
Current FAFSA for 17/18 aid year
Requires 2015 income tax data
October 1st 2017 for the 18/19 aid year
Requires 2016 income tax data
FAFSA www. fafsa.ed.gov
Estimated time to
complete the FAFSA
is 22 minutes
Applying for Financial Aid
CTC School
Avoid mistakes on the FAFSA
Estimated time to
complete the FAFSA
is 22 minutes
 Not creating the FSA ID
 Not allowing proper time for completion
 Parent and student not working together to
complete the FAFSA
 Not being prepared with tax return data for parents
and students
 Inputting incorrect information
 Not reporting parental information (including step-
 Not signing the FAFSA
 Not following up with the Financial Aid Office
 Not complying with the verification process
www.GAFutures.orgSTATE FUNDING ONLY (HOPE, Zell, HOPE Career Grant)
Applying for Financial Aid
 Application valid for 7 years
 Not income based
 Does not require Parental
Financial Information
HOPE Scholarship Evaluation Form
 Must be completed in addition to the GSFAPPs
or FAFSA for students seeking the Zell Miller
Scholarship or HOPE Scholarship
 Not necessary for HOPE/Zell Grant
under Financial Aid Forms
Applying for Financial Aid
FAFSA done--What s next?
 Once FAFSA is completed online by
student, CTC will receive electronic data
in 3-5 business days
 You will be notified (via email) with an:
 Award letter; or
 Missing requirement letter
Award Letter: If student has been admitted,
not selected for verification and they are
eligible for financial aid, an award is
Missing requirement letter: You have been
selected for verification and more
documents are needed before your financial
aid can be processed. Verification could
take up to 3 weeks to process.
Check your financial aid status
in BannerWeb
Applying for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Award Letter
This 2-page document contains very important information.
Please read very carefully
Applying for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Missing Info Letter
Applying for Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Options by Application
fafsa.ed.gov gafutures.org chattahoocheetech.edu
(under financial aid forms)
Zell Miller Scholarship
HOPE/Zell &
GED Grants
HOPE/Zell &
GED Grants
HOPE Scholarship
HOPE Career
HOPE Career
Pell Grant
SEOG Grant
Federal Work
Private Loans
Students applying for must
also complete the FAFSA
Financial Aid Options-Federal
Pell Grant SEOG Grant Federal Work
Amounts Up to $5920 per
Up to $750 per
19 hours @
Eligibility Pell Eligibility is determined by completion of the
FAFSA and any verification related documents if
Pay out Paid based on
$250 per
Student receives
a monthly
Financial Aid Options-Federal
Not all Programs of Study are Pell Grant eligible, (ie. HealthCare Science
Certificate, Technical Specialist, Early Childhood Basics, CNA etc.) Students
should meet with a Financial Aid Specialist to determine program by Financial
Aid eligibility.
*Summer Pell Grants-possibly additional Pell Grant for Summer can be
awarded for students who attended Full time fall and spring semesters and plan
to enroll at least half-time for summer.
Summer eligibility will be calculated during
spring semester
Sample Annual Pell Award: $4000
Enrollment Award Pays
12 hours (full-time) $2000.00
9 hours (3/4 time) $1500.00
6 credit hours (half-time) $1000.00
3 credit hours (less than half
$ 500.00
1 class is normally = to 3 credit hours
Award letter will show $2000/Fall and $2000/Spring
Financial Aid Options-State
HOPE Grant Zell Grant HOPE
Amounts Pays $70 per credit
Pays $89 per credit
Pays $70 per credit
Pays $89 per credit
Certificate &
Diploma Programs
*no HS GPA
*Maintain 2.0
*63 paid hours
Certificate &
Diploma Programs
*no HS GPA
*63 paid hours
Associate Degree
*3.0 H.S./HOPE
*127 combined paid
hours MAX
**Within 7 years of
GA Grad. Date
Associate Degree
*3.7 H.S./HOPE
*Maintain 3.3 GPA
*127 combined
paid hours MAX
*Determined by HS
**Within 7 years of
GA Grad. Date
**HOPE/ZELL Scholarship
Eligibility expires 7 years after high school graduation date
or successful GED test date.
Financial Aid Options
HOPE Career Grant
Credit Hours Enrolled
HOPE Career Grant Award
Amount Only
9+ hours
3  8 hours
1  2 hours
Current eligible programs at CTC:
Commercial Truck Driving (Certificate) one-time $1000 grant
Computer Numerical Controls (CNC) Technology (Diploma)
Computer Programming (Diploma)
Cybersecurity (Diploma)
Design and Media Production Technology (Diploma)
Diesel Equipment Technology (Diploma)
Early Childhood Care & Education (Diploma)
Early Childhood Care & Education Basics (Certificate)
Industrial Maintenance and Electrical Technology (Diploma ONLY)
Internet Specialist-Web Application Development (Diploma)
Networking Specialist (Diploma)
Nursing Assistant (CNA) (Certificate)
Practical Nursing (Diploma)
Welding and Joining Technology (Diploma)
Students must be eligible for HOPE or Zell Grant to receive
a HOPE Career Grant
Financial Aid Options
Private Loans
Student Access
Loan (SAL)
Other Private
Student Loans
Federal Student
 $3000 Max Annual
 Randomly selected
 1% interest rate
 Very limited
Apply at:
 FAFSA is required
 Requires a credit
check and possibly
a co-signer
 Wells Fargo, Sallie
Mae, PNC Bank
Private Loan Options
are available on the
financial aid website
does not offer
Financial Aid Options
Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Scholarships
All Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Scholarships for 2017 have been
awarded. Please visit the website in January 2018 to apply for Fall
2018 scholarships criteria listed on website.
Student Tuition Emergency Grants (for Tuition and Fees only)
 Must be a currently enrolled CTC student with 18+ CTC credit
 Must be able to obtain a letter of recommendation from a CTC
faculty or staff member prior to the emergency grant acceptance
 Must not be on financial aid suspension for less than 67%
completion rate
Private Scholarships (from outside CTC)
 Students who have received private scholarships can view their
information scholarship information in BannerWeb under the
Resources/Additional Information tab.
Tuition, Fees &
Payment Options
Tuition and Fees
Tuition is assessed at one of three levels per
1. Standard tuition cost is $89 per credit hour for in-state,
Georgia residents. Maximum per term: $1,335.00.
2. Out-of-state students pay tuition twice the amount
charged for Georgia residents.
3. International students pay tuition four times the
amount charged for Georgia residents.
Required Mandatory Fees per semester are $323
Tuition and Fees
12 Credit Hours
GA Resident
$ 1068 +323= $1391
6 Credit Hours
GA Resident
$ 534 +323= $857
Spring Payment Deadlines
1st Fee Payment Deadline Thursday, December 7th 2017: 1:00 p.m.
2nd Fee Payment Deadline Wednesday, January 3rd 2018: 1:00 p.m.
Final Fee Payment Deadline Thursday, January 11th 2018: 1:00 p.m.
 Students with unpaid balances at any of the deadlines will have their schedules for
the semester purged/deleted.
 Students purged on the 2nd Payment Deadline, will be placed on a 48 hour
registration hold.
 Students should have their financial aid completed well in advance of any payment
deadline to prevent losing their schedules(at least 3 weeks)
*Your payment deadline is based on your registration date. Ex. If you register for classes on December 1st, your
tuition & fees must be paid by the December 7th payment deadline. You cannot wait to January 11th to pay.
Financial Aid
Payment Plans by Nelnet
Nelnet Payment Plans are designed for students who wish to
spread their tuition and fees payments over a specified period of
time. Students who enroll in the plan will pay a minimal
enrollment fee to Nelnet. Depending on when a student registers
for classes and enrolls in the plan, Nelnet may require that he or
she pays a down payment before enrollment in the plan is
Simple Steps to Enroll
 Log on to BannerWeb
 Select Student Services & Financial Aid
 Select Payment Plans to access the site
Financial Aid-Bookstore Credits
 Students can use financial aid (including
scholarships and private loans) to purchase
books at the Chattahoochee Tech bookstores.
 Pell: Up to $600.00 Pell book credit
(depending on Pell Grant Award)
 Funds used in the Bookstore is part of your
refund, not extra money
Financial Aid Refunds
When a students Financial Aid exceeds the total cost
of their tuition and fees, and any books that were
purchased with the book allowance they receive a
financial aid refund. Refunds are processed according
to your BankMobile choice approximately four weeks
from the first day of class.
Bank Mobile Refund Options
1. ACH Transfer
2. Bank Mobile Debit Card
3. Paper Check
Keeping Your
Withdrawing from Classes
Dropping and Withdrawing are not the same thing!
How Does this affect students financial aid?
 Withdrawals affect Satisfactory Academic
Progress which may result in the loss of all
financial aid.
 Complete withdrawal from the term/semester
usually results in having to pay back a portion
of Pell Grant and SEOG Grant funds received.
 Hardship Withdrawals-Regardless of the reason
for the complete withdrawal-federal funds are
Keeping Financial Aid
Satisfactory Academic Progress
 Reviewed at the end of each semester
 2.0 GPA required (different requirements for Hope/Zell)
 67% completion of all classes
 150% maximum time frame program completion;
SAP Affects overall eligibility for all aid programs 
federal and state.
 Good Standing  eligible for FA
 Warning  eligible for FA
 Suspension  not eligible
Keeping Financial Aid
Any student on SAP suspension may
appeal to the SAP Appeals Committee.
An appeal for reinstatement must be
based on specific extenuating
circumstances. Please refer to our
website for SAP Policy and Appeal
Keeping Financial Aid
Learn to navigate BannerWeb
 Receipt of FAFSA
 Missing Requirements
 FA Awards
 SAP Status
 Tuition and Fee Balance Due
Keeping Financial Aid
Meet with a Financial Aid Specialist
before you:
 Withdraw from a class
 Make a program change
 Mid semester for any questions you
have regarding your financial aid.
 Keep in contact with FA Advisors
 Staying in Compliance with the SAP Policy
 Complete the FAFSA each year
 Monitor your CTC email
Keeping Financial Aid
Contact the Financial Aid Office

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New student orientation powerpoint financial aid and your money

  • 2. Applying for Financial Aid Financial Aid Options Tuition, Fees & Payment Options Keeping your Financial Aid Todays Topics
  • 4. CTC Financial Aid Process Students and Parents Create FSA ID Receive & Review FA Award Letter Renew FAFSA Each Year Apply For Financial Aid FAFSA CODE 005620 Contact FAO Additional Information may be needed Pay $$$ due by Payment Deadline Calculate your cost to attend
  • 5. Applying for Financial Aid Students and Parents must create a FSA ID (using separate emails) in order to submit the FAFSA to the Office of Financial Aid
  • 6. Applying for Financial Aid Students can only be considered Independent for Financial Aid purpose if they can answer YES to any of the following: Were you born before Jan. 1, 1995? As of today, are you married? At the beginning of the 201819 school year, will you be working on a masters or doctorate degree? Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training Are you a veteran of the U.S. armed forces? Do you now haveor will you havechildren who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019? Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2019? At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were you a dependent or ward of the court? Has it been decided by a court in your state of legal residence that you are an emancipated minor or that someone other than your parent or stepparent has legal guardianship of you? At any time on or after July 1, 2017, were you determined to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless, as determined by o your high school or district homeless liaison, o the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or o the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program?
  • 7. Applying for Financial Aid CTC School CODE 005620 Current FAFSA for 17/18 aid year Requires 2015 income tax data October 1st 2017 for the 18/19 aid year Requires 2016 income tax data FAFSA www. fafsa.ed.gov ONE APPLICATION FOR ALL FINANCIAL AID (Pell, HOPE, Zell, HOPE Career Grant) Estimated time to complete the FAFSA is 22 minutes
  • 8. Applying for Financial Aid CTC School CODE 005620 Avoid mistakes on the FAFSA Estimated time to complete the FAFSA is 22 minutes Not creating the FSA ID Not allowing proper time for completion Parent and student not working together to complete the FAFSA Not being prepared with tax return data for parents and students Inputting incorrect information Not reporting parental information (including step- parent) Not signing the FAFSA Not following up with the Financial Aid Office Not complying with the verification process
  • 9. GSFAPPS www.GAFutures.orgSTATE FUNDING ONLY (HOPE, Zell, HOPE Career Grant) Applying for Financial Aid Application valid for 7 years Not income based Does not require Parental Financial Information
  • 10. HOPE Scholarship Evaluation Form Must be completed in addition to the GSFAPPs or FAFSA for students seeking the Zell Miller Scholarship or HOPE Scholarship Not necessary for HOPE/Zell Grant www.chattahoocheetech.edu under Financial Aid Forms Applying for Financial Aid
  • 11. FAFSA done--What s next? Once FAFSA is completed online by student, CTC will receive electronic data in 3-5 business days You will be notified (via email) with an: Award letter; or Missing requirement letter Award Letter: If student has been admitted, not selected for verification and they are eligible for financial aid, an award is posted. Missing requirement letter: You have been selected for verification and more documents are needed before your financial aid can be processed. Verification could take up to 3 weeks to process. Check your financial aid status in BannerWeb Applying for Financial Aid
  • 12. Financial Aid Award Letter This 2-page document contains very important information. Please read very carefully Applying for Financial Aid
  • 13. Financial Aid Missing Info Letter Applying for Financial Aid
  • 15. Financial Aid Options by Application FAFSA GSFAPPS HOPE EVAL. (FAFSA or GSFAPPS- Required) fafsa.ed.gov gafutures.org chattahoocheetech.edu (under financial aid forms) HOPE/Zell Scholarships HOPE/ZELL Scholarships Zell Miller Scholarship HOPE/Zell & GED Grants HOPE/Zell & GED Grants HOPE Scholarship HOPE Career Grant HOPE Career Grant Pell Grant SEOG Grant Federal Work Study Private Loans Students applying for must also complete the FAFSA
  • 16. Financial Aid Options-Federal Federal Grants Pell Grant SEOG Grant Federal Work Study Amounts Up to $5920 per year Up to $750 per year 19 hours @ $8.50 Eligibility Pell Eligibility is determined by completion of the FAFSA and any verification related documents if needed Pay out Paid based on enrollment $250 per semester Student receives a monthly paycheck
  • 17. Financial Aid Options-Federal Not all Programs of Study are Pell Grant eligible, (ie. HealthCare Science Certificate, Technical Specialist, Early Childhood Basics, CNA etc.) Students should meet with a Financial Aid Specialist to determine program by Financial Aid eligibility. *Summer Pell Grants-possibly additional Pell Grant for Summer can be awarded for students who attended Full time fall and spring semesters and plan to enroll at least half-time for summer. Summer eligibility will be calculated during spring semester Sample Annual Pell Award: $4000 Enrollment Award Pays 12 hours (full-time) $2000.00 9 hours (3/4 time) $1500.00 6 credit hours (half-time) $1000.00 3 credit hours (less than half time) $ 500.00 1 class is normally = to 3 credit hours Award letter will show $2000/Fall and $2000/Spring
  • 18. Financial Aid Options-State HOPE Grant Zell Grant HOPE Scholarship Zell Scholarship Amounts Pays $70 per credit hour Pays $89 per credit hour Pays $70 per credit hour Pays $89 per credit hour Eligibility and Criteria Certificate & Diploma Programs *no HS GPA requirement *Maintain 2.0 HOPE GPA *63 paid hours MAX Certificate & Diploma Programs *no HS GPA requirement *3.5 CTC/HOPE GPA *63 paid hours MAX Associate Degree Program *3.0 H.S./HOPE GPA *127 combined paid hours MAX **Within 7 years of GA Grad. Date Associate Degree Program *3.7 H.S./HOPE GPA *Maintain 3.3 GPA *127 combined paid hours MAX *Determined by HS **Within 7 years of GA Grad. Date **HOPE/ZELL Scholarship Eligibility expires 7 years after high school graduation date or successful GED test date.
  • 19. Financial Aid Options HOPE Career Grant Credit Hours Enrolled HOPE Career Grant Award Amount Only 9+ hours 3 8 hours 1 2 hours $500.00 $250.00 $125.00 Current eligible programs at CTC: Commercial Truck Driving (Certificate) one-time $1000 grant Computer Numerical Controls (CNC) Technology (Diploma) Computer Programming (Diploma) Cybersecurity (Diploma) Design and Media Production Technology (Diploma) Diesel Equipment Technology (Diploma) Early Childhood Care & Education (Diploma) Early Childhood Care & Education Basics (Certificate) Industrial Maintenance and Electrical Technology (Diploma ONLY) Internet Specialist-Web Application Development (Diploma) Networking Specialist (Diploma) Nursing Assistant (CNA) (Certificate) Practical Nursing (Diploma) Welding and Joining Technology (Diploma) Students must be eligible for HOPE or Zell Grant to receive a HOPE Career Grant
  • 20. Financial Aid Options Private Loans Student Access Loan (SAL) Other Private Student Loans Federal Student Loans $3000 Max Annual Award Randomly selected 1% interest rate Very limited funding Apply at: GaFutures.org FAFSA is required Requires a credit check and possibly a co-signer Wells Fargo, Sallie Mae, PNC Bank Private Loan Options are available on the financial aid website CTC does not offer Federal Direct/Stafford Loans.
  • 21. Financial Aid Options Scholarships Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Scholarships All Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Scholarships for 2017 have been awarded. Please visit the website in January 2018 to apply for Fall 2018 scholarships criteria listed on website. Student Tuition Emergency Grants (for Tuition and Fees only) Must be a currently enrolled CTC student with 18+ CTC credit hours Must be able to obtain a letter of recommendation from a CTC faculty or staff member prior to the emergency grant acceptance deadline Must not be on financial aid suspension for less than 67% completion rate Private Scholarships (from outside CTC) Students who have received private scholarships can view their information scholarship information in BannerWeb under the Resources/Additional Information tab.
  • 23. Tuition and Fees Tuition is assessed at one of three levels per semester: 1. Standard tuition cost is $89 per credit hour for in-state, Georgia residents. Maximum per term: $1,335.00. 2. Out-of-state students pay tuition twice the amount charged for Georgia residents. 3. International students pay tuition four times the amount charged for Georgia residents. Required Mandatory Fees per semester are $323
  • 24. Tuition and Fees Mandatory Semester Fees $323 12 Credit Hours GA Resident $ 1068 +323= $1391 6 Credit Hours GA Resident $ 534 +323= $857
  • 25. Spring Payment Deadlines 1st Fee Payment Deadline Thursday, December 7th 2017: 1:00 p.m. 2nd Fee Payment Deadline Wednesday, January 3rd 2018: 1:00 p.m. Final Fee Payment Deadline Thursday, January 11th 2018: 1:00 p.m. Students with unpaid balances at any of the deadlines will have their schedules for the semester purged/deleted. Students purged on the 2nd Payment Deadline, will be placed on a 48 hour registration hold. Students should have their financial aid completed well in advance of any payment deadline to prevent losing their schedules(at least 3 weeks) *Your payment deadline is based on your registration date. Ex. If you register for classes on December 1st, your tuition & fees must be paid by the December 7th payment deadline. You cannot wait to January 11th to pay.
  • 26. Financial Aid Payment Plans by Nelnet Nelnet Payment Plans are designed for students who wish to spread their tuition and fees payments over a specified period of time. Students who enroll in the plan will pay a minimal enrollment fee to Nelnet. Depending on when a student registers for classes and enrolls in the plan, Nelnet may require that he or she pays a down payment before enrollment in the plan is confirmed. Simple Steps to Enroll Log on to BannerWeb Select Student Services & Financial Aid Select Payment Plans to access the site
  • 27. Financial Aid-Bookstore Credits Students can use financial aid (including scholarships and private loans) to purchase books at the Chattahoochee Tech bookstores. Pell: Up to $600.00 Pell book credit (depending on Pell Grant Award) Funds used in the Bookstore is part of your refund, not extra money
  • 28. Financial Aid Refunds When a students Financial Aid exceeds the total cost of their tuition and fees, and any books that were purchased with the book allowance they receive a financial aid refund. Refunds are processed according to your BankMobile choice approximately four weeks from the first day of class. Bank Mobile Refund Options 1. ACH Transfer 2. Bank Mobile Debit Card deposit 3. Paper Check
  • 30. Withdrawing from Classes Dropping and Withdrawing are not the same thing! How Does this affect students financial aid? Withdrawals affect Satisfactory Academic Progress which may result in the loss of all financial aid. Complete withdrawal from the term/semester usually results in having to pay back a portion of Pell Grant and SEOG Grant funds received. Hardship Withdrawals-Regardless of the reason for the complete withdrawal-federal funds are returned. Keeping Financial Aid
  • 31. Satisfactory Academic Progress Reviewed at the end of each semester 2.0 GPA required (different requirements for Hope/Zell) 67% completion of all classes 150% maximum time frame program completion; SAP Affects overall eligibility for all aid programs federal and state. Good Standing eligible for FA Warning eligible for FA Suspension not eligible Keeping Financial Aid Any student on SAP suspension may appeal to the SAP Appeals Committee. An appeal for reinstatement must be based on specific extenuating circumstances. Please refer to our website for SAP Policy and Appeal information.
  • 32. Keeping Financial Aid Learn to navigate BannerWeb Receipt of FAFSA Missing Requirements FA Awards SAP Status Tuition and Fee Balance Due
  • 33. Keeping Financial Aid Meet with a Financial Aid Specialist before you: Withdraw from a class Make a program change Mid semester for any questions you have regarding your financial aid.
  • 34. Keep in contact with FA Advisors Staying in Compliance with the SAP Policy Complete the FAFSA each year Monitor your CTC email Keeping Financial Aid
  • 35. Contact the Financial Aid Office 770-528-4545 financialaid@chattahoocheetech.edu