
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Newtech Group is
founded by people
who have been
pioneers in the real
estate industry for
over 15 years.
The huge
experience and
expertise of
our people and the
comprehension of
the client needs
and valuable
wisdom to the
Homes are 2/3
Bedroom Apartments
with individual
terraces assigned to
them. Three side
open terrace that is
virtually ocean of the
fresh air is a star
feature of every
apartment of this
modern and
improved apartment
housing. www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
TYPE SIZE (Sq. ft.)
2 BHK Apartment 995 - 1165 sq.ft. Rs.30.51
- 39.38 Lac www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
3BHK Apartment 1495 sq.ft. Rs.44.5 -
45.6 Lac www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
Yamuna expressway
Sector 32
Buddh international circuit
Proposed metro link sector
and sector 71 via city
centre metro
Park 4, Sector i in greater
Proposed night safari
Sectors 72
City centre of sector 32
More Info
C-56 A/12 1st Floor
Technopolis IT
Hub opposite Steller IT
Sector-62, Noida-201301www.newtechlapalaciaa.co

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New tech la palaciaa

  • 2. Newtech Group is founded by people who have been pioneers in the real estate industry for over 15 years. The huge experience and expertise of our people and the deep comprehension of the client needs brings indispensable and valuable wisdom to the www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
  • 3. Homes are 2/3 Bedroom Apartments with individual terraces assigned to them. Three side open terrace that is virtually ocean of the fresh air is a star feature of every apartment of this modern and architecturally improved apartment housing. www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
  • 4. TYPE SIZE (Sq. ft.) PRICE LIST 2 BHK Apartment 995 - 1165 sq.ft. Rs.30.51 - 39.38 Lac www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
  • 5. TYPE SIZE (Sq. ft.) PRICE LIST 3BHK Apartment 1495 sq.ft. Rs.44.5 - 45.6 Lac www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.in
  • 6. Yamuna expressway Sector 32 Buddh international circuit Proposed metro link sector 62 and sector 71 via city centre metro Park 4, Sector i in greater noida Proposed night safari Sectors 72 City centre of sector 32 www.newtechlapalaciaa.co.i
  • 7. More Info C-56 A/12 1st Floor Technopolis IT Hub opposite Steller IT Park Sector-62, Noida-201301www.newtechlapalaciaa.co