All About Imaging: Transactions
22-23 May 2014
University of Westminster in association with the Royal Photographic Society
Photography has never been a more dominant and embedded part of contemporary culture than it is now. The Internet, digital technology and social media have amplified our ability to connect and build communities, and sharing and communication of images has facilitated an exponential growth in picture capture and digital distribution.
NEWFOTOSCAPES seeks to navigate the evolving topography surrounding the image in the twenty-first century; offering a focused eye on the contemporary creative author-curator and image-maker and on the possibilities afforded by an increasingly complex professional landscape. Jonathan Shaw advocates a new way of thinking about photographic production and education in a post-digital era.
NEWFOTOSCAPES is a collection of curated texts arising from a series of in-depth conversations with key stakeholders in, and influential commentators on, photography including: Charlotte Cotton, Dewi Lewis, Mishka Henner, Stephen Mayes and Katrina Sluis. Perspectives and views cover a wide range of topics such as; agencies, appropriation, archives, community, curation, governance, licensing, mobile, networked-image, open education, photobooks, power and value.
NEWFOTOSCAPES employs three key terms, Catalyst, Encounter, Antennae, in an attempt to explore the potential for process-orientated thinking, beyond the confines of the linear experience found within the traditional sequential, paginated and bounded leaves of the book. Catalyst identifies the impetus for the NEWFOTOSCAPES encounters; Encounter, the knowledge container encapsulated in the form of the curated transcripts with each collaborator; Antennae is conceived to engender flow, enable adaptation and connection to the evolving photography discussions.
This talk will reflect upon and explore the motivations, rational and methodology in the creation and development of an open, fluid and hybrid publication.
It is aimed at people who are interested in exploring how the practitioner led educator may have privileged insights into defining new practices for a fast changing photographic landscape.