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What is this man's name?
He is the governor of New York
state. He is on the news every day
because New York City has many
people with Cornona virus. This
man's brother has the virus, too.
Click the Youtube video. You will
see a sign on the desk with his
What is the census?
Census means "count."
USA counts everyone every ten
The 2020 Census is very important.
Counting people helps plan for the
next ten years and the future.
This map shows how the census sets
the number of U.S. representatives
to Congress for each state. There
are a total of 435 members of the
House of Representatives.
California has the biggest
population. How many
representatives does it send? How
many does Pennsylvania send?
The Constitution says the
government must take the census
very ten years. The first census
happened in 1790.
Enumeration means count.
The census helps the government
decide how much money states
need for schools, firefighters, and
other services.
States with more people will get
more services. States with fewer
people get fewer services.
The last census was in 2010. That
census counted the U.S. population
at 308.7 million. What do you
think the population will be in
The Stimulus Package.
Congress passed a new law called
the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act. (The CARES
Act.) The CARES Act is a stimulus
package. We hope it will stimulate
(increase) the economy (money
and jobs).
Congress will pay $2.2 trillion.
Some money is for families. Adults
who earn $75,000 per year or less
will receive $1,200 plus $500 for
children younger than 17.
The CARES Act will give money to
states to help people who lost jobs.
Many businesses are closed
because of the virus. Large
business (airplanes) and small
businesses (restaurants) are
closed. People lost jobs. The
money will help the business.
Hospitals will get some of the
money. The money will pay
medical staff.
Schools will get some money. The
money will pay for school lunches
for families who need it. It will also
help schools with classes over the
Female mammals live
18.6% longer than males.
Researchers in Lyon, France,
studied 100 wild animals, including
lions and elephants. They found
that female animals live longer.
They don't know why.
Mountain Gorilla
Population Increasing
Doctors & Rangers keep gorillas safe.
In 2008, about 680 mountain gorillas
were alive. Mountain gorillas were
critically endangered.
Since then, many people worked
hard saving mountain gorillas. A
group called Gorilla Doctors trains
veterinarians to care for sick and
injured apes. Brave park rangers are
stopping illegal hunting in the
countries where mountain gorillas
live. What are these countries?
Today, more than 1,063 mountain
gorillas are alive.
Gorillas are Great Apes. There are
two species (kinds) of gorilla, eastern
gorilla and western gorilla. The
mountain gorilla is eastern.
Mountain gorillas have long, thick fur.
They are large and strong. Adult male
gorillas (silverbacks) are about six
feet tall and weigh about 500 pounds.
Gorillas are herbivores (plant-eaters).
They use sticks to measure if water is
deep. They use rocks to break nuts.
Gorillas live in groups of six to twelve.
Each troop is headed by a silverback,
who makes all the decisions, and
defends the group from attacks.
Babies stay with their mothers for a
long time. CC
Charles Barkley is a former
NBA player and Olympian.
Charles Barkely is famous for playing
professional basketball for sixteen
years. He was a Philadelphia 76er.
He played on the 1992 Olympic
Dream Team.
Recently, Barkley announced a plan
to sell memorabilia (medals and
trophies) to earn money for charity.
Barkley wants to use the money to
build affordable homes in his
hometown of Leeds, Alabama.
Barkley believes he can raise enough
money to build 20 affordable homes
in Leeds.
charity = (money for people who have none.)
Charles Barkley was the first black
child born in a segregated, all-white
hospital in Leeds, Alabama, in 1963.
Segregation means keeping black and
white people separated. He was also
one of the first black students in his
school. What do you think this was
like for him?
In college, he led Auburn University
to their first NCAA national
championship. Barkley played for
three different NBA teams. He was
named Most Valuable Player in 1993.
He interviewed President Barack
Today, Barkley is a TV sports
Mexico, the worlds largest
Spanish-speaking country.
Mexico is in North America, south of
USA, between the Pacific Ocean and
the Gulf of Mexico. About 129 million
people live here.
Over 21 million people live in the
capital, Mexico City. Mountains surround
Mexico City. It has many statues and
Mexico's President, Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador, was elected in 2018.
Over 400 different mammals live in
Mexico! Tomatoes and chocolate and
other popular foods are from Mexico.
Factories produce cars and televisions.
Mexico has beautiful beaches.
The first people in Mexico were the
Maya. They built pyramids. This
pyramid is in an ancient Mayan city
called Chichen Itza. How did they build it
without machines?
Spain ruled Mexico from 1500 - 1800. In
1910, Emiliano Zapata helped lead the
Mexican revolution against a dictator
named Porfirio Diaz. He fought for land
for poor people. He is a Mexican hero.
Frida Kahlo was a famous Mexican artist
who painted self-portraits (pictures of
herself). In this one, she is wearing a
necklace made of thorns.
The Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos) is
an important Mexican holiday . People
make displays of food and pictures to
remember relatives who died.
The modern Olympic Games
began on April 6th, 1896.
Because of Corona virus, this years
Olympic Games in Japan were
postponed to 2021. Before, the games
were only cancelled due to world wars.
The ancient Olympic Games were first
held in Greece in 776 B.C.E. The games
happened every four years.
Now, we have Summer and Winter
Olympic Games, both played every four
In 1894, Pierre de Coubertin of France
and other sports leaders set up the
International Olympic Committee.
Athletes played in the first modern
Olympics in Athens, Greece. CC

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NewsCurrents, week of April 6

  • 1. https://youtu.be/2f0Tp_KBJ2w What is this man's name? He is the governor of New York state. He is on the news every day because New York City has many people with Cornona virus. This man's brother has the virus, too. Click the Youtube video. You will see a sign on the desk with his name. CC
  • 2. What is the census? Census means "count." USA counts everyone every ten years. The 2020 Census is very important. Counting people helps plan for the next ten years and the future. This map shows how the census sets the number of U.S. representatives to Congress for each state. There are a total of 435 members of the House of Representatives. California has the biggest population. How many representatives does it send? How many does Pennsylvania send?
  • 3. The Constitution says the government must take the census very ten years. The first census happened in 1790. Enumeration means count. The census helps the government decide how much money states need for schools, firefighters, and other services. States with more people will get more services. States with fewer people get fewer services. The last census was in 2010. That census counted the U.S. population at 308.7 million. What do you think the population will be in 2020? number https://youtu.be/oXZAe8XYeNQ CC
  • 4. The Stimulus Package. Congress passed a new law called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. (The CARES Act.) The CARES Act is a stimulus package. We hope it will stimulate (increase) the economy (money and jobs). Congress will pay $2.2 trillion. Some money is for families. Adults who earn $75,000 per year or less will receive $1,200 plus $500 for children younger than 17. The CARES Act will give money to states to help people who lost jobs.
  • 5. Many businesses are closed because of the virus. Large business (airplanes) and small businesses (restaurants) are closed. People lost jobs. The money will help the business. Hospitals will get some of the money. The money will pay medical staff. Schools will get some money. The money will pay for school lunches for families who need it. It will also help schools with classes over the internet.
  • 6. Female mammals live 18.6% longer than males. Researchers in Lyon, France, studied 100 wild animals, including lions and elephants. They found that female animals live longer. They don't know why.
  • 7. Mountain Gorilla Population Increasing Doctors & Rangers keep gorillas safe. In 2008, about 680 mountain gorillas were alive. Mountain gorillas were critically endangered. Since then, many people worked hard saving mountain gorillas. A group called Gorilla Doctors trains veterinarians to care for sick and injured apes. Brave park rangers are stopping illegal hunting in the countries where mountain gorillas live. What are these countries? Today, more than 1,063 mountain gorillas are alive.
  • 8. Gorillas are Great Apes. There are two species (kinds) of gorilla, eastern gorilla and western gorilla. The mountain gorilla is eastern. Mountain gorillas have long, thick fur. They are large and strong. Adult male gorillas (silverbacks) are about six feet tall and weigh about 500 pounds. Gorillas are herbivores (plant-eaters). They use sticks to measure if water is deep. They use rocks to break nuts. Gorillas live in groups of six to twelve. Each troop is headed by a silverback, who makes all the decisions, and defends the group from attacks. Babies stay with their mothers for a long time. CC https://youtu.be/awPNvzBMT74
  • 9. Charles Barkley is a former NBA player and Olympian. Charles Barkely is famous for playing professional basketball for sixteen years. He was a Philadelphia 76er. He played on the 1992 Olympic Dream Team. Recently, Barkley announced a plan to sell memorabilia (medals and trophies) to earn money for charity. Barkley wants to use the money to build affordable homes in his hometown of Leeds, Alabama. Barkley believes he can raise enough money to build 20 affordable homes in Leeds. charity = (money for people who have none.)
  • 10. Charles Barkley was the first black child born in a segregated, all-white hospital in Leeds, Alabama, in 1963. Segregation means keeping black and white people separated. He was also one of the first black students in his school. What do you think this was like for him? In college, he led Auburn University to their first NCAA national championship. Barkley played for three different NBA teams. He was named Most Valuable Player in 1993. He interviewed President Barack Obama. Today, Barkley is a TV sports announcer. https://youtu.be/_fUUIPu3JeI CC
  • 11. Mexico, the worlds largest Spanish-speaking country. Mexico is in North America, south of USA, between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. About 129 million people live here. Over 21 million people live in the capital, Mexico City. Mountains surround Mexico City. It has many statues and skyscrapers. Mexico's President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, was elected in 2018. Over 400 different mammals live in Mexico! Tomatoes and chocolate and other popular foods are from Mexico. Factories produce cars and televisions. Mexico has beautiful beaches.
  • 12. The first people in Mexico were the Maya. They built pyramids. This pyramid is in an ancient Mayan city called Chichen Itza. How did they build it without machines? Spain ruled Mexico from 1500 - 1800. In 1910, Emiliano Zapata helped lead the Mexican revolution against a dictator named Porfirio Diaz. He fought for land for poor people. He is a Mexican hero. Frida Kahlo was a famous Mexican artist who painted self-portraits (pictures of herself). In this one, she is wearing a necklace made of thorns. The Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos) is an important Mexican holiday . People make displays of food and pictures to remember relatives who died. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUMXv0VEtoc CC
  • 13. The modern Olympic Games began on April 6th, 1896. Because of Corona virus, this years Olympic Games in Japan were postponed to 2021. Before, the games were only cancelled due to world wars. The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Greece in 776 B.C.E. The games happened every four years. Now, we have Summer and Winter Olympic Games, both played every four years. In 1894, Pierre de Coubertin of France and other sports leaders set up the International Olympic Committee. Athletes played in the first modern Olympics in Athens, Greece. CC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl-C6es0x_Q&feature=youtu.be