This document summarizes the history and development of information literacy from 1989 to 2009. It outlines key events such as the Prague Declaration in 2003, the Alexandria Proclamation in 2005, the establishment of the first endowed chair in information literacy at Purdue University in 2007, and President Obama's proclamation of October 2009 as National Information Literacy Awareness Month. It also lists organizations that endorsed information literacy standards and skills such as AAHE, ACRL, NEA, and NCLIS and how information literacy became included in policies and frameworks for education.
2. For the 21st Century - Mainstream information
literacy practices and philosophy throughout
every sector of American society.
3. Dr. Christine Bruce,
Dr. Nancy P. Zimmerman
Dr. Lana W. Jackman, Professor, Queensland Dr. A."Christy" J. Wright,
Dane Ward, M.L.S.,Associate Associate Dean/Academic
NFIL President, Principal, University of Technology Reference Librarian/Adjunct
Dean for Public Services Affairs, University of South
M辿lange Information Professor, Prince George's
Illinois State University Carolina
Services, Inc. Community College
Kelly Denson, M.Ed.
Francis J. Gallagher (Frank) Lorna D. Jones, M.Ed. &
Dr. Sharon A. Weiner, NFIL- Dr.Marianne Ryan Senior Policy Analyst
M.A. Dir. Education & Media M.B.A. Executive Director
V.P., Professor and W. Associate University and Manager of Public
Literacy, Cable in the Community Vocational
Wayne Booker Chair in Librarian, Northwestern Affairs, ETS
Classroom Services, Inc.
Information Literacy, Purdue University
4. Professor Philip C. Candy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Learning)
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba Queensland 4350
5. Its Official
A Presidential
President Obama
October, 2009
7. Prague Declaration 2003
Alexandria Proclamation 2005
NFIL, UNESCO, and NCLIS co-sponsored two
international information literacy experts meeting in
Prague, resulting in the Prague Declaration and the
Alexandria Proclamation.
8. 1991 - The Association for Supervision and Curriculum 2004 - The Partnership for 21st Century Skills identifies
Development adopted a resolution demonstrating its commitment information literacy as a key student learning outcome.
to the importance of information literacy.
1992-The ERIC education database ( began to 2007 - Purdue University established the first endowed chair in
use information literacy as a descriptor. information literacy, named for W. Wayne Booker, past Chief
Financial Officer of Ford Motor Corporation.
1993 - The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools 2007 - UNESCO published Understanding Information Literacy: A
Commission on Higher Education became the first accreditation Primer by Dr. F. Woody Horton, one of the conveners of the 2003
agency to promote this core skill as an essential undergraduate Prague and 2005 Alexandria conferences.
learning outcome.
1997-The National Education Association (NEA) made a 2008 - The Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 2008 included
commitment to embed information literacy in their teacher information literacy as a necessary skill for teacher professional
education initiatives. development.
1999 -The American Association for Higher Education endorsed 2008 - The American Association of Community Colleges
the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher published a position statement on information literacy
Education. (
2000 - The American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) 2008 - The National Council of Teachers of English included
endorsed the ACRL information literacy college standards; one of information literacy skills in its Framework for 21st Century
only two times that AAHE endorsed a policy position. Curriculum and Assessment
9. Information Literacy
Lifelong Learning
The significant problems we face cannot
be solved with the same level of thinking
we used to create them. Albert Einstein
Source: National Forum on Information Literacy. (2003). The Alexandria Proclamation