This document summarizes a 20 year period from 1989 to 2009 and discusses information literacy. It lists the names and titles of several professionals in the field of information literacy and education. It states the goal of mainstreaming information literacy practices throughout American society in the 21st century. It lists key concepts like information literacy, lifelong learning, and access to information. The document source is cited as the National Forum on Information Literacy's Alexandria Proclamation from 2003.
2. Dr. Christine Bruce,
Dr. Nancy P. Zimmerman,
Dr. Lana W. Jackman, NFIL Professor, Queensland Dr. Alease. J. "Christy" Wright,
Dane Ward, M.L.S.,Associate Associate Dean for
President, Principal, University of Technology Reference Librarian/Adjunct
Dean for Public Services, Academic Affairs
M辿lange Information Professor, Prince George's
Illinois State University The Graduate School
Services, Inc. Community College
University of South Carolina
Kelly Denson, M.Ed.
Senior Policy Analyst Francis J. Gallagher (Frank), M.A. Lorna D. Jones, M.Ed. & M.B.A.
Dr. Sharon A. Weiner, NFIL- Dr.Marianne Ryan, and Manager of Public Dir. Education & Media Literacy, Executive Director
V.P., Professor and W. Wayne AssociateLibrarian Affairs Cable in the Classroom Community Vocational Services,
Booker Chair in Information Northwestern University ETS Inc.
Literacy, Purdue University
3. For the 21st Century - Mainstream information
literacy practices and philosophy throughout
every sector of American society.
4. Guadalupe Pacheco Dr. Milli Pierce Jim Rettig
U.S. Department of Health and K-16 Education Consultant Past President, American
Human Services Library Association
Education and Information
Healthcare and Information Literacy Citizenship and
Literacy Information Literacy
The significant problems we face cannot be solved with the same
level of thinking we used to create them. Albert Einstein
6. Information Literacy
Lifelong Learning
Source: National Forum on Information Literacy. (2003). The Alexandria Proclamation
7. Information Literacy - The term is
grounded in the dilemma because
we really do operate in a society in
which information is power.
Access to information is the context
in which we can become