Lotus Notes is a groupware solution that allows for collaboration. It consists of Domino servers that provide services like data storage and mail routing, and Notes clients that run on user devices and communicate with servers. New features in Release 5 include improved security, mail handling, directory services, application performance, and replication capabilities. The document also discusses how to set up Notes for remote access, use personal address books and mailboxes, and the purpose of Notes IDs.
This document summarizes three major technological revolutions throughout history and their impacts. The printing press fundamentally changed university education and increased access to information through cheap texts. The steam engine powered the industrial revolution and the railroad, taking people out of the home for work. The personal computer has led to significant student use for both play and education while eliminating distance through the internet and enabling e-commerce. Each revolution brought both opportunities and tensions around their societal implications and changes to education.
Dokumen ini membahas latar belakang, tujuan, dan sasaran field trip mahasiswa program studi agribisnis sutera alam untuk membuka wawasan tentang potensi usaha sutera alam di Indonesia dan memahami kondisi pemasarannya. Tujuan field trip ini adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang agribisnis sutera alam dan kondisinya di Indonesia kepada mahasiswa.
The Beckoning Future: How Hepatitis C Drugs in Development May Affect Practic...Clinical Care Options
Review the current benefits and limitations with protease inhibitor-based HCV therapies, and the emerging data on potential future regimens, and the advances they represent
This document discusses the initial steps for creating a Drupal 8 theme, including creating a .info.yml file to define theme metadata and regions, adding a libraries.yml file to define CSS and JavaScript assets, and printing regions in page.html.twig. It also lists the 10 default regions in Drupal themes.
This document introduces Geo Nuris, an enterprise GIS software developed by CCI Co., Ltd. It consists of Geo Nuris products like the web server, spatial server, and desktop pro. The benefits highlighted are that it is OGC certified, supports multiple GIS databases and formats, and has high performance. Examples shown include searching poles in the electric package, underground switch editing with map mashups, substation selection and feeder tracing with thematic maps, and automatic schematics diagram generation. Case studies demonstrated include KEPCO smart grid applications and a BI web dashboard.
Downloadable slides highlighting key concepts in colorectal cancer screening and appropriate therapy selection and application in the adjuvant setting and beyond.
PrEP and My Patients: Guidance for LGBT CommunityBased Primary Care Provider...Clinical Care Options
Expert faculty Jared Baeten, MD, PhD; Susan Buchbinder, MD; Connie L. Celum, MD, MPH; and Albert Liu, MD, MPH review emerging data on pre-exposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy as prevention and discuss implications for community providers.
Lotus Domino is a groupware solution that helps people work together effectively. It consists of Domino servers that provide services like database storage and mail routing, and Notes clients that communicate with servers. Release 5 introduced new security, mail, directory, and application features to improve performance, transaction logging, and clustering. Proper configuration of items like the Domino Directory, mail routing, and server connections is important for effective collaboration using Domino.
Lotus Notes is a groupware solution that allows for collaboration. It consists of Domino servers that provide services like data storage and mail routing, and Notes clients that run on user devices and communicate with servers. New features in Release 5 include improved security, mail handling, directory services, application performance, and replication capabilities. The document also discusses how to set up Notes for remote access, use personal address books and mailboxes, and the purpose of Notes IDs.
This document summarizes three major technological revolutions throughout history and their impacts. The printing press fundamentally changed university education and increased access to information through cheap texts. The steam engine powered the industrial revolution and the railroad, taking people out of the home for work. The personal computer has led to significant student use for both play and education while eliminating distance through the internet and enabling e-commerce. Each revolution brought both opportunities and tensions around their societal implications and changes to education.
Dokumen ini membahas latar belakang, tujuan, dan sasaran field trip mahasiswa program studi agribisnis sutera alam untuk membuka wawasan tentang potensi usaha sutera alam di Indonesia dan memahami kondisi pemasarannya. Tujuan field trip ini adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang agribisnis sutera alam dan kondisinya di Indonesia kepada mahasiswa.
The Beckoning Future: How Hepatitis C Drugs in Development May Affect Practic...Clinical Care Options
Review the current benefits and limitations with protease inhibitor-based HCV therapies, and the emerging data on potential future regimens, and the advances they represent
This document discusses the initial steps for creating a Drupal 8 theme, including creating a .info.yml file to define theme metadata and regions, adding a libraries.yml file to define CSS and JavaScript assets, and printing regions in page.html.twig. It also lists the 10 default regions in Drupal themes.
This document introduces Geo Nuris, an enterprise GIS software developed by CCI Co., Ltd. It consists of Geo Nuris products like the web server, spatial server, and desktop pro. The benefits highlighted are that it is OGC certified, supports multiple GIS databases and formats, and has high performance. Examples shown include searching poles in the electric package, underground switch editing with map mashups, substation selection and feeder tracing with thematic maps, and automatic schematics diagram generation. Case studies demonstrated include KEPCO smart grid applications and a BI web dashboard.
Downloadable slides highlighting key concepts in colorectal cancer screening and appropriate therapy selection and application in the adjuvant setting and beyond.
PrEP and My Patients: Guidance for LGBT CommunityBased Primary Care Provider...Clinical Care Options
Expert faculty Jared Baeten, MD, PhD; Susan Buchbinder, MD; Connie L. Celum, MD, MPH; and Albert Liu, MD, MPH review emerging data on pre-exposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy as prevention and discuss implications for community providers.
Lotus Domino is a groupware solution that helps people work together effectively. It consists of Domino servers that provide services like database storage and mail routing, and Notes clients that communicate with servers. Release 5 introduced new security, mail, directory, and application features to improve performance, transaction logging, and clustering. Proper configuration of items like the Domino Directory, mail routing, and server connections is important for effective collaboration using Domino.