Propylene Production by Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH)Amir Razmi
In this article a description about different processes which are commercialized to produce propylene via Propane dehydrogenation were presented.
To receive more reports about cost estimation analysis and other reports (about the propylene and PDH ) contact the author.
Storage tanks are used in several phases of the process plants. They can be used to store feed
prior to its use in the facility, as holding tanks for a partially process product awaiting further
processing, or to collect a finished product prior to its delivery or pickup by a customer.
Good arrangement of the storage tanks can save in land and cost of plant. In other hand, by
consideration a good nozzle orientation and good piping for these tanks operation problems
will be reduced. In this article we are going to review layout arrangement and piping of storage
tank farms that are related together closely.
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Constructed wetlands are an appropriate technology for wastewater treatment in small communities. Appropriate technologies must be affordable, operable with local labor and resources, and reliably meet effluent standards. However, many small communities have inappropriately used activated sludge systems that are difficult to operate and maintain. Constructed wetlands, stabilization ponds, slow sand filters and land treatment systems fit the criteria of being affordable and operable treatment options for small communities. Constructed wetlands may require additional treatment processes to meet certain effluent standards for nutrients, and can be used alone or in combination with other appropriate technologies depending on treatment goals.
Piping around of pumps needs to some special requirements. Here you can find some of these requirements talked in a class.
You can find more details in piping and plant design academy.
This document defines various pump calculations and terms. It discusses total dynamic head, total suction head, total discharge head, static suction/discharge heads, velocity head, viscosity, friction head, pump work, water horsepower, pump efficiency, maximum discharge pressure, minimum flow, net positive suction head (NPSH), cavitation, affinity laws, specific speed, suction specific speed, and recommended dimensions for a sump pump intake structure. Equations are provided for calculating many of these terms.