Yeditepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Medya Yönetimi, Sosyal Mobilite dersi final projesi olarak Nike Run Marka stratejisi ve marka iletişimini #sınırsızol kuvvetlendirecek LBS odaklı sunumdur.
The document provides an overview of Adidas, including its history, leadership, financial details, product segments, and case study issues. Some key points:
- Adidas was founded in 1949 and has grown through acquisitions of companies like Salomon and Reebok. It reported $10 billion in net sales in 2008.
- The company has three product segments: Performance, Originals, and Lifestyle (Y3). Performance focuses on categories like running and football, while Originals and Lifestyle target lifestyle consumers.
- Case study issues include the company's reduced fortunes after changes in ownership, lack of advertising in the US, and opportunities to expand globally and identify new technology products.
Nike's growth strategy is based on sponsoring athletes and sports teams to increase brand awareness and positioning. It is the largest sponsor of athletes worldwide and partners with influential athletes to represent values like emotion and allegiance. Nike maintains a long-term marketing strategy focused on key sports to leverage the pyramid of influence, where top athletes influence product choices of others. In 2017, Nike achieved $34.35 billion in revenues and $1.53 billion in profits, with a 31% market share. The brand promotes messages of engagement through controversial athlete sponsors to strengthen brand equity and loyalty.
This ppt shows numerous aspects of the very famous Nike brand. It talks about Nike's history or origin, marketing strategy, various segmentations, brand positioning, marketing mix, competitors, social media presence and Nike in covid-19 era.
Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. It is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon and had revenue of over $19 billion in 2010. Nike sells a wide range of shoes and apparel for sports like running, basketball, soccer, and more. It was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports to distribute Japanese running shoes and launched its own Nike brand in 1971. Nike has grown to be the largest seller of athletic footwear and apparel in the world due to its focus on innovation, marketing, and partnerships with athletes and teams.
This document provides an overview of Nike, including its history, mission statement, products, branding strategies, and sustainability efforts. It discusses Nike's founding in the 1950s and growth into a leading brand in athletic footwear and apparel. The mission statement aims to inspire and innovated for all athletes. The document also summarizes Nike's training programs for employees and initiatives to reduce its environmental impact through lowering emissions, offsetting energy usage, using less materials, and engaging in community volunteering.
The document provides an overview of Adidas, including its history, leadership, financial details, product segments, and case study issues. Some key points:
- Adidas was founded in 1949 and has grown through acquisitions of companies like Salomon and Reebok. It reported $10 billion in net sales in 2008.
- The company has three product segments: Performance, Originals, and Lifestyle (Y3). Performance focuses on categories like running and football, while Originals and Lifestyle target lifestyle consumers.
- Case study issues include the company's reduced fortunes after changes in ownership, lack of advertising in the US, and opportunities to expand globally and identify new technology products.
Nike's growth strategy is based on sponsoring athletes and sports teams to increase brand awareness and positioning. It is the largest sponsor of athletes worldwide and partners with influential athletes to represent values like emotion and allegiance. Nike maintains a long-term marketing strategy focused on key sports to leverage the pyramid of influence, where top athletes influence product choices of others. In 2017, Nike achieved $34.35 billion in revenues and $1.53 billion in profits, with a 31% market share. The brand promotes messages of engagement through controversial athlete sponsors to strengthen brand equity and loyalty.
This ppt shows numerous aspects of the very famous Nike brand. It talks about Nike's history or origin, marketing strategy, various segmentations, brand positioning, marketing mix, competitors, social media presence and Nike in covid-19 era.
Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. It is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon and had revenue of over $19 billion in 2010. Nike sells a wide range of shoes and apparel for sports like running, basketball, soccer, and more. It was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports to distribute Japanese running shoes and launched its own Nike brand in 1971. Nike has grown to be the largest seller of athletic footwear and apparel in the world due to its focus on innovation, marketing, and partnerships with athletes and teams.
This document provides an overview of Nike, including its history, mission statement, products, branding strategies, and sustainability efforts. It discusses Nike's founding in the 1950s and growth into a leading brand in athletic footwear and apparel. The mission statement aims to inspire and innovated for all athletes. The document also summarizes Nike's training programs for employees and initiatives to reduce its environmental impact through lowering emissions, offsetting energy usage, using less materials, and engaging in community volunteering.
• NIKE Bill Bowerman
Oregan Üniversitesi’ndeki
spor koçu, öğrencilerinin
daha başarılı olması için
spor ayakkabılarının en
yenilerini takip
ediyordu.Koç Bowerman,
antrenörü olduğu MBA
öğrencisi Phil Knight’a
Japon Tiger markasına
kendi ürettiği tasarımları
sunmak için ortaklık teklif
3. • Böylece yapılan
anlaşmayla 1964 yılında
Tiger’ ın gönderdiği 300
ayakkabıyı Knight satmaya
çalışırken, Bowerman de
bu ayakkabıların nasıl daha
hafif ve daha iyi
üretilebileceğini bulmaya
çalışıyordu.İşte Nike
markasının kuruluşu böyle
başladı. Kendisi de bir
koÅŸucu olan Jeff Johnson,
Knight ve Bowerman’ın
kurmuÅŸ olduÄŸu ÅŸirkete
çalışan olarak
girdi.Johnson 1971 yılında
marka için Nike ismini
bulan kiÅŸi oldu.
• Stanford Üniversitesi'nde MBA
yapan Phil Knight tarafından
1972 yılında kurulan Nike'ın
Swoosh denen ünlü simgesi,
Carolyn Davidson adlı bir
üniversite öğrencisi tarafından
35 dolara çizilmiştir. Simgenin
getirdiği olağanüstü başarı
üzerine, 1983 yılında Carolyn
Davidson'a, kamuoyuna
açıklanmayan bir miktarda
ÅŸirket hissesi verildiÄŸi
açıklaması yapılmıştır. Ayrıca
Swoosh simgesi, orjinal olan
Siyah renginden başka birçok
renkte de yaptırılmaktaktadır.
• Adını Yunan
mitolojisindeki zafer
tanrıçası Nike'tan alır.
Air Jordan ve Nike
Golf gibi alt
markalarının yanı
sıra, Converse gibi
bağımsız markaların
da sahibidir.
6. • Şirket, üretiminin tamamına
yakınını uzak doğu
asyadaki üretim evlerinde
yaptırtmaktadır ve kendisine
ait tek üretim evinde de
spor ayakkabıların hava
tabanlarını üretmektedir.
Şirket dünya çapında
25,000 çalışana sahiptir ve
(2007) yılında 10,9 Milyar €
net cirosunun olduÄŸunu
açıklamıştır. Nike, pek çok
futbol takımına ve ulusal
takıma sponsor olarak,
futbol dünyasına ağırlığını
koymaya çalışmaktadır
7. • Manchester United,
Barcelona ve Arsenal öne
çıkan sponsorluklarıdır.
Dünyanın en bilinen
markalarından olan Nike,
çocuk işçi çalıştırmak ve
doÄŸaya zarar vermek gibi
konularda sürekli
mahkemelik olmakta ve
imajını zedelemektedir.
8. • Nike, millî takımlardan
Türkiye Millî Takımı,
Brezilya Millî Takımı,
Hollanda Millî Takımı ve
Portekiz Millî Takımı ve
diğer millî takımların,
kulüplerden de
Manchester United,
Porto, Celtic, Inter,ve
Barcelona gibi kulüplerin
formalarını üretmektedir.