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Fairfield-based Covanta pitches
largest energy-to-waste plant in
By Abby Gruen/The Star-Ledger
Follow on Twitter
on August07, 2010 at 2:11 PM, updated August 07, 2010 at 3:30 PM
R. Bernard/New Jersey Local News
ServiceLorenzo Rizzi, Business Manager with Covanta, gives a Frank K. Hehnly ElementarySchool second grader on
a class field trip a peek at the incinerator at the Union County Utilities Authority energy-to-waste plantin Rahway,
May 13, 2010.
Covanta Energy formally submitted a proposal for thelargest energy-to-
waste incinerator in the United Kingdom to the British government's
Infrastructure Planning Commission, on Thursday, the company said in
a press release.
The proposal by Covanta Rookery South, a division of Fairfield-based Covanta
Energy, is now subject to a 28 day validation and public comment period, the
company said.
The Rookery South Resource Recovery Facility will convert approximately
576,000 tons of residential and business waste per year into electricity. The
nearby local authority areas currently send 364,000 tons of garbage to
landfills each year. Covanta expects that 96 percent of the waste it treats will
be repurposed, the company said.
The project is expected to generate as much as 65 megawatts of electricity, 85
percent of which will go to the national grid.
Related coverage:
 Union County announces $276 million tax relief and waste
disposal savings plan
 Garbage in Union County an indicator of the strength of regional
Real Estate
Elizabeth, NJ

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NJcom Article_Aug 7 2010

  • 1. Fairfield-based Covanta pitches largest energy-to-waste plant in U.K. PrintEmail By Abby Gruen/The Star-Ledger Follow on Twitter on August07, 2010 at 2:11 PM, updated August 07, 2010 at 3:30 PM 0 Reddit R. Bernard/New Jersey Local News ServiceLorenzo Rizzi, Business Manager with Covanta, gives a Frank K. Hehnly ElementarySchool second grader on a class field trip a peek at the incinerator at the Union County Utilities Authority energy-to-waste plantin Rahway, May 13, 2010. Covanta Energy formally submitted a proposal for thelargest energy-to- waste incinerator in the United Kingdom to the British government's Infrastructure Planning Commission, on Thursday, the company said in a press release.
  • 2. The proposal by Covanta Rookery South, a division of Fairfield-based Covanta Energy, is now subject to a 28 day validation and public comment period, the company said. The Rookery South Resource Recovery Facility will convert approximately 576,000 tons of residential and business waste per year into electricity. The nearby local authority areas currently send 364,000 tons of garbage to landfills each year. Covanta expects that 96 percent of the waste it treats will be repurposed, the company said. The project is expected to generate as much as 65 megawatts of electricity, 85 percent of which will go to the national grid. Related coverage: Union County announces $276 million tax relief and waste disposal savings plan Garbage in Union County an indicator of the strength of regional economy Real Estate FOR RENT Elizabeth, NJ FOR RENT Springfield,NJ