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1| P a g e
Cairo Higher Institute for
Engineering, Computer
Science and Management
Computer Science Department
悋惺悋 悋悋惘悸 惺惆
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悋忰悋愕惡 惺 愕
Natural Language Process Project
Translator English to Arabic
(Python , tkinter)
Mona Tariq Abdelrahman 2013030095
Riham Abdelhamed Barakat 2013030043
Mahmoud Abdullah Farghally 2013030084
Mohamed sayed elmoghazy 2013030066
DR.Osama Fathi
Eng.Ahmed Mohsen
CAIRO 2017
2| P a g e
Sections :-
1. Introduction
2. Description of the problem
3. Motivation in the problem
4. Objectives
5. Software tools
6. Implementation
7. Results
8. Future work
9. Conclusion
3| P a g e
 By using programming language (python), we made a Simple
translator to translate word from English Language to Arabic
Description of the problem
 There are a lot of Dictionaries Help Students to translate
word from language to another but it's very difficult to search
about a specific word, so by using programming language
(python) , and connect python code with interface to display
original word in English and target word in Arabic.
Motivation of the problem
 Motivation of the problem, there is a many problems made us
to think to solved it such as, it's very difficult to search about
a specific word in a huge Dictionaries so we make it is easy
to search about any word by using this software and translate
it from English to Arabic.
 Many objectives we need to archive It:-
1. Help all of student to arrive to the mean of a specific word
without wasted time.
2. Simple Interface.
3. Simple Implementation.
4. Simple using.
4| P a g e
Software tools
- Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface)
package. It is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk.
- Tkinter is not the only GuiProgramming toolkit for Python. It is however
the most commonly used one. CameronLaird calls the yearly decision to
keep TkInter "one of the minor traditions of the Python world."
5| P a g e
6| P a g e
1. Simple interface
2. Simple code
3. Easy to use
4. Covered a lot of English-Arabic words
Future work
5. Make it very useful
6. Make it very simple
7. Create a huge database for English-Arabic Words
We know in Sections all about project and this system will be useful for a
lot of people (Students).

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Nlp project

  • 1. 1| P a g e Cairo Higher Institute for Engineering, Computer Science and Management Computer Science Department 悋惺悋 悋悋惘悸 惺惆 悋悒惆悋惘悸 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 惆愕悸 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 愕 Natural Language Process Project Translator English to Arabic (Python , tkinter) PREPARED BY: Mona Tariq Abdelrahman 2013030095 Riham Abdelhamed Barakat 2013030043 Mahmoud Abdullah Farghally 2013030084 Mohamed sayed elmoghazy 2013030066 Supervisor: DR.Osama Fathi Instructor: Eng.Ahmed Mohsen CAIRO 2017
  • 2. 2| P a g e Sections :- 1. Introduction 2. Description of the problem 3. Motivation in the problem 4. Objectives 5. Software tools 6. Implementation 7. Results 8. Future work 9. Conclusion
  • 3. 3| P a g e Introduction By using programming language (python), we made a Simple translator to translate word from English Language to Arabic Language. Description of the problem There are a lot of Dictionaries Help Students to translate word from language to another but it's very difficult to search about a specific word, so by using programming language (python) , and connect python code with interface to display original word in English and target word in Arabic. Motivation of the problem Motivation of the problem, there is a many problems made us to think to solved it such as, it's very difficult to search about a specific word in a huge Dictionaries so we make it is easy to search about any word by using this software and translate it from English to Arabic. Objectives Many objectives we need to archive It:- 1. Help all of student to arrive to the mean of a specific word without wasted time. 2. Simple Interface. 3. Simple Implementation. 4. Simple using.
  • 4. 4| P a g e Software tools Python(Tkinter) - Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package. It is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk. - Tkinter is not the only GuiProgramming toolkit for Python. It is however the most commonly used one. CameronLaird calls the yearly decision to keep TkInter "one of the minor traditions of the Python world." Implementation
  • 5. 5| P a g e
  • 6. 6| P a g e Results 1. Simple interface 2. Simple code 3. Easy to use 4. Covered a lot of English-Arabic words Future work 5. Make it very useful 6. Make it very simple 7. Create a huge database for English-Arabic Words Conclusion We know in Sections all about project and this system will be useful for a lot of people (Students).