Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Node Programmable in JavaAlessandro Bogliolo
狠狠撸s presented on June 11 2012 in Ottawa, at IEEE ICC 2012.
Open-hardware open-source architecture of a wireless sensor node that features an ultra-low-power microcontroller unit (MCU) completely programmable in Java.
All the low-power modes of the MCU are directly exploitable from the Java-compatible runtime environment.
Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Node Programmable in JavaAlessandro Bogliolo
狠狠撸s presented on June 11 2012 in Ottawa, at IEEE ICC 2012.
Open-hardware open-source architecture of a wireless sensor node that features an ultra-low-power microcontroller unit (MCU) completely programmable in Java.
All the low-power modes of the MCU are directly exploitable from the Java-compatible runtime environment.
Data Centric Approach Based Protocol using Evolutionary Approach in WSNijsrd.com
The evolution of wireless communication and circuit technology has enabled the development of an infrastructure consists of sensing, computation and communication units that makes administrator capable to observe and react to a phenomena in a particular environment. In a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), nodes are scattered densely in a large area. Sensor nodes can communicate with the sink node directly or through other nodes. Data transmission is the major issue in WSN. Each node has limited energy which is used in transmitting and receiving the data. Various routing protocols have been proposed to save the energy during the transmission of data. data centric approach based routing protocol which efficiently propagates information between sensor nodes in an energy constrained mode. This paper proposes a data centric routing Using evolutionary apporoach in WSN.The main objective of this protocol with evolutionary apporoach is to use artificial intelligence, to reduce the energy consumption by the nodes in transmitting and receiving the data. Implementation of Basic SEP, intelligence cluster routing and proposed protocols will be done using MATLAB.
Basic Architecture of Wireless Sensor NetworkKarthik
The document discusses software architecture design considerations for wireless sensor networks. It examines four key characteristics of wireless sensor networks that impact software architecture: self-organization, cooperative processing, energy efficiency, and modularity. It then describes common components of service-oriented wireless sensor network architectures, including sensor applications, node applications, network applications, and middleware. Finally, it analyzes two proposed software architectures and how they address the requirements of wireless sensor networks.
- The document discusses debugging Node.js applications in production environments at Netflix, which has strict uptime requirements. It describes techniques used such as collecting stack traces from running processes using perf and visualizing them in flame graphs to identify performance bottlenecks. It also covers configuring Node.js to dump core files on errors to enable post-mortem debugging without affecting uptime. The techniques help Netflix reduce latency, increase throughput, and fix runtime crashes and memory leaks in production Node.js applications.
This document discusses power aware routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. It begins by describing wireless sensor networks and how they are used to monitor environmental conditions. It then classifies routing protocols for sensor networks based on their functioning, node participation style, and network structure. Specific examples are provided for different types of routing protocols, including LEACH, TEEN, APTEEN, SPIN, Rumor Routing, and PEGASIS. Chain-based and clustering routing protocols are also summarized.
This document summarizes various techniques for saving energy in wireless sensor networks. It discusses how sensor nodes consume power through transmission, reception, processing and idle listening. It then describes approaches like sleep-wake scheduling, MAC protocols like S-MAC and T-MAC, in-network processing, network coding and scheduled/contention-based communication protocols to minimize energy usage. The goal is to reduce unnecessary listening and maximize the time sensors spend in sleep mode to improve battery life for sensor network applications.
The document discusses wireless sensor networks and describes their key characteristics. It notes that wireless sensor networks consist of low-power smart sensor nodes distributed over a large field to enable wireless sensing and data networking. The sensor nodes contain sensors, processors, memory, and radios. Wireless sensor networks can be either unstructured with dense node distribution or structured with few scattered nodes.
HTML5 Conference 2012 の講演資料
WebIntentsとRaw Socket APIのコンビネーションにより、WebからTVが直接操作できること。そして、シームレスなデバイス連携に関わる最新標準化動向
I strongly believe that People become to access cloud service and local devices in seamless way.
The document discusses Node.js streams, which provide an abstract interface for I/O in Node. It describes how streams are used to copy files, including using the pipe() method to connect a readable and writable stream. It also covers common stream classes like those for filesystem I/O, networking, HTTP, and zlib compression/decompression.
The document discusses using the Cluster and forever modules in Node.js. Cluster allows creating worker processes to improve scalability. The master process forks worker processes, and they communicate via internal messaging. Forever runs Node.js scripts continuously in the background as daemons. While Cluster and forever are useful individually, there are currently issues using the latest versions together due to API changes.
1) The document discusses building a web service using PHP and REST principles to aggregate news articles from various sources and make them available to mobile apps.
2) It describes collecting over 2,150 news articles from 100 sources, processing them within 100-800ms each, and handling up to 350,000 requests per day.
3) The system is built on Linux using Apache, MySQL, and PHP and utilizes RESTful design with HTTP methods, URL routing in PHP, and JSON response formats to provide content to mobile apps in a standardized way.