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House # 20/9 Drigh Road Cantt Bazar Karachi
Mob# + 923333188366
Email: noman_ahmed257@hotmail.com
Seeking a challenging network administration/engineering position where my computer technology
skills, professional experience, and educational background will enable me to define new
opportunities for profitable corporate growth and personal development.
Fourteenyear experience in Network field and sound knowledge of Information Technology includes
Network Operations, Hardware Trouble shooting patient and flexible with ability to manage multiple
priorities under pressure and on deadline.
Network Support Engineer Dec 2013 to Present
Workasa Network Support Engineer in 360 technologies Project of Pakistan Post Office.
Major Responsibilities
 Installed software, modified and repaired hardware and resolved technical issues related to
the networks and systems.
 Provided base level IT support to non-technical personnel within the office.
 Monitor and manage the network and maintain the SQL server database.
 Manage and update the server.
 Replicate data from local server to national server.
 Backup Database on daily basis.
 Provide Solutions of all problems of Networks, software and hardware within the site to the
local users.
 Working on National server of International Mail Office which is connected with different
local servers placed at different cities of Pakistan also connected with a server in
Switzerland through VPN.
 Make Sure the Data Replication of the site at National Server.
 Provide the troubleshooting in Report Generation through IPS (International Postal
Extra Responsibilities
 Create International Bags in IPS (International Postal System).
 Monitors & Ensure the smooth operation of EMTTS (Express Mail Track & Trace System).
 Create Delivery Sheets and Domestic Bags in EMTTS on daily basis.
 Automated dispatch handling
 Item and receptacle bar code scanning
 Automatic printing of standard UPU labels and documentation (Airway Bills / CN)
 EDI message exchanges at item, dispatch and consignment levels
 Detailed inquiry at the item, receptacle, dispatch and consignment levels
 Tracking and tracing
Network Support Engineer Dec 2009 to Nov2012
Work asa Network Support at AmPak Soft.
Major Responsibilities
 Installed software, modified and repaired hardware and resolved technical issues related to
the networks and systems.
 Provided base level IT support to non-technical personnel within the office.
 Monitor and manage the network and maintain the SQL server database.
 Manage and update the server.
 Backup Database on daily basis.
 Provide Solutions of all problems of Networks, software and hardware within the site to the
local users.
Supervisor on EDMS Project May 2009 to November 2009
Worked As a Supervisor on Civil Aviation AuthorityEDMS Projectof IT CompletePvt Ltd.
Major Responsibilities
 Monitoring & QA of Scanned Documents.
 Data Entry.
Jr.Traffic Assistant June 2007 to Aug 2007
Worked as a Trainee Traffic Assistant in Gerry's Dnata.
Major Responsibilities
 Passengers service
 To ensure the comfort and safety of passengers.
 Provide good customer service.
 Check-In Counters
 Meet inbound flights and brief crew members of outbound flights.
 Ensure passengers board the correct aircraft safely and stairs are positioned correctly.
 Check passenger identification, allocates seats, weigh and label baggage and ask specific
security questions.
 Produce relevant reports
 Boarding Gate
Network Operator Jan 2003 to Aug 2007
Worked as a Network Operator at Spider Cable Network.
Major Responsibilities
 Installing and managing an ISA server 2000and Windows 2000 server for wide range of
 Setup and managed the Internet connection using DNS and a firewall.
 Support clients direct on-site or phone support for resolving network problems.
 Provide support in resolving network problems on site.
 Assemble and distribute systems to operational users.
 Set up and maintained company-wide virus scanning software on both servers and clients.
 Network administration duties included the creation of user login, E-mail and TCP/IP
settings and the installation and repair of Network software applications.
 Performed system installations, testing, diagnosis, and repair of minicomputers, CD drives,
motherboards& monitor.
Incharge Computer Section Dec 2004 to May 2007
Worked as an Incharge of Computer Section and Administration at Govt. Monotechnic Institute
on contract basis.
Major Responsibilities
 Managing Window-2003 Server and 25 client computers, troubleshooting hardware &
network issues; keeping softwares up to date on all machines.
 Also worked as part of the Administration branch, handling administration issues and
maintaining official documents.
 Manage complex and non-routine correspondence
 Scheduling of meeting and appointments
 Follow-up activities internally & externally
 Proper and systematic filing of documents to be tracked in the absence of relevant
 Receiving telephone calls & emails
 Maintaining the daily task, monthly/weekly or periodical meetings planner.
 Maintaining of all records and files
 Routine office work and student record keeping
 Attending phone calls especially on exchange/PABX
Network Cable operator
Jan 2003 to Jul 2003
Worked as aNetwork Cable Operator atInfo Zone.
Major Responsibilities
 Network wiring and connector punching
 Assembly and installation of computers
 Internet, system & printer sharing
 Wireless Networking
Significant organizational talent, Leadership, Strategic Thinking/Planning, and Creativity
Intelligence, High Energy, Passion, and Competitive Nature
 Master in International Relation in the year 2012 from University of Karachi.
 Bachelor in Arts Examination In the year 2006University of Karachi.
 15th January 2002 Six Month Hardware & Network Diploma TCI
 27th July 2000 Dos, Win-95, MS-Office Civic Compute Instt.
 1st Sep 2007 CCNA 5.0 CTTC
 Platforms : Windows95,98,2000,2003,2008R2 Professional/Server/Advance Server
Windows XP Home/ Professional, Windows Vista Home Ultimate
Windows 7, Windows 8.
 Packages : MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
 Computer hardware assembling.
 Command in Installation of Microsoft Operating Systems of all types such as Enterprise,
professional and server editions.
 Hardware Trouble shooting and diagnostics.
 Recovery of data and partition of hard drives.
 Operating system recovering and imaging/mirroring of current system configuration.
D.O.B 21-Jan-1981
Marital Status Married
Nationality Pakistani
Religion Islam
Reference will be furnished as required.

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  • 1. NOMAN AHMED House # 20/9 Drigh Road Cantt Bazar Karachi Mob# + 923333188366 Email: noman_ahmed257@hotmail.com OBJECTIVES Seeking a challenging network administration/engineering position where my computer technology skills, professional experience, and educational background will enable me to define new opportunities for profitable corporate growth and personal development. EXPERIENCE Fourteenyear experience in Network field and sound knowledge of Information Technology includes Network Operations, Hardware Trouble shooting patient and flexible with ability to manage multiple priorities under pressure and on deadline. WORK EXPERIENCE Network Support Engineer Dec 2013 to Present Workasa Network Support Engineer in 360 technologies Project of Pakistan Post Office. Major Responsibilities Installed software, modified and repaired hardware and resolved technical issues related to the networks and systems. Provided base level IT support to non-technical personnel within the office. Monitor and manage the network and maintain the SQL server database. Manage and update the server. Replicate data from local server to national server. Backup Database on daily basis. Provide Solutions of all problems of Networks, software and hardware within the site to the local users. Working on National server of International Mail Office which is connected with different local servers placed at different cities of Pakistan also connected with a server in Switzerland through VPN. Make Sure the Data Replication of the site at National Server. Provide the troubleshooting in Report Generation through IPS (International Postal System)Software. Extra Responsibilities Create International Bags in IPS (International Postal System). Monitors & Ensure the smooth operation of EMTTS (Express Mail Track & Trace System). Create Delivery Sheets and Domestic Bags in EMTTS on daily basis. Automated dispatch handling
  • 2. NOMAN AHMED Item and receptacle bar code scanning Automatic printing of standard UPU labels and documentation (Airway Bills / CN) EDI message exchanges at item, dispatch and consignment levels Detailed inquiry at the item, receptacle, dispatch and consignment levels Tracking and tracing Network Support Engineer Dec 2009 to Nov2012 Work asa Network Support at AmPak Soft. Major Responsibilities Installed software, modified and repaired hardware and resolved technical issues related to the networks and systems. Provided base level IT support to non-technical personnel within the office. Monitor and manage the network and maintain the SQL server database. Manage and update the server. Backup Database on daily basis. Provide Solutions of all problems of Networks, software and hardware within the site to the local users. Supervisor on EDMS Project May 2009 to November 2009 Worked As a Supervisor on Civil Aviation AuthorityEDMS Projectof IT CompletePvt Ltd. Major Responsibilities Monitoring & QA of Scanned Documents. Data Entry. Jr.Traffic Assistant June 2007 to Aug 2007 Worked as a Trainee Traffic Assistant in Gerry's Dnata. Major Responsibilities Passengers service To ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. Provide good customer service. Check-In Counters Meet inbound flights and brief crew members of outbound flights. Ensure passengers board the correct aircraft safely and stairs are positioned correctly. Check passenger identification, allocates seats, weigh and label baggage and ask specific security questions. Produce relevant reports Boarding Gate
  • 3. NOMAN AHMED Network Operator Jan 2003 to Aug 2007 Worked as a Network Operator at Spider Cable Network. Major Responsibilities Installing and managing an ISA server 2000and Windows 2000 server for wide range of users. Setup and managed the Internet connection using DNS and a firewall. Support clients direct on-site or phone support for resolving network problems. Provide support in resolving network problems on site. Assemble and distribute systems to operational users. Set up and maintained company-wide virus scanning software on both servers and clients. Network administration duties included the creation of user login, E-mail and TCP/IP settings and the installation and repair of Network software applications. Performed system installations, testing, diagnosis, and repair of minicomputers, CD drives, motherboards& monitor. Incharge Computer Section Dec 2004 to May 2007 Worked as an Incharge of Computer Section and Administration at Govt. Monotechnic Institute on contract basis. Major Responsibilities Managing Window-2003 Server and 25 client computers, troubleshooting hardware & network issues; keeping softwares up to date on all machines. Also worked as part of the Administration branch, handling administration issues and maintaining official documents. Manage complex and non-routine correspondence Scheduling of meeting and appointments Follow-up activities internally & externally Proper and systematic filing of documents to be tracked in the absence of relevant personnel Receiving telephone calls & emails Maintaining the daily task, monthly/weekly or periodical meetings planner. Responding Maintaining of all records and files Routine office work and student record keeping Attending phone calls especially on exchange/PABX Network Cable operator Jan 2003 to Jul 2003 Worked as aNetwork Cable Operator atInfo Zone. Major Responsibilities Network wiring and connector punching Assembly and installation of computers Internet, system & printer sharing Wireless Networking
  • 4. NOMAN AHMED STRENGTH S Significant organizational talent, Leadership, Strategic Thinking/Planning, and Creativity ATTRIB UTE S Intelligence, High Energy, Passion, and Competitive Nature ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIO N Master in International Relation in the year 2012 from University of Karachi. Bachelor in Arts Examination In the year 2006University of Karachi. CERTIFICATIO N 15th January 2002 Six Month Hardware & Network Diploma TCI 27th July 2000 Dos, Win-95, MS-Office Civic Compute Instt. 1st Sep 2007 CCNA 5.0 CTTC COMPUTER SKILLS Platforms : Windows95,98,2000,2003,2008R2 Professional/Server/Advance Server Windows XP Home/ Professional, Windows Vista Home Ultimate Windows 7, Windows 8. Packages : MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) SKILL SET Computer hardware assembling. Command in Installation of Microsoft Operating Systems of all types such as Enterprise, professional and server editions. Hardware Trouble shooting and diagnostics. Recovery of data and partition of hard drives. Operating system recovering and imaging/mirroring of current system configuration. PERSONAL D.O.B 21-Jan-1981 Marital Status Married Nationality Pakistani Religion Islam REFERENCES Reference will be furnished as required.